1.概念解释 Vygotsky(1978,1986)认为每个孩子的能力都存在两个水平:实际水平和潜在水平。孩子独立解决问题的实际水平和在教师指导下达到的潜在水平之间的差异就叫做最近发展区(zone of proximal development),简称ZPD。这种指导和帮助就是“支架(scaffold)”。
2.教师反馈语与情感支架功能 不管在国内还是国外,很多学者都对教师反馈语和它在促进学生情感方面的作用展开了研究。
Vigil和Oilier(1976)认为,师生间的反馈包含两种信息:师生间的情意关系(affective relationship)和认知信息,如事实、观念等。情意信息主要编码在动态机制(Kinetic mechanism)中,如手势、声调、面部表情等,情意信息对学生学习过程和结果都产生明显的心理影响。Weiner(1982)还发现教师的反馈会影响学生的归因倾向。学生对自己成败的归因,并非完全以成绩高低为基础,而是受到教师对他表现所作反馈的影响。要维持学生(特别是自信心不足的学生)的动力,教师多提供积极反馈,给予鼓励和支持,是至关重要的。Brown(2002)更明确地指出:“消极(负面)的反馈(negative feedback),不管其认知信息量有多大,很可能致使学生放弃新的交际尝试。”
1.研究问题 本研究将聚焦英语课堂互动过程,通过观察优秀高中英语教师反馈语的运用情况,以了解其反馈语在促进学生情感发展中所起的支架作用表现在那些方面。
2.研究方法 笔者通过话语分析对三位高中优秀英语教师的三节课(09年江苏省优质课)进行了质的研究和个案研究的描述性分析,以期从理论上和实践上探讨了优秀英语教师课堂反馈语对学生情感所起的支架功能作用,分析反馈语的支架作用在课堂中的具体运用情况以及对学生外语学习的影响。
人本主义心理学家卡尔罗杰斯、马斯洛认为:教育应该倡导全人教育(1970)。因而作为全人教育中的一个重要方面— —对学生的情感教育,就成为英语课堂中要实现的教学目标之一。在课堂中,教师合理使用反馈语可以为学生提供情感上的支持,从而促使学生以更加积极自觉的态度投入到学习过程中去。优秀高中英语教师通过课堂反馈语为学生的情感发展提供以下二个方面的帮助:
1.激发学生的学习兴趣 兴趣能有效地激起学生思维的活动,而巧妙的情景设置与富有感染力的话语总能让学生兴趣盎然。优秀教师在注重教学思路严谨的同时,擅长通过反馈语来激发学生对任务的兴趣。
1 T:When I searched the internet before class,I found that recently a documentary called Home has drawn many people’s attention from all over the world.Do you wanna see it now?Yes,ok,please enjoy it.I prepared a short clip for you.
(After watching the video,the teacher asks the questions)
2 T:Wow,it becomes so quiet here,could you please tell me,what are your feelings about this video?
3 S1:I feel very sad.
4 T:you feel very sad,what else,any other answer?
5 S1:Human beings have done a lot of things to hurt the environment.And we must do something to protect the environment.
6 T:Yes,we must do something at once now.Ok,yes,sad,do you agree with her?do you have the same feeling now?Yes,me too,I feel sad too.But you know,when I went home with my research on the internet,I found something else that made me sadder,or even angry,why,because I saw this(watching the picture),see this,can you understand my anger?How can they put all the blame on china?How can they make so many evil and irresponsible statements about china.Do you believe that?China is the biggest polluter of the world.
7 Ss:No
8 T:Do you feel angry like me?
9 Ss:yes
10 T:Do you think we should make our voice heard?we should make our anger heard by the world?Do you think so?
11 Ss:Yes
12 T:Yes,definitely,right!Today we have got a chance,you see,(watching the picture),the UN assembly,the UN conference is coming soon;in September actually whose theme is environment and development.So I think this is the chance.I strongly suggest that we write a report together and send it to the UN,telling them what china is doing now to protect the environment,telling them the truth,do you agree?
13 Ss:Yes
14 T:Ok,definitely right!Let’s do it!Take out your leaner’s sheet!
这个教学片断节选自高中牛津英语的project板块课,这种课型是学生在教师的指导下通过开展小组活动进行自主探究课。上课伊始,教师给学生看了一段有关生态危机的小视频来激发学生环境保护的意识。当学生看完视频后,教师问学生观后感,学生表示出了难过心情(话步三),然后教师甲通过反馈表示出同感的呼应,yes,me too,I feel sad too(话步六)。同时教师话锋一转,继续又向学生展示了一些外国媒体在环境方面对中国的污蔑之词,然后通过一系列的yes/no问题,Do you believe that?Do you feel angry like me?Do you think we should make our voice heard?We should make our anger heard by the world?Do you think so?(话步六、八、十),来激起学生的义愤,借此引导学生我们不能坐以待毙,任听他们歪曲事实,我们要让世界倾听中国的声音。
1 T:Any more?
2 S9:embarrassing.
3 T:embarrassing.Very good!How tospell embarrassing?Let’s spell it.That boy?(Teacher writes“embarrassing”on the blackboard).
4 T:You are right.Thank you!“embarrassing”I still remember my embarrassing experience seventeen years ago.That day it’s my first day...Er...my job as a teacher.I went into the classroom.I said“class begins”.The monitor said“stand up”.Can you guess what I said next?Iwas so nervous that I said“good morning,teacher!”
5 Ss:(laugh)
6 T:All the students stood there,not knowing what to say and suddenly they burst into laughter.Do you understand?So this is quite an embarrassing experience for me.“embarrassing”
[1]Vygotsky,L.S.1978.Mind in Society:The Development of Higher Psychological Processes[M].Cambridge.MAHarvard University Press.
[2]Welen.W.Questioning skills,for Teachers[M].National Education Association of the United States,Second Edition,Fourth Printing,1991.