

城市设计 2018年2期

桂学文 / [Interviewee]GUI Xuewen

[时 间] 2018年3月2日 / [Date]March 2, 2018

[地 点] 武 汉 / [Place]Wuhan, China

[采访人] 董英俊 贾海发 / [Interviewer]DONG Yingjun, JIA Haifa

Q1 请您谈谈荆楚建筑文化的特色及其对塑造城市空间的影响。




Q2 武汉是座特色鲜明的城市,您认为武汉有哪些充满活力的公共空间,它们在城市中是如何发挥作用的?



图1 / Figure 12018年3月2日,桂学文总建筑师在中南建筑设计院股份有限公司接受采访Mr. GUI Xuewen in Interview, March 2, 2018, Central-South Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Wuhan,China




Q3 长江与汉水“纵横”武汉市,请您谈谈对武汉城市滨水空间的看法?



Q4 汉口老城区的空间品质逐步提升,请您谈谈对旧城保护与城市发展的看法?



Q5 您认为武汉居民的生活习惯有何特性?这种特性对城市空间的形成和使用会产生什么影响?



Q6 您认为游客与外来人口对武汉城市特色塑造有何影响?


图2 / Figure 2天河机场T3航站楼 / Terminal 3, Tianhe Airport来源 / Source: Provided by GUI Xuewen

以汉口里分为例,汉口开埠后,西方、沿海发达地区带来了大量欧美、上海的建筑元素,里分正是这些外来元素结合武汉气候特点、使用习惯形成的,类似Town house的居住建筑、丰富的群体空间形态。



Q7 请您列举一例武汉最具特色的场所,并说明理由。


图3 / Figure 3CFD时代财富中心 / CFD Center, Wuhan

[U-TALK]GUI Xuewen·TALK about Wuhan City

[Interviewee] GUI Xuewen[Date]March 2, 2018[Place] Wuhan, China[Interviewer] DONG Yingjun, JIA Haifa[Translator] DONG Yingjun, JIA Haifa (from Chinese to English)

GUIXUEWEN, Chief Architect, Central South Architectural, Design Institute Co., Ltd., Executive Director of the 13th Council, of the Chinese Architectural Society, Executive Director of the First Council of the China Architectural Design Association Urban Design Branch, One hundred contemporary architects in China,State Council special allowance experts, Professor-level senior architect, National First-Class Certi fi ed Architect,Director of Architects’ Association of Civil Engineering and Architecture Society of Hubei Province (Figure 1).

Source: Provided by Mr. GUI Xuewen.

Q1 Please talk about the characteristics of the Jingchu architectural culture and its impact on shaping the urban space.

Jingchu is the ancient name of the “two lakes”region and is divided into Hunan province and Hubei province by the Dongting Lake. This area is rich in water resources, with obvious climate and geographical features. Therefore, there is an inseparable link between Jingchu architecture and water.Jingchu building has both hydrophilic and water loying, as well as flood control needed. Hydrophilicity is re fl ected in the settlements of cities and towns that live by water and commercial trac of rivers wharfs. Flood control can be detected from the traditional forms and sites of the Jingchu architecture found in archeology. Traditional Jingchu buildings often take the form of multiple platforms and high platforms, which are in conformity with the topography. They can adapt to the ups and downs of water by designing vertical changes in the site and buildings. Wuhan, Yichang, Shashi,Xiangyang in Hubei Province, and Changsha and Yueyang in Hunan Province have similar examples.The urban space in the Jingchu area is also mostly spread along the water. In ancient times, rivers and lakes were not only important transportation arteries but also became natural barriers against foreign enemies during the war. Today, big lakes and wide rivers highlight the characteristics of the Jingchu Area. Land along the river and lake have become the most valuable resources in the city and the development of urban space is mainly centered on large rivers and lakes, and is gradually expanding with the surrounding geographical conditions.For example, Wuhan is the “Jiangcheng” with the core of the Yangtze River and the Han River Interchange as the main features of commerce and transportation. Its rich “harbour culture” is also derived from here.

Q2 Wuhan is a distinctive city. What do you think of Wuhan’s vibrant public space and how do they work in the city?

Wuhan is divided into three towns of Wuchang,Hankou and Hanyang by the Yangtze River and the Han River which made the three towns have diあerent characteristics and show a multi-centered state.Therefore, Wuhan’s public space is also scattered and has a certain degree of dierence and diversity.The Yangtze River is the core element of Wuhan and the geographical boundary of the three towns,there are several large bridges connecting the two sides. The three-dimensional space formed by the Yellow Crane Tower, the Yangtze River Bridge,the Turtle Mountain and the Snake Mountain is the most distinctive and is the business card of Wuhan.In the past, the impression of the three towns in Wuhan was that Wuchang makes a feature of culture and education, Hankou attaches importance to heavy trade and Hanyang is with multiple factories. In recent years, all walks of life in Wuhan have gradually realized the value of these historical and cultural relics. As a result, they have gradually shifted from rapid demolition and construction to intensive cultivation. The urban public space is also developing and changing along with the city’s planning and construction.

Take Wuchang as an example, traditional university campuses and church settlements have both speci fi c functions and typical urban features, such as Wuhan University and Tanhua Lin District are typical examples. Their vitality has not diminished in recent years, and Wuhan University has also intensi fi ed the number of tourists attracted by the cherry blossom festival every year, and even has to restrict visitors during the opening of cherry blossoms and implement an appointment to visit them. These traditional urban features and public spaces are precious historical and cultural elements of Wuhan, other similar urban space like Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street in Hankou, Zhongshan Avenue, and Turtle Mountain North Exit in Hanyang.Of course, as a contemporary architect, apart from caring about the preservation and renewal of urban traditional public space, we should also participate in the innovative development of urban construction (Figure 2). In recent years, Wuhan has focused on creating a number of thematic core areas and actively considering and advancing the unique development process of Wuhan city, such as Wuhan Central Cultural District, Wuchang Riverside Cultural and Business District, Hanzheng Street, Wuhan Central Service Area, and Wuhan International Expo Exhibition Area. Among them,the “Chu River—Han Street” has been built with the “Artificial River”—“Chu River” as the link,which links Sha Lake and East Lake, forming a pedestrian mall on the south bank of the Chu River which named “Han Street.” Among the pedestrian mall, the architectural style is dominated by the Republican style, and a 1.7 kilometer pedestrian street has been formed with modern design techniques, it is a new type of urban space that combines experience-based business with the “Chu River” and the city. After the opening of the pedestrian, the city’s citizens and visitors from Wuhan were continuously received. It is a new type of window for Wuhan. The Hankou River Beach,Hanyang Arsenal, and Nan’anshi mouth also have their own characteristics. It is just the high-quality“base” for Wuhan to develop diversi fi ed characteristic urban spaces in the future.

Q3 The Yangtze River and Han River“vertically and horizontally” crossed in Wuhan, please talk about the views of urban waterfront space in Wuhan?

There are many water systems in Wuhan, and there are unique conditions of “Great Rivers and Great Lakes and Great Wuhan”, among them the Yangtze River and Han River are the two largest river systems. Take the Yangtze River as an example, the gap between the wet and dry periods is as high as several dozens of meters. Historically, people used

the Yangtze River as an important transportation resource and a barrier to war. However, they are also regarded as a temporary sleeping beast, it is a risk to be prepared for and guarded against. Therefore, in the past, the people of Wuhan set up a fl ood protection embankment along the outer side of the Yangtze River Avenue to separate the city from the Yangtze River and the city’s waterfront space is also mostly in the form of piers and beaches.

In recent years, with the development of economy and technology and the guarantee of fl ood control by the Three Gorges Dam, we can expect that Wuhan’s riverside space may have more hydrophilic and waterfront designs in the future. For example, the city can be better connected with river waterfront space by vertically layered trac,and the human activity space and car trac system can be three-dimensionally layered to form a richer and more urban public waterfront space with Jiangcheng characteristics. Give full play to the unique natural conditions and charm of Jiangcheng-Wuhan(Figure 3).

Q4 The spatial quality of the Old Quarter of Hankou has gradually increased.Would you please talk about the protection of the old city and the development of the city?

The old district exists in three towns in Wuhan,Hankou is a newly built urban area after the opening of the city and is relatively young. The protection of the old city and the development of the city should not be opposed to each other, but dierent aspects of the process of urban renewal, and it is the historical mark of a particular city that is dierent from other cities.

In my opinion, for the protection of the old city, it cannot be just for one building, one facade reconstruction and restoration protection, and more importantly, it is adapted to local conditions, give the old city new charm and vitality through small interventions and micro-transformations. Make it unique to the space, location and proper function, positioning,re-integration into contemporary urban life.

Q5 What characteristics do you think of the living habits of Wuhan residents? How does this feature afect the formation and use of urban space?

The living habits of Wuhan residents are greatly

With the development of the times and technological advancement, whether it is actively regulating the temperature of products, such as the popularity of home air conditioners, or the promotion of passive energy-saving technologies, such as the use of energy-saving materials, green building technology, as well as improving living conditions and enhancing the quality of life and the prevalence of ideas raises ever-increasing demands on new construction of residential buildings in cities. With the rise of modern residential buildings and the improvement of citizens’ living conditions, outdoor “guozao” and “cooling” behaviors have now largely disappeared, and their traditional behavioral patterns have also changed which in turn affects public urban spaces.

Q6 What do you think of the in fl uence of tourists and migrants on shaping urban characteristics in Wuhan?

Wuhan is a city with a long history and distinctive features. Historical development has brought about continuous changes in Wuhan, and some of these dramatic changes have also been related to external factors. In addition to promoting the diversified development of the city, tourists and migrants have also provided an important force for Wuhan’s urban construction.

Take “Li Fen” as an example in Hankou, after Hankou was opened, Western and coastal developed areas brought a large number of architectural elements from Europe, America and Shanghai. “Li Fen” is the combination of these foreign elements with the characteristics of Wuhan’s climatic features and habits. Similar to the Town House’s residential buildings, Rich group space form.

WISCO is a large-scale steel company developed after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the Red Steel City is a large-scale residential community and a living base that it supports. A large number of skilled workers in the northeast region came to Wuhan to participate in construction and production. In order to meet the supporting needs of their living, a large number of residential communities were planned and built,gradually forming districts and small cities. Their living habits and language have a certain in fl uence on and blend with Wuhan’s culture and even the city’s style.

Wuhan, as an important city for construction and production at that time, talents were needed from all parts of the country to participate in planning,design, and construction. Especially the talents in advanced cities and regions, such as the South China Architectural Design Institute, there are a large number of designers from Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Tianjin and other regions, in addition to quickly make up for professional needs,but also brings the living habits and culture of various regions.

Q7 Please give an example of one of the most unique venues in Wuhan and explain why.

The diversified urban landscape of Wuhan was formed by natural landscape, rich mountain-river conditions, and humane history, so it is dicult to represent by a single site. It may be more appropriate to zoom in to a region. I think that Wuhan’s most distinctive area should be the core area where the Yangtze River and the Han River meet,including some sections of Snake Mountain, Turtle Mountain, Haunghe Tower, South Bank, and part of block in Hankou, which is Wuhan’s “inner ring.” It is an area that integrates the unique natural resources of Wuhan, such as the beautiful mountains, and the rich history of pavilions, universities,ancient cities, and old streets, as well as the innovation and development of new types of cultural and business businesses. It is the essence and epitome of Wuhan.


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