

城市设计 2018年2期

赵元超 / [Interviewee]ZHAO Yuanchao

[时 间]2018年1月30日 / [Date]January 30, 2018

[地 点]西 安 / [Place]Xi’an, China

[采访人]陈 茜 詹皓安 / [Interviewer]CHEN Xi, ZHAN Haoan

Q1 立足于这片土地,首先想请您谈谈历史丰厚的古都西安的文化特色及其对塑造城市空间的影响。





图1 / Figure 12018年1月3日,赵元超总建筑师在中国建筑西北设计研究院接受采访Mr. ZHAO Yuanchao in Interview, January 3, 2018, China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd., Xi’an, China


Q2 西安是座特色鲜明的城市,您认为西安有哪些充满活力的公共空间?它们在城市中是如何发挥作用的?




图2 / Figure 2西安城区整体鸟瞰 / Rendering of Xi’an City



Q3 请您谈谈对西安旧城保护与城市发展的看法。






Q4 渭河是西安的母亲河,请您谈谈对西安城市滨水空间的看法。




图3 / Figure 3大西安新中心能源金融贸易区起步区 / New Xi'an Center

图4 / Figure 4西安南门广场综合提升改造工程 / South Gate Square, Xi'an


Q5 您认为西安居民的生活习惯有何特性?这种特性对城市空间的形成和使用会产生什么影响?



Q6 刚才您也提到了外来人口的情况,那么您认为游客与外来人口对西安城市特色塑造有何影响?




Q7 请您谈谈以张锦秋大师为代表的唐风建筑对西安城市整体风貌的影响。





Q8 请您列举一例西安最具特色的场所,并说明理由。



Q9 在谈了很多西安这一历史古城的旧城问题之后,也想请您谈谈对西安新城建设的看法。




[U-TALK]ZHAO Yuanchao·TALK about Xi’an City

[Interviewee]ZHAO Yuanchao[Date]January 30, 2018[Place]Xi’an, China[Interviewer]CHEN Xi, ZHAN Haoan[Translator]ZHAN Haoan, CHEN Xi,(from Chinese to English)

Zhao Yuanchao, born in Xi’an in 1963, graduated from Chongqing University with Bachelor of Architecture in 1985 and Master Degree from Department of Architecture theory and design in 1988. In the same year, he started his career in China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute, learned from National academician—Zhang Jinqiu. Now taking place as the chief architect in CSCECNWI.

Zhao Yuanchao practices nearly thirty years has created a number of modern architectures with local characteristics focusing on Xi’an and other cities, keeps on exploring his road of architecture design in the vast western land(Figure 1).

Source: Provided by Mr. ZHAO Yuanchao.

Q1 First of all, please talk about the culture features about the ancient city, Xi’an,and its impact on creating city spaces.

In Xi’an, every project we work on might face the relationship between the land and the history. There are many challenges. Xi’an has thick “History layers” that it went through some of the most important dynasties of Chinese culture, including Zhou,Qin, Han, Tang, etc. Those dominance city ruins show that rampart of Ming dynasty still remains its complete pattern, the city pattern of Tang dynasty still shows the great momentum (Figure 2). The project that we were discussing about last night is locating on new developed area but we still found the golden light gate when digging about history ruins. Creating in Xi’an can’t do without historical culture.

Xi’an has genes of different dynasty. Zhouli: Kaogongji has mentioned about Fenggao of Xizhou dynasty as a model of Chinese cities. If we learn more about cities then we’ll know about planning of Changan. So I always describe Xi’an city as half of Chinese history. To a city, architectures loading historical culture of a nation, which embodies the culture, politics, economics, and also has great impact on recessive characters and poetries.

As history developed, Xi’an has declined, from a“city” to a “county” , and turned out to be distinct military features. Admires whatever its simple, fast,and real. Traditional house in Guanzhong is fancy for ”half-built house”, in order to economize woods.I think it’s all about fast and simple. And the food,bread with mutton soup, shows same idea.

In conclusion, Xi’an has both features of capital and military base. I think both of the living styles are deeply effected by culture, which gave confidence to Xi’an people, and also the inferiority of decline. The confidence and inferiority mix together and exist in the development of Xi’an.There is a group of scholars sticking to the characteristics of the ancient city of Xi’an, and came up with practices of the revival plan of Tang dynasty’s capital, and the recovery of the ancient styled city;the others advocated internationalization, which conforms to the law of the whole city development.These two views run through the construction and development of Xi’an. But there is a consensus that Xi’an city is very square, should not have too many curves, the building should be generous. For example, we have done a project in Xi’an new district,which is based on squares, the building is basically by the form of the square, and then construct a harmonious modern city. Besides, the urban design of Xi’an administrative center, we are also very tangled, is it supposed to be the slope roof? In order to adapt to urban design, as a government program of Xi’an, which through the central axis since Han and Tang dynasty till now, should focus on performing the culture characteristic of Xi’an city, in the end, we adopted the courtyard layout and slope roof to show a respect for history, which caused a good effect. It’s a typical project done by planners and architects worked together.

Every architect designs with strong regional colors,some of them are recessive, some are dominant.No architect creation can pull away from its culture and time. We have no conscious when situate in this city, but once you leave to see other cities,you’ll fi nd the special taste and tone of Xi’an. Food culture and characters of people related to the city.Xi’an people are more attend to be straight and stubborn than being euphemism (Figure 3).

Q2 Xi’an is a distinctive city, please introduce some energetic public spaces and how they function in the city.

I think the energetic spaces of a modern city are related to its spatial interface, history and transportation. I remember when I was a graduate student,some said that in a city, the place you would like to go most should be the city center or the traditional business center. It’s an energetic space. Of course,since a city has more than a million people, there must be more than one center. But there are some features of energetic spaces, for example, the Bell-Drum Tower, it is the model of Xi’an, especially after the construction of the Bell-Drum Tower square, it not only re fl ects the historical landscape of the “morning bells and evening drums”, but also the largest urban open space in the old town.I think the history layer of Bell-Drum Tower in Xi’an is very interesting. The north courtyard historic district is also very interesting, which fi ts the diverse need of modern urban. The other example is the South Gate City Square, which is also a energetic region, but it is a pity that some places are not completely connected which impacts the vitality of the whole area. Young people in southern suburbs of Xi’an like to live in small villages because of their own characteristics and historical culture.

When I was a student, I was very concerned about the shape of the building. It has to be stunning. In fact, to a city or a space, architecture is only a layer of it, and there are other elements like history,culture, and nature that construct living space. The amount of open space is a important indicator of the civilization degree of a city. Hot spot like the Bell-drum Tower square, opened up a city green space 20 years ago, which is still determined and prophetic. So I think human activity is the ultimate foundation of the energy of this city. I often take Lijiang for example, what is the landmark building of Lijiang? Architecture is a surface, architectures construct spaces, and the activities and the living of people are the core of the city. In Beiyuanmen area,people always get together and talk to each other there. It is a very pleasant place, even though there are not so many restaurants there, because people’s activities are most important.

How to create space for people? It’s a point for designers. In the past, we focus on inner spaces of architecture, but to a city, interfaces of architecture construct the surrounding of city space. How do you turn those negative spaces into positive spaces? That’s what architects cares.

In the past, traditional settlements and streets are designed spontaneously by people, which can inspire architects. I’m confused by this phenomenon. I just came back from Guizhou, where the farmers made things very harmonious, the space connection is very ingenious, and also fi t their own needs. Why do professional architects fail to do so?Is it because our training or architectural education focus too much on the form of architecture,but less attention on people? Again, let’s talk about the Beiyuanmen area, where the building is not pretty, but it contains diverse spaces, large scale as the Xiyang market, turning lanes as Huajue alley, the Grand Mosque, the diversity of nation, and the integration of various cultures, add up as an abundant city life,which also makes it attractive enough.

However, there are many hidden dangers in the Beiyuanmen historical area. Recently, modernizing and upgrading this area is proposed. But how? It’s very dicult and complicated. We have participated in some of these projects, including the Shuyuanmen historical blocks, the study of the neighborhood system around the Xiaoyen pagoda,and the expansion project of the Stele museum next to the Sanxue street. How to combine heritage protection with urban renewal is not only an architectural problem, but also involves the development of the whole society, including the property right structure of the land. To keep the surface and update the content, or to regenerate the whole?Especially for Xi’an, its greatest charm cannot be without the history of the old city. So we often say that a good city can tell many stories.

Q3 Can you talk about your opinion about conservation and development of Xi’an?

Like I’ve just mentioned, the city has some genes of dominant and some of recessive, so the conservation of an old town must not be huge transformation.

I think the facsination of these old cities is the texture and space of the streets, so I think the transformation and promotion of the old city is a“minimally invasive operation” and “acupuncture therapy”. Our design in the South Gate area is also a “heart bypass operation” in the old city. It is the guest hall of the whole city, on the ground it looks like fi tting the pattern of our city, but in the underground space, it will be modernized and adapt to the city development (Figure 4).

For the old town part, I don’t agree with the urban protection of keeping the whole original appearance, the development and renewal of the city should let the people of all classes benefit from the development. When I was a child, I lived in an old town. It was very hard to live in that area.

They were very inconvenient in every aspect of their lives. There were no toilets, sewers, and running water. Why is the protection of these cities like Beijing and Xi’an much more diffcult than in Shanghai? An important reason is that Beijing or Xi’an is developed as an agricultural society,and Shanghai developed as a preindustrial society. There are toilets and kitchens in Shikumen,it is modernized and similar to Paris. Protection is conditional. Our urban protection is to upgrade the sample of living in an agricultural era to a post-modern social life. My personal view is that it is not necessary to pursuit form, just to protect the urban space scale and the texture of the street well,and using the gradually organic renewal. There are many examples that are more successful, such as youth hostels and homestay facilities on Xiang Zi temple street of Xi’an cannot be renovated in a large scale, otherwise the texture of the street will be destroyed.

Before the liberation of China, there were four hundred million compatriots, and now we have 1.3 billion people. Living needs of each one are much higher than before, and the way of living is dierent. So the protection of the historic block, I think it’s a way to do it on a scale or on a layer, it can’t be a big demolition. To be honest, we haven’t found a good method so far, we are still trying,like the protection planning of the three heritage in Hanzhong, some protect more, some will be repaired or rebuilt, and some organic renewal under the condition of protection mechanism, I have a point of view, which probably should not be too sedulous to pursuit of the so-called style coordination, but to consider from the aspect of ecology. There are some buildings built in the “60s and 70s”, and I thought it worked, and it was an evolution of The Times. Now there is a view that the style is incongruous, so it should be dismantled, and I don’t agree with it. Perhaps concerned too much about form and pride, there are many economic and ecological problems behind it. After we’ve taken down a building there will be a lot of rubbish, where to put them? Then build another building and repeat the ecological destruction.Now we have reached the stage of architectural heritage protection in different periods. The tube buildings which built in 60s, it’s shabby but can be used after reformed, but the so-called historical houses were swaying. It is said that the latter must be protected, and the former is the dismantling of the discongruous features. This view is not comprehensive. We need a more comprehensive view,or a more rational view of the essence of a city. In

this regard, we are also exploring how to adapt the way of living in an agricultural society to modern life.

The essence of architecture is to use it. We must integrate modern life into protected buildings. Our present protection is also intended to make the ruins more convenient to use. In the South Gate area of Xi’an, we have actually done some research on urban design, and in fact it is also a study about people activities in this area. Although there are a lot of discordant factors around it, it is a product of social development process, and can’t be decided by us. What we can do is to make it better.

Q4 The Wei river is the mother river of Xi’an, please talk about your opinion of city waterside spaces in Xi’an.

In fact, Xi’an has always been a water shortage city. It’s now a statement of calling it “the mother river”. Originally it was “Eight rivers around Changan”. In fact, it was the moat impressed us more. All the city development is by the water, like seashore or river bank. The urban development of Xi’an, from Xianyang town of Qin on the north bank of Wei river, to Chang’an town of Han and Tang on the south bank, was related to the use and prevention of water.

It is now proposed that Xi’an should crossing the Wei river to develop, thinking over the ramparts and look Xi’an from the view of Qin Mountains.But others have suggested that what would it be if there is no rampart in Xi’an? This shows that development of Xi’an has always been collided by two trends of thought. One is that there are too many ancient ones, the other is lack of modernization.

Now all cities attach great importance to the rivers they depend on, such as the Chan Ba Delta of Xi’an, Wei river, and Fengwei Delta. My attitude is that people cannot win the nature. I have my own views on the “south water to north” engineer. We should follow the rules of the nature. There is no need to build many dams and create a waterfront illusion, just to keep original. Speak of moat, many foreign moats are dry, it represents an original state. So, for the river, I think we should follow the saying of “harmony of the man and nature” from our ancestors. I don’t advocate that there are too many man-made things in the waterfront, take the Duck River in Kyoto for example, the bank of it is a natural state, mud-made football fi eld and basketball fi eld are capable of fl ood. It is a natural sight that there’s no pavilion to decorate it. We should also use the concept of landscape to do urban design.

I have a point of view that nature is superior to man. We describe amazing work as “more exquisite than heaven-made”, but man-made is never better than natural. The river should also be like this, let it release its nature. Plants are also a growing life aesthetics, we don’t have to shape it in an anthropomorphic way, make a flower bed into the image of animals, this is not the praise of life.River is the same concept as well, we have built a museum in Chanba, a Z - shaped building, creeping into the river, construct with the river, the arti fi cial things must be less and exquisite. Now we are over decorate everything, like the “city beautify”campaign before, beautify is dis fi gurement. It’s the same for rivers, so I do not agree with excessive design. Instead of talking about the river in the middle of the city, we must think about the Seine River. It has been built over the generations. This view has always penetrated into all aspects of our city, which is the attitude of design, we must have design everywhere, but it seems that there is no design, no carved traces, this is the highest level of design.

Q5 What’s the feature of Xi’an people’s living habit? How does it efect the formation and usage of city spaces?

I don’t think there’s a big in fl uence. Xi’an is also an immigrant city. It does not have very clear regional characteristics. Some say that the habits of the residents have a great in fl uence on the life style of whole city. I think it’s genes and characters that have great in fl uence on the city. I think living habits, especially modern civilization, change very fast, and people’s habits are homogenized and internationalized. What’s the difference between Vanke in Beijing and Vanke in Xi’an? like the development of major real estate, industrial civilization uni fi ed people’s life style. This way of living does not have much in fl uence on the city.

Of course, life style also includes the mode of working. The concept of time, distance and scale in Xi’an is totally dierent from that in Beijing. The living-working composite like our oce, which is in the “ shop-in-the-front-bed-in-the-back” mode,saving trac time but will cause people’s life not rich enough, too simple, but Xi’an people are still quite like this mode. Yet, it does not seem to be a mainstream. This particular paradigm does not make a dierence to the city.

Q6 You have mentioned about the migrants, how do the migrants and tourists impact the city feature of Xi’an?

This is still very in fl uential. The Xi’an government should regard the tourism industry as an important pillar, and it must certainly care about the evaluation of Xi’an by outsiders. Tourism industry may see a series of Tang style buildings such as Tang Lotus Garden in Xi’an as the target of tourists. As the central city of the country, Xi’an must be positioned with the height of the birthplace of Chinese civilization. It is very natural to fi nd out what we have. This created a series of Tang style products such as Lotus Garden, Huaqing Pool and Datang Huaqing town. Here is the capital of the Tang Dynasty, we just want to see how brilliant the Tang Dynasty is, otherwise we can’t see anything.

The development of a city is definitely not the result of one’s will, but the gathering of the government, residents and designers of the city. I remember that it’s been discussing for a long time that Xi’an is a millennium ancient capital, and we must find a characteristic dynasty that represents Xi’an. Beijing and Nanjing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties are larger than Xi’an, with much more ruins; Xi’an can only fi nd the Tang Dynasty, which is the most prosperous time in China, and we have to make it incisively. It is the pride of Xi’an people,and it also meets the needs of tourism.

Xi’an’s urban positioning has a great in fl uence on the overall urban landscape. This city should be rich and colorful, not only owns the Tang Dynasty,but also owns a series of cultural heritages represented by the pattern of the Ming Dynasty ramparts in Xi’an. We should show every dynasty. The buildings on the Xi’an ramparts are orthodox, with brilliant scale. So I think the development of Xi’an may be biased. It should respect different times instead of only focusing on Han and Tang Dynasties. For example, the reconstruction of the Xida Street in the town is arguable. Originally the Xida Street is in the famous city, but it has a lot of Tang style architecture. This is the “big” of what tourism development is chasing. Only the “big hat” of the Tang Dynasty that can meet the needs. These are all waiting to be summed up.

Q7 Please talk about the Tang-style architectures represented by master Zhang Jinqiu and its influence on the overall style of Xi’an city.

Zhang has played an irreplaceable role in the establishment of urban style and the city protection in Xi’an, which is of great value. Her ideas of architecture and the city really fit in with the development of the city as a whole, making a lot of important contributions to the city and fully realizing some of Liang Sicheng’s ideals. After she arrived in Xi’an, the thought of rampart protection and overall style was realized in Xi’an. Zhang is always a heir of Mr. Liang. This is an important contribution to Xi’an. Including the design of Bell-Drum Tower square we’ve mentioned, Zhang is the first practitioner of the city design, the Bell-Drum Tower square is a very important example of the city design. It has been built for 20 years so far, it is turning into a pleasant urban open space of Xi’ not only represent the image of Xi’an, but also the center and the meeting hall of Xi’an.

She has been considered city designing from the perspective of urban design for a long time. For example, the Shanxi Museum, next to the Dayan pagoda, what should the museum re fl ect? It needs a very appropriate language to express the long and splendid history and culture of Shan’xi, which based on the form of Chinese palaces. Last year we held a work exhibition for Zhang in her Museum.It’s been 25 years, but the museum is still very practical. The interior space adapts to the modern exhibition, and it can bring people a magnificent feeling. There is also the three Tang project thirty years ago. Its relationship with the Dayen pagoda and the coordination of the whole regional style is also a valuable creation. You can’t imagine building such a glass wall around the Dayen pagoda.She can embody the artistic conception of traditional space aesthetics and Chinese gardens. Zhang said she made these works at specific locations,which did not mean other works in Xi’an would be the same. There are similar projects that will do this. It is appropriate to adopt this approach in Xi’an’s symbolic nodes, specific conditions and specific building types. Zhang designed the Bell-Drum Tower square in a way, the Changan tower in another, which mainly uses steel structure and glass. Zhang is keeping up with time, she thinks this style is an important milestone for Xi’an to explore urban renewal and urban style protection.Meanwhile, there are many other attempts in Xi’an, such as Liu Kecheng’s works, and of course,some of our projects. After all, architecture must be modernized. It should be used not only to see,but also to adapt to the present way of life and present behavior. For example, the Xi’an municipal government that we designed, oce buildings need ecient, beautiful environment, like making the office in a park, this is an important standard for good oce buildings. Although there are some sloping roofs, but still there are spaces inside the slope roof that is available, without waste. A very important principle in designing our buildings is to exchange the least cost for maximum bene fi t.

Zhang was awarded by the ho Leung Ho Li awards,the Shanxi science and technology progress award,and the highest achievement that the asteroids named after her, which were all recognized by the society for her important contribution to the city and the industry. The Shanxi library, which I worked with Zhang, was very modern without the Tang-style big roof. 20 years have passed, it is still the most representative building on the second ring. Zhang is also adopting some dierent styles.Many people give Zhang a label, which is Tangstyle. In fact, she uses dierent treatments for different subjects and speci fi c locations, and most of the themes of Zhang’s creation are like this, so she has to use it. This is also a very important principle of our urban design, that is to be appropriate. Ten years ago, we have discussed the development of Xi’an with Zhang. She also said that to be diverse and harmonious, and to re fl ect her broad range of creative thinking.

Q8 Please pick a most distinctive place in Xi’an and explain the reasons.

The “distinctive” and “energy” may be connected,to be distinctive and there will be energetic. In Xi’an, I think there are some distinctive sites, but not linked yet. The Bell-Drum Tower is a representative of a classic city center. Then extend to the traditional cultural street of the Beiyuanmen area,representing, folkways. They are the most dynamic places in Xi’an on holidays. In fact, the Bell-Drum tower to the south gate is only 500 meters, the south gate is the most distinctive part Xi’an ramparts, and it’s an interface to welcome the foreign heads of state, it must be a dynamic place. On its east side there is a unique forest of Steles and the gate of Xi’an Academy. So I have been making some attempts, maybe there is a link among the south gate to the stele forest, to the academy gate,the bell tower, to the north courtyard gate and the mosque in the future. This link includes many of the most distinctive and dynamic places in Xi’an.I often think about why heritages in other cities are demolished? It is in the bones of Xi’an that there are the genes of the imperial city. Xi’an has become a government since Song Dynasty, but it still has that state of mind till now. Just as the theme of “Guan Xue” founded by Zhang Zai:“To

stand for nature, to take up the mission for the people, to learn and inherit the saints, and to give peace to the world”, this state of mind has never shown on vulgar people. This is the mind that the city gave to his genes, and the momentum of a capital.

So I think it’s good to make them linked. The urban design we are talking about, or our protection and characterization of the city, we must fi rst fi nd out the point of the city, and also to show them. Originally, the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower of the Bell-Drum Tower square did not connect to each other. By designing the square, the morning bells and evening drums became a city space, and a dynamic space of the city. If these urban heritages that distance less than one kilometer become a series, we can connect the Beiyuanmen area, the Academy gate, the forest of Steles, and so on. This must be a very dynamic area in Xi’an. Now we have punctiform the forest of Steles and the gate of the academy as a cultural tourist attraction, Beiyuanmen area as a center of folk food and culture,and the bell tower as a symbol of typical Ming Dynasty rampart. These features cannot replaced by other places, they have a strong historical culture and diversity, so they need our continuous exploration.

Q9 After talking about the old town of Xi’an as a historical city, please talk about your opinion of Xi’an’s new town construction.

We are also working on this. Our recent project is in the central business district of Xixian New District, which is to explore how cities develop in the future, how to meet the present needs, and not to lose their cultural meanings. I do not want to mention the style. It is too dicult to make the style of Xixian New District consistent with the old town of Xi’an. We often pursue the appearance of architecture and city rather than the essence, and the form is always the appearance. We are thinking about the future of the city and try to explore a new way. It’s not a separate design, but a cluster design after the design of the city. The urban design in this area was made by Liu Taige, and then dierent architects were hired to design the individual plot,but they were designed strictly under the strict control of the urban design.

Practically, it is very important for us to pursue group-win instead of individual outstanding. All of our architects have followed the shape of the square spontaneously. Maybe Xi’an has a gene

of square. It is a square city, with houses and everything in square. This is the temperament and character of a city. We stick on the square, but squares are like magic cubes that can change into many forms. At the same time, we attach great importance to the traffic of the whole modern city. In the underground, all the four blocks are hollowed out to form an underground ring corridor. In this way, the ground space is completely continuous to prevent the people and cars on the ground be mixed. We want to be a city that is truly serving people, there are many spaces that people can interact, feel pleasant and interesting. There is also a museum about Yu Yoren, but it is completely a house built according to the ancient wood structure. It has a strong contrastive conflict with the surrounding, and it is very storytelling. Almost all of the buildings are connected, with a pedestrian space on the second fl oor. Only under the condition of our cluster design can we really focus on the urban space. If we only mind our own businesses,like current development methods, we can only focus on ourselves and give the rest to the cities.So we took an opposite approach, to create urban public space and a space for people.

Do we need to be more modernized around Xi’an?I think there dose not have any problem. In fact,Some of our de fi nition of what good space is and what modernization is are similar, and this is also the characteristic of globalization. Globalization is likely to lose some regionalization. But the mother town of Xi’an is here, cannot be replaced by others elsewhere. Of course, there are many kinds of exploration of modernization, they form a colorful city together, this is normal. I once wrote an article called “all roads lead to the same goal”, such as the origin of cities in Rome or the urban changes of Changan of Han dynasty. Another example is the courtyard, Islam has studied and made great contributions to the courtyard. Different regional culture is based on the dierences of human adaptation, including scale, national culture and so on.I think we can eectively protect the ancient city and heritages, other region can do anything according to our understanding of the city and the future.They need to be modernized and internationalized as well, and not to pursue the regionalization too much. Unless it’s really close to our heritage, or I think the solutions are negotiable, as long as we respect and awe to the heritages.


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