Ronald Reagan’s 8 Big Secrets


英语世界 2018年6期



Michael Reagan, the eldest son of Ronald Reagan, realized something.


[2] All his life people have been asking him the same question: “What was your dad really like?”

[3] So much had been written about his dad’s life, his politics, his Hollywood career… but little was ever revealed about Ronald Reagan the man—the private man, home with his wife,kids, and friends.

[4] And nobody alive knows more about who Reagan really was than Ronald Reagan’s eldest son, Michael himself.

[5] The young Reagan decided to reveal the true face of his father—good and bad—so that people could learn from one of the greats in American history.





[6] For the first time, his book,“Lessons My Father Taught Me: The Strength, Integrity, and Faith of Ronald Reagan,” reveals Michael’s personal insights1insight深刻的了解。into the qualities that def i ned his dad—and can help any of us succeed in our relationships and life.

[6] 在《父亲教给我的经验:罗纳德·里根的力量、正直和信仰》一书中,迈克尔第一次讲述了自己对父亲鲜明品格的深刻理解。这本书对我们每个人成功处理人际关系、走好人生之路都会很有裨益。

[7] Michael says of his father he was“the greatest man he ever knew.” But he says he was not without problems and mistakes.

[8] Michael argues that people in all walks of life can tap into2tap into挖掘,利用。those lessons his Dad learned—and find the same power of faith and love that motivated him.

[9] Here are 8 “secrets” about Ronald Reagan revealed in “Lessons My Father Taught Me”:

Secret 1:Reagan weathered a bitter divorce when his own wife, actress Jane Wyman, gave up on him and said“enough.” Michael details how his Dad overcame the rejection and made sure he and his sister were not casualties3casualty受害人。.

Secret 2:Though Michael grew up near “Beverly Hills brats4brat(贬义)孩子,(尤指)顽童。”—like the kids of Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, John Wayne, and other Hollywood stars—his father wanted Michael to be different.He played a little game with his allowance5allowance零用钱。Michael can’t forget to this day.






Secret 3:The shocking fact that his own kids—Ron and Patti—never voted for their own father when he ran for president! Reagan admitted to Michael that his own failure to “show up” for his kids caused the problem and vowed to make good to them.


Secret 4:Reagan hated inf i delity and warned Michael about its consequences.Michael even shares a personal letter his Dad wrote him on the subject.

Secret 5:Reagan couldn’t play a “bad guy” as an actor. His father may have been one of the most famous actors of his time, but he had a theory about playing bad guys—one his son never forgot.

Secret 6:Reagan almost lost his public career more than once—but discovered a technique of “re-creating”himself to make a comeback. Michael says anyone facing career and personal challenges can fi nd this useful.

Secret 7:Reagan’s other son was rumored to be gay. He called Michael and gave a most surprising reason why he wasn’t going to worry about it!

Secret 8:The scandalous6scandalous丢脸的。revelation about JFK Reagan made to his family—and the advice he gave them about how they should take the news.

[10] Michael Reagan concludes in“Lessons My Father Taught Me” that his father’s ultimate secret lesson was the “power of one”—that each and every individual had an incredible ability to make themselves a better person while influencing and changing the world. ■






[10]迈克尔·里根在《父亲教给我的经验》一书中总结道,他父亲的终极秘诀就是“个体之力”,即每个人在影响和改变世界的同时,都有不可思议的能力让自己变得更好。 □


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