

外国语文研究 2019年1期

陈明芳 袁凌青





Title:Translation Analysis of Museum Website for Wuchang Uprising of 1911 Revolution from the Perspective of Communication

Abstract: By detecting the inadequacy in the C-E translation of the Museum Website of Wuchang Uprising of 1911 Revolution from the perspective of communication, this paper aims at proposing such translation strategies as retranslating, translating with explanation, reconstructing and integrating, to help improve the translation of such foreign publicity materials, which can also shed some light on translation in tourism and other related industries.

Key words: translations for foreign publicity; Wuchang Uprising; communication

Authors: Chen Mingfang is professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan Institute of Technology (Wuhan 430205, China). She focuses her researches on translation theories and practice, systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis. E-mail: Yuan Lingqing is postgraduate student at the School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan Institute of Technology (Wuhan 430205, China). E-mail:


辛亥革命武昌起義纪念馆网站对其两个主题性的基本陈列、场馆介绍、辛亥革命研究所等都有英译介绍。翻译是通过两种不同语言符号的转换实现信息的传播。拉斯韦尔(Harold Dwight Lasswell)于1948年提出了“5W”传播模式,即谁(who)、说什么(what)、通过什么渠道(in which channel)、对谁说(to whom)、产生了什么效果(with what effect),据此,传播模式的翻译活动可表示如下(表一):


外宣翻译的目的就是为了让外国读者最大限度的了解我国某一事件的历史意义,同时,外宣翻译应贴近中国发展的实际,贴近国外受众对中国信息的需求,贴近国外受众的思维习惯(黄友义 27),避免译文中基本的语法、用词、搭配等错误。传播学认为,在英译传播时译者要将受众的需求作为出发点和落脚点,要对原文进行加工处理,以符合受众的阅读习惯,从而调动游览者观赏的积极性。近年来对企业外宣翻译(如孙雪瑛、冯庆华 98-102)、政府英文网站宣传(如张悦、李红霞 90-93)以及中华文化外宣翻译(如乐萍 1-174)等方面的研究居多,对博物馆外宣网站英译研究(如胡淑华 95-98;蔡威 7-11)均以翻译目的论为基础,笔者从传播学入手,从宏观的角度分析如何对信息进行处理和交流,从而对博物馆英译文中结构不合理、文化信息缺失等问题提出相应策略,为丰富和发展外宣翻译提供更多的理论依据和研究视角。





从上述实例可以看出在辛亥革命武昌起義纪念馆官网中存在大量具有中国特色的人名、地名、历史物件和历史事件等,故译者应考虑“5W”传播模式中的“对谁传播(to whom)”,通过适当的翻译策略给出恰当的译文。具体来说,可以使用“直译+注释”、“音译+注释”、“直译+意译”等策略,不仅传递中国文化,同时还降低国外受众理解上的困难,使译文保持异国情调和语言上的新鲜, 吸引读者的兴趣。外宣翻译中这些“直译”和“音译”之所以可行,离不开传播学时代的大背景,没有传播学时代下的改革开放,他国友人对中国文化的认知会十分有限,更没有外宣翻译的存在。因此,从传播学的角度看外宣翻译符合历史发展的趋势,顺应当前的时代背景(杨雪莲 54)。


笔者浏览大量国内外博物馆网站发现,中国的博物馆概况篇幅较长,内容拖沓,重点不突出,其概况开头大多以博物馆名引导,接着介绍博物馆的地理位置、地位、历史等,具有明显的公式化特征,其结尾也较程式化,多为表示欢迎游客参观、强调其意义与作用、所获荣誉等(卢小军 93)。在辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆网站五篇英译文本中每一篇均有几处值得商榷。



译文:The Red Building, in the name of former site of Wuchang Uprising Military Government, was listed among first national major culture relic protection sites by the State Council in 1961. The Museum was built based on the Red Building in Oct. 1981, and an inscription of the name of the Museum was given to the Museum by Song Qingling, Honorary President of the country. With over three decades of construction and development, the Museum keeps moving on the way to be the center in commemoration of the 1911 Revolution, collection and exhibition center of historical relics and data regarding the Revolution as well as research center of the Revolution. At present, the Museum has been rated as “National Youth Education Base”, “National Top 100 Demonstration Base for Patriotism Education”, “Chinas Patriotism Education Base of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese” and National AAAA Tourist Attraction.

本段中较程式化地强调了博物馆的社会影响力和所获荣誉,而这些是外国游客不感兴趣的内容,译者应该正确把握传播内容,即“说什么(what)”;同时还应该改变中文中严肃、正式的用词,采用编译策略,将读者感兴趣的内容作为切入点即“对谁说(to whom)”,从而增强感染力和说服力,即“产生了什么效果(with what effect)”。因此,本段可以改译为:The Red Building was listed among first national major culture relic protection sites by the State Council in 1961. In Oct. 1981, its inscription of the name was given by Song Qingling, Honorary President of the country. With over three decades of construction and development, you can find that its not only a collection and exhibition center of historical relics but also a National AAAA Tourist Attraction for the public.



译文:The cinema is equipped with motion platform, high-lumen projector, quality audio equipment and large L-shaped screen, bringing the audience back to the night of uprising through the perception of sound, video, motion and heat. Lasting for 6 minutes, the video of “The Night of First Uprising” consists of 6 sections, namely the “Prelude”, “Uprising of Battalion VIII of Engineering Army”, “Conquest of Chuwang Pavilion”, “Town Entry of Artillery and Troopers”, “Attack on Governor-general Office ” and the “Epilogue”. The video with images, sound, subtitle but voice-over will allow the audience to get closer to the simple but real process and details of the uprising in an ultramodern way.

本段着重说明了影片“首义之夜”因高配置设备,能给游客带来身临其境的体验,但原文中一整段都在介绍设备的配置,以及影片的内容,原文在中国读者读来并无不妥,但在翻译时这种“亦步亦趋”会给国外游客一种拖沓,没有重点的感觉,大大降低了游客的游玩兴趣,传播者的目的也就很难实现了。因此,笔者认为此段在进行整合删减后的译文应如下:With advanced equipment, the cinema offers audiences a 6-minute film, “The Night of First Uprising”, which brings the audience back to the night of uprising through the perception of sound, video, motion and heat in an authentic and immersive way.



译文:The first section of the Exhibition, “Hubei of Eventful Period”, consists of 4 subjects, namely “Hubei Suffered from Invasion of European and American Powers”, “Zhang Zhidong and His New Policies for Hubei”, “Hubei Provincial Assembly and Its Movements” and “Incubation of the Revolution”. The historic inevitability of Wuchang Uprising is well illustrated in the first section integrating exhibits in regard of the invasion of imperial powers, new policies issued by Zhang Zhidong, constitutional movement of the Provincial Assembly and the early movements of revolutionaries.

本段介绍的是展览第一部分的四块内容,细读下来我们不难发现汉语中的第一句话与第二句话语义上有些重复。因此,译者在传播信息时应了解汉语常重复、英语好简洁的行文习惯,所以翻译时应减少传播过程中的噪音,适当删减原文,正确把握传播内容和传播对象,从而大大增强传播效果。因此,本段可以减译为:The first section of the Exhibition, “Hubei of Eventful Period”, consists of 4 subjects, namely “Hubei Suffered from Invasion of European and American Powers”, “Zhang Zhidong and His New Policies for Hubei”, “Hubei Provincial Assembly and Its Movements” and “Incubation of the Revolution”. As four major early movements of revolutionaries, these subjects display the historic inevitability of Wuchang Uprising.

博物馆网站英译文本是外国游客了解中国的重要媒介,译文语言是否符合译入语的语体规范,将直接影响到译文是否能被游客接受。汉、英民族有着不同的文化背景及语言表达方式,汉语表达上过度修饰、辞藻华丽、同义重复;而英语讲究简洁通畅、逻辑严谨。所以在汉英翻译中,应遵循“贴近国外受众对中国信息的需求,贴近国外受众的思维习惯”的原则,这就要求译者翻译时进行文本重组。实际上,翻译的性质是改写,是换一种语言重写。语言上的不同实际上是人们生活体验与生活态度上的差异的反映(张玲 99)。从传播学来看,翻译中的重组是译者对原文进行选择和分类,并对译文进行编码和解码,从而使得译文重点突出,提高传播效率。



1.对于英译文中文化差异的问题,译者应明确传播模式中的“对谁传播(to whom)”,了解源语言国家的文化。在武昌起义官网英译中有诸多推动起义发生的事件和人物,译者应通过“直译+注释”、“音译+注释”等方法,一来增强读者对异质文化的兴趣,二来化解由文化背景、逻辑思维等方面的差异带来的理解困难。

2. 对于英译文中语篇结构的问题,译者应仔细斟酌信息的价值,机械地“照译不误”必然会影响受众的阅读兴趣,即译者应考虑传播过程中的“说什么(what)”、“对谁说(to whom)”和“产生了什么效果(with what effect)”这三个方面,使每一个传播环节相互作用、相互影响,将信息更好地传播给读者。


①传播学起源于上个世纪20年代,成型于上世纪40、50年代,70、80年代得到繁荣发展,传播学最基本的要素是符号,这是一门研究人类如何利用符号对社会信息进行交流的学科,董璐 (北京:北京大学出版社,2008):15。


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