英语课程内容是发展学生英语学科核心素养的基础,它包含六个要素, 即主题语境、语篇类型、语言知识、文化知识、语言技能和学习策略。这六个要素贯穿于各种类型的语篇材料中, 共同作用、影响和推进各类语篇的形成,而其中语篇的导入部分受到这些核心素养要素的影响更加明显, 下面笔者就这六个要素对语篇导入的影响分门别类地进行阐述, 以期起到抛砖引玉的作用,达到激起大家共同思考的目的。
导入语篇一:(2018年全国卷Ⅲ完形填空)When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “Sorry, wrong number!”and move on. But when Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something special.
导入语篇二:(2018年11月浙江卷阅读理解C篇)I start every summer with the best of intentions: to attack one big book from the past, a classic that I was supposed to have read when young and ambitious. Often the pairings of books and settings have been purely accidental: “Moby Dick” on a three-day cross-country train trip; “The Magic Mountain”in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the doors,no telephones or televisions in the rooms, and little to do beyond row on the salt pond. Attempting “The Man Without Qualities” on a return to Hawaii, my native state, however, was less fruitful: I made it through one and a quarter volumes (册),then decided that I’d got the point and went swimming instead.
导入语篇三:The Domesticate elephant Arjun in Mysore is the most intelligent animal I have seen. When we rescued two elephants in Mysore four years back I saw how Arjun played a key role in taming (驯化 ) the two brat baby elephants. The baby elephants that we had caught were two years old and they had escaped from the herd for a fun ride as they were always under discipline from the elder ones. Both of them were caught after several hours of chasing and tied in different places as they were caught in different places. Both were shocked and depressed and were refusing to touch any food including sugar cane for the entire day and night.
导入语篇四:Almost everyone wants to be happy, but not all know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said,“Happiness depends upon ourselves.” In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.
导入语篇五:I’d just finished some shopping, and was getting ready to leave the supermarket’s parking lot, when I heard music coming from the area of the shopping carts. I knew it was someone I knew, well—the beggar, I couldn’t really call him.
导入语篇六:(2016年10月浙江卷读后续写) One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom, “I’m going to find a better spot for us to camp”and walked away.
导入语篇七:Researchers carried out a series of studies which showed those who counted money before taking part in an experiment where they would accept low levels of pain felt less discomfort than those who did not. Handling a hand of cash may be better at killing pain than aspirin, their study suggests. The study showed that counting notes and coins helps to reduce pain by improving feelings of self-worth and selfsatisfaction.
如果在导入语篇六中不注意句型知识by the time引导的时间状语从句,那么我们很可能会在阅读中卡壳,影响阅读的心情,从而使我们失去继续阅读的兴趣,不能正确把握发生在Jane和Tom之间的故事。
如果在导入语篇七中不注意词汇 carry out, a series of,discomfort, handle, self-worth, self-satisfaction 等的具体含义,那么我们就会陷入理解的误区,在文章脉络把握和主题思想概括方面遇到困难。
导入语篇八:(2018年11月浙江卷阅读理解A篇)The most welcome sight on a cold, wet winter night in London is the familiar shape of a London taxi cab approaching with its yellow “for hire” sign shining brightly. That shows it is ready to pick you up. Travelling by taxi in London is not just a way of going from one place to another. It is an experience to be enjoyed and remembered.
导入语篇九:Winter is the time of year when people feel very blessed. This isn’t because people feel thankful for the cold weather, nor because the important festivals—Christmas or Spring Festival—offer an excuse to celebrate. In fact, “Bless you!”is a common response if someone sneezes, a symptom of catching a cold or the flu.
如果在阅读导入语篇八之前就了解国外出租车司机的开朗、博学,那么我们在快速切入主题、捕捉文意时将不会存在障碍。而假如在阅读导入语篇九前不了解西方人在别人打喷嚏后往往要说一句“God bless you”这一文化知识,我们很可能在阅读起初就陷入“云里雾里”,不知所以然。
语言技能包括听、说、读、写、看五项技能, 是学生从语篇中获得语言知识和文化知识,理解和表达意义、意图、情感和观点,发展思维品质的重要途径。如果我们在语篇导入时就能把阅读内容与听力材料内容以及书面表达写作内容紧密挂钩,达到共通有无的地步,就能够轻松达到柳暗花明的境界。
Hello, everyone. It is indeed a great pleasure to have this chance to address such a large audience this evening. I’m Pierre Chabrol from the University of Marseille. At the moment, I’m carrying out research in Senegal for the United Nations, as part of a project to increase world food production. Before I get on to what exactly we did in our research, I would like to explain briefly the purpose behind it. Quite simply, my subject is rice.As you all know, rice is the main food for millions of people in the world. So, if rice crops fail, millions of people starve and die. And they do fail, very often through disease. Now,what my colleagues and I have been doing out in the field in Senegal, as well as in the university laboratories, is to try to produce a disease-resisting variety of rice — a particular kind of rice which will resist disease...in other words, a stronger type of rice.
导入语篇十:As the old Chinese saying goes, “Humanity’s most fundamental relationship is with what we eat.” Although food has played an important part in Chinese culture for years,hunger had been a huge problem in the country until the 1970s.However, the Chinese scientist Yuan Longping helped to deal with this problem.
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
One possible version:
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to report the loss of my wallet. On 1st November, 2018 I flew business class on your flight FL753 from China to London.
I clearly remember it was still with me the moment I boarded the plane. However, on arrival in London Heathrow Airport, I found it gone. I guess it must have slipped out of my pocket during the flight. It is a black leather one with around 200 dollars, my ID card, and 2 credit cards in it. Along with the items mentioned above, the wallet contains a family photo,which is my precious memory. As you can imagine, these matter a lot to me.
Has anybody happened to find it? Please email me at XXX@googlemail.com.
Thank you for your time and support.
Yours sincerely,Li Hua
导入语篇十一:I had arrived at the airport to catch an early flight home. It had been a very busy three days for me on an interstate trip with lots of meetings,business to do and new customers to meet. Then came the announcement that the flight had been delayed due to a technical problem. I could see a group of technicians and ground staff rushing about,obviously trying hard to fix the problem. I watched and listened as many of the passengers sitting near me shared their frustration about the inconvenience.
学习策略包括元认知策略、认知策略、交际策略和情感策略。其中认知策略中的重要一条学习策略是根据语篇中的核心词、代词等去理解段落或句子之间的内在衔接。比如说句型 What comes to your mind when you talk/think about...?(当你谈/想到……你会想到……?)往往是用来引出话题的,先提出一种你经常出现的错误想法作为比较,然后引出篇章主题。通过归纳总结我们在语篇导入部分就可以发现的核心句型的语用知识,了解其这一特点,从而顺利切入主题:
导入语篇十二:What comes to your mind when you talk about donations? You probably think of a group of people with boxes in hand asking people to donate money. But my school came up with a new way of raising funds—Fun Night.
导入语篇十三:What comes into your mind when you think about robots? Do you imagine armies of evil metal monsters planning to take over the world? Or perhaps of mechanical men who have been created as guards or soldiers by a mad genius? Or maybe you think of man-like robots who act, think, and look like human beings. In fact robots like these have more to do with science fiction films than with real life.In the real world robots are machines that do jobs which have to be done by people. Robots either are operated by themselves or under the control of a person.
尽管上述两个语篇的主题语境和语篇类型不尽相同,但是从导入语篇的写作手法来看,都是使用提问的手法引出话题,然后再提出反面例子作为铺垫,最后导入主题。把握了这一特点,我们就能够集中精力紧抓文章中心。更加重要的是在以后遇到类似以“What comes to your mind when you talk/think about...?”开篇的语篇材料时能够合理使用阅读策略,完成理解任务。