李耀明,庞 靖,2,徐立章,唐 忠,周跃鹏
李耀明1,庞 靖1,2,徐立章1,唐 忠1,周跃鹏1
(1. 江苏大学现代农业装备与技术教育部重点实验室,镇江 212013;2. 河南科技大学农业装备工程学院,洛阳 471003)
为了识别主要制造缺陷的位置并指导构建往复振动式清选筛质量检测系统,该文提出了一种利用经典传递路径理论反算作用在清选筛与脱粒清选室连接点的激励力,进而定位缺陷位置的方法。通过测量、对比连接点的振动,发现振动频率成分基本相同,且是强相关的,因而不能通过频率分析找出主要激励源而定位制造缺陷。进一步根据激励力与缺陷的关联关系,发现具有最大激励力的激励源附近应存在主要制造缺陷。在测量从连接点到观察点的振动传递函数的基础上,综合广义逆矩阵理论,相位角变化的随机性等,构建了最大激励力和该激励力对观察点振动贡献的计算模型。清选试验台验证测试结果表明,激励力贡献响应之和为实测加速度的84.7%~94.6%,考虑到模型简化时忽略了部分因素的影响,两者基本吻合,计算模型可靠。以键槽间隙为典型缺陷进行验证试验,结果表明,有缺陷时的振动基频和振幅较大的频率对应的激励力比无缺陷时增大71%~3 271%,定位方法有效。
0 引 言
通过检测振动特性即激励源确定缺陷的位置的方法有:偏相干分析法、单源多路径贡献分析法和传递路径分析法[7-8]。偏相干分析法主要应用于主要频率成分存在明显差异的弱相关源[9-10]。单源多路径分析法主要应用于分析单一源通过不同路径对响应影响的排序[11-12]。而传递路径分析法(transfer path analysis-TPA)利用试验测量的振动响应和传递函数,反算出激励力[13-14],对激励源的特异性要求低,能用于强相关源的贡献排序。对于清选筛振动特性的研究,目前国内主要集中于动力学分析[15-16]、激振机构设计与优化[17-18]、惯性力平衡[19-20]、模态分析与共振利用[21-22]等方面。国外多集中于参数共振清选筛的动力学建模[23-25]以指导结构设计。但通过检测分析振动信号识别并定位制造缺陷的研究,未见相关报到。
1 清选筛振动传递路径模型
1.1 结构模型
1.2 动力学模型
=2π2π60 (1)
1.3 振动传递路径模型
注:q为机架上的任意点;Hqm为频响函数,m·s–2×N–1; aq为q点的响应加速度,m·s–2。
1.4 激励力计算
1.5 激励相位角
2 清选筛振动特性测量
2.1 测量方法
试验于2018年6月至8月在江苏大学农业装备工程学院南大间实验室的智能型清选系统试验台架上进行。为了在测试时不引入其他运动部件的影响,只启动清选筛驱动电机而不启动其他电机,研究清选筛单独振动时机体的响应特性。使用3向加速度计获取清选筛与机架连接点和机架上观察点的3向加速度,使用力锤激励法获取结构的传递函数。试验场景和测点位置见图4,试验设备技术参数如表1。考虑到测量对象的运动频率较低,试验的采样频率为2 560 Hz。
1. 3向加速度计 2. 机架 3. 驱动电机 4. 动态信号采集仪 5. 电脑
表1 振动测试试验设备
2.2 信号时频域分析
设置清选筛驱动转速为正常工作转速即340 r/min,测量连接点、的向和向加速度。为分析振动响应以获取载荷的动态特性,对2个连接点处2个方向的时域信号进行短时傅立叶变换(short time fourier transform,STFT)[28-30]。
由于转动频率只有5.65 Hz,对于结构振动来说,对同样幅值的加速度信号积分求其振动位移时需乘以系数1/2,角频率越大,则位移越小,对结构的变形影响越小。因此本文分析只计算到100 Hz,忽略高频部分,计算结果如图5所示。分析图5可知,振动信号的频率成分较多,除了驱动转速基频外,还有各次倍频。、连接点处的频率成分基本相同,对其进行相关性计算,常相干系数大多在0.9以上,属于强相关。8 s后进入工作状态,各点各方向的频率成分没有变化,但频率幅值随时间有明显变化。连接点、的向低频部分,在10~25 Hz的3个倍频的幅值比其他倍频大,在向75~90 Hz的高频段幅值达到最大,点各频率的幅值均大于点。通过时频域特性可知,实际振动并不具有理论分析的简谐特性,而是表现为多频率成分且不稳定。这大多是由零部件制造缺陷造成的[4,31],累积后会降低清选筛和整机的可靠性,减少设备预期寿命,甚至存在安全隐患。因此有必要通过测量、分析振动信号,找出制造缺陷。
图5 清选筛与机架连接点的加速度时频云图
2.3 频响函数测量
根据1.4节,分析激励力并进行缺陷定位需要测量频响函数H(),检测设备见表1,频响函数采用1估计[32],利用模态力锤分别沿向和向激励连接点和,测量4种激励条件下的脉冲响应。为计算H()的广义逆,需要增加测量点数量,因而在试验支架右侧与点对称的位置设置另一观察点。测量和点各3个方向及、点向在4种激励条件下,共计32种脉冲响应,经傅立叶变换计算出频响函数,得到传递函数矩阵[()]8×4。计算过程中,分析谱线数为1 600,频率分辨率0.625 Hz,重叠率50%,计算平均谱。点向激励时,、点的向和点3向的跨点频响函数曲线,以及到点的3向原点频响函数曲线如图6所示。
2.4 相位角测量
频响函数H()反映系统的固有特性,其相位角φ()理论上应是固定值,不随激励和环境变化。如果激励力R()的相位角φ()也是不变的,则激励响应和的相位角φ()也应是固定值。为了验证上述假设,分别计算试验台架稳定运转时连接点、的振动响应,观察点、的向响应相位谱。点向和点向在14、20 和29 s的相位谱如图7所示。
图7 不同时刻加速度响应相位谱
3 缺陷定位
3.1 激励力辨识
[|()|]=[|()|]+• [|()|max] (12)
3.2 响应幅值及激励源的贡献
根据图5的频谱图,100 Hz内的各阶倍频是主要的激励频率。这里以点向的基频和加速度较大的3个倍频为例,计算激励力和激励贡献(加速度)响应,结果如表2。由表2可知,计算得到的激励力贡献响应和为实际测量加速度的84.7%~94.6%,考虑到模型简化时忽略了部分因素,计算值和实测值基本吻合,模型计算结果可信。激励力3的幅值和贡献较大,即点处前后向的振动贡献大,这也与试验中发现的驱动轴处振动剧烈相符,因此处向是主要激励源。
表2 不同频率下激励力和激励贡献响应计算结果
Note:1,2,3and4represent the support reactions of pointindirection, pointindirection, pointindirection and pointindirection respectively. The same below.
3.3 驱动轴键间隙缺陷验证
为了验证本文提出的基于振动响应估算激励力的缺陷识别方法,以常见的清选筛驱动链轮与驱动轴间的键槽间隙为例进行试验验证。将原本略有过盈的平键磨削至与键槽有0.2 mm间隙,测量此时的加速度响应,并进行STFT变换,画出时频云图,如图8。
将图8与图5对比可以看出:虽然振动响应的频率成分没有明显变化,但点基频和主要频率处的振幅都有明显增大(驱动轴键槽靠近点,点可以反映缺陷附近的振动情况)。与表2对比点(点为任意观察点,具有普遍性)的振动也明显增大。为了确认这样的响应变化是由哪些激励力引起的,将基频5.625 Hz和表2中的3个特征频率40.625、86.875和92.5 Hz以及图8c中23.125 Hz对应的最大振幅带入式(11),计算各频率激励力的幅值,结果如表3。
对比表2和表3中的振动加速度,除40.625 Hz外,其余各频率处都是增加的,且增加明显。对比激励力的幅值,点处各频点激励力的幅值在存在键槽间隙缺陷时增加了8%~48%;点处的激励力幅值增加了71%~3 271%,增幅巨大,说明主要缺陷应该在点附近,处只是受的影响或故障不大,证明利用振动传递路径模型对清选筛进行制造缺陷定位的方法有效。
图8 验证试验测点加速度时频云图
表3 激励力验证试验结果
4 结 论
3)通过在清选试验台上测量正常工作时根据模型计算的理论振动响应与实测振动响应对比,发现理论计算值比实测响应略有减小(为实测值的84.7%~94.6%);键槽有间隙时的激励力计算值与无间隙时相比,有缺陷时的激励力幅值在其基频和振幅较大的频率处都有明显增大(71%~3 271%),本文方法有效,可定性地为制造缺陷定位提供指导。
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Manufacturing defect location of cleaning screen of grain combine harvester based on vibration excitation tracing
Li Yaoming1, Pang Jing1,2, Xu Lizhang1, Tang Zhong1, Zhou Yuepeng1
(1.212013,; 2.471003,)
In order to improve the processing quality and reliability of the cleaning screen of grain combine harvester, it is necessary to eliminate the manufacturing defects in the design and pilot stage, which causing the additional load, , and to locate and eliminate the processing defects by measuring in the production stage. In this paper, a method can locate and calculate the exciting forces act on the connection points of cleaning screen and thresher body by classical transfer path analysis (TPA) were developed. By measuring and comparing the vibrations of the connection points, it is found that the vibration frequency components were the same and were strongly correlated, so it is impossible to find the main excitation source by analyzing the frequency to locate the manufacturing defects. According to the relationship between exciting force and defect, it is pointed out that there should be major manufacturing defects near the maximum excitation force. The vibration of connection points and a certain observation point of the test bench were measured by using triaxial accelerometers and dynamic signal analyzer , and the characteristics of time domain and time-frequency domain were analyzed. The results showed that although there was no change in the frequency components in the spectrum, the amplitude changed greatly, and the phase changed greatly at different times of each frequencies. The transfer functions of the connection points to each measurement points were detected by using a modal force hammer and vibration measuring devices. Since the phase was unstable, according to the principle that the product of each excitation force and the transfer function (ie, the contribution of the excitation force to the vibration) had the largest vibration response in the same direction, the maximum acceleration amplitude was introduced into the inverse matrix method formula, and the influence of the phase was ignored, and the problem that the ill-conditioned matrix of the transfer function matrix could not be inverted was solved by increasing the measurement point, the generalized inverse matrix of transfer function was calculated by singular value decomposition. The calculated excitation force was optimized by least squares method, and finally the practical incentive calculation formula was derived. In order to verify the validity of the method, the magnitude of the excitation force during normal operation and the contribution to the vibration indirection of the observation point were calculated. The results showed that the sum of contributions was only slightly smaller than the measured acceleration, which was about 84.7%-94.6% of the measured value, the excitation force calculated by this method was basically correct. The keyway clearance was used as a typical defect for the location verification test. It was found that the amplitude of each frequency in the excitation force spectrum near the defect increased significantly (71%-3 271%), while the amplitude of the slot excitation force away from the defect was only slightly added, the effectiveness of the positioning method was verified. The defect localization method proposed in this paper only adds one accelerometer and one measuring instrument to the original cleaning screening assembly quality inspection platform, the vibration excitation force at the connection points between the cleaning screen and the rack mounting could also be roughly calculated by measuring 4-8 acceleration responses.
agricultural machinery; vibration; models; cleaning screen; transmission path; incentives force estimation; defect location
李耀明,庞 靖,徐立章,唐 忠,周跃鹏. 基于振动激励溯源的谷物联合收获机清选筛制造缺陷定位[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(5):10-17. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.002 http://www.tcsae.org
Li Yaoming, Pang Jing, Xu Lizhang, Tang Zhong, Zhou Yuepeng. Manufacturing defect location of cleaning screen of grain combine harvester based on vibration excitation tracing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(5): 10-17. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.002 http://www.tcsae.org