

中南大学学报(自然科学版) 2018年8期




(吉林大学 机械与航空航天工程学院,吉林 长春,130025)




1 模糊变量λ−截集


图1 模糊变量与λ−截集关系

2 降维算法



3 变量转换


4 Edgeworth级数


5 数值算例

十杆桁架结构如图2所示。杆件长为=3.6 m;于节点2与节点4处施加竖直向下载荷(为外载荷,其服从均值为710 kN,变异系数为0.03的正态分布);水平方向的杆①~④面积为1m2,竖直方向的杆⑤~杆⑥面积为2m2,斜向的杆⑦~杆⑩面积为3m2(1,2,3和均为模糊变量);为材料的弹性模量,其服从均值为2.1×1011Pa,变异系数为0.01的正态分布。当在节点2处的垂直位移max不大于允许位移allow(allow=0.004 2 m)时,结构功能函数可表示为:


图2 平面十杆桁架结构

表1 2种方法十杆桁架失效概率对比


6 结论

1) 提出1种针对同时带有模糊变量和随机变量不确定性问题的结构失效概率计算方法。

2) 借助于−截集概念,将模糊变量转变为水平截集下相应的区间变量,将随机模糊问题有效地转变为随机区间问题。

3) 利用降维算法建立结构功能函数的一维随机变量降维表达式,无需借助于多重积分求解结构功能函数的统计矩,无需求解结构功能函数矩阵的逆。

4) 高效且稳定地降低计算成本,有效避免了由于迭代而存在的收敛慢甚至不收敛情况的问题。

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(编辑 伍锦花)

Hybrid structural reliability analysis method based on dimension reduction algorithm

MENG Guangwei, FENG Xinyu, ZHOU Liming, LI Feng

(School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China)

A new hybrid reliability analysis method based on dimension reduction algorithm was proposed, aiming at solving the hybrid uncertain problems of structures with both fuzzy variables and random variables in engineering practice. Firstly, fuzzy variables were transformed into corresponding interval variables within the level set using the concept of−cut set in fuzzy mathematics. Taking advantage of dimension reduction method, structural performance functionwithrandom variables was expanded tofunctions, each with one random variable. This dimension reduction formula is then expanded by Taylor method to get the expression of the upper and lower limits of the performance function. By using the variable transformation method, the random variables could be changed to mutual independent normal variables, with mean value zero and the variance 0.5. Combining the binomial theorem, Gauss-Hermite integration method and variable transformation method, the statistical moments of the upper and lower limits of the structural performance function were computed. After substituting the moment information into the Edgeworth series expansion formula, the intervals of structural failure probability corresponding to the λ−cut set were obtained. Therefore, the membership function of the failure probability was calculated. The results show that the proposed method has high precision with low computational cost.

structural reliability; hybrid reliability; dimension reduction method; fuzzy variable; Edgeworth series







国家自然科学基金资助项目(51305157);吉林省科技厅基金资助项目(20160520064JH)(Project(51305157) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(20160520064JH) supported by the Science and Technology Department Fund of Jilin Province)



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