

世界建筑 2018年9期


1 设计简洁的扶手/Simple designed rails(摄影:胡越/Photo:HU Yue)

2 扶手详图/Detail of rail(绘图:胡越/Drawing : HU Yue)




FAN Lu: From the perspectives mentioned above,please discuss the handrail design in a building that impressed you deeply. Please introduce a challenge of handrail design in your architectural practice or design studio teaching.

HU Yue: A handrail is an important element in architecture. I have been always paying attention to it. Rails which have impressed me are not those with cool design but those with very simple and efficient design. I haven't conducted textual research on the initial designer of rails, and I should have seen rails in a building designed by I. M. Pei for the first time.It is very simple, which not only meets the functional demand but also is elegant and artistic and harmonizes with most modern buildings. I remember that many architects used to complain about owners' requirement of "not falling behind for 50 years", but I believe that rails can solve this problem and it's more than that. Moreover, I think that its value lies in excellent integration of its adaptability, qualities, technologies and aesthetics. The most important function of handrails is safety. Therefore, invention of this kind of structural elements is inevitable. Providing structural elements with aesthetic value always needs a lot of effort during design. The success of this rail is the perfect combination of deep processing technology of glass, the structure and aesthetics. It doesn’t try to upstage the building, but withstands scrutiny and is natural (Fig.1) .

Generally, a rail doesn't exist singly in buildings but is always connected to spatial constituents closely.Architectural elements need to serve the whole,which is very important during rail design. How to deal with structural elements is always emphasized during my practice. Foreign general practice can not be implemented in China due to overly strict domestic standards, so the current design strategy adopted by me is to make rails hidden, given the domestic construction level. Therefore, physical rail is the form that I have adopted most. Firstly, it avoids decoration for structural elements, and at the same time, it keeps the integrity of the space where it is located, which still strengthens the sense of volume of spatial constituents to some extent. During design of a physical rail, I also focus on its edges. My main purpose is to give people a hint for a rail with a precondition of hiding. Meanwhile, with a strong sense of volume, there is no difficulty for a try at connection, but there is a main contradiction between the treatment of material surface and the construction cost, which affects the color and tactile appealing of its surface. There is no satisfactory effect during current practice yet (Fig.2).□(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

The handrail is one of the most fundamental and important architectural components. Objectively speaking, its geometrical composition shares the architectural order in form, and its material organization echoes the principle of overall tectonic design. On the other hand, the handrail has a close relationship with users' subjective feelings. It brings about tactile experience and imagination for users,shaping their body gestures, and promotes the formation of circulation by tempting users to walk through a building. In addition, handrails located in roof terrace, entrance and exterior space of a construction can play an important role in connecting inside and outside and in architectural definition of the topography or urban interface.(FAN Lu)




FAN Lu: From the perspectives mentioned above,please discuss the handrail design in a building that impressed you deeply. Please introduce a challenge of handrail design in your architectural practice or design studio teaching.

Igarashi Taro: Igarashi laboratory in Tohoku University focused some architectural components and researched window or roof. I did not consider handrail specially till now, but I think it is interesting part of architecture. It is one of few architectural components which we touch directly in daily life. Of course floor is. If you are house keeping woman like a document movie of OMA's Bordeaux house, "HOUSELIFE" directed by Ila Bêka& Louise Lemoine, you must touch every detail for cleaning. Handrail is not only to be seen, but also something to touch. It is related to motion in space too. Therefore, handrail like a living thing are impressed me. In Japan, handrail of stairs designed by Murano Togo, Kurokawa Kisho and Ito Toyo are interesting (Fig.1–3).

In Europe, I think handrail of Czech cubism is beautiful (Fig.4). As this case suggested us, handrail can be a part of architecture which is fusion of geometry and organic form.□

1 村野藤吾设计的日生剧场扶手/Handrail in the NissayTheatre, designed by Murano Togo

2 黑川纪章设计的和歌山县立近代美术馆扶手/Handrail in the Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama, designed by Kurokawa Kisho

3 伊东丰雄设计的座·高圆寺剧场扶手/Handrail in the ZAKOENJI Public Theatre, designed by Ito Toyo

4.5 捷克立体主义博物馆扶手/Handrail in the Czech cubism(1-5 摄影:五十岚太郎/Photos: Igarashi Taro)

1 里斯本Baixa Chiado地铁站扶手/Rail in Lisbon's Baixa-Chiado Metro Station

2 Revigrés公司的展厅扶手/Rail in the exhibition hall of Revigrés

3 加利西亚当代艺术博物馆的栏杆/Rail in the Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporánea (图片来源:1-3 肯尼斯·弗兰姆普敦. 阿尔瓦罗·西扎专辑, 费顿出版社,2000./Sources of Liuyichun: Kenneth Frampton, Alvaro Siza: Complete Works,Phaidon Press, 2000. )

4.5 台州当代美术馆扶手/Rails in theTaizhou Contemporary Art Museum(图片来源:4.5 大舍建筑设计事务所/Photos: Atelier Deshaus )



首先,它们的确是功能性的。比如里斯本Baixa Chiado地铁站的楼梯扶手,因为楼梯遇到了拱形空间的低矮部分,在平面上微微划出一道弧线的扶手,巧妙地引导人们在踏步的尽端避开了这个相对于人的身体过低的起拱处,也造就了扶手本身美妙的形式,我想这个形式所诉说的便是呵护本身(图1)。





FAN Lu: From the perspectives mentioned above,please discuss the handrail design in a building that impressed you deeply. Please introduce a challenge of handrail design in your architectural practice or design studio teaching.

LIU Yichun: Whenever handrails are mentioned, I immediately think of those designed by Álvaro Siza.There is something about Siza's creations that makes me feel that these are more than mere handrails.

First and foremost, the designs are definitely functional. An example is the stair rail in Lisbon's Baixa-Chiado Metro Station. At the lower portion of the arched wall, the rail morphs into a horizontal arc that gently protrudes outwards (Fig.1). When commuters reach the top of the steps, the rail ingeniously guides them away from knocking into this portion of the arch, which is lower than the average human height.It was this functional intention that created the rail's fascinating form. To me, the form manifests care and concern towards people.

Another stair rail design that is very visually fascinating is found in the exhibition hall of Revigrés, a ceramic tiles company in Agueda, Portugal. It is apparent that the form arose out of the need for safety and protection. There is a step in the middle section of the stairs that forms a 45° gap with the wall, posing a danger if anyone were to step into it (Fig.2). As a rule, the entire rail was drawn out into an arc that perfectly matches the functional intent. Once beyond the gap, the rail makes a sudden horizontal right-angle turn before continuing to the ground. This not only increases the lateral strength of the rail but also guides the flow of people as it extends laterally. This particular curved rail section seems spatially dissociated from and unrelated to the curved rails along the edges of the platforms above. However,the existence of these arcs within the same space seems inevitable. Together, they create a form and atmosphere that is uniquely Siza.

However, what impressed me the most was a section of railing inside the Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporánea (Galicia Contemporary Art Centre). A right-angled railing that stands independently, it does not appear functionally necessary but, rather, seems to have fallen out of space and landed in that particular location,indispensable. Siza used the railing to reinforce the scene here: it echoes the high opening on the wall and the even higher and outward-tilting window. It also directly faces a sharp corner in the walls, as well as the open space that radiates outward from beneath the corner. Instead of a section of railing, it represents the existence of a human body responding to the complex spatial morphology,either by default or by implication (Fig.3).

I encountered some difficulties when designing the railings and handrails inside the Taizhou Contemporary Art Museum. The interior design of the building consists of Béton brut (fair-faced concrete) walls. The intended walls shown on the design drawings were the results of precise digital construction but turned out to be extremely extensive after actual construction. The low walls were supposed to be concrete wall panels,but the top ledges were very uneven, with differences in levels being almost 150 mm. Since the boorish concrete lent a unique atmosphere to the entire space,the tonality of the railings became very important to the maintenance of that feeling. On the one hand, the railings have to deal with the issue of unevenness; on the other, these cannot be too delicate or casual. The final solution was to place an 8-mm thick steel plate on top of the low walls to create a flat surface. The gaps between the steel plate and low wall were filled with mortar and putty, with the uneven marks between the old and new left visible.

Anchoring the stair rail to the concrete wall was another challenge. Since iron pieces were not pre-buried in the wall during construction, bolt holes had to be used as much as possible. In places where these could not be used, expansion bolts were employed instead.Long, vertical iron plates were placed against the walls at intervals. After welding, all bolt heads protruding from the iron plates had to be removed. Next, J-shaped steel rods were used to connect the steel rail to the iron plates (Fig.4). Where the rail extends from the stairs to the top of the low wall, the same J-shaped steel rods act as connectors to the horizontal steel plate above the low wall. This horizontal section of the handrail also serves to encourage visitors to make use of it.

The design of the stair rail at the landing of each floor became unique out of flow considerations. When going to the upper floors, the flow is halted at each landing. However, when going downstairs, the departing flow is rapid, and the speed is maintained at the landing.With this consideration in mind, a special treatment is applied to the stair rail when it reaches the landing(Fig.5). This acts as a spatial cue and makes the space livelier.□




FAN Lu: From the perspectives mentioned above,please discuss the handrail design in a building that impressed you deeply. Please introduce a challenge of handrail design in your architectural practice or design studio teaching.

CAO Xiaoxin: What impressed me the most was the non-linear wooden handrails of the Laban Modern Dance Centre outside London, England (Fig.1,2).At that time, the house had just been built and the space was not yet fully used, empty and quiet. It was like a fairy dancing in a silent space. I even carefully touched every detail of it, so perfect that I was still wondering how it was made and installed even today.

For handrail, which is an important component of safety protection, "challenge" is something I often avoid. But in my own studio design (old printing plant transformation), I deliberately designed the handrail into a space overlapping game. The flying state of the"L" type stainless steel allows the handrails to get rid of the conventional definition of railings and really become handrails, and meanwhile, also become the protagonist in the transformed traffic space (Fig.3,4).□

1.2 拉班现代舞中心扶手/Rail in the Laban Modern Dance Centre(摄影:曹晓昕/Photos: CAO Xiaoxin)

3.4 器空间工作室扶手/Rail in the Qi Studio(摄影:孙海庭/Photos: SUN Haiting)




以下案例中的扶手栏杆则主要以一种特殊的类型存在。它们小心翼翼地 既参与构建又似乎独立于建筑主体,同时又小心翼翼的平衡节点或元素与整体的关系。可以说,它们常常与建筑一起构成一种特定的连接状态,从而共同参与环境中的构成。通过连接,这些扶手栏杆自身的存在常常会模糊起来,但却往往能赋予建筑存在以新的意义。

首先,以1960年代瑞士著名建筑师道夫·施奈布利在瑞士洛加诺地区设计的一处社会住宅为例(图 1-3)。



Thoughts on Handrails

GE Ming: Handrail usually acts as an appendage in the environment and architecture, but meaningful designs often make it a unique existence, while expressing the inherent things of the environment and architecture.

Scarpa's handrail designs, for example, tend to highlight the joints, deliberately construct fragments,and interweave with the rest of the fragments in the building to create a mysterious atmosphere; Siza's handrail designs, on the other hand, often appear as fragments of the wall, seemingly erased of the joints, but standing out again at particular places and forming new ways of fragments, which indicates the connected but separated state between each part of space composition.

In the following examples, the handrails and railings mainly exist as a special type. They carefully participate in the construction but seem to be independent from the main building, while carefully balancing the relationship between joints or elements and the whole. It can be said that they often form a specific articulation state with the building, thus joining together in the composition of the environment.Through the articulation, the existence of these handrails itself is often blurred, but gives new meaning to the existence of the building.

First, take the example of a social house (Case Sociali, 1965 – 1966) designed by famous Swiss architect Dolf Schnebli in the Logano area of Switzerland in the 1960s (Fig.1–3).

The architecture consists of three buildings that are connected and spread to the east and west. In the middle part, a corridor connecting three buildings is set up, as the entrance of the three-storey houses. The extension of the roof of the corridor is flapped upwards as the rainwater baffle, presenting the suspension extremely heavily. The railings at the bottom of the corridor adopt the form of concrete slabs, also showing a sense of weight in response to the top. But through the gaps at the junction of the high and low railings and the three-step turnings at the bottom of the stairs, it seems that the designer was prompting these railings to be weightless surfaces. In this way, the top and bottom of the corridor strengthened their respective expressiveness through the treatment of joints, but also echoed each other, thus forming a stronger integrity,and effectively participating in the overall composition of the building. Now, the railings themselves seemed to back off, as if they were there just for the turning point.It can be said that it was the various components of the corridor enhancing the turning point in different ways, that effectively revealed the small slope of site along the building direction, strengthened the sense of movement, and formed a unique landscape.

The other example is the Vila Nova de Cerveira(1994 – 1999), designed by famous Portuguese architect Fernando Távora (Fig.4–6).

The newly built part of the building and the old rough stone masonry forms the whole. It is noteworthy that the overlap of the horizontal strip stone of the covered corridor and the right-end stone steps forms a special connection, which reveals the existence of the strip stone as a structural beam and the handrail at the same time. As a beam, it constitutes a graphical covered corridor together with the support below and the stone pillars above, corresponding to the entrance of the building; as a handrail, it adjusts the scale of the second floor colonnade, while defining the corridor space with a sense of envelopment, and distinguishing with the openness of the first floor. This connection brings about the independent state of the railings, but again, the railings themselves seem to retreat in the overall environmental composition, thus forming a subtle tension, implicitly suggesting the new and old,inside and outside of the building. □ Many thanks to the support from WANG Zhengxin, WANG Junmei,and FANG Haoyu in the research process of this article.(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

4-6 费尔南多·塔沃拉塞尔韦拉住宅/Vila Nova de Cerveira(4-6图片来源/Távora F. Fernando Távora: Opera Completa.Milano: Electa; 2005.)




FAN Lu: From the perspectives mentioned above,please discuss the handrail design in a building that impressed you deeply. Please introduce a challenge of handrail design in your architectural practice or design studio teaching.

Lu Andong: The handrail is more like a place than a component of architecture. In any building, the handrail is one of a few things which people have to touch directly, so touch injects the breaths and traces of human into the handrail. In an old house, where the handrails were shiny or dimmed from rub, were the traces of time from being touched repeatedly by different people. Let your hand touch the hands of others and let the present touch the past. In this sense, the handrail is a place.

In the context of architecture, a common illusion is that everything is regarded as a component of architecture, so there seems to be a certain rule or logic that can penetrate, diffuse, and permeate from the structure into daily contact and meaning, and then reach a kind of integrity and consistency. The handrail is more like the fracture of this illusion,just like decorations, lounge chairs or mirrors. They remind us that there are many parallel systems of different values in architecture, and intimate places like handrails, windows and mirrors form a storyline of emotion and narration that does not need to be consistent with the system of construction.□(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

2 清华图书馆室内,1918(1.2 图片来源:墨菲档案)

3 楼梯及二层大厅入口(摄影:刘亦师)

4 一层(主入口)及二层大厅剖面








FAN Lu: From the perspectives mentioned above, please discuss the handrail design in a building that impressed you deeply. Please introduce a challenge of handrail design in your architectural practice or design studio teaching.

LIU Yishi: The first lesson of "Chinese Modern Architectural History" I taught in Tsinghua was"Modern Architectures around Us", which were the buildings on the Tsinghua campus. Speaking of"railings", the first thing that comes to my mind is the hall of the library phase I designed by American architect Henry Murphy.

Murphy's Tsinghua Library (built in 1918) is divided into two floors. The lower one is the faculty offices and the upper one is a reading room, which can accommodate more than 2,400 people at the same time. Behind it is the three-floor stack, with dozens of shelves on each floor. "The magnificence of architecture leads the whole nation."1)When Murphy came to Tsinghua to inspect the library project in 1918, he was satisfied with its external proportion and the texture formed by red bricks(Fig.1). The library's interior decoration was made of light gray marble imported from Italy, which was expensive but had achieved the desired effect. Murphy prased:"Overall, this is the most impressive interior decoration we know of in architecture, and it's a great success for our studio2)(Fig.2). This should include the marble decoration of the entire wall of the hall on the second floor (whose mosaic patterns resemble the effect of the Barcelona Pavilion by Mies in the 1920s,Fig.3) and the marble railings (Fig.4).

The handrails are all located on the second floor,surrounding both sides of the big staircase ascending to the second floor hall. Their shapes are the same as the railings commonly seen in western architecture. But in such a library hall, combining with the tall space and gorgeous arches, the same well-polished marble railings also set off a solemn and magnificent atmosphere of space.Moreover, the railings are the smallest in size and largest in numbers of the building components in the whole space of the hall, so they are the closest to human beings, and play a key role in "softening" the spatial scale feeling.

Due to the good building materials and construction quality, and proper maintenance over the years, the library phase I, as a historical building,has added an architecture of pure western classical style on the Tsinghua campus, and its interior decoration is particularly impressive.

In the summer semester of 2018, we organized the surveying and mapping of Tsinghua Old Biology Building. The Old Biology Building is a teaching building designed by Mr. Yang Tingbao, one of the first generation architects in China, and built in 1931. It is one of the new "four projects" in Tsinghua in the 1930s.

About "handrails" and "railings", there were two points to be noticed in the surveying and mapping process. First, the railings of the two staircases indoor were made into vertical water-ripple patterns with cast iron, three in each group. At the same time, on the wall opposite the stairs, wainscots were made with stone materials of the same height as the handrails to achieve decorative echoes. The three water-ripple patterns were extracted later and used in the burglar-proof net added to the external windows of the building (Fig.5).

The second is the decoration of the roof parapet.The facade (north facade) top decoration of Yang Tingbao's original decorative art style has been destroyed by earthquake, wind and other reasons.In 2014, when the school infrastructure department rebuilt the project, they referred to the original design drawing (Fig.6), and used plexiglass steel as material to imitate the original design of the decorative pattern (but the women statues in the front were simplified), which was economical and practical. These decorative surfaces as vertical lines on the facade actually act as parapets too, maintaining the top platform space (Fig.7).□(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

5 生物学馆一层窗户外观(摄影:刘亦师)

6 生物学馆立面渲染图,1929年(图片来源:张复合教授提供)

7 顶层平台所照新建的玻璃钢装饰背面(摄影:刘亦师)


1)《清华周刊·本校十周年纪念号》, 1921: 学校方面,41.

2)墨菲致理查德·丹纳信(1918年6月2日),从北京返回汉口途中。详刘亦师.墨菲档案之清华早期建设史料汇论.建筑史(第34辑). 北京:清华大学出版社,2014:164-186.




FAN Lu: From the perspectives mentioned above, please discuss the handrail design in a building that impressed you deeply. Please introduce a challenge of handrail design in your architectural practice or design studio teaching.

ZHANG Xinnan: Apart from the floor, the handrail is an element that has direct relationship with people’s sense of touch in architecture. Guidance, perception,boundary, form – these can all be used as key words in handrail design. On the one hand, the handrail that"has to be set" can be a way to express or even enhance the sculptural language of architectural forms, which is a way of design commonly seen in I. M. Pei's works(Fig.1); on the other hand, the handrail itself can also be a media responding to physical behavior and conscious perception. Taking the action of opening the door as an example, "push" and "pull" are not only different in the state of force, but also implying the psychological expectation presupposed for the entrant after "push" or "pull" – entering into a space "directly"or "cautiously". In the Sayama Forest Chapel designed by Hiroshi Nakamura, the handrails of the door are designed with seemingly identical material and formal language. However, in terms of structure and shape,they respond sensitively to the different action of"push" and "pull" –whether pushing or pulling, the hand always touches the wooden part; the angle of the wooden part also ingeniously responds to the direction of force of "push" and "pull" (Fig.2).

One of the most impressive handrails to the author is the exquisite design Carlo Scarpa did for the Fondazione Querini Stampalia Bridge which is filled with details and material perception (Fig.3). At the ends of the wooden railings, the copper components indicate the ends of the railings, meanwhile ensuring the durability of the most vulnerable part of the wood (the end). The contrast in the material and the form brings rich visual and tactile senses (Fig.4). This pattern of joint also implies the treatment of joint used in Venetian shipbuilding technology and the aristocratic furniture connection in 18th century; the texture of the two materials indicates the turning of movement in ascending and walking horizontally,whether in form or more importantly, in the process of the experiencer's hand brushing along. This way of design makes different materials meet and overlap without any loss of characteristics, and emphasizes the material and form characteristics of different textures by contrast.□(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

1-4摄影:张昕楠/Photos: ZHANG Xinnan

