

广东教育·高中 2018年2期

吴玉婷 陈光伟 杨开云



I was participating in the First-Year Outdoors Program. I had never done any serious hiking(徒步旅行) before, had never gone more than two days 1 a shower and had never even gone camping before. I wasnt sure what 2 (expect) from the trip.

I felt like I had finally understood 3 this trip was all about when we reached the peak(山峰) of a mountain after climbing up steep 4 (block)of stone. I would never have dreamed of climbing them in the past. I had never seen a view like it before: trees 5 (cover)mountains, clouds casting shadows on mountains. As I sat down on top of this mountain, I felt a strange sense of 6 (lonely)that accompanied my awareness of how high we were 7 how far we were from everyone below us. There 8 (be)so much I hadnt known in my life down below. For the last eighteen years, I had never slept under the stars, hiked in the rain, or slid down 9 rock. But here, with no showers, soap, or technology to distract(使分心)me, I had developed an appreciation for nature and was 10 (amaze)to discover a type of beauty I hadnt known existed.

(華南师范大学附属中学 吴玉婷)


A beggar who had been blind was very devoted, and used to worship(拜) to God 1 (regular). He would empty all the 2 (coin) he received through begging and offered them to the church. God noticed his devotion, and, 3 (wish) to encourage him, said that he would grant (实现) one single wish the beggar may have.

The beggar was 4 (delight)to hear such a wonderful message. He immediately thought about 5 particular gift he should need. But the more he thought, the more confused he became 6 there were so many things he felt he needed — sight, wealth, long life, a wife, children, and so on.

But he was so clever 7 after serious thinking, he felt he should ask for all the things he missed in life. He then went to the church and 8 (pray) to God,“Well, my wish is simple. Before I die, I may see my sons grandson living in 9 six-storied house, drinking milk and honey and eating fragrant rice out of a golden bowl.”

In this way the clever beggar had really asked 10 sight, family, wealth, a palace, longevity(长寿) and happiness, and his wish was granted.

(广东实验中学 陈光伟)


When a terrible fire broke out in a Port Richmond, Philadelphia home, the owners brave dog knew 1 (exact) what to do and sprang into action.

Around 4∶30am on Sunday, Andrea Bulats dog started barking, 2 (try)to alert(提醒) neighbors of the fire.

3 most neighbors knew Bulats dog to be very protective of her, they thought 4 was strange that the dog should be barking that early.

Once neighbors looked outside their windows, they saw flames.“The whole first floor was on fire,”says Daly. When 5 (firefighter)arrived, they found the dog lying on top of Bulat, who was 6 (conscious).

“The dog stayed on her chest the whole time, 7 prevented her from 8 (burn)totally,”said another neighbor, Adele. Bulat was then rushed to Temple University Hospital, and Che 9 (take)to an animal hospital in Langhorne.

Bulat is currently 10 critical condition with burns over 50 percent of her body and Che is being treated for smoke inhalation(吸入). But, if it werent for her heroic dog, its unlikely that Bulat would have survived.“I think because of the dog being there, that really saved her,”said Adele.

(廣东省茂名市电白高级中学 杨开云)


One Connecticut woman loved her dog so much that she was willing to give him up when she realized she couldnt give him the care that he needed and the life that he deserved.

Early one morning, 1 staff member from the Litchfield Hills Veterinary Animal Hospital discovered a dog left abandoned in a cage with a note 2 (attach). According to the note, the three-year-old dog named Fatty McFat belonged to a homeless woman who made the heartbreaking 3 (decide)to give him up so he could have a 4 (good) life.

“My name is Fatty. My owner loves me very much and I am very 5 (protect) of her, but she 6 (have) a disease and cannot care for me. I know my owner loves me because she is the only one who gave every attempt to save me, love me, and pet me. All she wants is for me to have a chance 7 (treat)with care, dignity and love no matter what the outcome is.”the note explained.

“I couldnt imagine 8 somebody in that situation may feel,”said Harwinton Animal Control Officer Thomas Mitchell, who found Fatty and is 9 (determine) to help Fattys owner so 10 can be reunited.

(广东省茂名市电白高级中学 杨开云)


More than 2000 years ago, the brave and hardworking people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural 1 (exchange) that linked the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively 2 (call) the Silk Road by later generations. For thousands of years, the Silk Road Spirit --“peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness(包容性), mutual(相互的) learning and mutual benefit” -- 3 (pass) from generation to generation. In the 21st century, a new period marked by 4 theme of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit. It is more important for us to carry 5 the Silk Road Spirit in face of the weak 6 (recover) of the global economy, and complex international situations.

When Chinese President Xi Jinping 7 (visit) Central Asia in September 2013, he raised the idea of 8 (build) the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, 9 have attracted close attention from all over the world. The Belt and Road Initiative is a systematic project, whose goal is 10 (meet) the interests of all, and efforts should be made to combine the development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road.

(贵州省黔东南州民族高级中学 尹姗姗)


A college professor had his sociology class go into the Baltimore slums(巴尔的摩贫民窟) to get case histories of 200 young boys. They 1 (ask) to write an evaluation of each boys future. In every case the students wrote, “He hasnt got a chance.”Twenty-five years later, 2 sociology professor came across the earlier study. He had his students follow up on the project 3 ( see) what had happened to these boys.

With the exception of 20 boys who had moved away 4 died, the students learned 176 of the 5 (remain)180 had achieved more than ordinary success as lawyers, doctors and businessmen.

The professor was astonished and decided to pursue the matter 6 (far). Fortunately, all men were in the area and he was able to ask each one,“How do you account for your 7 (succeed)?”In each case the reply came with feeling, “There was 8 teacher.”

The teacher was still alive, so he sought her out and asked the old but still alert lady 9 magic ways she had used to pull these boys out of the slums into successful achievement.

The 10 (teacher) eyes shone and her lips broke into a gentle smile.“Its really very simple,”she said.“I loved those boys.”

(廣东省深圳市石岩公学高中部 肖 灿)


Yum cha, which means“drink tea”,is a ritual(老规矩) that goes hand 1 hand with dim sum(点心). In China, tea 2 (consider) the elixir of life(长生不老药), giving the drinker eternal youth. Theres also a Cantonese manners when taking tea. Its always the duty of the younger one to pour tea for 3 elder. People always say thank you,

4 (especial) in Cantonese. Hitting the table lightly is the polite way to say thank you for having your tea cup 5

(fill). Bending the fingers symbolizes bowing as a sign of respect. Why is that?The legend(传说) comes from the time of Qianlong, 6 is one of the 7 (great)emperorsin the last dynasty. And he had gone out with his servants 8 (tour) the country in disguise. When he poured tea or gave some food to some of 9 (he)servants, they couldnt bow without revealing his identity. So they 10 (bend) their fingers and hit the table lightly. Thats the legend. So, in modern times, we can see people doing that all the time in Chinese restaurant.

(廣东省茂名市第一中学 王丽聪)


The paper, ink, brush, and ink-stone are known as the Four Treasures of the Study in China. And the brush is the essential tool used by calligraphers 1 (create) the artistic ink traces of the characters. Brushes can be classified into four

2 (type) based on different materials. Yang Hao can be used in writing many texts and is preferred by people 3 are good at calligraphy. Lang Hao is 4 (main) used in painting and because it's harder and 5 (easy) to control, it is 6 first choice for many calligraphy learners. Zi Hao is neither too hard nor too soft, 7 Jian Hao is very fine and is mostly used by monks in their writings.

Although the look of a brush seems very simple, 8 (it) actual production process can be quite complicated and much effort is involved in producing a good quality brush. 72 procedures are needed, from the selection of material, hair processing, carving to packaging. Several workers are involved in the production,

9 (take)charge of different procedures. It takes about a month to produce a good brush. After thousands of years, this ancient writing tool, which 10 (bear) the spirit of Chinese traditional culture, is still cherished by the ordinary people today.

(广东省深圳市第二实验学校 李伟文)


With the development of technology, bicycle sharing

1 (come) into peoples lives. It becomes more and more popular and much news reported 2 . At the same time, we should see that there are some problems 3 (cause)by bicycle sharing.

On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient for people to travel. You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time

4 you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It can save time for people.

On the other side, its 5 (manage) is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very dangerous. Whats more, many people 6 (deliberate) break it, like throw it to the river or 7 (destroy) the code above it.

In my opinion, we should take a developing view 8 bicycle sharing. It is obviously helpful to human beings as

9 high-tech product. The government should introduce relevant provisions to regulate this market 10 (avoid)its disadvantages.

(广东省韶关市曲仁中学 黄国华)


My mother 1 (diagnose)with breast cancer in the early twenty-first century. I did everything I could 2 (help)her. I got her into one of the best cancer-treatment 3 (center)in Chicago, cooking her healthy meals and 4 (keep)her company whenever I was available. Still, I wished I could do more. One day I saw a new postage stamp. It cost the same 5 a regular stamp, 6 its profits would go toward breast cancer 7 (aware)and research. I thought of the millions of women in the United States with breast cancer. 8 a great way!I could make 9 difference every time I paid a bill or sent out cards. Soon coworkers and relatives were asking me about the stamps that I used. More than thirty-seven million dollars have been raised since the stamp was issued in 2008. When I get mail and see it, I know we are all sending 10 (we) support for mothers, daughters, wives, and sisters, right down to the letter.

(广西柳州地区民族高级中学 覃朝姣)


The Environment Agency collects the data from that process. It 1 (say)2.2 million tones of plastic packaging waste was generated(产生) in 2014. Packaging waste includes things like plastic bottles 2 film wrap on fresh food, but not things like car bumpers(保险杠). 3 2014, 38% of the plastic packaging waste, was recovered or recycled.

How much plastic waste is getting sent overseas?In 2014 and 2015, 500,000 tones of that went to China and Hong Kong,

4 in 2016,it was 400,000 tones.

So the amount of plastic waste being exported to China

5 (be)not far off the total amount being recycled from household waste 6 (collect)—its a very 7 (significance)amount.

But as news emerged of the changes to the rules in China, the amount being exported there this year started 8 (decline). China has changed its rules on 9 (import) waste to be recycled, 10 means the UK wont be able to send some grades of waste plastic there any more.

(河南省淮阳县淮阳一中 查晓娟)


Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. Large quantities of energy 1 (need) to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobiles, trains, planes and buses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by 2 (burn) fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of 3 remain in the air, causing air pollution.

Scientists are searching 4 ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely(浓密地) polluted cities. They are studying new ways of generating (产生)electricity that 5 (be) less harmful to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try their best 6 (design) and locate(确定位置) new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

However, the fact may be that we still have 7 long way to go before we have a“clean”world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air 8 (pollute). Indeed, it seems that there is no end to 9 (task) that environmentalists will be required to do. People will 10 (continual) find new ways of controlling pollution.

(广东省中山市龙山中学 闫 跃)


Learning is ones own business, which cannot rely on

1 . As we know, learning is a process of accumulating knowledge. It is ones life-long task, 2 cannot be accomplished in one move. A successful learner is an independent one who has both an unyielding(倔強不屈的) will and amazing endurance(忍耐力). He will try his best to discover his own way of learning. Instead of waiting for the teachers assistance, he will make efforts to create favorable 3 (condition) on his own initiative(主动性). It will 4 (certain) be of great help, if there 5 (be) good environment, enough books and equipment, as well as instructions 6 (give) by teachers and beneficial friends. But even if one has got all these favorable conditions, one cannot be sure to succeed 7 learning.

So the most important factor in learning 8 (consist)in ones own effort. To learn is rather a painstaking(辛苦的)business. Many 9 man is a failure because he cannot bear such unavoidable hardships. Never stopping efforts can compensate for the lack of talents and thus enable one to make 10 (consider) progress in learning.

(廣东省中山市龙山中学 闫 跃)


Some people tend to stick to their positions all the time, as they think the 1 (long)one works in a particular field, the more skillful one will be at it. Some have been teachers all 2 (they) lives. Some devote their whole life to 3 (science) research. Such people love their work and turn out to be 4 (specialist) in their own field. They are usually high achiever.

Some are different. They are in 5 habit of job-hopping(跳槽), for they always pursue(追求)things 6 are new and interesting. They never seem content 7 their present situation. Some like to meet more people and make more money, so they hop from job to job.

As far as I am concerned, I want 8 (be) professionally strong. I am not in favor of constant job-hopping, as the saying 9 (go),“Jack of all trades and master of none.”But I want to cooperate and communicate with someone else so as to be more 10 (create) and less partial.

(广东省中山市龙山中学 闫 跃)


Most Americans would find it hard to think 1 life would look like without a car. However, some have realized the serious problem of the air pollution 2 (cause) by the car. The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.

One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build 3 car that causes less pollution. But it is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow.

Another way is to replace the car engine with something else. Now 4 (invent) are working on steam cars as well as electric cars. Many makers believe that it will take years 5 (develop) a useful and satisfactory model.

To prevent the world 6 being polluted by cars, we make some changes in the way many of us live. Americans, for example, have to reduce the number of their total cars. They 7 (encourage) to travel and to work by bicycle. It is thought to help man to keep the air clean.

But this change does not come 8 (easy). A large number of workers might find themselves without jobs if a car factory 9 (go) bankrupt(破产). Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.

Although cars have led us to a better life, 10 have also brought us new problems.

(广东省中山市龙山中学 闫 跃)


Health is our most important possession. We should do our best to maintain(保持) it. A happy man is a healthy man, and only the healthy man can live 1 happy life.

The desire 2 good health is universal. Everyone who loves life understands 3 important health is. First, good health is the guarantee for 4 (enjoy)life. The only desire of patients 5 (be)always to live an ordinary and healthy life. Second, good health establishes a firm foundation for your 6 (ambitious) of the career. Without it, any lofty(崇高的) wish will only be a daydream.

Then how can we keep fit?I think three principal 7 (suggest)should be followed. The first one is that a scientific diet, which 8 (provide) the necessities for your body, should be adopted. The second one is that physical exercises should be done 9 (regular), especially for the indoor people. Last but not least, a cheerful mood should be kept.

In order to keep fit, I force 10 (I)to keep away from the“junk food”, although it usually tastes good, I even form a good habit of doing morning exercises. And the beautiful music and good books always cheer me up.

(广东省中山市龙山中学 闫 跃)


It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful scenery. Besides,you can meet 1 (person) of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits 2 the local people. Today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in most countries.

People travel mainly, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a trip to the nearby mountains or beaches really 3 (relax). For another example, 4 (spend)an annual holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those

5 do not have many opportunities to leave their homelands. After their return, they will generally feel fresh, ready to work 6 (hard).

Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. Even though you 7 (hear) about something before, you can never get an accurate picture of it 8 you see it for yourself. Furthermore, if you are a careful observer, you can learn much when travelling. No matter how well-educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling. The knowledge

9 (acquire) from travel is no less valuable than

10 from any influential reference book.

(廣东省中山市龙山中学 闫 跃)


We students are the builders of our country, so we must know what our duties are.

First, we should try our best to obtain knowledge. We students must pay attention 1 teacherslectures because our teachers are 2 (much)knowledgeable and experienced than us. They always tell us useful things, so we must work hard. If we have studied well in our 3 (young), we 4 (be)able to accomplish great things in the future.

Second, we must take care of our bodies. Health is our most important asset(财产). Without it, we may have to depend on others instead of being able to help them.

Third, we can get knowledge not only from 5 (book), but also from practice. 6 (fortunate), there are so many people who can only talk but cannot put their ideas into practice. Therefore, it is useful for us to put our knowledge into practice even in school 7 thus enrich our experience.

Fourth, we must learn to care about others. A person 8 is selfish is not well liked. He usually does not work well with others for the good of society. On the other hand, 9 person who is concerned about people is willing to cooperate with others and contribute his time and effort to 10 (improve)society.

(廣东省中山市龙山中学 闫 跃)


Along with the Great Wall, the Forbidden City is one of the best-known tourist 1 (attract) in Beijing. Home

2 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is the worlds 3 (large) palace complex, with more than 9,000 rooms.

For years, only 30 percent of the entire structure 4

(be)open to the public. But a big renovation(修缮) 5 (go)on at the moment means it may increase to 70 percent. The work will be complete in 2020. The Forbidden City 6 (paint)in just two colors, yellow and red. The red is a sign of happiness and yellow stands for earth. In ancient China, only emperors used yellow.

In front of the grand building of the Hall of Supreme Harmony (太和殿), there is a big square, 7 no trees. Why Chinas emperors considered 8 (they) sons of heaven, and that they should be in the highest position. And so nothing was to be allowed to overwhelm(超过) 9 highest building in the Forbidden City——and trees were no 10


(山东省费县一中 郭 建 )


Shan shui refers to a style of Chinese painting of scenery or

1 (nature) landscapes(风景) with brush and ink. The name translates to “mountain-water-picture”. When Chinese painters work on shan shui painting, they do not try to present an image of 2 they have seen in nature,

3 what they have thought about nature. It is not important whether the painted colors and shapes look 4 (exact)like the real object. Shan shui painters use the same materials and basic techniques as calligraphers(书法家) , and their works

5 (judge) by the same standards. Shan shui paintings involve a complicated and strict set of 6 (require)for balance, structure, and form. The beauty of a painting was closely connected to the easiness with 7 it was produced, but the quality could not be achieved 8 serious training and deep thought. Some large shan shui paintings could be unrolled(展开) a few feet at a time from right to left, to allow the viewer 9 (move) through the landscape, enjoying

10 (difference) aspects.

(广东省清远市第三中学 陈洁莹)


Kungfu is one of the most popular topics of discussion among foreigners talking about China. With the 1 (large) number of practitioners in China, tai chi is gaining 2 (popular) worldwide. So far tai chi has spread to more than 150 countries and regions, boasting more than 300 million fans.

Tai chi is sweeping the world thanks to its deep cultural roots and the health 3 (benefit). The philosophy(原理) of tai chi 4 (feature) the concept of yin and yang, which is typical of Confucianism and Taoism. Tai chi also takes in ideas from traditional Chinese medicine. It is practice 5 couples hardness with softness. Through lasting practice, learners begin to feel the positive impact of tai chi on 6 (they) health. Unlike kungfu disciplines that focus on attacking and 7 (defend) against enemies, tai chi pays more attention to nurturing(培育) good temper and health. By practicing tai chi, people will feel 8 improvement in their physical and psychological health by promoting a balance 9 the yin and yang within their bodies.

Today, it can 10 (learn) from various sources. Some coaches now give classes online, so people can leam via computers and mobile phones.

(廣东省中山市中山纪念中学 吴建华)


It is rare that the leading 1 (act) in a Chinese movie wins the audiences hearts with an encouraging message, rather than by 2 (show) off his good looks. But Wolf Warrior II (《战狼2》) is putting China in the global spotlight. Its also the first film 3 (taste) success both in box office earnings and improving Chinese values. 4 (amaze), Kung fu artist Wu Jing both starred in and directed the action movie. Since its release on July 27, it 5 (earn) an unimaginable 4.5 billion yuan, 6 set a record for home movies at the box office. Just as the message at the end of the film 7 (read): “Citizens of the Peoples Republic of China: When you meet with 8 (dangerous) in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands 9 strong motherland.” Thanks to Chinas increasing participation 10 international events, now could be considered the right moment to introduce a modern Chinese hero.

(湖北省麻城一中 鲍 津)


One night, at 11:30 PM, an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway, caught in a violent rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she 1 (desperate)needed a ride. Being wet all over, she decided to stop the next car. A young white man stopped 2 (help) her, which was never heard of in the USA in the 1960s. The man took her to 3 (safe), helped her get assistance and put her into 4 taxi. She seemed to be in a big hurry! She wrote down his address, thanked him and 5 (drive) away. Seven days went by and there was a knock 6 the mans door. To his surprise, a giant color TV 7 (deliver) to his home. A special note was attached, which read: “Thank you so much for 8 (assist) me on the highway the other night. The rain drenhed(弄湿)not only my clothes

9 my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husbands bedside just before he passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving 10 people. Sincerely Mrs. Nat King Cole”

(广东省江门开平市第一中学 杨华新)


I was born and raised in the countryside. To provide me with a better education, two months ago my parents sent me to Guangzhou city, 1 is far away from my hometown. In the 2 (begin), I was lonely and homesick. From time to time, I would miss my family so much that I had difficulty 3 (sleep) at night.

It was my 18th birthday last Friday. Without my parents staying together 4 me, I thought I had to spend my birthday on my own. When I came into the classroom that day, I found nobody in. 5 (sudden), all my classmates crowded in and surrounded me. Then I was taken to a room decorated with colorful balloons. Also, they 6 (prepare) a cake one day earlier. They divided 7 cake into several pieces and sang birthday songs together for me. Deeply 8 (move), I was all in tears, holding their 9 (hand) tightly without saying anything. How joyful, enjoyable and unforgettable it was!It was 10 (they)consideration that drove away my loneliness and homesickness. (廣东省江门开平市第一中学 杨华新)


Zhang Baoyan established a website called Bay Back Home in 2007, helping children who are 1 (home), abandoned or taken by traffickers (人贩) to return home.

Zhang, who also serves 2 the president of a childrens charity (慈善机构) organization in Tonghua, northeast Chinas Jilin Province, said that her original intention for opening 3 site was simple: it would be worthy, even if just one child was found. However, it 4 (help) 1,527 children return home so far.

Many people once doubted that she had ill intentions or motives (动机) since the page offered all its assistance for free. Some parents even thought she was a cheat.

5 (face) with these questions, Zhang never gave up and still provided free services for children 6 had no money to get home. People 7 (gradual) believed in the website under her selfless efforts.

When 8 (talk) about the increasing number of missing children, Zhang suggests that parents should immediately ask police for help, and then find surveillance(监控) 9 (video) in the surrounding areas. In addition, they also need to check at local welfare centers. Once it 10 (confirm) the child has been lost, parents should offer a DNA sample to the police and register on the website.

(广东省佛山市南海执信中学 黄欣欣)


Once, a strong woodcutter got a job in a timber merchant(木材商人). The pay and the work condition 1 (be) quite good. Therefore, the woodcutter was determined to do his best. His boss gave him an axe(斧子) and showed him the areas 2 he should work. The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.

“Congratulations,”the boss said.“Go on!”

3 (motivate) by the bosswords, the woodcutter worked harder the next day, but he could only bring 15 trees. The third day he tried even 4 (hard), but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day, he brought less and less trees.

“I must be losing my 5 (strong)”,the woodcutter thought.

He went to the boss and apologized, 6 (say)he couldnt understand why.“When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked.

“Sharpen?I had no time to do that. I have been busy cutting trees...”

Our 7 (life) are like that. We sometimes too busy to take time to sharpen the “axe”.

Theres nothing wrong 8 hard work. But we shouldnt get so busy that we neglect something 9 (true) important in life. We need time to relax, to reflect and to grow. If we dont take time to sharpen our“axes”,we 10 (become) dull.

(廣东省佛山市南海执信中学 黄欣欣)


Consuming sugar is an 1 (addict) —— the more we eat, the more we want. In the UK, statistics show that sugar consumption is at its 3 (high) level in history and the government is trying to get the food industry to reduce the amount of sugar in popular products like chocolate bars 4 20%.

Sugary food 4 (taste) nice. It can help lift our mood and make us 5 (energy). But a high-sugar diet,

6 is linked to obesity(肥胖), can increase the risk of getting diabetes(糖尿病).

Lots of people enjoy sugar and gain pleasure from it, but 7 is also hard for them to give it up altogether. However, there are health 8 (benefit) of cutting down sugar, such as improving dental(牙科的)care and reducing weight gain. Eating some sugar as part of a 9 (balance) diet is fine and exercising will help burn it off. So rather than dealing with your sugar by cutting it out of your diet, why not 10 (work)on your willpower and learn to say‘noto a second serving of chocolate?

(廣东省佛山市南海执信中学 黄欣欣)


Tom, a kind and hardworking professional writer, suddenly 1 (fall) ill, and was suffering from lung cancer due to the bad habit of 2 (smoke), which shocked his neighbors and made them feel sorry.

All the neighbors felt it a pity for Tom because he is really a 3 (gift)and promising writer. He is so young and maybe it is just the beginning of his great career(事业). 4 (fortunate), the cancer will stop him from his work.

Tom has always been my good model, because he is so nice and excellent in his career, 5 life was not easy for him on the way to being a successful writer. His strong determination has helped him to have overcome so many difficulties 6 (realize)his dream, and this is what I should learn 7 him.

From 8 (Tom) story, we understand better that physical health and career are both important. Anyway, health should come first, without 9 we can achieve nothing. But if 10 man is just strong in body but has no ambitions for career, his life will become worthless. Therefore, we should have the right attitude towards career and health.

(华南师范大学附属中学汕尾学校 林润浩)


Russia is pressuring India to support Chinas plan to build trade and transport links across Asia and in other areas.

On Monday, Russian officials suggested that India

1 (find)a way to work with China on the Belt and Road project, even if the two sides have 2 (politics) differences.

India is 3 (strong) opposed to an economic corridor(经济走廊) that China is building in Pakistan 4 part of the project because 5 travels through Kashmir. Both India and Pakistan have territorial claims(领土主张) to the area.

India was the only regional country 6 did not send representatives to China for a meeting in May. Chinese President Xi Jinping used the gathering to promote the Belt and Road project. Under the plans, crews are building railway lines, ports and electric power grids(网). The work 7 (expect) to cost many billions of dollars.

Earlier this week, the foreign ministers of China, India and Russia met in New Delhi. They talked about 8 (India) concerns about the project.

After 9 talks, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke to reporters. Lavrov said he told Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj that India should not let political disagreements stop it from joining and 10 (benefit)from the project.

(廣东省潮州市饶平县师范实验中学 杨映柳)


A food craving (渴望) is 1 strong desire for a specific type of food. And they are normal. One person might crave sweet chocolate, 2 another might want salty potato chips.

Sometimes the foods we crave are not super healthy ones but rather 3 (fat) or sugary foods. Or sometimes we crave foods from our childhoods. 4 times the cravings may be for something healthy but very specific.

But where do food cravings come from and how are they different from hunger?

5 (compare) hunger and cravings this way, scientists find that hunger and cravings are two different

6 (phenomenon). Hunger is a 7 (fair) simply connection between the stomach and the brain. They even call it simply “stomach hunger”. A craving is more complicated. It involves several areas of the brain. These areas make 8 the reward center of the brain. A craving can also 9 (tie) to our mental state and memory. So some scientists call food cravings “mind hunger”.

Therefore, the next time you crave food from your childhood or have a desire for something very specific, 10 (know) that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach.

(广西来宾高级中学 彭雪秋)


President Xi Jinping delivered his New Year address

1 Sunday December 31, 2017. Reform and opening-up, 2 has been the only path to the development and progress of contemporary China, will be carried out 3 (full) so people can realize the “Chinese dream”.

Xi stressed that 2018 is the launch of implementing(贯彻) the spirit of 4 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a key meeting that drew the blueprint for the countrys 5 (develop) for decades to come. He was aware of the 6 (big)concerns of the people. In 2017, he 7 (receive) many letters from the people, including 8 (villager) from the Yumai township in Lhunze county in the Tibet autonomous(自治) region, members of the Wulanmuqi Art Troupe from the Inner Mongolia autonomous region and new Peoples Liberation Army student recruits(新兵) from Nankai University.

9 (mention) that China has achieved great progress in areas such as science and technology, manufacturing, aerospace and agriculture, Xi cheered the creative powers of the Chinese people. Xi also mentioned the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the BRICS Xiamen Summit(峰会) and the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting. Chinas proposal of building a community of shared future for mankind 10 (support) by the world.

(广东省新会梁启超纪念中学 梁雄炬)


It is not easy to find true friends. Even if youve connected with someone, how do you really know he is 1 true friend There are 2 (way) you can know if a friendship is true and how you can hold onto that friend.

Generally speaking, a true friend is someone 3 will be there for you no matter what 4 (happen). They will accept you for who you are without 5 (try) to change you, and they will be there to help you grow in new ways.

A true friend will keep your secrets for you trust him. They will listen and be someone you can talk things over with, even if they may not have advice to share 6 you.

However, friendship is a two-way street. 7 (find)true friends and keep them, you must in turn be the same as well. Be there for them in their hard times and share the 8 (wonder)times with them. Be someone your friends can depend on as well and offer them the same thing they give to you.

9 (actual), there will be barriers in the road but that is the test of true friendship. If it can survive those barriers, it will be 10 (strong) than ever.

(廣东省吴川市第三中学 李华军)


Artist Martin Mazia was born in the Argentine capital, but you would not 1 (possible)guess that his artworks feature Chinese-inspired ink wash paintings and calligraphy(书法).

While studying traditional Chinese medicine, Mazia 2 (introduce)to the Chinese art forms by accident more than 15 years ago.“I discovered it one day and I went crazy, 3 it attracts me greatly and I began to study them every day,”he told others.

There are various 4 (reason) for Mazias enthusiasm. As for Chinese calligraphy, he called it 5 very profound(深刻) symbol of ancestral(祖先的) wisdom, and for painting,“it is like instant painting, but needs a lot of knowledge about life.”

Mazia, 6 now teaches Chinese calligraphy and painting as well as the Chinese language, has exhibited his works in many countries including Argentina and Colombia. Those works are serving as a 7 (culture) link between Latin America and the East Asian country.

In addition to 8 (teach), Mazia takes part in the annual festivals of the local Chinese communities, including the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Making a livelihood as an artist isnt always easy, he said, but it was his calling. “It is easier 10 (be)a movie director or football player or cook, but each person has his destiny(命运) and this is 10 (I),”said Mazia.

(广东省汕尾市陆丰市东海龙潭中学 许炳杰)


Guessing lantern riddles, also known as the tiger lantern, is another ancient aspect to the festival that 1 (conclude) the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations. As ancient riddles were so difficult and required so much classical knowledge and wisdom, there 2 (be)a saying in the past about them: Its as difficult to kill a tiger as it is 3 (guess) a lantern puzzle. Hence, the tiger lantern came into 4 (exist).

Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions 5 the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answers. If they are right, they will get not only 6 small gift but also intellectual satisfaction.

The guessing tradition goes back to the Song Dynasty, 7 royal advisors conveyed advice and opinions in an indirect way (speaking in riddles). They came up with the idea to protect 8 (they)from royal anger for delivering bad news and criticism. As riddle guessing is 9 (interest) and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all classes.

These days, however, most popular puzzles dont require well-educated people to come up with the answer, though they can be brain teasers, 10 (require) knowledge of history, culture and puns(雙关语).

(广东省深圳市第二实验学校 李伟文)


People around the world celebrate the New Year 1 (different)and at different times. No matter when you celebrate the New Year, it usually involves thinking about the past year and 2 (plan)for the year ahead. People have many different ways of ringing out the old and ringing in the new 3 why are bells linked to the calendar change?

In the Christian and Buddhist religions, bells are often connected with the New Year. The website explains that“bells serve as 4 beautiful symbol introducing a new year to be spent together as a community of 5 (family)...”Another website describes how bells are used in Japan on New Years Eve,“As midnight 6 (approach), Buddhist temples around the country begin ringing out the old year, sounding the temple bell 108 times.”Each ring of the bell stands 7 each of the earthly desires a Buddhist must try to overcome — all 108 of them!Even those 8 arent religious but are a little superstitious(迷信的), may ring bells at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve 9 (scare) off bad luck.

These age-old traditions have given 10 (we) the phrase“to ring out the old and ring in the new.”

(安徽省合肥润安公学 解光琼)


I am very happy that you are visiting China. Here I am going to introduce some places of interest to you. First, you should go to BeiJing 1 have a look at The Bird Nest. It is the first

2 ( nation) gym. It is 3 behalf of our Olympic sport spirits and Chinese cultures. Secondly, you should go to visit the Great Wall,which is 4 historical place. Thousands years ago, it helped Chinese people to be far away from war and other 5 (country)invasions (侵犯). Now it becomes very popular;it 6 (visit) not only by foreign friends, but also by our local people. It has very important educational meaning. Last, you should go to HangZhou and see the famous sight—XiHu,which is a very popular place to visit. There 7 (happen)a beautiful and moving love story between man and a white snake 8 became human later. This place is famous for this unforgettable love story. Many people come here and want to have an eternal(永恒的) and happy life with their 9 (love) like the two characters.

If you come, you cant miss this chance 10 (know) Chinese colorful and beautiful cultures.

(广东省韶关市曲仁中学 王书藕)


As early as the Han Dynasty, Chinese people began to celebrate the Lantern Festival in a big way. As one of the most important 1 (tradition)festivals, the Lantern Festival 2 (fall) on January 15 of Chinese lunar calendar, and is regarded as a good day for family gather-together. It is 3 first full moon night in the Chinese lunar year, 4 symbolizes the coming of the spring. Lantern Festival may be regarded as the last day of Spring Festival. In other words, the Spring Festival does not end 5 the Lantern Festival has passed. The favored food 6 (eat) on Lantern Festival is called“yuan xiao” or 7 (common) called “tang yuan”. A meaning of family reunion and 8 (happy) may be felt even only from such names. 9 time goes by, the Lantern Festival has enjoyed more and more celebrating activities, such as 10 (watch) lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, playing dragon lantern, lion dancing, etc. Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country.

(廣西柳州地区民族高级中学 覃朝姣)



1. without 2. to expect 3. what 4. blocks 5. covering 6. loneliness 7. and 8. was 9. a 10. amazed


1. regularly 2.coins 3. wishing 4. delighted 5. what 6. because/for 7. that 8. prayed 9. a 10. for


1. exactly 2. trying 3. Although/Though 4. it 5. firefighters 6. unconscious 7. which 8. being burned 9. was taken 10. in


1. a 2. attached 3. decision 4. better 5. protective 6. has 7. to be treated 8. how 9. determined 10. they


1. exchanges 2. called 3. has been passed 4. the 5. on 6. Recovery 7. visited 8. building 9. which 10. to meet


1. were asked 2. another 3. to see 4. or 5. remaining 6. further 7. success 8. a 9. what 10. teachers


1. in 2. is considered 3. the 4. especially 5. filled 6. who 7.greatest 8. to tour 9. his 10. bent


1. to create 2. types 3. who 4. mainly 5. easier 6. the 7. while 8. its 9. taking 10. bears


1. comes 2. it 3. caused 4. when 5. management 6. deliberately 7. destroy 8. about 9. a 10. to avoid


1. was diagnosed 2. to help 3. centers 4. keeping 5. as 6. but 7. awareness 8. What 9. a 10. our


1. says 2. and 3. In 4. while 5. is 6. collection 7. significant 8. to decline 9. importing 10. which


1. are needed 2. burning 3. which 4. for 5. are 6. to design 7. a 8. pollution 9. tasks 10. continually


1. others 2. which 3. conditions 4. certainly 5. is 6. given 7. in 8. consists 9. a 10. considerable


1. longer 2. their 3. scientific 4. specialists 5. the 6. that/which 7. with 8. to be 9. goes 10. creative


1. what 2. caused 3. a 4. inventors 5. to develop 6. from 7. are encouraged 8. easily 9. went 10. they


1. a 2. for 3. how 4. enjoying 5. is 6. ambition 7. suggestions 8. provides 9. regularly 10. myself


1. persons 2. of 3. relaxing 4. spending 5. who 6. harder 7. have heard 8. until 9. acquired 10. that


1. to 2. more 3. youth 4. will/shall be 5. books 6. Unfortunately 7. and 8. that/who 9. a 10. improving.


1. attractions 2. to 3. largest 4. has been 5. going 6. is painted 7. but 8. themselves 9. the 10. exception


1. natural 2. what 3. but 4. exactly 5. are judged 6. requirements 7. which 8. without 9. to move 10. different


1. largest 2. popularity 3. benefits 4. features 5. that 6. their 7. defending 8. an 9. between 10. be learned


1. actor 2. showing 3. to taste 4. Amazingly 5. has earned 6. which 7. reads 8. danger 9. a 10. in

(二十三)本文讲述了主人公Mrs. Nat King Cole深夜外出,因车出故障,被困在暴风雨中,最后得到了一个年轻白种男人的帮助,让她在她丈夫临终前得以见他最后一面。为了表示谢意,她给他送了一台彩电并附上感谢信。

1. desperately 2. to help 3. safety 4. a 5. drove 6. at/on 7. was delivered 8. assisting 9. but 10. other


1. which 2. beginning 3. sleeping 4. with 5. Suddenly 6. had prepared 7. the 8. moved 9. hands 10. their


1. homeless 2. as 3. the 4. has helped 5. Faced 6. who/that 7. gradually 8. talking 9. videos 10. is confirmed


1. were 2. where 3. Motivated 4. harder 5. strength 6. saying 7. lives 8. with 9. truly 10. will become


1. addiction 2. highest 3. by 4. tastes 5. energetic 6. which 7. it 8. benefits 9. balanced 10. work


1. fell 2. smoking 3. gifted 4. Unfortunately 5. but 6. to realize 7. from 8. Toms 9. which 10. a


1. ( should)find 2. political 3. strongly 4. as 5. it 6. that 7. is expected 8. Indians 9. the 10. benefiting


1. a 2. while 3. fatty 4. Other 5. Comparing 6. phenomena 7. fairly 8. up 9. be tied 10. know


1. on 2. which 3. fully 4. the 5. development 6. biggest 7. received 8. villagers 9. Mentioning 10. is supported


1. a 2. ways 3. who 4. happens 5. trying 6. with 7. To find 8. wonderful 9. Actually 10. stronger

(三十三)本文介绍了阿根廷艺术家Martin Mazia,他现在教汉语和中国书画。

1. possibly 2. was introduced 3. because 4. reasons 5. a 6. who 7. cultural 8. teaching 9. to be 10. mine


1. concludes 2. was 3. to guess 4. existence 5. to 6. a

7. when 8. themselves 9. interesting 10. requiring


1. differently 2. planning 3. But 4. a 5. families 6. approaches 7. for 8. who 9. to scare 10. us


1. and 2. national 3. on 4. a 5. countries 6. is visited 7. happened 8. who 9. lovers 10. to know


1. traditional 2. falls 3. the 4. which 5. until 6. eaten 7. commonly 8. happiness 9. As 10. watching

责任编辑 蒋小青

