

城市设计 2018年2期

黄秋平 / [Interviewee]HUANG Qiuping

[时 间]2018年1月18日 / [Date]January 18, 2018

[地 点]上 海 / [Place]Shanghai, China

[采访人]严文欣 吴灈杭 / [Interviewer]Yan Wenxin, Wu Quhang

Q1 您是世博轴的总建筑师,请您谈谈世博会对上海城市发展的影响。






图1 / Figure 12018年1月18日,黄秋平总建筑师在华东建筑设计研究总院接受采访Mr. HUANG Qiuping in Interview, January 18, 2018, East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.,Shanghai, China


Q2 上海是座特色鲜明的城市,您认为上海有哪些充满活力的公共空间?它们在城市中是如何发挥作用的?





Q3 您认为老街区对于当代城市发展有什么作用?



图2 / Figure 22010年上海世博会场馆 / 2010 Shanghai Expo Pavilions




Q4 上海有黄浦江和苏州河等河流,请您谈谈对滨水空间的看法。




Q5 上海“里弄”特色鲜明,请您谈谈“里弄”在当代上海城市中扮演的角色。




Q6 您认为游客与外来人口对上海城市特色塑造有何影响?



Q7 请您列举一例上海最具特色的场所,并说明理由。


旗昌洋行是19世纪远东最著名的美资公司,1818年由美国商人Samul Russell创办于广州,1846年迁入上海。建筑建造于19世纪50年代,确切时间不详,是“上海早期外廊式建筑,立面呈石砌连续半圆券及尖券特征”。





[U-TALK]HUANG Qiuping·TALK about Shanghai City

[Interviewee]HUANG Qiuping[Date]January 18, 2018[Place] Shanghai, China[Interviewer] Yan Wenxin, Wu Quhang[Translator]Yan Wenxin, Wu Quhang (from Chinese to English)

HUANG Qiuping, Chief Architect of East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Professor-level senior architect, National First-Class Certified Architect, Senior Member of Architectural Society of China, Member of National Board of Architectural Accreditation of China, Deputy Secretary-general of Architectural Design Standardization Committee, Executive Director of Academic Committee of Underground Space–ASC, the Chief Architect of the Expo Axis and the Celebration Square, Shanghai World Expo 2010.

He focuses on research and practice of green architecture and large public building. He led and completed many projects such as the Expo Axis and the Celebration Square of Shanghai World Expo 2010, Yixing Cultural Center,New Headquarter of Development Bank etc (Figure 1).

Source: Provided by Mr. HUANG Qiuping.

Q1 You are the chief architect of the Expo Axis, would you please share some views about the impact of the World Expo on Shanghai’s urban development.

The Shanghai World Expo was held 10 years ago,but its influence remains until today. The 2010 Shanghai World Expo was a major event that profoundly affected the future development of Shanghai, as well as a driving force for Shanghai to achieve its internationalization goals (Figure 2).To fully assess the impact of the World Expo on Shanghai’s urban development, however, we may still need more time, because the impact of major events is far-reaching. The following impacts are what I can see for now.

The dominant in fl uence above all, was the leap-forward development of urban infrastructure. Before

the opening of the 2010 World Expo, a total of 11 metro lines with a total length of 422 kilometers were established in Shanghai, forming a “four vertical, three horizontal and one ring” transit network; 50% of the transportation was achieved through public transport, of which 35% used metro transit. Four new river tunnels were built to better connect Puxi and Pudong. Refurbishment and reconstruction of urban infrastructure facilities in the planned areas, adjacent areas, and related areas of the Expo zone were completed. It can be said that the Expo pushed Shanghai’s infrastructure construction 10 years forward.

The second in fl uence was the redevelopment practice on both sides of the Huangpu River, which also promoted the functional transformation and spatial restructuring of the urban core area of Shanghai. Since the year of 2000, Shanghai has been planning on the industry transformation along the Huangpu River. The 2010 World Expo was a collective action of this overall plan. By the end of 2017, Shanghai finally achieved a complete 45-kilometer coastline from the Yangpu Bridge to the Xupu Bridge on both banks of the Huangpu River, connecting the point-like, fragmented public space, cultural and commercial facilities along the river to form a system. This basically achieved the planning objectives of the integration of functions—service, ecology, residence, tourism and leisure—along the Huangpu River banks, which also served as an example guiding the development direction of the entire city.

Also profound was the impact of new ideas, new technologies, and new materials. The 2010 World Expo emphasized the concept of harmony between man and nature, and the pursuit of sustainable development of the city. Its core value was a harmonious social and ecological environment,including urban natural ecological environment,social ecological environment, economic environment, spatial environment, and living environment,which evolved into today’s “ Beautiful scenery is the gold and silver mines” development goal—a profound change of concept.

The demonstration of new technologies and new materials with ecological, green, energy saving and sustainable concepts were extremely diversified.The design of the Expo Axis, which integrated

the design and manufacturing technologies of the Sunshine Valley and tensile membrane structures,the use of water sources and ground heat, rainwater harvesting and underground space design techniques, was a demonstration of the capability of new technologies and materials under the guidance of new concepts. The 2010 World Expo was an environmental fest of low-carbon experiments and green actions. After the World Expo, these concepts have been rooted inside the architect community and have once again become an origin of architectural creation.

Another innovation in this Expo was the urban best practice area. In the best practice area, retained industrial buildings accounted for more than 60%of the total area, which reflected the concept of restoration, transformation and utilization under the premise of protection, enabled the insertion of new functions as well as the enhancement in urban quality, and also embedded culture and fashion elements. Historical memories were preserved and the Zeitgeist was demonstrated through this practice. The practice area was an integrated exemplary zone of new concept, new ideas, new materials,new products, and new technologies, consisting of more than 60 countries’ best urban practices. It was successful and left behind a number of cultural landmarks such as the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art. This area has now been planned to become the center of design and innovation in Shanghai and is playing its leading role for innovative cities.

Q2 Shanghai is a distinctive city. What are your opinions of Shanghai’s vibrant public space? How do they work in the city?

The most distinctive one of Shanghai’s vibrant public spaces is no doubt the Huangpu River waterfront. The River condenses the history of the city, tells the story of the city, and symbolizes the inclusive urban spirit of the city. The river also gathers Shanghai’s major production and living activities.

Huangpu River waterfront starts from the Yangpu Bridge. In Pudong’ it tandemly connects modern industrial civilization bases such as Minsheng Wharf and Shanghai Shipyard, glamorous Lujiazui CBD area, natural expo back beach area, vibrant

front beach area, and leisure Sanlin area; In Puxi’it is composed of the Yangpu Riverside, the North Bund, the Bund, the South Bund, Li tan Bund, and the Xuhui Riverside/West Bank, all the way to Xupu bridge. The old Bund—the Lover’s wall that everyone is familiar with—is only 1.5 kilometers in length, but the new Bund waterfront is now extended to 45 kilometers, which truly released the vitality of the waterfront urban public space.

The east bank of the waterfront coastline uses the concept of “excavating and stimulating the lifestyle with Shanghai characteristics” as its starting point.The trac system runs through three lanes of jogging, bicycle and slow trail, and is connected to the hinterland through three types of longitudinal axes. The waterfront belt promotes the connection between the city and nature. Museums, art galleries, concert halls and other cultural facilities complement the industrial heritages to fulfill the goal of all yearround public events. It is also interesting to note that every 1 km along the coastline there is a lighthouse that combines service and sightseeing business functions, and also serves as the sign of runner’s kilometer number. The current shortcoming of the coastline is the lack of parking lot, health facilities, and commercial service facilities alongside.


The waterfront coastline is attracting more and more urban residents and tourists to jointly create the most dynamic public space, promoting exchange between people, people and nature, as well as people and history. The coastline is integrated into the life of the people of Shanghai;re fl ects the characteristics and image of Shanghai;and showcases Shanghai’s ambition to become a world-class waterfront city.

Q3 What do you think of the role of the historical architecture blocks in the contemporary development of the cities?

Shanghai’s downtown area has 12 historical protected areas with a total area of 27 square kilometers—equivalent to 1/3 of the old Shanghai city in the 1930s, including the Bund, Laochengxiang,Hengshan Road-Fuxing Road area, and Tilanqiao area. 4 historical and cultural towns and 32 historic preservation areas are identified in the suburban districts.

From a functional perspective, these old neighborhoods are useful. Taking advantage of the convenience of life due to its location, it is still a preferable place for city life and operates now under modern living and public use functions. Because of its pleasant scale, people living in it are reluctant to leave and continue to use its functions through transformation and implantation. From a historical and cultural point of view, the historical blocks are of emotional values to a city. The basic functions of contemporary cities to serve the people have not changed, and we need such emotional values.

From the perspective of urban recognizability,these historical areas are characteristic of Shanghai’s typical urban space and temperament, such as waterfront space, historical lanes, architectural style, and cultural characteristics. The historical blocks are Shanghai’s international and domestic city image and identity developed during the past 100 years, and distinguish the city from other cities.

Shanghai is facing increasing scarcity of land resources. Therefore, “renewal & optimization”will be an important path for the connotative development of Shanghai in the future. This is a function of the historical blocks from a sustainable urban development perspective.

In 2017, the Shanghai municipal government listed all buildings with a history of more than 50 years as preserved buildings. I think it further explains the role of the historical blocks in contemporary cities.

Q4 Shanghai has an abundance of water resources including rivers such as the Huangpu River and the Suzhou Creek.Can you share some views on the waterfront space?

Since the reform and opening up in Pudong in 1990, the Huangpu River has became the core of Shanghai’s urban space, driving the functional transition of the coastline from productive uses to the public open spaces, which resulted in the idea of the Huangpu river waterfront space. In 2000,Shanghai completed the master plan for both sides of the Huangpu River and the landscape plan for the Suzhou Creek waterfront. Judging from its current implementation situation, the implementation of the waterfront space in the Huangpu River is completed fi rst and can be considered successful.In comparison with the Huangpu River waterfront space, the Suzhou Creek waterfront has more problems in terms of connectivity, publicity, and hydrophilicity. In fact, however, Suzhou Creek has more connections with the daily life of Shanghai people and its scale is more people-friendly. In 2005, at the foot of the Waibaidu Bridge at the estuary of the Suzhou Creek, a movable millennium flood prevention wall was built. Therefore, we believe the Suzhou Creek is fully capable of solving the problem of hydrophilicity, but it will take time and patience.

Regarding the views of the waterfront space, I personally think that: First, the waterfront space should be named “public”. It should be an open public space to all, regardless of their economic or social conditions: everyone has the right to enter.Public spaces are important sources of urban vitality, and the value of public spaces lies in promoting communication and integration among people.I believe that the quantity and quality of public spaces, and the degree of openness are important indicators to evaluate modern urban civilization.It can even be said that public space is the temperament of modern citizens’ individual subjectivity and independence. After Shanghai’s 45-kilometer coastline was completed, in January this year, a public activity system is proposed in the official“Shanghai Urban Master Plan (2017-2035)”. Both sides of the riverside are important bearing areas of this proposal, which is very far-sighted. Secondly,since it is a waterfront space, it should be hydrophilic. The urban elevation of Shanghai is generally between 4-5 meters, and the “thousand-yearold” fl ood prevention wall protection standard is 6.9 meters, which results in the situation of “by the riverside without seeing the riverside”. For example,during the renovation of the Bund in the 1990s, a fl ood-proof embankment with a box structure was designed according to the new security standards.Some business functions are enclosed in the body,the result of which is, however, that the unilateral street that was originally open to the river becomes a main traffic route with no views of the river,completely isolating the close relationship between people and water. The best solution to this problem is to learn from the Xuhui Riverside/West Bank.

The hydrophilicity problem is solved by raising the entire section of the ground road and the fl ood prevention wall. This reflects an improvement in design concepts and design methods through time.Thirdly, I believe the waterfront space should be returned to nature to restore the river ecology,and to allow the aquatic plants to grow, the soil to breathe, and the animals to settle. The better case in this regard is the Houtan Riverside section of Pudong. The section retains most wild reeds and aquatic plants. Lawn and muddy lands reaches into the water surface naturally, displaying the characteristics of the “beach” on the beach, and preserving its vitality. Fourthly, the waterfront space should be able to attract and retain people. This requires a complete set of public service facilities,such as parking lots, toilets, and soon. To involve and to immerse people, you need to have public cultural facilities, with good design and high quality of construction. Due to its short construction time period, the Huangpu riverside project is still not satisfactory in terms of design and construction quality in some sections. Last but not least, the distinctiveness of the region designed should be retained. The design of the Yangpu Riverside section is a good example in that it re fl ects the characteristics of the power plants, water plants, and shipyards that is representative of Shanghai’s 100-year industrial history.

Q5 The Lilong (historical lane) of Shanghai has distinctive features. Could you please talk about the role of historical lanes in contemporary Shanghai cities?

Shanghai used to have more than 9,000 Shikumen Lanes, accounting for more than 60% of all residential buildings in Shanghai. Shanghai’s Shikumen is equivalent to a multi-storey, high-density villa.Unlike Beijing’s siheyuan, which is generally only one storey high, Shanghai’s Shikumen is generally 2~3 stories high. It opens on the north and south

side, has a patio, and a dormer window. It integrates eastern and western culture, adapts to Shanghai’s climatic environment, and is in line with Shanghai’s socio-economic development at that time. Shikumen building formed a public-semi-private-private space residential spatial sequence through a leaf-like structure, with a main lane and several branch lanes. Due to reasons such as scarcity of land, as well as developers’ need to maximize pro fi t, public space in the lanes is often minimized, which resulted in the characteristic tension of public space in the lanes. Thus the hierarchy, connectivity, and tension within the public space, and the individuality and limitation of private living space in the historical lanes promote communication between people, and achieved a sense of intimacy, a sense of belonging, and a sense of responsibility among the residents. The historical lanes also shape the character of the Shanghai people: orderly, modest, rational, and exquisite.

The homogenization of contemporary urban development in China is very common. If we view the historical lanes from the perspective of urban history and culture, and from the perspective of the development of urban characteristics, the historical lanes should be the heritages that still live in Shanghai today, and are precious resources and organic components of a city’s diversi fi ed development.

Xintiandi mode, which a lot of people is familiar with, is seen as a successful case of commercial gentri fi cation, and the model for protection of Shikumen. But it was actually more of a development path rather than protection path. Either way, it was still one method for the transformation of historical lanes. Other different development paths such as Tianzifang mode, Jianyeli mode, cultural heritage mode, and protection and transformation mode of historical lanes are still worth exploring and practicing.

Q6 What impact do you think tourists and migrants have on the shaping of Shanghai’s urban characteristics?

Shanghai is known as “Magic City”. One of her charisma lies in her diversity. It is formed by the integration of different migrant population. Before the founding of new China, the south side of Yan’an Road (Fukeng Road) is the old city area, and is inhabited mostly by Chinese. This side featured

Yuyuan Garden, Chenghuang Temple, and various guildhalls and led a folk life. The north side was formerly the British Concession, featuring high-rise buildings, Shiliyangchang, and Huaihai Road-Fuxing Road-Hengshan Road area. The French Concession is characteristic of its pedestrian-friendly road scales and exquisite villas, shaping the so-called“Petty Bourgeoisie” character of Shanghainese. A number of Jews who took refuge in Shanghai during the World War II formed a Jewish community centering the Moses Hall. Some Russians who lived in the French Concession also left their beautiful halls and churches. Many of them are musicians, dancers and painters, which also led to the popularity of operas and ballets in Shanghai at that time. In the 1930s Shanghai was visited by a bunch of famous people such as Einstein, Tagore, Russell, Chaplin,Shaw Bernard, Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Ding Ling, Yu Dafu, Lin Yutang. Shanghai at that time was unprecedentedly prosperous in cinema, theater,and literature and publishing. In 1921, 12 young people across the country met in a small building in the French Concession in Shanghai to establish the Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, we can conclude that Shanghai’s innovativeness is also a result of the exchange of thoughts and collisions among different people from all over the world. Another character of the “Magic City” is its fairness. No matter where one comes from, he or she will have good opportunities to survive and develop in Shanghai as long as one has the ability. The dierent ways of life and culture can be integrated in Shanghai as long as this lifestyle and culture can bring new ideas into city life.

These characteristics have been well continued in the past 100 years and are still distinctive features of Shanghai. They are conducive to attracting elites from all over the country to do their business in Shanghai and also promote the development and enrichment of urban culture. As a result, tourists and foreign residents are positive shapers of city features.

Q7 Please list one typical venue in Shanghai and explain why.

There are many places with distinctive features in Shanghai. Apart from the Huangpu River waterfronts, I would like to recommend one less popular spot located in No.17-19 Fuzhou Road: Qichang Foreign Bank.

Qichang Yangxing is the most famous US-funded company in the Far East in the 19th century.Founded by American businessman Samul Russell in Guangzhou in 1818, it was moved to Shanghai in 1846. The architecture was built in the 1850s, the exact time being unknown. It bears the features of“Shanghai’s early corridor-style building.” Its facade is a continuous semicircular stone arch with sharp features.

Recommendation reasons are as follows:

First, a respected elder friend of mine told me about this building during a chat. At the time, he was responsible for house refurbishments in the Huangpu District Housing Management Oce. He had started his apprenticeship after graduating from secondary school. In the past few years, he has been responsible for the refurbishment and recovery work of the Bund and has achieved great success. I am touched by the fact that he literally knows every building on the Bund.

Secondly, this is one of the oldest existing buildings in the Bund area. According to Dr. Chen Xi’s statement, it witnessed the historical changes of the Bund; as the office building of Qichang Foreign Bank, it experienced the historical process of the early adventurers making their fortune, prospered,and declined; as an industry of the China Shipping Merchants Holdings, it bore in mind how national capital succeeded in the ups and downs of business wars, and how it progressed with difficulty in the complex mechanisms of mutual use and mutual control of government ocials and merchants; as a residential building, it accepted the change from barracks to unit public housing from the early days of the founding of the new China, and also witnessed the deterioration of the living conditions of the residents under the new historical conditions and their conflicts and helplessness while facing irresistible national policies and an uncertain real estate market.Third, I think it is unfairly treated. Since it did not stand on the Bund line, it was separated from the nearby Bund No. 9 by a wall and was almost overwhelmed by the noisy reality. With its historical value and architectural value, it should be more eectively protected and reasonably used.


陈晓明 进入加速期和成熟期,未来十五年是花都滨水新城黄金时代