

农业工程学报 2018年14期

王新端,白 丹,宋立勋,郭 霖,李嘉露,吴山山


王新端1,白 丹1※,宋立勋2,郭 霖1,李嘉露1,吴山山1

(1. 西安理工大学水利水电学院,西安 710048;2. 西安工程大学理学院,西安 710048)

该文开展滴灌双向流道抗堵性能研究,以提高灌水器对含沙率较高的地表水源的适应性。试验浑水含沙率为 30 g/L,经20次浑水试验,设置3种结构参数不同的双向流道灌水器(1#,2#,3#),并对比迷宫式流道灌水器的水力性能和抗堵性能。结果表明:1#、2#、3#双向流道浑水流量分别为清水流量的77.44%,83.35%,85.43%,而迷宫式流道在12次试验后完全堵塞。双向流道灌水器与迷宫式流道灌水器的水力性能及抗堵性能差异显著,且双向流道的水力性能及抗堵性能均优于迷宫式流道;双向流道水力性能越好,抗堵性能越差;流道形式及结构参数是影响灌水器水力性能及抗堵性能的重要因素。试验结束后,观测流道泥沙沉积情况,发现泥沙沉积程度由前段(进口)到后段(出口)逐渐减少;采用电子显微镜分别获取流道前段、中段和后段沉积泥沙样品扫描图像,利用Image Pro Plus 6.0软件分析沉积泥沙样品的粒径组成,发现沿流道方向,粒径>0.03 mm的泥沙颗粒质量分数逐渐减小,粒径<0.005 mm的泥沙颗粒质量分数呈先减小后增加的趋势;流道沉积泥沙中粒径<0.03 mm的颗粒质量分数占92.23%~97.89%,此粒径范围的泥沙颗粒更易在双向流道内沉积,引起堵塞。


0 引 言


解决灌水器堵塞问题的措施可分为2大类[7-8]:1)源头措施,即在滴灌工程首部,通过沉淀、过滤等措施,减少水中泥沙含量;2)终端措施,即提高灌水器的抗堵性能。滴灌通常采用120目网式过滤器,其网眼直径为0.125 mm,浑水经过过滤器,仍然有部分细小颗粒泥沙进入灌水器流道,在流道内沉积、固结导致灌水器堵塞[9-12]。目前提高滴灌灌水器抗堵性能的方法有:分析流道结构参数对流道内悬浮颗粒分布的影响[13],以选择合适的流道结构参数;面向水力性能和抗堵性能的多目标流道结构参数优化方法[14];消除灌水器流道内漩涡和低流速区的主航道设计[15];以流道内含沙量较低的等值线作为流道边界的流道优化[16];充分发展漩涡,增强流道“自清洗”能力等方法[17]。这些方法的目的都是通过选择合适的流道结构参数,优化流道边界,保证流道具有良好的流态,提高水流对泥沙颗粒的输运能力。

目前迷宫式流道抗堵性能试验中,灌水器堵塞程度一般用浑水流量相对于清水流量的变化量来评价,试验浑水含沙率一般为0.5、1.0、1.5、2、10 g/L[18],分析了灌水器堵塞与泥沙粒径、含沙率的相关关系,及引起灌水器堵塞的泥沙颗粒敏感粒径和临界含沙率,进而可为滴灌水质选择及灌水器结构改进提供依据[19-20]。利用电子显微镜扫描流道沉积泥沙的结构,可分析灌水器堵塞的诱发机制[21]。电镜扫描观测了沉积泥沙的结构,在此基础上可以对沉积泥沙的颗粒组成以及沉积泥沙沿流道方向的粒径变化进一步研究,分析其对灌水器抗堵性能的影响。



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料与装置

研究表明,滴灌灌水器水力性能与抗堵性能相互影响[18-20],为了研究滴灌双向流道灌水器的抗堵性能,并使研究结果具有一定代表性,参考文献[25]双向流道灌水器水力性能研究结果,在灌水器流态指数变化范围(0.424 7~0.462 5)内,选取流态指数最小值(0.424 7)、平均值(0.446 7)及最大值(0.462 5)对应的灌水器流道结构参数方案(共计3种结构)作为研究对象,开展浑水试验,研究其抗堵性能。同时,为了与迷宫式流道的抗堵性能进行对比,选用了直径为16 mm的内镶贴片式滴灌管,其内部流道为迷宫式,流道宽1 mm,深0.8 mm,长度80 mm,流道单元数20个。

双向流道结构如图1所示,相邻的2个分水装置和挡水装置组成1个流道单元;为试验制作的3种双向流道的深度、单元数及流道单元间距(单元间距见图2)相同,均为0.9 mm、20个和1.2 mm。流道其他结构参数及取值见图2和表1。试验流道由底板和隔水盖板2部分组成,底板选用PVC材料,与迷宫流道材料接近;隔水盖板用有机玻璃材料。采用高精密雕刻机(制造厂商:北京精雕科技有限公司;型号:EM-G32S-X32)切割成型,制造精度0.01 mm。每种结构参数组合方案的流道制作5个试件。

1. 进水口 2. 分水装置 3. 挡水装置 4. 流道边壁 5. 出水口


表1 灌水器结构参数取值及水力性能

配制浑水的试验用土经自然风干、研磨后,过120目筛网(孔径为0.125 mm),接近工程实际中网式过滤器目数。参照有关高含沙水源的含沙率[26],本试验浑水含沙率设定为30 g/L。

试验测试装置如图3所示,主要由水箱、浑水收集桶、搅拌器、精密压力表及水泵组成。水箱体积为150 L,上方装有转速为0~700 r/min搅拌器,用于搅拌箱体水流保证水沙混合均匀。水泵额定扬程15 m,流量0.72 m3/h。压力表量程0.16 MPa,精度0.25 级。浑水收集桶容积为150 L。灌水器流量测量部分并联安装了5根支管,每根支管上安装1个灌水器试件,共计5个试件(5个试件的结构参数均相同)。浑水水样流经灌水器试件后直接流入浑水收集桶,不再循环使用。试验装置见图3。

1. 搅拌器 2. 水箱 3. 水泵 4. 回水支管 5.阀门 6.压力表 7.灌水器 8. 尾管 9. 浑水收集桶

1. Agitator 2. Water tank 3. Water pump 4. Backwater branch pipe 5. Valve 6. Pressure gauge 7. Emitters 8. Tail pipe 9. Gathering barrel for muddy water


Note: Arrows in figure indicate the direction of the flow.

图3 浑水试验测试装置示意图

Fig.3 Schematic diagram of muddy water testing apparatus

1.2 试验方法


1.2.1 清水试验及水力性能评价方法

清水试验参照GB/T17187-2009《农业灌溉设备滴头和滴灌管技术规范和试验方法》[27]的要求安排试验,在50~150 kPa进口压力下测试4种灌水器的流量,每次测试时间均持续5 min,取各试件流量的平均值作为其在每个压力点的流量值。




1.2.2 浑水试验及抗堵性能评价方法

浑水试验中灌水器的流量测试分4组进行(每组测试试验方法均相同),每组测试1种灌水器,共测试4种,其中3种为双向流道灌水器,另1种为迷宫式流道灌水器,灌水器测试时的进口压力均为50 kPa。采用周期性间歇灌水测试方法,每次灌水30 min,其中第25 min开始测量流量,流量测量5 min;每种灌水器并联连接5个试件,每个试件均由主管道供水,在相同试验条件下(进口压力及含沙率均相同)进行试验(相当于做了5次重复),将不同类型、相同结构参数的灌水器试件的实测流量取平均值,作为其在不同试验次数时的流量值,灌水间隔30 min;共进行20次浑水试验;每组试验测试结束后,将水箱浑水水样排出,同时更换浑水水样(事先已配制,各物理参数均相同)。

1.2.3 灌水器流道沉积泥沙粒径测量方法p

浑水试验后,对灌水器流道内的沉积泥沙取样,采用Quanta-450-FEG+X-MAX50电子显微镜(FEI、英国牛津)对所取得的泥沙样本扫描观测;将泥沙样本的扫描图片导入到粒径分析软件Image Pro Plus 6.0测量其粒径组成,测量的主要步骤如下:

1)对图片进行反相处理。电子显微镜扫描时,泥沙颗粒的亮度较高,图片显示为高亮;而颗粒间隙处亮度较低,图片显示为暗色。Image Pro Plus 6.0测量时,将扫描图片中泥沙颗粒调为暗色(文中测量时调为黑色),将颗粒间隙处调为亮色(文中测量时调为白色),使得泥沙颗粒的轮廓清晰,可提高测量准确度。

2)设置测量的指标。Image Pro Plus 6.0可测量泥沙颗粒的面积、周长等信息,文中选择测量泥沙颗粒的面积,然后根据面积反求粒径。



2 结果与分析

2.1 清水试验结果

2.1.1 灌水器水力性能


2.1.2 灌水器水力性能差异的显著性分析


表2 灌水器水力性能显著性分析


Note: Values in the same column with different label letter differ significantly (<0.05). Same as below.

2.2 浑水试验结果

2.2.1 灌水器流量变化


图4 灌水器相对流量变化过程


2.2.2 灌水器抗堵性能差异的显著性分析


表3 灌水器抗堵性能显著性分析


2.3 双向流道泥沙沉积部位及成因


图5 双向流道(1#)泥沙沉积情况





3 双向流道沉积泥沙粒径分布规律及成因分析

利用电子显微镜,对过筛后的原状泥沙和流道内沉积泥沙进行扫描观测,并利用粒径分析软件Image Pro Plus 6.0分析泥沙粒径组成,其中沉积泥沙是从1#灌水器流道前段、中段和后段分别取样,电镜扫描图见图6,泥沙颗粒组成见表4。

图6 原状和沉积泥沙电子显微镜扫描图片

从图6可以看出,原状泥沙颗粒大小分明,颗粒之间分布松散。流道前段沉积泥沙的结构主要为小颗粒填充于大颗粒之间形成的团聚体,结合表4,在该段沉积泥沙中,粒径>0.03 mm的颗粒质量分数为7.77%,粒径<0.005 mm的黏粒质量分数为65.98%;由于泥沙粒径>0.03 mm时絮凝作用不明显[36],因此利于大量小颗粒隐藏于大颗粒空隙之间,使得小颗粒受到的水流的拖曳力与上举力减小,同时在小颗粒的黏附与大颗粒的基础骨架作用下,颗粒间的力链稳定,易形成结构紧实的团聚体[37-38]。流道中段沉积泥沙结构与流道前段类似,粒径>0.03 mm的颗粒质量分数为5.13%,粒径<0.005 mm的黏粒质量分数为56.31%,相对前段均有所减小,形成的团聚体紧实程度降低,容易在水流剪切作用下被破坏,因此该段泥沙沉积程度相对前段降低。流道后段沉积泥沙大部分为小颗粒形成的絮团结构,粒径>0.03 mm的颗粒质量分数减小到2.11%,粒径<0.005 mm的黏粒质量分数增大到69.76%,泥沙颗粒粒径愈小,其比表面积愈大,颗粒絮凝作用愈强,但该段大粒径颗粒质量分数较小,絮团缺少稳定的基础骨架结构,组成絮团的颗粒间的联结力不强,絮团不足以克服流体的高剪切速率[39],容易破碎,进而随水流运动流出流道,这成为流道该段泥沙沉积程度低于前段和中段的重要原因。

表4 原状和沉积泥沙颗粒组成

从表4也可以看出,流道沉积泥沙中粒径>0.03 mm的颗粒质量分数较小,在2.11%~7.77%之间;而粒径<0.03 mm的颗粒量分数较大,在92.23%~97.89%之间,因此对于双向流道来说,粒径<0.03 mm细小泥沙颗粒更易引起流道堵塞。


4 结论与建议

1)在较高的含沙率(30 g/L)条件下,双向流道灌水器仍具有较好的抗堵塞能力,且抗堵性能优于作为对比的迷宫式流道灌水器。双向流道灌水器与迷宫式流道灌水器的抗堵性能差异显著,主要是因为两者流道结构形式及工作机理不同,双向流道中形成的正、反2股对冲水流强烈混掺,提高了水流的挟沙能力,增强了灌水器的抗堵塞能力。



4)双向流道灌水器沿流道方向,沉积泥沙中粒径>0.03 mm的颗粒质量分数从7.77%减小到2.11%,粒径<0.005 mm的黏性颗粒质量分数先从65.98%减小到56.31%后增加到69.76%;沉积泥沙粒径的变化直接影响沉积泥沙结构,流道前段、中段沉积泥沙主要为结构紧实的团聚体,后段沉积泥沙主要为小颗粒形成的絮团结构。

5)双向流道沉积泥沙中粒径﹤0.03 mm的颗粒质量分数较高,此粒径范围的泥沙颗粒间的絮凝作用较强,当流道水流剪切速率较低时,易形成较大的絮团沉积于流道,从而引起灌水器堵塞发生。


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Contrast experiment on anti-clogging performance of bidirectional flow channel emitters with different structures in drip irrigation

Wang Xinduan1, Bai Dan1※, Song Lixun2, Guo Lin1, Li Jialu1, Wu Shanshan1

(1.,,710048,; 2.,,710048,)

The clogging of drip emitters is of great concern to many researchers. A bidirectional flow channel is different from a labyrinth flow channel and it is mainly composed of a structure for dividing water and a structure for blocking water. The main working principle comprises mixing the forward flow and the reverse flow created by the above mentioned structures, and the hydraulic performance is thus enhanced. Although a bidirectional flow channel provides better hydraulic performance, its anti-clogging performance, in particular in cases when muddy water with a high sediment concentration is used, needs to be researched in depth. Hence, periodic intermittent drip irrigation experiments were carried out using muddy water containing sediment particles with different sizes (all less than 0.125 mm), which were screened by a sieving method, and sediment particles were added to give a concentration of 30 g/L muddy water. To provide a contrast, a type of drip irrigation tube with an embedded labyrinth channel was chosen to compare the anti-clogging performance of the channels. Each test comprised 20 irrigation procedures, each for a period of 30 min, which was the same as the test interval. In the 25th minute the emitter flow was recorded in real time, and the measurement was continued for 5 min. After the end of each group of treatments, the test specimens were replaced with new specimens and the system was flushed to ensure that no sediment remained. In these experiments, changes in flow rate were measured under a pressure of 50 kPa. After the end of the trial, the clogged emitters were cut and dried to their natural state, and then the sediment deposited in the bidirectional flow channel was collected; the locations in which sediment was deposited were observed. The structure of the sediment deposits was also observed using an electron microscopy, and the sediment particle size was calculated using Image Pro Plus 6.0 software to analyze the mechanisms that caused clogging by sediment particles with sizes in different ranges. The results showed that the relative flow rates in the bidirectional flow channel were all greater than 75% of the rinsing flow rate; however, the labyrinth channel was completely clogged after 12 irrigation procedures. The significance analysis showed that there were remarkable differences on hydraulic and anti-clogging performance of the 4 types of emitters. The hydraulic performance and anti-clogging performance of the bidirectional flow channel were all better than that of the contrasting labyrinth channel. However, for the emitters with different bidirectional flow channel structures, the better the hydraulic performance of the bidirectional flow channel was, the worse its anti-clogging performance was. The pattern and structural parameters of flow channel significantly influenced the overall performance of emitters in drip irrigation. The concentration of sediment deposits decreased gradually from anterior segments to posterior segments of the bidirectional flow channel. Along the direction of the flow channel, the proportion of sediment particles of which the sizes were greater than 0.03 mm decreased from 7.77% to 2.11%, and the proportion of particles with sizes of less than 0.005 mm decreased from 65.98% to 56.31% and then increased to 69.76%. The variations in particle size along the flow channel directly affected the structure of the sediment deposits. In the anterior and middle segments of the flow channel sediment particles mainly condensed into aggregates, but these underwent flocculation in the posterior segments. The results also confirmed that sediment was easily deposited in the bidirectional flow channel when the sediment particle size was less than 0.03 mm.

sediments; hydraulics; flow rate; drip irrigation; bidirectional flow channel; anti-clogging performance

王新端,白 丹,宋立勋,郭 霖,李嘉露,吴山山.不同结构滴灌双向流道灌水器抗堵性能对比试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(14):78-85. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.010

Wang Xinduan, Bai Dan, Song Lixun, Guo Lin, Li Jialu, Wu Shanshan.Contrast experiment on anti-clogging performance of bidirectional flow channel emitters with different structures in drip irrigation [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(14): 78-85. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.010





白 丹,重庆开州人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事节水灌溉理论与技术研究。





