CTDD call for papers
Dear Professors,
Clinical Trials in Degenerative Diseases(CTDD) has offered to publish a collection of publishing articles on clinical trials,research, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatments, epidemiology and education for all aspects of degenerative diseases.We believe this is an excellent opportunity to present the latest works being done in this very hot and fast moving topic.
We cordially invite you to contribute or recommend appropriate works (such as research articles, reviews/mini-reviews,protocols, retrospective studies, case series/reports, and editorial material) to the coming two issues in 2019.We understand that a journal’s Impact Factor is important for a variety of reasons to many in its community of authors.We encourage all readers to prioritize a journal based on their own evaluation of the work it publishes, regardless of whether it has an Impact Factor or the actual value of that metric.Authors of accepted papers will be granted complete waiver for all fees and published within 2019.Our editorial staff will assist with smooth editorial and peer review process.Instructions for Authors can be accessed at www.clinicaltdd.com/contributors.asp.
Reasons to Publish with Us
· Complete charge waiver
· High international visibility - freely accessible to view and search
· Simple and flexible submission process - guided by experienced in-house editors
· User-friendly website - search, filter and download trial records
Abstract and Indexing Information
The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners: Google Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing’s Electronic Databases,Exlibris - Primo Central, Baidu Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve,National Science Library, ProQuest, TdNet.
The journal is indexed with, or included in, the following:DOAJ, and in the process of applying for listing by PubMed Central, E-SCI.
Scope of the Journal
CTDDis an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal with quarterly print on demand compilation of issues published.The journal is committed to publishing articles on general trial methodology as well as protocols, commentaries and traditional results papers - regardless of outcomes or signif icance of findings.The topics include but are not limited to the following:Degenerative heart diseases, Cancer, Metabolic degeneration, Neurodegenerative disorders, Orthopedic degenerative diseases and Degenerative eye diseases.
Journals Featured on Our Publishing House
·Neural Regeneration Research(2018 impact factor: 2.472,indexed by SCI-E, PubMed)
·Medical Gas Research(indexed by E-SCI, MEDLINE)
·Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Trials: Nervous System Diseases
·Clinical Trials in Orthopedic Disorders
·Journal of Bio-X Research
·International Journal of Heart Rhythm
Your contribution and assistance will be highly appreciated.Thank you for considering our invitation.
With best regards,
Editorial Office ofCTDD
Clinical Trials in Degenerative Diseases的其它文章
- Relationship between low vitamin D status and extra-skeletal diseases: a systematic review on effects of prophylaxis with vitamin D
- Tanreqing injection with ambroxol hydrochloride for heart failure and pulmonary infection in senile degenerative heart disease: a randomized controlled trial
- Hemodynamic responses of patients with stable coronary artery disease to a comedy film: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- Clinical progress of cell therapy in treating age-related macular degeneration
- Role of trace mineral in periodontal health: a review