A 癌
癌,肝细胞《原发性肝癌诊疗规范(2017年版)》解读 李民,熊俊(7):785-789.
SFPQ在肝细胞癌的表达及其对细胞增殖与细胞周期的影响 陈云茹,丹增措姆,白文东,等(1):49-57.
不同入肝血流阻断技术在原发性肝细胞癌肝切除术中的应用效果比较 姚磊,王志明,欧阳锡武,等(7):815-824.
腹腔镜辅助与开腹ALPPS治疗肝癌的近期疗效比较 周承汇,罗慧,李嘉荣,等(3):366-370.
肝癌合并门静脉癌栓患者术后肝动脉化疗栓塞术联合门静脉化疗的有效性及安全性 代柏树,雷世雄,杨振宇,等(2):188-194.
肝细胞癌免疫治疗的研究进展 宁克,殷香保(2):234-240.
肝细胞癌中miR-942-5p的表达及其与患者恶性特征及不良预后的关系 丁琭,莫缓椰,鲜瑶,等(7):840-847.
环状RNA FBLIM1在肝细胞癌中生物学功能的初步研究 彭婀敏,夏发达,王文龙,等(9):1109-1114.
基于3D分割技术的CT与磁共振增强检查对肝细胞癌体积评估的一致性分析 汤世雄,黎丹,肖恩华,等(7):871-877.
基于倾向评分匹配的腹腔镜与开腹肝切除治疗早期肝细胞癌的安全性及疗效比较 田秉璋,欧沭杰,周力学,等(7):809-814.
经皮射频消融术与腹腔镜肝切除术治疗原发性小肝癌的疗效及预后比较 张汉洋,庄志彬,林春冬,等(1):24-30.
驱动蛋白家族成员15在肝癌中的表达及意义 何政,吴慧,郑军(1):58-63.
输出蛋白5的表达与肝细胞癌患者临床病理特征及预后的关系 陈嘉飞,周武汉,王金桂(1):64-69.
携带人mda-7/IL-24基因溶瘤腺病毒SG600-IL24构建及其选择性杀伤肝癌细胞的机制研究 肖朝文,郑小林,蔡常春,等(1):39-48.
乙肝病毒X蛋白调控肝癌干细胞维持肝细胞癌生物学行为的研究进展 孙为民,查勇(1):92-98.
乙肝相关性肝细胞癌患者血清外泌体miR-1290水平的变化及其诊断价值 高斌,熊莹晖,黄泽炳,等(1):31-38.
乙型肝炎病毒感染及抗病毒治疗对肝细胞癌微血管侵犯的影响 曲超,刘奎,王一休,等(1):10-17.
以坏死并血管侵犯为关键要素的肝细胞癌T“N”M分期系统的建立及其准确性初步评估 王志明,何东任,钟鉴宏,等(7):790-797.
原发性肝癌患者手术切除术后早期复发影响因素分析 乐琪,朱同恩,莫志远,等(1):18-23.
长链非编码RNA MIF-AS1在肝癌中表达及其与上皮-间充质转化的关系 胡走肖,郑小林(7):848-856.
癌,肝细胞/治疗14岁以下儿童肝细胞癌的治疗现状 苑俊辉,张金凤,李国良,等(7):885-890.
B 斑闭
斑块,动脉粥样硬化非手术指征颈动脉斑块患者缺血性脑卒中的危险因素分析 王迁,刘思博,龙安妮,等(1):84-91.
闭塞性动脉硬化斑块旋切联合药物涂层球囊在下肢动脉硬化闭塞症中应用的现状及研究进展 魏立春,郭建明,侯培勇,等(12):1526-1533.
闭塞性动脉硬化/外科学下肢动脉旁路移植术与腔内血管成形术治疗老年人下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的安全性和有效性探讨 李冈栉,赵瑾洁,马蓉,等(6):756-761.
C 创
创伤和损伤造口治疗师主导多学科合作伤口处理风险管理的实施与效果 张其健,戴薇薇,贺爱兰,等(2):212-218.
D 胆动
胆管肿瘤ICC肝切除治疗术中经大网膜静脉注射丝裂霉素的临床价值 张清军,陈芸,徐强,等(3):371-376.
RCAS1/EBAG9与P53蛋白在肝内胆管癌中的表达及临床意义 王逸君,徐自强,王志明,等(8):952-959.
SUMO活化酶亚单位2在胆管癌组织中的表达及其临床意义 孙勇,孙晓智,张炳远(8):977-982.
TGF-β1、survivin和caspase-3在肝内胆管结石相关性肝内胆管癌中的表达及临床意义 谢伟选,柏杨,李福利,等(8):967-976.
肝内胆管癌的综合治疗 唐陈伟,童焕军,汤朝晖(8):903-909.
肝内胆管癌分子水平研究进展 李雪鹏,刘苏来,蒋波(2):219-226.
核仁纺锤体相关蛋白1在胆管癌组织中的表达及其临床意义 张善忠,付晓伟,刘芩,等(2):173-178.
赖氨酰氧化酶样蛋白2在胆管癌中的表达以及与血管内皮生长因子A及血管生成的关系 彭滔,李大江,王曙光(8):943-951.
长链非编码RNA CBR3-AS1在胆管癌中的表达及其临床意义 吕波,朱新锋,蔡常春,等(8):960-966.
脂质体华卟啉钠的制备及其对胆管癌细胞的体外光动力杀伤效应研究 刘翔,邹恒,邓小峰,等(2):159-165.
胆结石/外科学腹腔镜经胆囊管微切开一期缝合治疗胆囊管肝总管汇合部结石:附8例报告 张瑞芳,王子航,张宇,等(2):153-158.
胆囊结石病,遗传性核受体基因在家族遗传性胆囊胆固醇结石患者肝组织中表达的变化 李春艳,赵欣,樊宁,等(2):166-172.
胆囊切除术,腹腔镜老年患者腹腔镜胆囊切除日间手术的安全性分析 李航,赵礼金(8):1012-1017.
腹腔镜胆囊切除术相关胆管损伤的研究进展 徐素琴,邹书兵(2):227-233.
沿“胆囊管”逆行追踪法在预防腹腔镜胆囊切除术肝外胆管损伤中的应用价值 陈晓鹏,程斌,鲍胜华,等(2):135-141.
胆囊炎,急性急性结石性胆囊炎腹腔镜胆囊切除术预防性应用抗生素的疗效观察 陈立军,彭靖,马军亮,等(8):1018-1022.
经皮肝胆囊穿刺引流术联合腹腔镜胆囊切除术序贯治疗急性胆囊炎的疗效与时机 杨明,刘金龙,张学军(8):923-928.
胆囊肿瘤胆囊癌的临床病理特点及淋巴转移的临床病理危险因素分析 焦丹,柴凤霞,邢程,等(8):983-988.
胆囊肿瘤/外科学胆囊癌的多学科治疗进展 朱振成,罗昆仑(8):1000-1006.
加速康复理念和疼痛管理在行胆囊癌切除术患者中的应用效果评估 李彩霞,王世东(2):241-246.
胆总管结石病C/S-J型胆道自行脱落支架在经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术后胆道引流中应用 杨勇,田明国,辛国军,等(8):929-935.
胆囊切除术联合腹腔镜下胆总管探查术后胆总管一期缝合与T管引流的疗效比较 谢伟选,罗昆仑(2):127-134.
腹腔镜下经胆囊管胆道探查与腹腔镜下胆总管切开胆道探查治疗胆总管结石的Meta分析 郭张有,尹灿,涂兵(8):910-922.
内镜逆行胰胆管造影术后胆总管结石复发的相关因素研究进展 叶诚,张辉,周文策(8):995-999.
年龄对ERCP治疗胆总管结石术后并发胰腺炎及严重程度的影响 李婧伊,刘飞,马跃峰,等(8):936-942.
胆总管探查术单向倒刺线与传统缝线在腹腔镜胆总管一期缝合术中应用比较的Meta分析 何攀,赖莉,苏松,等(2):142-152.
动静脉瘘经皮腔内血管成形术治疗人工血管移植物内瘘狭窄或闭塞的疗效 彭嘉欣,万恒,刘正军(12):1497-1506.
头静脉转位联合缩窄术治疗高流量肱动脉-头静脉内瘘患者头静脉弓狭窄的临床疗效 黄小妹,王银,肖伟,等(6):725-730.
动脉闭塞性疾病锁骨下动脉完全闭塞腔内治疗:附32例报告 梁双超,张安冬,李方宽,等(12):1476-1481.
动脉瘤,感染性/外科学对感染性腹主动脉瘤治疗的再认识 肖占祥,张文波(12):1445-1448.
动脉瘤,夹层保持载瘤动脉通畅的椎动脉夹层动脉瘤治疗:附28例报告 方兴根,程少文,吴丹,等(6):731-736.
孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层保守治疗缓解后再发患者的腔内治疗:附8例报告 李华青,侯凯,陈刚,等(6):679-686.
F 腹
腹膜后肿瘤巨大腹膜后平滑肌肉瘤伴出血1例报告并文献复习 蒋超,刘雪岩,孙大伟,等(6):737-742.
G 肝戈
肝切除术加速康复外科理念在腹腔镜精准肝切除术治疗肝血管瘤中的临床应用 谢伟选,方征,刘洪,等(7):864-870.
加速康复外科理念在肝切除术中的应用 于江涛,任魁梧,吴盼盼,等(8):989-994.
目标导向液体治疗在老年患者开腹肝切除术中的应用 申盛乾,段小辉,刘苏来,等(1):77-83.
肝切除术/方法肝脏离段联合门静脉结扎二期肝切除术的研究进展 计凤鸣,邹浩,王连敏,等(1):99-106.
基于肝实质优先离断的腹腔镜右半肝切除流程优化及应用 吴柯,李靖,尤楠,等(7):857-863.
肝胰管壶腹肿瘤/外科学纳米炭注射液在壶腹部癌淋巴结清扫中的应用 李琪,黄晓珺,刘利平,等(2):206-211.
肝移植腹腔镜活体供肝切取术:回顾与展望 文宁远,张海丽,魏永刚(7):779-784.
肝癌肝移植术后肝癌复发研究新进展 郑树森,程启阳,耿磊,等(7):773-778.
肝移植术后新发糖尿病危险因素研究进展 熊豪,丁佑铭(7):878-884.
转B、T淋巴细胞衰减子基因树突状细胞诱导大鼠肝移植免疫耐受的作用及机制 李军良,郭天康,张东,等(1):70-76.
肝硬化肝硬化食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血的综合治疗 王昊,李亭,贺志军(1):107-116.
肝肿瘤Ki-67表达与原发性肝癌根治性切除术后行预防性肝动脉化疗栓塞患者预后的关系 魏复群,罗柳平,梁东,等(7):825-832.
阿帕替尼联合经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞治疗中晚期肝癌疗效及安全性的Meta分析 朱泽民,谢智钦,赵志坚,等(7):798-808.
腹腔镜与开腹右半肝切除治疗肝肿瘤疗效比较的Meta分析 江松,王兆映,欧明瑞,等(1):1-9.
肝圆韧带间置肠肝吻合术在肝门区肿瘤外科治疗中的应用价值 吴松,刘振忠,李筱倩(7):833-839.
谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶1在肝癌组织中的表达及其意义的生物信息学分析 王烁,陈波,苗雄鹰(2):179-187.
快速康复外科在开腹肝癌切除术中应用的Meta分析 苏艳,张磊,任龙飞,等(2):195-205.
肝肿瘤/外科学APRI、FIB-4、BPRI对原发性肝细胞癌术后复发的预测价值 李嘉,邓靖单,张岳农,等(12):1547-1551.
肝癌肝切除术后感染的病原学特征与影响因素分析 王煜,王锋,张爱芸,等(6):762-767.
肝肿瘤/影像诊断成人肝脏间叶性错构瘤的超声表现1例报告并文献复习 李兰,谢萍(5):645-648.
高血压,门静脉特发性门静脉高压症的诊治现状 朱青,项灿宏(1):117-124.
戈谢氏病/诊断戈谢氏病脾切除术1例报告 陈凌,张恒,赵礼金(2):252-254.
H 黑
黑色素瘤/外科学原发性肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤病例1例并文献复习 欧阳泽颖,阳惠湘,刘小伟,等(5):641-644.
J 甲结颈静
甲状腺结节穿刺针型号及甲状腺结节血供类型与超声引导下细针穿刺活检取材满意率的关系 卢鑫,田双明,赵永锋,等(5):543-550.
甲状腺结节/诊断超声引导下细针穿刺对甲状腺结节的诊断价值及其影响因素 黄万泽,张哲嘉,白宁,等(11):1347-1353.
甲状腺切除术改良无充气腋窝入路腔镜甲状(旁)腺手术40例分析 胡康,孙素红,郑传铭,等(11):1437-1440.
甲状旁腺鉴定系统在甲状腺手术中快速鉴定甲状旁腺的临床价值 邹贤,周彬,朱国华,等(5):537-542.
甲状腺日间手术模式涉及的相关问题探讨 程若川,刁畅,方向(5):519-523.
甲状腺术后出血的临床特点及诊治分析 吕承洲,李永超,董文武,等(11):1441-1444.
经乳晕腔镜甲状腺手术对患者嗓音及吞咽功能的影响 胡小池,霍金龙,瞿锐,等(11):1367-1373.
腔镜免缝合肌间隙入路甲状腺手术的临床应用 靳小建,刘志明,蔡小勇,等(5):532-536.
术后甲状旁腺功能减退的现状及研究进展 赵沨,邹媛远,马小鹏,等(5):618-623.
术中甲状旁腺定位技术研究进展 杨周,黄仁宏,余伟平,等(5):612-617.
完全腔镜甲状腺手术的少见并发症及其预防策略 赖建勤,张迪,黄华平,等(12):1414-1420.
右位降主动脉合并右侧喉不返神经1例 张艳,项洋锋,陈超(12):1563-1564.
甲状腺切除术/方法无充气腋窝入路完全腔镜下甲状腺叶切除的方法——葛-郑氏七步法 郑传铭,徐加杰,蒋烈浩,等(11):1336-1341.
甲状腺肿瘤cN0期甲状腺乳头状微小癌大容量中央区淋巴结转移的危险因素 武元元,范向达,王军,等(11):1361-1366.
cN0期甲状腺微小乳头状癌侧颈淋巴结转移危险因素分析 沈文亮,吕晶,黑虎,等(5):551-557.
常规超声联合超声弹性成像对甲状腺微小乳头状癌诊断价值的Meta分析 谭妍迪,赵云,周军,等(5):565-572.
儿童及青少年甲状腺癌诊疗进展 杜瑞,梁楠,孙辉(11):1421-1426.
活化的NK细胞与分化型甲状腺癌术后复发关系的TCGA数据库分析 李红强,董晔尧,柳桢,等(11):1374-1378.
甲状腺癌在2型糖尿病患者中患病情况及相关因素分析 曾幸,刘慧霞,萧梅芳,等(5):558-564.
甲状腺乳头状癌术中清扫右侧喉返神经深层淋巴结的临床价值 李志祥,钱军,张立功,等(11):1354-1360.
腔镜与开放手术治疗低危型甲状腺乳头状癌的疗效比较:附538例报告 丁科,黄江生,汪明明,等(5):524-531.
甲状腺肿瘤/外科学胸乳入路腔镜手术在老年甲状腺良性肿瘤治疗中的应用 李立新,王连臣,符国宏(7):891-896.
甲状腺肿瘤/影像诊断分化型甲状腺癌术前原发肿物超声特征与术后颈部淋巴结转移的关系 高立霓,张敏,杨大雁,等(5):630-635.
结肠,乙状/外科学全腹腔镜下乙状结肠膀胱扩大术治疗结核性膀胱挛缩经验总结 李勇,陈志康,黄卫,等(9):1160-1164.
结肠肿瘤多种人结肠癌5-氟尿嘧啶耐药细胞株的建立及耐药机制初步研究 刘蒙,黄晓东,韩峥,等(10):1245-1252.
结核,胰腺/诊断胰腺结核误诊为胰腺肿瘤1例报告并文献复习 白锦峰,陈章彬,郭志唐,等(9):1156-1159.
结直肠外科手术加速康复外科在儿童择期性结直肠手术中的应用 周晓波,赵成鹏,王鎏,等(2):247-251.
直肠肛门日间手术临床实践指南(2019版) 国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心(湘雅),中国日间手术合作联盟(11):1322-1335.
结直肠肿瘤AJCC与JSCCR对直肠癌盆腔侧方淋巴结定义演变的解读 陈致奋(4):387-391.
腹腔镜根治术与传统开腹手术治疗结直肠癌的近期疗效及远期生存的比较 张仕林,韦国祥,彭厚坤(7):897-902.
高迁移率族蛋白2在结直肠癌组织中的表达及临床意义 李前,李定明,王卫卫,等(10):1269-1274.
结直肠癌液体活检的临床应用进展 刘鹏,刘合利(9):1143-1149.
理想小鼠结直肠癌肝转移模型的建立及研究进展 文宇,张子建,颜世超,等(4):484-490.
人结直肠癌肿瘤干样细胞生物学特性及其与细胞自噬关系 侯松林,蒋先虹,周国俊,等(10):1253-1260.
自膨式金属支架在结直肠梗阻中的应用进展 王世垚,丁永强,胡欢,等(10):1281-1287.
结直肠肿瘤/病理学结直肠癌肿瘤组织PMS2蛋白表达状态与其临床病理特征的关系 唐伟森,廖明媚,屈展,等(10):1297-1301.
结直肠肿瘤/外科学加速康复外科策略在老年结直肠癌腹腔镜手术治疗的应用及其对免疫功能和炎性因子的影响 罗维民,温翠婷,胡丰良(4):512-518.
颈动脉体瘤/诊断颈动脉体瘤诊治的临床分析:附38例报告 白杨,欧阳洋,黄建华(12):1469-1475.
静脉功能不全下肢功能不全穿通静脉的治疗进展 陈刚,王利新,符伟国(12):1534-1540.
静脉血栓栓塞/治疗儿童静脉血栓栓塞症的治疗 ——2018美国血液病学会静脉血栓栓塞管理指南解读 戴婷婷,黄建华,尹桃,等(6):649-653.
静脉血栓形成Angiojet机械吸栓治疗在手术相关下肢深静脉血栓患者中的应用及疗效 黄家麒,卢化祥,刘晓兵,等(6):654-660.
置管溶栓结合髂静脉支架治疗Cockett综合征伴下肢深静脉血栓的近远期疗效 杨威,李晓强,丁爱兴(6):661-667.
重组人尿激酶原经导管溶栓治疗急性髂股深静脉血栓的疗效观察 孙万里,温世奇,陈泉,等(12):1507-1512.
R 日乳
日间手术日间手术病历书写规范专家共识(2019年) 国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心(湘雅)(10):1171-1176.
乳腺癌男性乳腺癌的研究进展 洪育蒲,王卫星(5):624-629.
乳腺肿瘤MRI扩散加权成像表观扩散系数评估乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效的价值 张彦收,张庚,刘运江(11):1400-1405.
斑蝥酸钠维生素B6治疗晚期乳腺癌的疗效及对生存质量、安全性的影响 全昌银,邱小萍,张志强,等(5):636-640.
表柔比星联合紫杉醇新辅助化疗治疗乳腺癌保乳术患者的疗效及安全性 朱月梅,王国如,张沂,等(11):1406-1413.
泛素蛋白连接酶E3A在乳腺癌细胞中作用的蛋白质组学与生物信息学分析 谢少利,刘家有,王碧娟,等(5):590-596.
基于SEER数据库的原发性乳腺血管肉瘤临床病理特征及预后因素分析 韩琼,袁茂林,吴斌(11):1386-1392.
前哨淋巴结宏转移的早期乳腺癌非前哨淋巴结转移危险因素分析 张彦收,刘运江(5):606-611.
犬尿氨酸酶在乳腺浸润性导管癌中的作用及其与突变型P53的关系 肖永志,刘英哲,冯雪萍,等(12):1558-1562.
乳腺癌新辅助化疗的现状与进展——南方乳腺癌论坛主要议题与共识 蔡耿喜,蔡子杰,陈前军,等(11):1309-1321.
乳腺癌组织中cIAP1、XIAP和caspase-3的表达及其临床意义 汪灵,吴至佛,邓增艳,等(5):581-589.
钛化聚丙烯网片在乳腺癌术后硅凝胶假体即刻假体乳房再造中的应用 杨清默,陈文霖,陈双龙,等(11):1393-1399.
微管相关蛋白tau在乳腺癌中表达及临床意义的生物信息学分析 赵东怡,周恩相,李伦,等(5):597-605.
长链非编码RNA CBR3-AS1在乳腺癌中的表达及其功能 熊雄,焉正庆,张爱军(11):1379-1385.
肿瘤相关成纤维细胞中G蛋白偶联雌激素受体胞浆转位介导的旁分泌对乳腺癌细胞生长的影响 余腾骅,涂刚,彭美茜,等(5):573-580.
乳腺肿瘤/诊断超声弹性成像、X线钼靶与超声引导下穿刺活检在BI-RADS4类乳腺肿块鉴别诊断中的价值评估 吴文瑛,王晓岩,赵丽,等(3):377-382.
超声征象对超声引导下穿刺活检在早期乳腺癌中诊断价值的影响 张岳宇,孔繁云,陈成辉(9):1165-1170.
S 三疝栓
三阴性乳腺癌晚期三阴性乳腺癌的治疗进展 杨柳,王殊(11):1342-1346.
疝,腹股沟2018版腹股沟疝国际指南解读(日间手术部分) 宁彩虹,Bonsu Abdul Aziz,黄耿文(10):1177-1180.
Lichtenstein腹股沟疝修补术中使用自固定补片与缝合补片疗效比较的Meta分析 唐世磊,魏士博,张德巍,等(4):474-483.
猪小肠黏膜下层脱细胞基质补片在不同术式治疗青壮年腹股沟疝中的应用效果 曹桢,刘雨辰,申英末,等(10):1275-1280.
疝,食管裂孔食管裂孔疝的腔镜修补规范化操作七步法 周太成,马宁,陈双(10):1186-1191.
栓塞和血栓形成置管溶栓与机械吸栓治疗急性下肢动脉血栓的安全性与疗效比较 李飞,褚海伟,沈洋,等(6):668-672.
T 糖
Takayasu 动脉炎大动脉炎开放手术围手术期并发症的危险因素分析 刁永鹏,苗雨晴,陈作观,等(12):1455-1461.
糖尿病,2型/外科学袖状胃切除附加手术:肥胖与糖尿病治疗的新选择 吴安健,金露佳,董光龙,等(10):1288-1296.
W 胃吻
胃肠道间质肿瘤原发胃肠间质瘤临床病理特征及预后分析:附314例报告 赵丁民,廖国庆,刘盛,等(4):467-473.
胃肿瘤COL12A1在胃癌中的表达及其生物学功能研究 刘春梅,张印坡,杨娟(4):441-448.
miR-105-5p在胃癌中的表达及其意义与生物学功能 张雷,王宇锋,王亮,等(4):423-432.
Wnt7a蛋白在胃癌组织中的表达及其与预后的关系 刘博,赵建国,夏爱辉,等(4):449-455.
不可手术切除的局部进展期或转移性胃癌患者一线化疗前血液肿瘤标志物在预后评估中的价值 孙志伟,贾军,杜丰,等(8):1023-1030.
达芬奇机器人手术系统在残胃癌治疗中的应用:附8例报告 马凯,刘宏斌,孙建兵,等(4):417-422.
大株红景天对胃癌合并冠心病患者围术期的心脏保护作用 袁虎方,李勇,汪雁博,等(4):456-460.
单中心186例早期胃癌区域淋巴结转移特征与预后分析 周潮平,汤代彬,汪大田,等(10):1221-1227.
多梳蛋白4与含FERM结构域蛋白4A在胃癌组织中的表达及与意义 钱海权,周海宁,刘轲,等(10):1237-1244.
基于Markov模型的纳武利尤单抗治疗化疗后失败的进展期胃癌的成本效果分析 韩佳杞,佘龙江,姚林利,等(3):327-334.
加速康复外科在腹腔镜辅助胃癌根治术中的应用及其对患者术后恢复、营养及应激的影响 程康文,王贵和,束宽山,等(10):1228-1236.
进展期胃上部癌患者行腹腔镜保脾脾门淋巴结环周清扫术的安全性及疗效分析 许燕常,李志雄,潘国烽,等(10):1205-1211.
捆绑式反穿刺法食管空肠吻合技术在腹腔镜胃癌根治术中的应用 李胜,杨文光,樊林(10):1197-1204.
膜联蛋白A7水平在胃癌患者癌组织及外周血液中的变化及其临床意义 叶卫华,袁虎方(10):1261-1268.
皮革胃患者术后生存情况预测的列线图模型研究 戴赟,陆俊,李平,等(4):461-466.
青海地区残胃癌患者的临床特征与预后分析 王刚,郑良璐,李刚刚,等(10):1212-1220.
食管空肠overlap与π形吻合术后短期疗效及患者生活质量的对比研究 韦明光,王楠,吴涛,等(4):407-416.
胃癌枢纽基因的筛选和预后分析 孙梦雨,邱洁萍,吴之涵,等(4):433-440.
真核起始因子4A1在胃癌中的表达及其在胃癌细胞增殖、侵袭及迁移中的作用 肖众福,胡宽(6):706-712.
胃肿瘤/外科学ERAS对全腹腔镜远端胃癌D2根治术患者应激反应、生命体征及细胞免疫的影响 宋兴超,路要武,吴超,等(8):1031-1036.
新辅助化疗联合腹腔镜手术治疗进展期胃癌的疗效及对患者预后的影响 刘琪,袁波,杜应莲(10):1302-1308.
吻合口瘘消化道吻合口瘘内镜微创治疗的现状及进展 徐义军,张文杰(4):491-497.
吻合术,外科/方法磁压榨吻合技术研究进展 李艳,吴荣谦,马锋,等(10):1181-1185.
X 腺消小血
腺癌经腹食管裂孔入路下纵隔淋巴结清扫在食管胃结合部腺癌手术中的应用 胡文庆,崔鹏,张晋杰,等(10):1192-1196.
消化系统外科手术稳步发展和渐趋成熟的NOSES技术 胡军红,李兴旺(4):383-386.
小肠结肠炎,坏死性/外科学坏死肠道切除及肠道造瘘术治疗新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎:附82例报告 罗厚忠,雷贤明,陈娟,等(4):507-511.
血管内膜动静脉特异性内膜增生信号通路的研究现状 付品婷,邬光敏,郭媛媛(6):743-748.
血管移植术大鼠自体移植静脉差异表达microRNA及其生物信息学分析 万树威,李震,曹辉(12):1490-1496.
血栓形成急性肠系膜上动脉血栓形成的腔内溶栓治疗:附24例报告 秦少华,刘萍,郝庭嘉,等(6):673-678.
原发性主动脉壁血栓的诊疗进展 何长顺,张韬,李清乐,等(8):1007-1011.
Y 炎胰移
炎性乳腺肿瘤/诊断炎性乳癌诊断与治疗的现状及研究进展 胡芸,杨帆(11):1427-1436.
胰十二指肠切除术腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术的临床应用:附22例报告 张智勇,常虎林,海军,等(9):1075-1081.
改良胰管空肠端侧黏膜吻合术在胰十二指肠切除术中的应用 彭雨,陈凯,杨冲,等(3):273-279.
贯穿式间断胰肠吻合的动物实验研究 沈正超,王小明,胡明华,等(3):292-298.
机器人辅助下胰十二指肠切除术:附18例报告 胡海,余枭,胡桂,等(3):260-266.
胰十二指肠切除术后并发症患者中血清降钙素原、C-反应蛋白及乳酸脱氢酶的变化 黄浩,龚文锋,黄昭东,等(9):1150-1155.
胰十二指肠切除术后胰瘘的预测因素筛选及预测模型构建的单中心前瞻性研究 曹昕彤,申鼎成,黄耿文,等(9):1115-1122.
胰腺切除术加速康复外科策略在胰腺外科围手术期的应用 李湧,吴绍峰,王付强,等(12):1513-1518.
胰腺炎WSES重症急性胰腺炎管理指南(2019)解读 朱帅,黄耿文(9):1048-1053.
急性胰腺炎腺泡细胞损伤机制研究进展 洪育蒲,余佳,石乔,等(12):1541-1546.
胸腔积液联合血清MCP-1、sTREM-1对急性胰腺炎严重程度的早期评估价值 宋磊,高明(3):299-305.
胰腺炎,急性坏死性感染性胰腺坏死合并十二指肠瘘的微创手术治疗:附15例报告 宁彩虹,黄耿文,申鼎成,等(9):1123-1130.
胰腺积液经皮穿刺引流术精准化治疗的回顾与现状 张劲夫,董春阳,张兴文(3):350-355.
紫草素对大鼠重症急性胰腺炎并发急性肺损伤的抑制作用 王泽普,彭彦辉,脱红芳,等(9):1103-1108.
胰腺炎,急性坏死性/并发症超声内镜下穿刺引流治疗感染性胰腺坏死:附60例报告 刘云飞,尚明铭,罗东,等(3):306-312.
急性胰腺炎相关性肝门静脉积气2例报告并文献复习 曹利军,孙昀,张频捷,等(3):313-319.
胰腺炎,慢性/诊断沟槽状胰腺炎的临床研究进展 刘智勇,朱泽民,邓飞杰,等(3):343-349.
肿块型慢性胰腺炎的临床特征及诊治:附16例报告 黄昊苏,严璐,龙禛朴,等(3):320-326.
胰腺炎,遗传性遗传性胰腺炎发病机制及治疗研究进展 刘景鸿,施小六(3):335-342.
胰腺肿瘤microRNA调控胰腺癌干细胞的作用研究进展 洪乐,肖卫东(9):1137-1142.
miR-526b在胰腺癌中的表达及作用 杨洋,鲍媛,吴新华,等(9):1095-1102.
YEATS域含蛋白质4在胰腺癌组织中的表达及预后意义 陈吉祥,章俊亚,党胜春,等(6):713-718.
达芬奇机器人“3+2”模式在胰体尾切除术中的应用 詹渭鹏,狐鸣,田宏伟,等(9):1061-1067.
腹腔镜保脾胰体尾切除术治疗胰体尾癌的可行性探讨 白明辉,刘海潮,苏宝威,等(3):356-360.
腹腔镜下胰体尾切除术治疗胰腺良性与交界性肿瘤的临床效果 佘明杰,徐永建,张佩君,等(3):267-272.
腹腔镜胰体尾切除治疗胰腺体尾部肿瘤的安全性及疗效分析 陈杰,邵月,秦雷,等(9):1054-1060.
腹腔镜与开腹胰十二指肠切除治疗十二指肠乳头腺癌疗效比较 程发辉,吴浩然,蒋波,等(9):1068-1074.
抗血管生成靶向药物在胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤治疗中的应用及研究进展 张艺璇,陈洁(9):1042-1047.
细胞周期调节蛋白1在胰腺癌中的表达及临床意义 杜秋国,张日新,叶啸,等(9):1082-1087.
血红素氧合酶1在胰腺癌组织中的表达及临床意义 刘海潮,刘少朋,白明辉,等(9):1088-1094.
胰腺癌临床研究的热点问题 隋宇航,孙备(3):255-259.
胰腺实性假乳头状瘤47例临床分析 孙根,付晓伟,洪乐,等(3):280-284.
长链非编码RNA HOST2对胰腺癌细胞增殖迁移和侵袭的影响 陈伟业,邢宏松,江帆,等(3):285-291.
胰腺肿瘤/外科学18F-FDG PET/CT显像与增强CT评估胰腺癌分期、血管侵犯、远处转移和手术指征的比较 贾维,印隆林,季冰,等(3):360-365.
微创外科时代胰腺囊性肿瘤的诊断和治疗 夏涛,牟一平(9):1037-1041.
移植物闭塞,血管股腘动脉支架内再狭窄的腔内治疗进展 贺艺,王兵(6):749-755.
腔内减容联合药物涂层球囊在复杂股腘动脉支架内再狭窄的应用 贺艺,王兵,吴斐,等(12):1462-1468.
Z 直肿主
直肠肿瘤机器人辅助和腹腔镜手术治疗直肠癌疗效与安全性比较的Meta分析 韩彩文,闫沛静,蔡辉,等(4):399-406.
新辅助化疗联合腹腔镜根治术治疗直肠癌的疗效及其对患者围手术期免疫功能的影响 尚红娟,曹键,疏云,等(12):1552-1557.
自然腔道取出标本手术对直肠癌患者术后康复及免疫功能的影响分析 尹义学,蔡彬彬,司亮,等(4):392-398.
直肠肿瘤/病理学直肠癌组织中肿瘤浸润性树突状细胞数量和表型的改变及临床意义 胡永挑,曾小康(6):768-772.
肿瘤骨膜蛋白在恶性肿瘤发生发展中的作用和机制研究进展 何红莹,房锋,宋天强(4):498-506.
主动脉,腹开放与腔内腹主动脉暂时阻断在凶险性前置胎盘合并胎盘植入剖宫产手术中的应用比较 唐雅兵,刘睿,王伟,等(12):1519-1525.
主动脉疾病体外开窗及开槽技术在主动脉弓部疾病TEVAR术的应用 吴鸿飞,曾昭凡,戚悠飞,等(12):1449-1454.
主动脉瘤,腹腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术后髂支闭塞的原因及治疗策略 冯乐蒙,潘柏宏,蔡舟,等(9):1131-1136.
国人腹主动脉瘤累及髂动脉的解剖学特征与髂动脉分支支架适用性:单中心58例分析 王桂立,张薇,侯凯,等(6):719-724.
开窗支架与烟囱技术腔内治疗腹主动脉瘤疗效比较的Meta分析 依地热斯·艾山,李新喜,田野,等(6):696-705.
药物诱导联合流出道缩窄构建兔腹主动脉瘤模型的实验研究 赵梦婕,任玥颖,胡璇,等(12):1482-1489.
脑脊液引流防治胸腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术后脊髓损伤疗效及安全性的系统评价和Meta分析 苏奕明,魏立春,侯培勇,等(6):687-695.
AdenocarcinomaApplication of transhiatal approach for lower mediastinal lymph node dissection in surgery for adenocarcinoma of esophagogastric junction Hu WQ,Cui P,Zhang JJ,et al(10):1192-1196.
Ampulla of Vater Neoplasms/surgApplication of carbon nanoparticles injection in lymphadenectomy for ampullary carcinoma Li Q,Huang XJ,Liu LP,et al(2):206-211.
Anastomosis,Surgical/methodsProgress of magnetic compression anastomosis technique Li Y,Wu RQ,Ma F,et al(10):1181-1185.
Anastomotic LeakEndoscopic minimally invasive treatment of gastrointestinal anastomotic fistula:current status and progress Xu YJ,Zhang WJ(4):491-497.
Aneurysm,DissectingEndovascular treatment of recurrence of symptomatic isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection after initial successful conservative treatment:a report of 8 cases Li HQ,Hou K,Chen G,et al(6):679-686.
Treatment of vertebral artery dissection aneurysm keeping parent artery patent:a report of 28 cases Fang XG,Cheng SW,Wu D,et al(6):731-736.
Aneurysm,Infected/surgRecognition of the treatment ofinfected abdominal aortic aneurysm Xiao ZX,Zhang WB(12):1445-1448.
Aorta,AbdominalComparison of using open and endovascular temporary aortic occlusion in cesarean section for pregnancies with dangerous placenta previa and concomitant placenta accreta Tang YB,Lui R,Wang W,et al(12):1519-1525.
Aortic Aneurysm,AbdominalAnatomic features in Chinese patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms involving iliac arteries and applicability ofiliac branch devices:an analysis of 58 cases in a single center Wang GL,Zhang W,Hou K,et al(6):719-724.
Causes and treatment strategies for iliac limb occlusion after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm Feng LM,Pan BH,Cai Z,et al(9):1131-1136.
Experimental study of construction of rabbit abdominal aortic aneurysm model by drug induction combined with outfl ow coarctation Zhao MJ,Ren YY,Hu X,et al(12):1482-1489.
Fenestrated endografts versus chimney stent repair for abdominal aortic aneurysms:a Meta-analysis Yidiresi·AS,Li XX,Tian Y,et al(6):696-705.
Aortic Aneurysm,ThoracicEfficacy and safety of cerebrospinal fluid drainage for prevention and treatment of spinal cord injury after thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair:a systematic review and Meta-analysis Su YM,Wei LC,Hou PY,et al(6):687-695.
Aortic DiseasesApplication ofin-vitro fenestration and scallop techniques in TEVAR for aortic arch disease Wu HF,Zeng ZF,Qi YF,et al(12):1449-1454.
Arterial Occlusive DiseasesEndovascular treatment of total subclavian artery occlusion:a report of 32 cases Liang SC,Zhang AD,Li FK,et al(12):1476-1481.
Arteriosclerosis ObliteransApplication of combination of debulking atherectomy and drug-coated balloon in lower limb arteriosclerosis obliterans:current status and progress Wei LC,Guo JM,Hou PY,et al(12):1526-1533.
Arteriosclerosis Obliterans/surgExploration on the safety and efficacy of lower extremity arterial bypass graft and endovascular reconstruction operation for treatment of lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans of elderly patients Li GZ,Zhao JJ,Ma R,et al(6):756-761.
Arteriovenous FistulaClinical efficacy of transposition of cephalic vein to basilic or axillary vein plus arteriovenous fistula constriction for cephalic arch stenosis in patients with high-flow brachiocephalic fistula Huang XM,Wang Y,Xiao W,et al(6):725-730.
Efficacy of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in treatment of stenosis or occlusion of the arteriovenous graft Peng JX,Wan H,Liu ZJ(12):1497-1506.
Bile Duct NeoplasmsClinical efficacy ofintraoperative trans-omentum vein injection of mitomycin during ICC hepatectomy Zhang QJ,Chen Y,Xu Q,et al(3):371-376.
Expression of long non-coding RNA CBR3-AS1 in cholangiocarcinoma and its clinical significance Lu B,Zhu XF,Cai CC,et al(8):960-966.
Expression of lysyl oxidase-like 2 in cholangiocarcinoma and its relations with vascular endothelial growth factor A and angiogenesis Peng T,Li DJ,Wang SG(8):943-951.
Expression of nucleolar spindle associated protein 1 in cholangiocarcinoma tissue and its clinical significance Zhang SZ,Fu XW,Liu Q,et al(2):173-178.
Expression of SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 2 in cholangiocarcinoma and its clinical significance Sun Y,Sun XZ,Zhang BY(8):977-982.
Expressions of TGF-β1,survivin and caspase-3 in hepatolithiasis-associated intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and their clinical significance Xie WX,Bai Y,Li FL,et al(8):967-976.
Multimodality treatment ofintrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Tang CW,Tong HJ,Tang ZH(8):903-909.
Preparation of liposomal sinoporphyrin sodium and its photodynamic effect against cholangiocarcinoma cell in vitro Liu X,Zou H,Deng XF,et al(2):159-165.
Progress of molecular profiling ofintrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Li XP,Liu SL,Jiang B(2):219-226.
RCAS1/EBAG9 and P53 protein expressions in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and the clinical significance Wang YJ,Xu ZQ,Wang ZM,et al(8):952-959.
Breast NeoplasmsAnalysis of clinicopathologic features and prognosis of primary breast angiosarcoma based on SEER database Han Q,Yuan ML,Wu B(11):1386-1392.
Analysis of risk factors for non-sentinel lymph node metastasis in early breast cancer with sentinel lymph node macrometastasis Zhang YS,Liu YJ(5):606-611.
Application of titanium-coated polypropylene mesh in immediate breast reconstruction with silicone prosthesis after breast cancer surgery Yang QM,Chen WL,Chen SL,et al(11):1393-1399.
Current status and development of chemotherapy of breast cancer:the main topics and agreements of China South Breast Cancer Symposium Cai GX,Cai ZJ,Chen QJ,et al(11):1309-1321.
Efficacy and safety of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with epirubicin plus paclitaxel in treatment of patients undergoing breast-preserving surgery for breast cancer Zhu YM,Wang GR,Zhang Y,et al(11):1406-1413.
Expression of long non-coding RNA CBR3-AS1 in breast cancer and its function Xiong X,Yan ZQ,Zhang AJ(11):1379-1385.
Expression of microtubule-associated protein tau in breast cancer and its clinical significance:a bioinformatics analysis Zhao DY,Zhou EX,Li L,et al(5):597-605.
Expressions of cIAP1,XIAP and caspase-3 in breast cancer tissue and their clinical significance Wang L,Wu ZF,Deng ZY,et al(5):581-589.
Function of kynureninase in breast invasive ductal carcinoma and its relation with mutant P53 Xiao YZ,Liu YZ,Feng XP,et al(12):1558-1562.
Influence of paracrine mediated by cytoplasmic translocation of G protein-coupled estrogen receptor in cancer-associated fibroblasts on growth of breast cancer cells Yu TH,Tu G,Peng MQ,et al(5):573-580.
Proteomics and bioinformatics analyses of role of ubiquitinprotein ligase E3A in breast cancer cells Xie SL,Liu JY,Wang BJ,et al(5):590-596.
Therapeutic effect of disodium cantharidinate combined with vitamin B6 for advanced stage breast cancer and its infl uence on quality of life and safety Quan CY,Qiu XP,Zhang ZQ,et al(5):636-640.
Value of apparent diffusion coefficient of diffusionweighted MRI imaging in predicting efficacy of breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy Zhang YS,Zhang G,Liu YJ(11):1400-1405.
Breast Neoplasms,MaleResearch progress of male breast cancer Hong YP,Wang WX(5):624-629.
Breast Neoplasms/diagAssessment and evaluation of ultrasound elastography imaging,mammography and ultrasound-guided needle-aspiration biopsy in diff erential diagnosis of BI-RADS4 type of breast cancer Wu WY,Wang XY,Zhao L,et al(3):377-382.
Influence of ultrasound manifestations on diagnostic value of ultrasound-guided puncture biopsy in early-stage breast cancer Zhang YY,Kong FY,Chen CH(9):1165-1170.
Carcinoma,HepatocellularAnalysis of consistency in assessing the volume of hepatocellular carcinoma between enhanced CT and magnetic resonance examinations based on 3D segmentation technique Tang SX,Li D,Xiao EH,et al(7):871-877.
Analysis of factors for early recurrence of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after resection Le Q,Zhu TE,Mo ZY,et al(1):18-23.
Change in serum level of exosomal miR-1290 in patients with hepatitis B virus related hepatocellular carcinoma and its diagnostic value Gao B,Xiong YH,Huang ZB,et al(1):31-38.
Comparison of safety and efficacy of laparoscopic and open hepatectomy for early hepatocellular carcinoma using propensity score matching Tian BZ,Ou SJ,Zhou LX,et al(7):809-814.
Comparison of short-term therapeutic effect of laparoscopic-assisted and laparotomy ALPPS in treatment of hepatic cancer Zhou CH,Luo H,Li JR,et al(3):366-370.
Connection of exportin 5 expression to clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma Chen JF,Zhou WH,Wang JG(1):64-69.
Construction of oncolyic adenovirus SG600-IL24 carrying human mda-7/IL-24 gene and mechanism for its selective killing hepatocullular carcinoma cells Xiao CW,Zheng XL,Cai CC,et al(1):39-48.
Efficacy and prognosis comparison of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation and laparoscopic hepatectomy in treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma Zhang HY,Zhuang ZB,Lin CD,et al(1):24-30.
Efficacy and safety of postoperative adjuvant transcatheter arterial chemoembolization plus portal vein chemotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma patients associated with portal vein tumor thrombus Dai BS,Lei SX,Yang ZY,et al(2):188-194.
Efficacy comparison of using diff erent hepatic infl ow occlusion techniques in hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma Yao L,Wang ZM,Ouyang XW,et al(7):815-824.
Establishment of the T“N”M staging system for hepatocellular carcinoma with necrosis plus vascular invasion as an essential component and its preliminary accuracy assessment Wang ZM,He DR,Zhong JH,et al(7):790-797.
Expression of kinesin family member 15 in liver cancer and its significance He Z,Wu H,Zheng J(1):58-63.
Expression of long non-coding RNA MIF-AS1 in hepatocellular carcinoma and its association with epithelialmesenchymal transition Hu ZX,Zheng XL(7):848-856.
Expression of microRNA-942-5p in hepatocellular carcinoma and its relations with malignant feature and unfavorable outcomes of the patients Ding L,Mo HY,Xian Y,et al(7):840-847.
Expression of SFPQ in hepatocellular carcinoma and its eff ect on cell proliferation and cell cycle Chen YR,Dan ZCM,Bai WD,et al(1):49-57.
Hepatitis B virus X protein regulating liver cancer stem cells to maintain biological behaviors of hepatocellular carcinoma:recent research progress Sun WM,Zha Y(1):92-98.
Impact of hepatitis B virus infection and antiviral therapy on microvascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma Qu C,Liu K,Wang YX,et al(1):10-17.
Interpretation of guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of primary liver cancer(2017 edition)Li M,Xiong J(7):785-789.
Preliminary study of the biological function of circular RNA FBLIM1 in hepatocellular carcinoma Peng EM,Xia FD,Wang WL,et al(9):1109-1114.
Research progress in immunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma Ning K,Yin XB(2):234-240.
Carcinoma,Hepatocellular/therCurrent status of treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in children below 14 years of age Yuan JH,Zhang JF,Li GL,et al(7):885-890.
Carotid Body Tumor/diagClinical analysis of diagnosis and treatment of carotid body tumor:a report of 38 cases Bai Y,Ouyang Y,Huang JH(12):1469-1475.
Cholecystectomy,LaparoscopicApplication value of retrograde tracing along cystic duct for prevention of extrahepatic bile duct injury in laparoscopic cholecystectomy Chen XP,Cheng B,Bao SH,et al(2):135-141.
Research progress of bile duct injury associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy Xu SQ,Zou SB(2):227-233.
Safety analysis of laparoscopic cholecystectomy one-day surgery for elderly patients Li H,Zhao LJ(8):1012-1017.
Cholecystitis,AcuteClinical observation on prophylactic use of antibiotics in laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis Chen LJ,Peng J,Ma JL,et al(8):1018-1022.
Efficacy and timing of sequential therapy of percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis Yang M,Liu JL,Zhang XJ(8):923-928.
Cholecystolithiasis,HereditaryChanges in expressions of nuclear receptor genes in liver tissue of patients with hereditary cholesterol gallstone Li CY,Zhao X,Fan N,et al(2):166-172.
CholedocholithiasisApplication of C/S-J type selfreleasing biliary stent for biliary drainage after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Yang Y,Tian MG,Xin GJ,et al(8):929-935.
Efficacy comparison between primary closure and T-tube drainage following laparoscopic cholecystectomy with common bile duct exploration Xie WX,Luo KL(2):127-134.
Factors for recurrence of choledocholithiasis after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography:recent progress Ye C,Zhang H,Zhou WC(8):995-999.
Infl uence of age on postoperative pancreatitis and its severity after ERCP for choledocholithiasis Li JY,Liu F,Ma YF,et al(8):936-942.
Laparoscopic transcystic versus transcholedochal common bile duct exploration for choledocholithiasis:a Meta-analysis Guo ZY,Yin C,Tu B(8):910-922.
Cholelithiasis/surgLaparoscopic transcystic duct microincision and primary closure for stone at the junction of the cystic duct and common hepatic duct:a report of 8 cases Zhang RF,Wang ZH,Zhang Y,et al(2):153-158.
Colon,Sigmoid/surySummary of experience in total laparoscopic sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty in treatment of tuberculous bladder contracture Li Y,Chen ZK,Huang W,et al(9):1160-1164.
Colonic NeoplasmsEstablishment of several human colon cancer cell lines resistant to 5-fluorouracil and preliminary analysis of the mechanism for drug resistance Liu M,Huang XD,Han Z,et al(10):1245-1252.
Colorectal NeoplasmsAdvances in application of selfexpandable metallic stenting for colorectal obstruction Wang SY,Ding YQ,Hu H,et al(10):1281-1287.
Advances in clinical applications of liquid biopsies for colorectal cancer Liu P,Liu HL(9):1143-1149.
Biological characteristics of human colorectal cancer stemlike cells and their relationship with autophagy Hou SL,Jiang XH,Zhou GJ,et al(10):1253-1260.
Comparison of short-term therapeutic effect and long-term survival of laparoscopic radical resection and conventional laparotomy operation for treatment of colorectal cancer Zhang SL,Wei GX,Peng HK(7):897-902.
Development ofideal mouse models of colorectal cancer liver metastasis and recent progress Wen Y,Zhang ZJ,Yan SC,et al(4):484-490.
Expression of high mobility group box 2 in colorectal cancer tissue and its clinical significance Li Q,Li DM,Wang WW,et al(10):1269-1274.
Interpretation of evolving definitions for lateral pelvic lymph nodes proposed by AJCC and JSCCR Chen ZF(4):387-391.
Colorectal Neoplasms/patholExpression status of PMS2 protein in colorectal cancer tumor tissue and the relationship with its clinicopathological characteristics Tang WS,Liao MM,Qu Z,et al(10):1297-1301.
Colorectal Neoplasms/surgImplementation of enhanced recovery of surgery strategy in laparoscopic surgical treatment of colorectal cancer in elderly patients and its effect on immune function and infl ammatory factors Luo WM,Wen CT,Hu FL(4):512-518.
Colorectal SurgeryClinical practice guideline for ambulatory anorectal surgery(2019)National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders(Xiangya),China Ambulatory Surgery Alliance(11):1322-1335.
Implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery protocol for elective colorectal surgery in children Zhou XB,Zhao CP,Wang L,et al(2):247-251.
Common Bile Duct ExplorationUnidirectional barbed suture versus traditional suture for laparoscopic primary choledochal closure:a Meta-analysis He P,Lai L,Su S,et al(2):142-152.
Day SurgeryExpert consensus on the norms for writing medical records of day surgery(2019)National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders(Xiangya)(10):1171-1176.
Diabetes Mellitus,Type 2/surySleeve gastrectomy plus procedures:new choice for treatment of obesity and diabetes Wu AJ,Jin LJ,Dong GL,et al(10):1288-1296.
Digestive System Surgical ProceduresNOSES:a steadily growing and gradually maturing technology Hu JH,Li XW(4):383-386.
Embolism and ThrombosisComparison of safety and efficacy of percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy versus catheter-directed thrombolysis for acute arterial thrombosis of the lower extremity Li F,Chu HW,Shen Y,et al(6):668-672.
Enterocolitis,Necrotizing/surgExcision of necrotic bowel and enterostomy in treatment of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis:a report of 82 cases Luo HZ,Lei XM,Chen J,et al(4):507-511.
Gallbladder NeoplasmsAnalysis of clinicopathologic characteristics of gallbladder cancer and clinicopathologic risk factors for lymphatic metastasis Jiao D,Chai FX,Xing C,et al(8):983-988.
Gallbladder Neoplasms/surgImplementation,efficacy and assessment of enhanced recovery concept and pain management of patients undergoing resection of gallbladder carcinoma Li CX,Wang SD(2):241-246.
Progress in multidisciplinary treatment of gallbladder carcinoma Zhu ZC,Luo KL(8):1000-1006.
Gastrointestinal Stromal TumorsAnalysis of clinicopathologic features and prognosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor:a report of 314 cases Zhao DM,Liao GQ,Liu S,et al(4):467-473.
Gaucher Disease/diagSplenectomy for Gaucher's disease:a report of one case Chen L,Zhang H,Zhao LJ(2):252-254.
Graft Occlusion,VascularAdvances in endovascular treatment ofin-stent restenosis of femoropopliteal artery He Y,Wang B(6):749-755.
Application of endovascular debulking combined with drug-coated balloon in treatment of complex femoropopliteal artery in-stent restenosis He Y,Wang B,Wu F,et al(12):1462-1468.
HepatectomyApplication of concept of enhanced recovery after surgery in hepatectomy Yu JT,Ren KW,Wu PP,et al(8):989-994.
Application of goal-directed fluid therapy in elderly patients undergoing open hepatectomy Shen SQ,Duan XH,Liu SL,et al(1):77-83.
Clinical application of enhanced recovery after surgery in precise laparoscopic hepatectomy for hepatic hemangioma Xie WX,Fang Z,Liu H,et al(7):864-870.
Hepatectomy/methodsProcess optimization and application of laparoscopic right hemihepatectomy based on liver parenchyma transection-first approach Wu K,Li J,You N,et al(7):857-863.
Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy:the recent progress Ji FM,Zou H,Wang LM,et al(1):99-106.
Hernia,HiatalSeven-step procedure of standardized laparoscopic repair for hiatal hernia Zhou TC,Ma N,Chen S(10):1186-1191.
Hernia,InguinalApplication efficacy of porcine small intestinal submucosa patch in diff erent procedures for inguinal hernia in young adult patients Cao Z,Liu YC,Shen YM,et al(10):1275-1280.
Efficacy comparison of using self-gripping mesh and sutured mesh in Lichtenstein hernia repair:a Meta-analysis Tang SL,Wei SB,Zhang DW,et al(4):474-483.
Interpretation of International guidelines(2018)for inguinal hernia management(day surgery section)Ning CH,Aziz BA,Huang GW(10):1177-1180.
Hypertension,PortalCurrent status regarding diagnosis and management ofidiopathic portal hypertension Zhu Q,Xiang CH(1):117-124.
Infl ammatory Breast Neoplasms/diagDiagnosis and treatment ofinflammatory breast cancer:current status and research progress Hu Y,Yang F(11):1427-1436.
Liver CirrhosisComprehensive treatment of esophogastric variceal bleeding secondary to liver cirrhosis Wang H,Li T,He ZJ(1):107-116.
Liver NeoplasmsApplication value of using enterohepatic anastomosis with interposition of round ligament in surgical treatment of tumors in hepatic hilar region Wu S,Liu ZZ,Li XQ(7):833-839.
Bioinformatics analysis of glutathione peroxidase 1 expression in liver cancer tissue and its significance Wang S,Chen B,Miao XY(2):179-187.
Efficacy of laparoscopic versus open right hemihepatectomy for liver tumor:a Meta-analysis Jiang S,Wang ZY,Ou MR,et al(1):1-9.
Meta-analysis of efficacy and safety of apatinib combined with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for intermediate and advanced liver cancer Zhu ZM,Xie ZQ,Zhao ZJ,et al(7):798-808.
Meta-analysis of using enhanced recovery after surgery in open hepatectomy for liver cancer Su Y,Zhang L,Ren LF,et al(2):195-205.
Relationship between Ki-67 expression and prognosis of patients with primary liver cancer undergoing prophylactic transarterial chemoembolization after radical hepatectomy Wei FQ,Luo LP,Liang D,et al(7):825-832.
Liver Neoplasms/diagnostic imagingUltrasonography manifestation of hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma in adult patient:a case report Li L,Xie P(5):645-648.
Liver Neoplasms/surgAnalysis of the pathogenic characteristics and infl uential factors of postoperative infection of hepatectomy for hepatic cancer Wang Y,Wang F,Zhang AY,et al(6):762-767.
Predictive value of APRI,FIB-4 and BPRI for postoperative recurrence of primary hepatocellular carcinoma Li J,Deng JD,Zhang YN,et al(12):1547-1551.
Liver TransplantationImmune tolerance in liver transplantation induced by dendritic cells transfected with B and T lymphocyte attenuator gene in rats and its mechanism Li JL,Guo TK,Zhang D,et al(1):70-76.
Living donor hepatectomy:review and prospects Wen NY,Zhang HL,Wei YG(7):779-784.
Risk factors of new onset diabetes mellitus after liver transplantation:recent research progress Xiong H,Ding YM(7):878-884.
Tumor recurrence after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma:recent research progress Zheng SS,Cheng QY,Geng L,et al(7):773-778.
Melanoma/surgPrimary anorectal malignant melanoma:a case report and review of literature Ouyang ZY,Yang HX,Liu XW,et al(5):641-644.
NeoplasmsRole of periostin in occurrence and development of malignant tumors He HY,Fang F,Song TQ(4):498-506.
PancreatectomyEfficacy of application of enhanced recovery after surgery in pancreatic surgery Li Y,Wu SF,Wang FQ,et al(12):1513-1518.
Pancreatic NeoplasmsAnalysis of safety and efficacy of laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for cancers of the pancreatic body and tail Chen J,Shao Y,Qin L,et al(9):1054-1060.
Application of “3+2” mode da Vinci robotic surgery in distal pancreatectomy Zhan WP,Hu M,Tian HW,et al(9):1061-1067.
Clinical efficacy of laparoscopic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy for benign and borderline pancreatic tumors She MJ,Xu YJ,Zhang PJ,et al(3):267-272.
Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cystic neoplasms in the era of minimally invasive surgery Xia T,Mou YP(9):1037-1041.
Eff ects of long non-coding RNA HOST2 on proliferation,migration and invasion in pancreatic cancer cells Chen WY,Xing HS,Jiang F,et al(3):285-291.
Efficacy comparison between laparoscopic and open pancreatoduodenectomy in treatment of adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater Cheng FH,Wu HR,Jiang B,et al(9):1068-1074.
Expression of heme oxygenase-1 in human pancreatic cancer and its clinical significance Liu HC,Liu SP,Bai MH,et al(9):1088-1094.
Expression of miR-526b in pancreatic cancer and its function Yang Y,Bao Y,Wu XH,et al(9):1095-1102.
Expression of speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member A in pancreatic carcinoma and its clinical significance Du QG,Zhang RX,Ye X,et al(9):1082-1087.
Expression of YEATS domain-containing protein 4 in pancreatic cancer tissue and its prognostic significance Chen JX,Zhang JY,Dang SC,et al(6):713-718.
Feasibility study of laparoscopic spleen preservation and resection of pancreatic body and tail for treatment of cancer of body and tail of pancrea Bai MH,Liu HC,Su BW,et al(3):356-360.
Hot issues in clinical research of pancreatic cancer Sui YH,Sun B(3):255-259.
Progress of application and research of targeted antiangiogenic drugs in treatment of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms Zhang YX,Chen J(9):1042-1047.
Research progress of the role of microRNAs in regulating pancreatic cancer stem cells Hong L,Xiao WD(9):1137-1142.
Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas:a clinical analysis of 47 cases Sun G,Fu XW,Hong L,et al(3):280-284.
Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgComparison of18F-FDG PRT/CT and enhanced CT to assess the tumor stage,vascular invasion,distant metastasis and surgical indications of pancreatic cancer Jia W,Yin LL,Ji B,et al(3):360-365.
PancreaticoduodenectomyA single center prospective study of screening predictive factors and building predictive model for postoperative pancreatic fistula after pancreaticoduodenectomy Cao XT,Shen DC,Huang GW,et al(9):1115-1122.
Animal study ofinterrupted running-through suture pancreaticojejunostomy Shen ZC,Wang XM,Hu MH,et al(3):292-298.
Application of modified pancreatic duct-to-jejunal mucosa end-to-side anastomosis in pancreaticoduodenectomy Peng Y,Chen K,Yang C,et al(3):273-279.
Changes of serum procalcitonin,C-reactive protein,and lactic dehydrogenase in pancreaticoduodenectomy patients with postoperative complications Huang H,Gong WF,Huang ZD,et al(9):1150-1155.
Experience in clinical application of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy:a report of 22 cases Zhang ZY,Chang HL,Hai J,et al(9):1075-1081.
Performance experiences in robotic-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy:a report of 18 cases Hu H,Yu X,Hu G,et al(3):260-266.
PancreatitisInterpretation of 2019 WSES guidelines for the management of severe acute pancreatitis Zhu S,Huang GW(9):1048-1053.
Mechanism for injury of pancreatic acinar cells during acute pancreatitis:recent progress Hong YP,Yu J,Shi Q,et al(12):1541-1546.
Value of pleural effusion combined with serum MCP-1 and sTREM-1 detection in early predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis Song L,Gao M(3):299-305.
Pancreatitis,Acute NecrotizingAccurate percutaneous catheter drainage treatment for pancreatic fluid collections:a review and current status Zhang JF,Dong CY,Zhang XW(3):350-355.
Inhibitory effect of shikonin against severe acute pancreatitis and associated acute lung injury in rats Wang ZP,Peng YH,Tuo HF,et al(9):1103-1108.
Minimally invasive procedures for infected pancreatic necrosis complicated with duodenal fistula:a report of 15 cases Ning CH,Huang GW,Shen DC,et al(9):1123-1130.
Pancreatitis,Acute Necrotizing/compEndoscopic ultrasound-guided puncture drainage for infectious pancreatic necrosis:a report of 60 cases Liu YF,Shang
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Hepatic portal venous gas associated with pancreatitis:a report of two cases and literature review Cao LJ,Sun Y,Zhang PJ,et al(3):313-319.
Pancreatitis,Chronic/diagClinical features of massforming chronic pancreatitis and its diagnosis and treatment:a report of 16 cases Huang HS,Yan L,Long ZP,et al(3):320-326.
Pancreatitis,Chronic/therAdvances in clinical research of groove pancreatitis Liu ZY,Zhu ZM,Deng FJ,et al(3):343-349.
Pancreatitis,HereditaryResearch progress of pathogenesis and treatment of hereditary pancreatitis Liu JH,Shi XL(3):335-342.
Plaque,AtheroscleroticAnalysis of risk factors for ischemic stroke in patients with carotid plaque of no surgical indication Wang Q,Liu SB,Long WA,et al(1):84-91.
Rectal NeoplasmsAnalysis ofimpact of natural orifice specimen extraction surgery on postoperative recovery and immune function in patients with rectal cancer Yin YX,Cai BB,Si L,et al(4):392-398.
Efficacy and safety of robotic-assisted versus conventional laparoscopic proctectomy:a Meta-analysis Han CW,Yan PJ,Cai H,et al(4):399-406.
Therapeutic effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy combined
with laparoscopic radical resection in treatment of rectal carcinoma and its infl uence on perioperative immune function of the patients Shang HJ,Cao J,Shu Y,et al(12):1552-1557.
Rectal Neoplasms/patholChange in number and phenotype of tumor invasive dendritic cells of rectal cancer tissue and the clinical significance Hu YT,Zeng XK(6):768-772.
Retroperitoneal NeoplasmsHuge retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma with hemorrhage:an analysis of one case and literature review Jiang C,Liu XY,Sun DW,et al(6):737-742.
Stomach NeoplasmsAnalysis of clinical features and prognosis of patients with gastric stump cancer in Qinghai area Wang G,Zheng LL,Li GG,et al(10):1212-1220.
Analysis of safety and efficacy of laparoscopic spleenpreserving circumferential splenic hilar lymph node dissection for patients with advanced proximal gastric cancer Xu YC,Li ZX,Pan GF,et al(10):1205-1211.
Application of Da Vinci surgical system in treatment of gastric stump cancer:a report of 8 cases Ma K,Liu HB,Sun JB,et al(4):417-422.
Application of enhanced recovery after surgery in laparoscopic assisted radical resection for gastric cancer and its influence on postoperative recovery,nutrition status and stress of the patients Cheng KW,Wang GH,Shu KS,et al(10):1228-1236.
Application of tied reverse puncture esophagojejunostomy in laparoscopic radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer Li S,Yang WG,FAN L(10):1197-1204.
Cardioprotective eff ect of Rhodiola Crenulate in patients with gastric cancer and coronary heart disease during perioperative period Yuan HF,Li Y,Wang YB,et al(4):456-460.
Changes of annexin A7 level in cancer tissue and peripheral blood in patients with gastric cancer and its clinical significance Ye WH,Yuang HF(10):1261-1268.
Characteristics of lymph metastasis and prognostic analysis of 186 patients with early gastric cancer from a single center Zhou CP,Tang DB,Wang DT,et al(10):1221-1227.
Cost-eff ectiveness analysis of nivolumab in treatment of chemotherapy-refractory advanced gastric cancer based on Markov model Han JQ,She LJ,Yao LL,et al(3):327-334.
Establishment of nomogram model for predicting postoperative survival of patients with gastric linitis plastica Dai Y,Lu J,Li P,et al(4):461-466.
Expression of COL12A1 in gastric cancer and its biological functions Liu CM,Zhang YP,Yang J(4):441-448.
Expression of eukaryotic initiation factor 4A1 in gastric cancer and its role in proliferation,invasion and migration of gastric cancer cells Xiao ZF,Hu K(6):706-712.
Expression of miR-105-5p in gastric cancer and its significance and biological function Zhang L,Wang YF,Wang L,et al(4):423-432.
Expression of Wnt7a in gastric cancer tissue and its association with prognosis Liu B,Zhao JG,Xia AH,et al(4):449-455.
Expressions of chromobox homolog 4 and FERM domaincontaining protein 4A in gastric cancer tissue and their significance Qian HQ,Zhou HN,Liu K,et al(10):1237-1244.
Identification and prognostic analysis of hub genes in gastric cancer Sun MY,Qiu JP,Wu ZH,et al(4):433-440.
Overlap versus and π-shaped esophagojejunostomy:a comparative study of short-term results and patients' quality of life Wei MG,Wang N,Wu T,et al(4):407-416.
Value of blood tumor markers in prediction assessment before first-line chemotherapy of patients with non-resectable locally advanced or metastatic gastric cancer Sun ZW,Jia J,Du F,et al(8):1023-1030.
Stomach Neoplasms/surgThe influence of ERAS for total laparoscopic D2radical resection of distal gastric cancer on stress reaction,vital signs and cellular immunity of patients Song XC,Lu YW,Wu C,et al(8):1031-1036.
Therapeutic efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy combined with laparoscopic surgical treatment of advanced stage of gastric cancer and the eff ect on patient prognosis Liu Q,Yuan B,Du YL(10):1302-1308.
Takayasu ArteritisAnalysis of risk factors of perioperative complications of open surgery for Takayasu arteritis Diao YP,Miao YQ,Chen ZG,et al(12):1455-1461.
ThrombosisCatheter-directed thrombolysis for acute superior mesenteric artery thrombosis:a report of 24 cases Qin SH,Liu P,Hao TJ,et al(6):673-678.
Progress in diagnosis and treatment of primary aortic mural thrombus He CS,Zhang T,Li QL,et al(8):1007-1011.
Thyroid NeoplasmsAnalysis of prevalence of thyroid cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and the relevant factor Zeng X,Liu HX,Xiao MF,et al(5):558-564.
Analysis of risk factors for lateral neck lymph node metastasis in cN0 papillary thyroid microcarcinoma Shen WL,Lu J,Hei H,et al(5):551-557.
Association of activated NK cells and postoperative recurrence of diff erentiated thyroid cancer based on TCGA Database Li HQ,Dong YY,Liu Z,et al(11):1374-1378.
Clinical value of dissection of the lymph nodes posterior to the right recurrent laryngeal nerve in surgery for papillary thyroid carcinoma Li ZX,Qian J,Zhang LG,et al(11):1354-1360.
Diagnostic value of routine ultrasonography combined with elastosonography for papillary thyroid microcarcinoma:a Meta-analysis Tan YD,Zhao Y,Zhou J,et al(5):565-572.
Efficacy comparison of laparoscopic and open surgery for low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma:a report of 538 cases Ding K,Huang JS,Wang MM,et al(5):524-531.
Progress of diagnosis and treatment of thyroid carcinoma in children and adolescents Du R,Liang N,Sun H(11):1421-1426.
Risk factors for large-volume central neck lymph node metastasis in cN0 papillary thyroid microcarcinoma Wu YY,Fan XD,Wang J,et al(11):1361-1366.
Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnostic imagingRelationship of preoperative ultrasonic features of the primary mass of differentiated thyroid carcinoma and postoperative cervical lymph node metastasis Gao LN,Zhang M,Yang DY,et al(5):630-635.
Thyroid Neoplasms/surgApplication of chest-breast approach for endoscopic surgery in treatment of benign thyroid nodule in elderly patients Li LX,Wang LC,Fu GH(7):891-896.
Thyroid NoduleRelations of puncture needle gauge and type of vascularity of thyroid nodule with sample satisfaction rate of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy Lu X,Tian SM,Zhao YF,et al(5):543-550.
Thyroid Nodule/diagDiagnostic value of ultrasoundguided fine needle aspiration for thyroid nodules and the influential factors Huang WZ,Zhang ZJ,Bai N,et al(11):1347-1353.
ThyroidectomyA case of right-sided descending aorta combined with right recurrent laryngeal nerve Zhang Y,Xiang YF,Chen C(12):1563-1564.
Clinical application of endoscopic thyroid surgery through sutureless intermuscular approach Jin XJ,Liu ZM,Cai XY,et al(5):532-536.
Clinical characteristics and diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhage after thyroid surgery Lu CZ,Li YC,Dong WW,et al(11):1441-1444.
Clinical value of parathyroid gland identification system for rapid identification of parathyroid gland in thyroid surgery Zou X,Zhou B,Zhu GH,et al(5):537-542.
Discussion on the relevant issues involved in ambulatory thyroidectomy Cheng RC,Diao C,Fang X(5):519-523.
Influences of endoscopic thyroidectomy via areolar approach on voice and swallowing function of the patients Hu XC,Huo JL,Qu R,et al(11):1367-1373.
Intraoperative parathyroid localization techniques:recent progress Yang Z,Huang RH,Yu WP,et al(5):612-617.
Laparoscopic thyroid(parathyroid)surgery through modified zero-infl ated axillary approach:an analysis of 40 cases Hu K,Sun SH,Zheng CM,et al(11):1437-1440.
Postoperative hypoparathyroidism:current status and progress Zhao F,Zou YY,Ma XP,et al(5):618-623.
Unusual complications of totally endoscopic thyroidectomy and its prevention strategies Lai JQ,Zhang D,Huang HP,et al(11):1414-1420.
Thyroidectomy/methodsEndoscopic thyroid lobectomy by a gasless unilateral axillary approach:Ge&Zheng's seven-step method Zheng CM,Xu JJ,Jiang LH,et al(11):1336-1341.
Triple Negative Breast NeoplasmsProgress in treatment for advanced triple-negative breast cancer Yang L,Wang S(11):1342-1346.
Tuberculosis,Pancreas/diagPancreatic tuberculosis misdiagnosed as pancreatic tumor:a case report and review of literature Bai JF,Chen ZB,Guo ZT,et al(9):1156-1159.
Tunica IntimaResearch status of signaling pathways associated with specific intimal hyperplasia in vessels Fu PT,Wu GM,Guo YY(6):743-748.
Vascular GraftingDiff erentially expressed microRNAs in rat autologous vein graft and their bioinformatics analysis Wan SW,Li Z,Cao H(12):1490-1496.
Venous InsufficiencyProgress in treatment ofincompetent perforating veins of the lower extremities Chen G,Wang LX,Fu WG(12):1534-1540.
Venous Thromboembolism/therTreatment of pediatric venous thromboembolism--interpretation of the American Society of Hematology 2018 Management Guidelines for Venous Thromboembolism Dai TT,Huang JH,Yin T,et al(6):649-653.
Venous ThrombosisApplication of Angiojet mechanical thrombectomy in patients with postoperative deep venous thrombosis and its efficacy Huang JQ,Lu HX,Liu XB,et al(6):654-660.
Efficacy observation of catheter-directed thrombolysis with recombinant human prourokinase in treatment of acute iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis Sun WL,Wen SQ,Chen Q,et al(12):1507-1512.
Short-and long-term efficacy of catheter thrombolysis combined with iliac vein stenting for Cockett syndrome and concomitant lower extremity deep vein thrombosis Yang W,Li XQ,Ding AX(6):661-667.
Wounds and InjuriesMultidisciplinary collaboration led by enterostomal therapists for risk management of wound treatment:implementation and results Zhang QJ,Dai WW,He AL,et al(2):212-218.