

世界建筑 2018年9期


1 外景/Exterior view






2 扶手栏杆示意图/Parapet diagram

3.4 外景/Exterior views

The Refurbishment of the Garcimuñoz Castle(Cuenca, Spain) is a project that consolidates a complex existing group of ruins dating back to Arab, Medieval and Neoclassicism times (centuries 10th to 18th). It also incorporates new architecture with an innovative use consisting on a Media Library. Most research and innovation efforts focus on achieving a sustainable maintenance of the building in terms of energy, cultural activity within the region, social engagement and finance.

The combination of different uses, different periods of construction, partial demolishment,digging up of old non visible stratus and a poor state of conservation makes it quite hard for visitors to interpret the actual ruins. The new architecture is light, seeking to distinguish itself from the pre-existing edifice without much as an ensemble of footbridges, platforms, stairs and rails. The location of its elements tries to separate different periods of history and to isolate the vision of the architectures that were never thought to be seen together.

As we have already mentioned, the Castle has had many different uses. Due to our laws enforced to the preservation of heritage "forever", we could presume different future uses for buildings are still to come. The new architecture is, for this reason, understood as a temporary occupation.All technical details have been designed so that the building is fully collapsible. This fact is one of the clues to consider the new architecture fully different from the old one but respectful and sensible with its future conservation and use.

The combination of few resources and the fluctuating flow of users have actively conditioned all decisions. For that reason, the energy consuming area of the intervention has been minimised. The Media Library programme has been organised with plenty of outdoor areas so that when weather is mild and public visits are the greatest extensive spaces are available.

5 鸟瞰剖面/Look down from above, section

6 剖面/Section

During centuries in all the summer months,all of the inhabitants of Mediterranean regions have enjoyed the outdoor life, particularly after dark, the project tries to maintain and even recover these traditions. The introduction of the outdoor cinema, to be used mainly in summer nights, also intends to preserve a culture of meeting and to provide with public activities for the first hours of nighttime. Typical activities of these hours have been conversation, storytelling,trips narration that can be considered the precedent of cinema and important landmarks of Mediterranean cultural production.

At the moment there is no Castle both in Spain and in Europe that has been refurbished with introduced digital technologies as an important part of programme. The opinion of the Spanish Minister of Public Work is that this project offers a test on how innovative uses of digital technologies can give new opportunities to isolated Castles. We hope that the uniqueness of the programme, of the geometries, of the new architecture is the seed for a bigger strategy on how to keep the heritage of the past in a sustainable way, while creating a heritage for the future connecting the past and present times.

The major element of the new intervention,the platform covering the Moorish citadel and enabling the use of the old Weapon courtyard has been fully designed taking bioclimatism into consideration. The platform is composed by two layers, being the upper one made out of steel grid and the lower one of glass. The glass cover produces an increase of the temperature during the winter. This spontaneous increment of the temperature is crucial to avoid damage in the archaeology caused by minus zero temperatures.During the summer forty-five solar chimneys will ensure abundant ventilation. The solar chimneys are glass volumes of 3.45m by height placed over the cover. They are not only solar chimneys but display cabinets to exhibit objects on the upper level. The top piece of the chimneys is a small skylight that can be opened. During summer, the sun heats the air in the chimney and makes it flow up to elevate the air from the lower level.□

7.8 太阳能风筒及彩色路灯/Solar chimneys and colourful lights


摩尔城堡和授权使用的旧武器庭院,这部分用地已经完全基于生物气候进行了设计,是改造介入的主要方式。场地由两层组成,上层由钢格栅制成,下层则是玻璃。冬季,玻璃层可以保温,温度的自然增加对于避免摄氏0℃引起的古迹损坏至关重要。在夏季,45个太阳能风筒将是充足通风的保证。这些置于格栅上3.45m高的玻璃太阳能风筒,同时还是展示柜。风筒顶部是一个可开启的小天窗,夏季阳光照射,风筒内的空气受热上升,使下层空气流通。□(天妮 译)

9 户外电影院/The outdoor cinema

10 走廊/Corridor

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principal: Izaskun Chinchilla

客户/Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works

合作方/Collaborators: Carlos Jimenez Cenamor

承包商/Contractor: CLEOP S.A.

场地质量监管/Quality Control on Site: Intercontrol Levante S.A.

建造状态/Output Type: 建造中/Under construction

监督主管/Supervising Director: Izaskun Chinchilla

技术监督/Technical Supervisor: Urbano Chousa

监督联合主管/Supervising Co-director: Carlos Jimenez Cenamor (2010.03-2011.12)

结构顾问/Structural Consultancy: Roberto Marín Sampalo.执行监督/Execution Supervision Assisttants: D-fine S.L.

考古学家/Archeologist: Joaquim Parcerisas Civit.

官方预算/Official Budget for Public Contract: 3,335,833.17€

摄影/Photos: Miguel de Guzman

线图/Drawings: Izaskun Chinchilla Architects




11 鸟瞰/Look down from above

12 远望/Overlook


LONG Hao: Most of the existing buildings or ruins are primarily stone masonry in the historical architecture renewal projects in Europe, which provides more favorable conditions and more diverse possibilities while making decisions compared to the projects in Asia commonly based on ancient woodstructural architecture. In terms of the material selection and basic tectonic methods for the "new building (or construction)" in this project, "steel +glass" could only be seen as a standard combination without anything special. Thus, the key point comes to how these two common materials can be used. In the design of this project, the glass compartment and glass solar ventilating tubes not only function for thermal insulation and natural ventilation to reflect the standards of contemporary green buildings, but also can be seen as art installations with designed form and composition. The fence-shaped parapet style of the viewing platform on top is quite ingenious.Together with the highly contrasting colours visible in front of the background earthy color of the castle,it also sculptures some outstanding identity for the project itself among similar ones in Europe.(Translated by CHEN Xi)

13.14 护栏/Parapet

15 内景/Interior view

16 地下通廊/Underground galleries

17 洗手间/Restroom

HU Heng: The only approach to effectively refurbish an old castle without adding new features to it is to make it become a piece of artwork. This project, in two parts, serves as a perfect example of such a method.Firstly, different colours are employed to enrich its Catalan culture, while the use of high technology allows it to become intelligent life. The first part cannot be considered as difficult due to the newlyadded footbridges, parapets, stairs, rooftops, cornices,glass windows and air vents, which all function as existing colourful elements. However, the second part of refurbishment work would not be easy (yet, the pursuit of the utilisation of technology can be regarded as a tradition of Catalan culture). These elements not only form a part of objects for visual experience, but are also integrated with the castle and work together as a place, which provides visitors with a full sensory experience. In this regard, the elements are flexible.They render the old castle beautiful and bring comfort to audiences. Moreover, they might be able to "move"around freely with an automatisation system in the near future. It seems that the integration of modern art and AI technology is close at hand. Shall we consider this scene as this castle's future?(Translated by Dandan Wang)

