

城市设计 2018年2期


CBD是“中央商务区”(Central Business District)的英语缩写。其形象一般为扎堆在一起的摩天楼群及其垂直向上的城市天际线。2014年,深圳城市设计促进中心举办了深圳湾超级城市设计国际竞赛。竞赛选址深圳湾CBD核心区,要求在110公顷的土地上,修建500万m2的建筑。容积率为4.27。这是典型的CBD指标。地段地处深圳湾中部,交通发达,风景秀丽,滨水宜人。这为探索CBD设计的新类型和新形象提供了难得的机遇和平台。

朱文一工作室提交的“超级方体”(Super Cube)设计方案以其巧妙的构思、匹配的设计和独特的形态获得三等奖(图1),从匹配地段、小街坊式、滨水空间、扁平形象等方面来展示方案的特点。




图1 / Figure 1超级方体整体形象 / The Image of the Super Cube



Super Cube: A Proposal for the Shenzhen Bay Super City International Competition, Shenzhen, China

ZHU Wenyi


Location: Shenzhen, China

Time: January-May, 2014

Host: Urban Planning and Land and Resources

Commission of Shenzhen Municipality

Organizer: Shenzhen Center for Design

Program: Shenzhen Bay Super City International Competition Aera: 5,300,000 m2

Design Team

Chief Architect: ZHU Wenyi

Team Member: FU Junsheng, XIA Ji, LIANG Yingya,LIU Zhiqiang, LI Jintai, HAO Tian CBD is the abbreviation of the Central Business District. Its image is generally a group of skyscrapers and the vertical and upward skyline of the city. In 2014, the Urban Planning and Land and

Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality hosted the Shenzhen Bay Super City International Competition. The future super city will be in the core area of Shenzhen Bay CBD and requires the construction of 5 million m2of buildings on 110 hectares of land. The FAR is 4.27. This is a typical CBD. The site is located in the central part of Shenzhen Bay, with developed traffic, beautiful scenery and pleasant waterfront. This provides a rare opportunity and platform for exploring the new typology and new image of CBD design.

The “Super Cube” design proposal submitted by Zhu Wenyi Atelier won the third prize for its clever idea, matching design, and unique form (Figure 1). The proposal can be demonstrated in terms of matching locations, small blocks, waterfront spaces, and fl at image.

The first is matching the status quo of the lot and its planning requirements (Figure 2). Taking consideration of the CBD plan guidelines, the Super Cube scheme extends the design area to the Shenzhen Bay Sea to re fl ect the coastal features of the site (Figure 3). On the other hand, the scheme particularly respects the status quo and considers

图2 / Figure 2方案匹配地段及其上位规划 / Matching the Planning Guidelines

the existing real estate residential districts and the surrounding existing buildings on the north side of the site. Based on the status quo and planning grid, the scheme doubled the grid and increases the maritime grid; at the same time it superimposes the 45-degree direction main road to highlight the boundary and the recognition of the core area of the CBD (Figure 4). Even in the map with normal mode, the Super Cube scheme still has been recognized by its signi fi cant image (Figure 5).

图3 / Figure 3拓展地段体现滨海特征Rethinking of the Site Area as Waterfront

图4 / Figure 4CBD核心区新边界及其识别性New Eage for CBD Core Area and Its Recognition

图5 / Figure 5模拟地图模式的超级方体设计方案Super Cube Scheme on the Map with Normal Mode

图12 / Figure 12令人惊叹的城市天际线An Amazing City Skyline

Followed by exploring the small blocks model of the CBD core area. Instead of symmetrical layout of the axis of the Wide Road, the Super Cube scheme chooses a 30 m wide “Narrow” road for creating a decentralized street space grid and activating the vitality of the overall block. The size of each small block is approximately 70m long from north to south, 50 m wide from east to west, and approximately 50 m high, conforming to the land use of the CBD’s market, and the so-called small blocks and large values. Small blocks can meet the office spaces of financial, media, technology and other functions (Figure 6, Figure 7). At the same time, people and vehicles are stratified by means such as Qilou Buildings, a modern building with opened-colonnaded fi rst fl oor in south China cities(Figure 8); through designing the public roof, a vibrant and green roof on the small block is formed(Figure 9).

The third is to explore the new landscape of the coastal space of the CBD. The Super Cube Scheme designed the coastal space with high cost of land as a public space, envisaging the display of a variety of traditional Chinese opera cultures (Figure 10). The diagonally raised V-shaped plaza on the one hand creates an amazing view of the city from a bird’s-eye view and also shows a unique scenery on the seafront boulevard (Figure 11). Looking northward at Shenzhen Bay from Shekou District, you can see the unique coastal city skyline (Figure 12).

The fourth is to try a flat design from God’s eye view. In the Being Digital Era, a new way of building experience God’s Eye View Architecture proposed by ZHU Wenyi[1-2]. The Super Cube Scheme fully embodies the ideas and methods expressed by God’s Eye View Architecture, not only creating a Man’s Eye View city landmark, but also exploring the city landmark that are strongly discernible from God’s eye view (Figure 13). The latter provides an experience of urban landmarks on the smartphone’s small screen in the Being Digital Era (Figure 14).In addition, the future of CBD should have the possibility of new energy. A large-area solar photovoltaic panel is designed as one of the most important part of the Super Cube Scheme. It explores an urbanism with infrastructural facilities.


——以柏林Kreuzberg 地区为例