

教学考试(高考英语) 2019年2期




【高考链接】(2013年陕西卷,20改编)It remains to be seen the newly formed committee’s policy can be put into practice.

【答案及解析】whether。此句是主语从句,句中it是形式主语,认真分析句子可知,whether符合句意。错因分析:有的考生可能认为whether与 if词义相同,没有用法的区别,而误填if。


⑴在主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,只用whether不用 if,如 1._________he will come is a question.(主语从句)2.The question is_________he will come.(表语从句)3.I have no idea_________he will come.(同位语从句)这三个题的答案都是whether。

⑵作介词宾语时,只用 whether,如 He is worried about whether he will lose his job.

⑶动词不定式前只用 whether,如 He couldn’t decide whether to stay here.

⑷当从句中有 or not时只用 whether,如 I’m going whether you like it or not.

⑸在 discuss等少数动词后只用 whether,如They discussed whether they could change their plan.

⑹宾语从句为否定句时用 if不用 whether,如 I don’t care if he doesn’t give me a hand.


【高考链接】(2017年江苏卷,26改编)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to$20,half of_________it used to charge.


【高考链接】(2016年北京卷,29改编)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is_________one can be entirely free from dust.


【方法点拨】在名词性从句中,that不作句子成分,没有任何含义,只起引导作用,在宾语从句中常可省略;what常在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、同位语,意为“……的事情或所……的”,相当于 the thing that+定语从句,有时也可作定语,如 what advice,what exciting news 等。


【典例】I am not sureI should give the beggar a hand.


【典例】(人教社必修 2,P2 改编)There is no doubt_________the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time...


【方法点拨】在名词性从句中,连词that与whether的用法也有一些特殊情况:1.check,make sure 作谓语,用于肯定句时,尽管句子含有“是否”之意,但常用that引导,而不用 whether。如 Make sure that the door has been closed.请弄清楚门是否已经关闭。2.doubt,wonder,ask 等在肯定句中,常用whether/if表示“是”和“不是”两种情况,如I doubt whether/if the new one will be any better.在 疑问句、否定句中常用 that。3.I am sure that...从句和 I am not sure whether...从句。4.doubt用于同位语从句时,如果主句是肯定句,连词用 whether/if,如 I have some doubt whether/if Tom can solve the problem.如果主句是否定句,连词用 that。

四、who/what/which...与 whoever/whatever/whichever...的误用

【高考链接】(2018年天津卷,9改编)The gold medal will be awarded to_________wins the first place in the bicycle race.

【答案及解析】whoever。此题考查宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,且设空处表示“任何人”,故用whoever,相当于anyone who。错因分析:部分考生可能认为whoever与who无区别,而误用who。

【高考链接】(2016年北京卷,24改编)Your support is important to our work._________you can do helps.

【答案及解析】Whatever。此题考查主语从句,从句中缺少主语,且表示“任何事情”,故用whatever,相当于anything that+定语从句。错因分析:部分考生可能认为 what=whatever而误用 what。

【高考链接】(2013 年江西卷,30 改编)_________one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.

【答案及解析】Whichever。此题考查主语从句,引导词限定one,且表示限定范围(you)中的任何一个,whichever one of you=no matter which one of you=whoever故用whichever。错因分析:部分考生可能认为which与whichever用法一样而误用which。

【方法点拨】whoever/whatever/whichever等连词用于名词性从句时,起强调作用,表示“无论、任何”的意思,可以转换成定语从句,如 whoever=anyone who,whatever=anything that,whichever=anything that/anyone who 等。whoever/whatever/whichever等连词既在从句中充当一定的句子成分,又在主句中作句子成分;而who/what/which等连词用于名词性从句时,不表示强调,它们只在从句中作句子成分,在主句中不作句子成分,而其引导的从句才在主句中充当一定的句子成分。

五、“疑问词 + ever”与“no matter + 疑问词”的误用

【高考链接】(2017年北京卷,23改编)Every year,_________makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.

【答案及解析】whoever。设空处引导主语从句,从句中缺少主语成分,且表示“无论谁”,故填whoever。错因分析:部分考生可能认为 no matter who与 whoever意思相同,而误用 no matter who。

【方法点拨】同学们在复习备考时,必须要弄清楚:虽然“疑问词 +ever”与“no matter+疑问词”意思一样,但是“疑问词+ever”既可以引导名词性从句又可以引导状语从句;而“no matter+疑问词”只能引导状语从句,不能引导名词性从句,如 I’ll listen to whatever Mr.Green says.(宾语从句,no matter what不能代替 whatever)Whatever Mr.Green says,I’ll listen to it.(让步状语从句,no matter what可以代替 whatever)


【高考链接】(2016年全国卷Ⅰ,短文改错)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live.


【高考链接】(2015年江苏卷,25改编)_____Li Bai,a great Chinese poet,was born is known to the public,but some won’t accept it.


【典例】(人教社必修 2,P9 改编)I live in____you call“Ancient Greece”...

【答案及解析】what。此题考查介词后面的宾语从句,设空处需要一个连词引导从句并在从句中作call的宾语,call____“Ancient Greece”,把____称为“古希腊”。部分学生可能认为因为把“某地”称为“古希腊”,而误用where。

【方法点拨】连接代词和连接副词在名词性从句中作一定的成分、有意义,连接代词在名词性从句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等;连接副词在名词性从句中常作状语,一般来说,when(=the time when)常作时间状语,where(=the place where) 常作地点状语,why(=the reason why)常作原因状语,how常作方式状语。

七、that, why, because在表语从句中的误用

【典例】The reason why Mary was refused was____she wasn’t prepared well for the interview.

【答案及解析】that。此题考查表语从句。此句是个固 定句型:The reason that+ 从句, …… 的 原 因是……。错因分析:部分学生可能因为没有牢记该句型,而误用because。

【典例】(人教社必修 2,P10 改编)Instead there are competitions like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice.That’s____they’re called the Winter Olympics.


【方法点拨】because引导表语从句时,主句的主语不能是reason或cause,其后是事情发生的原因,常用句型 This/That is because...这 /那是因为……,并且与because意思相近的since和as不能引导表语从句。why引导表语从句时,其后是事情的结果,常用句型This/That is why...这/那是……的原因。表语从句中如何辨析because与why,由结果→原因,用because,由原因→结果,用why。此外,除了because/why可以引导表语从句外,as if/though也可以引导表语从句,如 When the earthquake came,it was as if the world was at an end.(人教社必修 1,P28)

八、that 能否省略的误用

【高考链接】(2016年北京卷,29改编)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is____one can be entirely free from dust.


【高考链接】(2016年天津卷,11改编)The manager put forward a suggestion____we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do.


【方法点拨】that在名词性从句中通常不能省略的情况:1.引导表语从句和同位语从句时,that不能省略;2.that引导主语从句置于句首时,不能省略,如 That the house prices will go down is certain.3.主从句之间有插入语时,that不能省略,如 I don’t doubt,in any case,that he will succeed.4.当一个句子中有两个或两个以上的并列宾语从句时,第二个开始的连词that不能省略,如Tom told me he had to leave and that he would come back soon.5.it作形式宾语,that引导宾语从句时,大多不能省略。如You can put it that Mr.Lee is an excellent football player.6.that作部分介词的宾语时不能省略,如The reason lies in that she works harder than the others.You may depend on it that I should always help you.



深究错因 把握本质
Brain remembers language better if you sing it