Frightful’s Mountain (Excerpt III)


英语世界 2018年6期


Frightful had not been fed for ten hours. She was desperately hungry.Her first act of freedom would be to hunt for herself.


[2] But the forest was not the habitat she knew. Sam had trained her to hunt in abandoned fields. She circled and waited for him.

[3] He did not appear. Frightful fl ew higher. A movement on the ground caught her eye. Alice was walking on a road that wound through the pine forest. Frightful pumped her wings once and plummeted earthward. When she was twenty feet above Alice’s head, she scooped her wings, dropped her secondary feathers, and braked herself. She hovered, “waiting on” for the girl to kick through the fi elds and scare up the game as Sam would have done.



[4] Alice did not look up. Her eyes were on the road. Presently she came out of the forest into open farmland.Frightful’s eyes sought movement. This was the kind of country she and Sam hunted. Tipping one wing, she moved effortlessly over an abandoned field.She waited on for Alice.


[5] But Alice did not come into the field. She stayed on the macadam,where nothing lived. She was in a hurry.Breaking into a run, she dashed around a bend, just as a yellow-white-andbrown dog with long ears and droopy eyes left his hideout in a culvert. He saw Alice run past him. Crouching,he pulled his tail between his legs and dropped out of sight in the daisies. He had been beaten as a pup and was terrified of people. He was thin, but not skinny, for he lived quite well on the mice and rabbits in the fi eld. The farmer who saw him from time to time called him Mole. Every time he lifted his gun to shoot the dog, Mole disappeared in the ground. The man had Mole pegged for the killer of his chickens.

[6] Mole slipped silently through a thistle patch. A pheasant burst up.Frightful rocketed earthward. She struck the bird a mortal blow and dropped with it to the ground. Instinctively she covered the food with her wings to hide it from other predators. She plucked but did not eat. She was waiting for Sam.



[7] Mole smelled the dead pheasant and lifted his head above the thistles.Alice was gone and, seeing no other humans, he followed the scent of the game. Suddenly he burst upon not just a pheasant, but also Frightful. He stopped. Frightful lifted her feathers and threatened him. Then, holding the heavy bird in one foot, she beat her wings and skimmed over the thistles. She gained height and sped away and up.


[8] Like a lightning bolt, a red-tailed hawk swept under her and, upside down, grabbed the pheasant in his talons. Frightful was pulled a short distance before she opened her feet and let go of the food. Four crows fl ew out of the woods and chased the red-tailed hawk.



【第一段】短语had not been fed是被动式,直译应该是“没有被喂食”,稍嫌别扭,改为中性描述“进食”。desperately hungry也不宜直译,转化为“饿坏了”。最后一句的“重获自由”也调整到句首。

【第二段】abandoned fi eld不能译为“荒野”,要按照字面译为“废弃的田地”,小说中的上下文有说明。鉴于中英文代词用法的差异,英文中的代词在中文段落里要适时更换为名词,因为中文不太适合代词一用到底,所以She要适当转化为惊悚;同理,下文的He要适时转换为山姆或鼹鼠,这样指代更清楚。

【第三段】movement本意为动作,放在句子里有些突兀,这里明确为人影。第三句的语序有改变,按照中文习惯把定语从句提前。这一段的动词很精确,翻译时要认真琢磨,比如scoop、plummet、brake,不能简单化地直译。secondary feathers相当于飞机降落时展开的辅翼,有助于放慢速度,并没有现成的对应词语,这里译为“辅助飞羽”。

【第四段】还是movement一词,这里增译为“移动的目标”。The kind of country不能译为“这种乡间”,此处指“惊悚”和山姆一般狩猎的地形,所以译为“地形”。move effortlessly也不好译为“轻松地移动”,这里具体化为滑翔。

【第五段】where nothing lived(那里没有东西生活)需要转换一下视角来翻译,因此译文是“惊不起任何动物”。He lived quite well有调侃的意味,所以中文是“小日子过得还不赖”。



【第八段】段落一开头如果是“像闪电一般”,跟上一段显得不连贯,所以译文添加了“猛然间”。upside down一般是“头朝下”的意思,形容人,此处指红尾鹰后背朝下肚腹朝上飞过来抢食物,并非头朝下。

【小结】这一选段看似不难,翻译起来却需要很多改变,因为这里的英文句子极为地道,中文无法直译。译者需要一定的英汉对比知识才更容易察觉和处理这些必须面对的差异。除了代词差异之外,这里的英汉差异很难用几个类别来概括,但要注意两点:深入理解原文的风格和文学效果,中文不应该诘屈聱牙。 □

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