【摘要】文学作品The Nightingale and the Rose 是英国诗人奥斯卡·王尔德的代表作品,文风浪漫,翻译文学作品应适当删减关联词,保留原作的风格,注意传达原作的感情色彩。
翻译本作品时,主要注意以下几点:首先,英文重形合,这篇作品中也是如此,多次出现 “so”、“but”等逻辑词,而中文重意合,无需过多的关联词。其次,还应注意保留原作的修辞。文学作品有较强的感情色彩,因此多用重复、排比、拟人的手法,一般情况下应保留此类修辞,但有时为了译文的流畅度和可读性,可适当删减重复片段。
And when the moon shone in the heavens the nightingale flew to the rose tree, and set her breast against the thorn. All night long she sang, with her breast against the thorn, and the cold crystal moon leaned down and listened. All night long she sang, and the thorn went deeper and deeper into her breast, and her lifeblood ebbed away from her.
She sang first of the birth of love in the heart of a boy and a girl. And on the topmost spray of the rose tree there blossomed a marvelous rose, petal following petal, as song followed song. Pale was it, at first, as the mist that hangs over the river—pale as the feet of the morning, and silver as the wings of the dawn. As the shadow of a rose in a mirror of silver, as the shadow of a rose in a water-pool, so was the rose that blossomed on the topmost spray of the Tree.
(163 words excerpted from The Nightingale and the Rose)
The Nightingale and the Rose 讲述了一个动人的童话故事:一个学生爱上了一个女孩,女孩要求学生送一朵红玫瑰才答应与之共舞。学生因找不到红玫瑰而大哭,夜鶯听闻其哭声,觉得学生很重感情,因此爱上这个学生,决定用鲜血染红玫瑰。节选即为夜莺用自己的鲜血染红玫瑰的一个片段,十分凄婉感人。
首先,文学作品应注意少用关联词,以免译文拖沓啰嗦。如:“And when the moon shone in the heavens….”其中的“And”和“when”都可以直接省去不译,译为“月光照亮苍穹…”。
其次,翻译时应注意作者的语意重心。如:“All night long she sang,…”,倘若此句译作“她整夜歌唱”,显然译文很流畅简约,但无法传达出原作的语意重心。作者把“All night long”放在句首,是为了强调夜莺一整个晚上都在唱个不停,因此翻译时应保留原文的组句顺序,先译“All night long”,再译“She sang”。
其三,翻译排比句时可适当删减重复片段,使译文流畅精简。如:“As the shadow of a rose in a mirror of silver, as the shadow of a rose in a water-pool, so was the rose that blossomed on the topmost spray of the Tree.”例句中出现两次“As the shadow of a rose”,倘若译成“正如银镜中的玫瑰倒影,水面的玫瑰倒影”,十分拖沓,因此将“in a mirror of silver”和“in a water-pool”两个介词短语并排,删去一个重复片段,译作:“既像银镜和水面上的玫瑰倒影…”。
最后,选取合适的动词与主语搭配。如“the thorn went deeper and deeper into her breast,”这里的“went”是系动词,也是很常见的小词,翻译时应根据主语“the thorn”选取合适的动词,译成“扎”。
[1]Nida,A.Eugene,Charles,R.Taber.The Theory And Practice of Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2004:45.