The Cowboy in Movies and Vaudeville电影和歌舞表演中的西部牛仔


英语世界 2018年1期







[6]西部题材电影在美国取得了巨大成功,因为它迎合了城市观众的需求。最初,美国民众迫切希望通过大银幕一睹牛仔传奇。牛仔是大众化的娱乐角色,一旦进入他的奇幻世界,大多数美国民众便沉迷其中。一百年前,美国人将西部视为桃花源,同样,20世纪20年代的西部片观众通过牛仔来间接感受这片未经开发却充满机会的神秘土地。 □

Ever since the advent1advent 出现;到来。of the mass distribution of silent films in the early 1920s, western movies were tremendously popular with the American public. People in Eastern cities flocked to the cinema to see the myth of the West played out on the big screen. All Western movies contained the same basic formulaic elements: the heroic cowboy expunged2expunge 除去;删去。all traces of evil from a frontier town, then won the girl in the end.

[2] Americans realized that the frontier and the age of the living cowboy were dead, yet they were enthralled by the cowboy persona. The movie cowboy fulfilled the dreams of every American man and boy. The mass marketed cowboy was bold and virile. Each Western movie depicted the cowboy ful filling the typical masculine ideal: he destroyed all evil forces, conquered his enemies, possessed tireless strength and physical skills, and always found love with a beautiful woman. The super ficiality of the cowboy’s image was the se-cret of his appeal. Americans idealized the Western hero because he did all that they fantasized about, but had no prospects of accomplishing.

[3] Stars like Will Rogers and Tom Mix acted as “deputies of the American conscience, idealism, and honesty.”They had the courage to stand up to their corrupt wealthy overlords and effect change. For Americans forced to cope with an erupting industrial society, the feats achieved by such Western heroes were refreshing and inspiring.Americans admired cowboys in a voyeuristic3voyeuristic 好刺探他人隐私的。way that enabled them to better accept and adapt to their rapidly changing environments.

[4] American women were attracted to Western films for many of the same reasons that men were. Women viewed the unrealistic cowgirls and western heroines as fantastic extensions of themselves.When frustrated by urban life, demanding children, and over-worked husbands,American women could envision themselves in the place of Eleanor Stewart or Dorothy Malone. The notion of standing up to male authority figures, then ultimately succumbing to the charms of a rugged hero appealed to countless American women in the 1920s.

[5] After the debut of “Birth of a Nation4《一个国家的诞生》,商业片,讲述了美国南方黑人与3K党两个家族在,” several independent production companies were launched by African Americans. Films featuring black cowboys failed to succeed at the box of fices for several reasons. Whites who owned the majority of theaters were reluctant to show black Westerns. Those movie houses that did exhibit films showcasing black cowboys often lost money. Whites were unlikely to pay to see black actors, and black audiences did not have a significant amount of disposable income to spend at the movies. Most Americans scorned black Westerns because they believed that the films were “too consciously imitative of their white counterparts.”

[6] The Western film genre was abundantly successful in the U.S. because it catered to the needs of an urban audience. Americans were initially eager to get a glimpse of the legendary cowboy on screen. Once they entered the fantasy world of the mass marketed entertaining cowboys, most Americans were hooked.Just as Americans had envisioned the West as an escape valve5escape valve 排气阀。此处为比喻。a century before, patrons of Western movies in the 1920s viewed the cowboy as their vicarious6vicarious 间接体验的。link to the mythical untamed land of opportunity. ■


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