Keeping One’s True Identity


Special Focus 2019年1期

By Mo Xiaomi

It was snowing in Hangzhou City on New Year’s Day.Some were wild with joy amongst their circle of friends while others could barely make ends meet.

Our housekeeper’s husband opened a small automotive repair shop in the suburbs.To make it easier for their kids to go to school, they rent a small apartment in the downtown area, so the man has to go to the repair shop every day, riding an e-bike for more than an hour to get there even in good weather.Today, it was quite dangerous to ride on the freezing road, and the man’s hands were chapped by the frigid air.His wife advised him not to go.He agreed, thinking of taking the opportunity to rest for a day or two before a busy year.

The other day a huge snowstorm hit the area.However, at dawn, he already got up and went to the repair shop because a couple of familiar customers called him, saying that another repair shop nearby took advantage of the snowy weather and overcharged them.They hoped that he could be back because he offers a fair price and reliable services.

The man didn’t arrive home until 10 pm that day.Walking many blocks and streets, he had to push his e-bike from time to time.His family members were longing for him to return for supper.Despite the slow day at work, the man was pleased for a simple reason: The clients were all his acquaintances, so if he didn’t go, what would they do in the face of the car problems?

A sense of duty or responsibility does not only belong to great men or the socalled professionals; it can belong to ordinary men as well.People with this sense of duty and responsibility are worthy of others’ trust and respect.

Residents living in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou will immediately know that the Spring Festival is coming because they can smell a fishy smell and see the fish and shrimp arrays from afar at the market.

One man in particular, probably in his fifties, stands out at making dried fish.Herrings were piling up in his stall, each weighing roughly ten pounds.In the cold wind, he quickly fillets one fish at a time, digging out its gills in two or three steps.He cuts from the tail along the fin ridge upward, splits its head forcibly, divides the body into two halves joined by its belly, and then removes the guts.He cleans each fish in less than a minute—his hands moving like f loating clouds and f lowing water.

After gutting the fish, he pickles them on the spot, sprinkling a handful of salt, then spreading another layer of fish and sprinkling another handful of salt.Salt sprinkling is the most important process in making dried fish.Others use a scale while he makes an accurate measurement in his hand.He marinates the fish for two days and two nights, rinses and cleans the fillets with water, and hangs them up to dry for three or four days.

He busies himself since the celebration on New Year’s Day, as he’ll need to make 5,000 dried fish in total before the coming of the Spring Festival to satisfy his customers.

This local man’s family has made a living fishing from generation to generation.In recent years though, making a living on fishing has become more and more difficult, so he has switched to making fish-based snacks.His skill of making dried fish has been well known for more than twenty years now.

Both of his daughters have grown up watching their father dedicate himself fully year after year.He has to be on duty at night when he dries the fish, and set up a shed and cover the fish with plastic cloth when it rains.They both advise him to retire and enjoy life.He said, “Every winter we get calls from restaurants and regular customers, saying that after a year of hankering, they want to taste my dried fish again.Others say that if they can’t eat my dried fish, they will have a crappy New Year.That’s not something I can push away.”

This is truly a sense of duty.

(FromRomantic Generation—Youth, Issue 11, 2018.Translation: Qing Run)
















