Environmental Impacts Engendered by Agribusiness and Related—Solutions


校园英语·上旬 2018年1期

Zhaolin (Joe) He

With consideration of environmental issues that are currently threatening our communities, it is important to take immediate actions to resolve severe environmental issues that are incrementally affecting our scarce natural resources. Agribusinesss success on creating significant economic growth is undisputable and remarkable. However, environmental consequences have also been triggered by peoples ignorance in properly maintaining the stability of our ecosystem. For example, soil erosion and water pollution are typically caused by the over-exploitation of agricultural activities; and agrichemical has been frequently utilized by those who intend to produce short-term profitability without thinking about the potential long-term outcomes. According to a journal written by Nancy M. Trautmann and Keith S. Porter, who excel in the field of critical environmental analysis at Cornell University, have provided several reliable perspectives pertaining to the severity of agribusiness. They have concluded that “erosion has the ability to eradicate the surface soil that contains the most organic elements by extracting the moisture that cultivates the soil” (Trutmann, Porter); “and erosion is primarily induced by the adoption of diminished cover crops that aims to attain the short-term productivity” (Trutmann, Porter). The contamination of water has been mentioned as one of the dreadful problems as well; “and agricultural activities emerge as the essential reason that causes the pollution by carrying fertilizers and pesticides into the streams; which generates the chemical compounds that are detrimental to humans health” (Trutmann, Porter). Soil erosion emerges as an outcome to our dedication to provide for our societys growing needs; comprehending the issues that soil erosion may bring becomes consequential to those who strive to enhance the environmental conditions.

Soil erosion occurs during various situations. It can be caused by steep land structures where the nutrients on the surface of the soil can be instantly drained off through wind and rainfall energies (Pimentel and Burgess). Therefore, understanding major rationales that induce land erosion is the key to discovering effective solutions; and promoting the public awareness that environmental damages cannot be tolerated for the sake of societal welfare. According to Dr. Pimentel and Dr. Burgess who concentrate upon the study of relationship between environment and agricultural activities at Cornell University, “population growth has been an essential component in facilitating the severity of land erosion since the commencement of utilizing technological methods to boost the agricultural production” (Pimentel and Burgess). The intention of agribusiness is to advance their economic capacity by satisfying consumers through an optimal production process; however, the lack of considering the health of others has triggered side effects that will be difficult to compensate in a long-term. In addition to population growth, “infrastructures built that provide conveniences for people have also been reported as a reason that contributes to the establishment of land erosion” (Pimentel and Burgess). Consequently, majority of lands are gradually taken for social developmental use for the purpose of keeping up with the growing standard of life and promoting social prosperity; in exchange with the cost of environmental damage. Land erosion is also believed to be caused through the exploitation of advanced machineries according to a journal written by “The Research Council of Norway”. Studies and designated experiments were conducted to unveil principal causes of land erosion and they had concluded that modern machineries have the capacity to induce soil compaction. Dr. Borresen, a professor mentioned in the article who was one of the participants during the study, indicated that “In European agriculture, a lot of machinery has an axle load that far exceeds the load it takes to cause permanent compaction damage. Some of them weigh up to 60 tonnes. There is little to indicate that this development will stop” (Borresen). Advanced technological machineries indeed improved the agricultural productivity during the recent years, but being aware of the environmental stability and maintaining the equilibrium of the ecosystem is far more essential than only economic efficacy. Water contamination has caught much needed attention from environmentalists and the public due to the increasing shortages of water around the world.

Water, an absolute necessity for our health and the health of environment, has become a major concern to public as its quality has been noticeably influenced by our agricultural and industrial development. This claim can be proven through many explicit sources provided by the ETA. Based upon the article written by “Grace Communication Foundation”, it demonstrated that “agricultural activities were identified as a source of pollution for 48% of stream and river water, and 41% of lake water” (GCF). The rationales of water contamination provided by ETA are mostly leaned towards the improper disposal of animal wastes that may release antibiotics into the water. According to the article, “the lagoons that contain both manure and urine are usually poured into the stream or river which leads to the result of enormous quality infection during a large storm” (GCF). The lagoon is not the only element when considering the causes of contamination, but the over-utilization of fertilization has negatively affected the quality of water. “Nutrients are the chemical substance inhabited inside the fertilizers; the excessive fertilization rather causes the chemical compounds to be directly applied to the water without processing stage, which triggers the growth of detrimental plant that kills massive amount of fishes” (GCF). Based upon these statistical depictions pertaining to the severity of water contamination, it is imperative for related authorities and organizations to address these problems in any possible ways; and citizens like us should be using more environmental protective techniques to attain the goal of water sustainability. Agrichemical appears to be just equivalent to water contamination in terms of environmental damage.

Agrochemical is a general term to describe the chemical substances used in agricultural activities. However, the result of lavishing chemical substances within agricultural activities can be devastating, according to a news article regarding the negative influences of agrochemical that had been casted on thousands of innocent children in Argentina. “Cancer rates are four times higher than the national average in Santa Fe and birth defects quadrupled in the decade after biotechnology dramatically expanded in Argentina” (Pisarenko). Statistics obtained through governmental studies have also been indicated in the article that “they had found alarming level of agrochemical contamination in the soil and drinking water, and intense amount of pesticides were detected within 80% of childrens blood” (Pisarenko). The inclination of this report is not to provide hypothetical factors that have not been practically proven, but to manifest the reality where agrochemical has been casually abused without repercussions. Pesticides are among the leading agrochemicals that is used to enhance the agricultural production, but recent studies have shown that it can be gradually detrimental to the human body if compulsory preventions are restricted. According to the report written by authors named Wasim Aktar, Dwaipayan Sengupta, and Ashim Chowdhury, “recurrent utilization of pesticides generates opposing results such as mimicking natural hormone, hormone disruption, diminished intelligence, and reproductive abnormalities” (Aktar, Sengupta, Chowdhury). Public awareness, regarding the harmfulness of agrochemicals, can only be achieved through understanding the sternness of agrochemical use. There is no need of counteracting or denying the significance of agrochemicals as its strengths have exhibited the vital efficiency in agricultural development, but retaining the balance among each segment within the ecosystem is just as critical.

Having a thorough comprehension upon these environmental problems is not sufficient to engender positive influences towards environmental crisis, it is also imperative to examine effective solutions that may potentially enhance the environment where all citizens live within. Therefore, gaining principal support from governmental organizations will be indispensable in generating a binding effect that aims to constraints individuals behaviors. According to the indications provided by a book named “Soil and Water Quality:An Agenda for Agriculture”, a series of restrictions had been established in 1995 to assure a significant reduction upon erodible lands that may certainly damage the eco-system. “Conservation Compliances Program”, a program that is designated for resolving issues caused by soil quality through “requiring each agricultural producer to implement an approved erosion control plans by January 1st, 1995; to be legally eligible to operate agribusiness activities without causing notable degradation upon environmental resources” (The National Academy Press). In addition to the limitation on erodible lands, providing reliable technical services has caught much of the public attention due to its efficiency in minimizing the drawbacks of agribusiness. “Technical Services Program” appears to be the essential segment in maintaining the consistency of the soil conditions. Based upon the description from this book, “Technical Assistance” is dedicated to assisting agricultural merchants who require substantial knowledge in strengthening soil enhancement practices; as well as to measure the explicit amount of conservative land” (The National Academy of Press). The potency of these methodologies may not be the best in completely eradicating the existing environmental concerns, but the notable effort that government has been continuously exerting is unquestionably phenomenal. As the suggestive solutions towards soil erosion have been mentioned in the previous paragraph, resolutions for water contamination are also entailed in facilitating peoples inhabiting community.

To further satisfy the demand of clean water accessibility, settling present issues should be primarily emphasized instead of developing unfeasible strategies as water emerges as a critical endorsement for the health of both human beings and our environment. Numerous studies have been conducted to extract proper resolutions to withstand the wide-spread influences caused by the water contamination. Therefore, the intent of protecting our water source and preventing any possible vandalization towards the eco-system by education should be strongly fostered and implemented. According to an article written by the “Greentumble Editorial Team”, that specializes in the analysis of environment, has contributed a list of actions that water utilizers should keep in mind. It demonstrated that “public awareness pertaining to the severity of water contamination should be promoted by educating the next generations”. (Greentumble Editorial Team). While considering that education can be a vital factor for turning water into sustainable, the adoption of non-toxic chemical substances ought to be encouraged for the purpose of diminishing water pollution. “Agricultural policies should encourage the use of ecological and organic farming methods that use few to no toxic chemicals and protect water bodies from pollution” (Greentumble Editorial Team). An enormous amount of population from all over the world are currently suffering the consequences of water shortage because of numbers of reasons; therefore, for those who were granted the opportunity to access clean water to support their life should cherish the non-renewable resources that are desperately required by those whose fates have been permanently determined.

The brutality manifested upon those unfortunate ones is devastating; as a student who can receive a such eloquent education to reinforce my environmental perspective in a global-scale, I truly hope that international community may consider this as a crucial element for promoting the societal welfare where each individual can be largely benefited.


[1]Foundation,GRACE Communications.“Water Quality.” GRACE Communications Foundation,

[2]Fugelsnes,Elin.“Heavy Agricultural Machinery Damages the Soil.” Heavy Agricultural Machinery Damages the Soil - The Research Council of Norway,5 May 2011,

[3]Greentumble Editorial Team.“Water Pollution Causes,Effects & Solutions.” Greentumble,28 Apr.2017,

[4]“Home - PMC - NCBI.” National Center for Biotechnology Information,U.S.National Library of Medicine,

[5]“Issues.” Ralph Northam for Governor of Virginia,

[6]Lipowski,Teresa.“April 18,2017.” WBKB11,18 Apr.2017,

[7]Pimentel,David,and Michael Burgess.“Soil Erosion Threatens Food Production.” MDPI,Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,8 Aug.2013,

[8]Pisarenko,Natacha.“Argentines Link Health Problems to Agrochemicals.” CBS News,CBS Interactive,22 Oct.2013,

[9]“Read ‘Soil and Water Quality:An Agenda for Agriculture at” National Academies Press:OpenBook,

【作者簡介】Zhaolin (Joe) He,乔治亚州大学。


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