设计公司: 香港中文大学 / The Chinese University of Hong Kong(中国香港)
2014 年鲁甸大地震后,云南光明村九成建筑倒塌,村民流离失所,对传统的夯土建筑信心尽失。然而,建筑材料成本上涨,令大部分村民都无法负担。中大建筑团队的《光明村灾后重建示范项目》应用高端科学及科技,以革新传统夯土结构,加强防震性能及室内环境的质量。团队提升房屋的隔热和采光性能,减少消耗能源,将建筑的碳排放减至最低。项目遵循了“本土技术、本土材料、本土工匠”的原则,又开班训练当地技工如何以安全、低成本、简单及可持续的方法,重建村民可以负担、拥有和留传后代的家园。
After the Ludian earthquake in 2014, villagers of Yunnan’s Guangming Village lost their faith in the local traditional rammed-earth buildings, 90% of which were destroyed during the earthquake. However, the price of building materials rapidly increased and became unaffordable for most local villagers. This project innovated the traditional rammed-earth building with high-science and appropriate technology to increase the seismic performance and indoor environmental quality of the building. Good thermal and daylighting performance guaranteed a low operating energy consumption, thus minimise the carbon footprint of the structure. A “3L” (local technology, local materials, and local labor) strategy and craftsmen training programme has been implemented to provide a safe, economical,simple, and sustainable reconstruction strategy that the villagers can aあord, own, and pass on.