

农业工程学报 2018年2期

张青雯,崔宁博,2,冯 禹,贾 悦,李 晨,龚道枝,胡笑涛


张青雯1,崔宁博1,2※,冯 禹1,3,贾 悦1,李 晨1,龚道枝3,胡笑涛4

(1. 四川大学水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室水利水电学院,成都 610065; 2. 南方丘区节水农业研究四川省重点实验室,成都 610066; 3. 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所作物高效用水与抗灾减损国家工程实验室,北京 100081; 4. 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室,杨凌 712100)

地表总辐射(R)是作物生长模型率定、蒸散量估算、灌溉制度制定和太阳能资源利用的重要基础数据。为有效提高辐射资源利用率,该文基于中国西北地区10个气象站点1993-2016年气象数据对9种不同日辐射模型进行适用性评价。采用非线性回归分析法对Bristow-Campbell(B-C)模型进行参数属地化修正,得到B-C校正模型。模型适用性评价结果表明:9种模型在西北地区的辐射模拟值和实测值均呈极显著相关(<0.01);基于日照时数的日辐射模型(Ångström-Prescott、Ogelman、Bahel、Louche、Almorox-Hontoria、Glower-McCulloch,其2介于0.875~0.954)计算精度高于基于温度的模型(Hargreaves-Samani、Annandale、Bristow-Campbell,其2介于0.652~0.813);其中基于日照时数的模型中Bahel模型精度最高,其次是Ogelman和Glower-McCulloch模型,其RMSE分别为2.282、2.309和2.313 MJ/(m2·d),RMSE分别为14.0%、14.2%和14.2%,MAE分别为1.666、1.701和1.697 MJ/(m2·d),Nash-Sutcliffe系数(NS)分别为0.905、0.903和0.902;基于温度的日辐射模型中B-C校正模型精度最高,其RMSE为3.819 MJ/(m2·d),RMSE为23.3%,MAE为2.680 MJ/(m2·d),NS为0.741。因此,西北地区日辐射计算当仅有日照时数资料时推荐使用Bahel模型,当仅有温度资料时推荐使用Bristow-Campbell校正模型。


0 引 言


为此,多种s估算方法被相继提出,如卫星图像、机器学习、随机天气模型和经验模型等方法[15]。其中,基于云量、日照、温度等气象数据的经验模型最为常见并被广泛使用,尤其是基于日照时数和基于温度的经验辐射模型[11,15]。最初基于日照时数的模型为Ångström模型[16],采用日照时数和晴空辐射数据计算s。由于晴空辐射数据较难获取,Prescott[17]建议使用大气顶层辐射来替代晴空辐射,得到了至今广泛使用的Ångström-Prescott模型。Chelbi等[18]将几种Ångström型回归模型(线性、二次、三次、对数和指数模型)进行比较,估算突尼斯4个气象站的s,发现拟合模型均能准确估算s,其中三次Ångström模型拟合精度最高。Bahel[19]以全球不同气候条件和地理位置的48个站点的日照时数和辐射数据为基础,提出了在全球范围内均适用的Bahel模型。Ogelman等[20]建立了基于日照时数与最大可能日照时数之比的二阶多项式函数来估算日辐射值。虽然基于日照时数的模型估算s较为准确,但通常会受到日照资料缺失的限制[21],因此,基于温度的经验模型得以发展,较为典型的是Hargreaves-Samani (H-S) 模型,仅需日最高、最低温度就能准确估算s[22]。Annandale等[23]考虑海拔和大气层厚度对辐射的影响进而对H-S模型进行了改进。Bristow等[24]提出以温度指数函数估算日s值,即Bristow-Campbell(B-C)模型。Liu等[5]评估了16种基于温度的经验辐射模型在中国东北、华北平原和西北地区的适用性,发现B-C模型与修正H-S模型计算精度相似,且显著优于H-S模型。Hassan等[15]建立了17个新的基于温度的辐射模型,并将其与已有的3种模型(Annandale、Allen和Goodin模型)进行比较以估算埃及日s,发现精度最高的新模型在埃及不同地区计算精度均高于原模型,尤其在沿海地区。向友珍等[14]以中国南方20个站点气象资料为基础,对B-C模型及H-S模型各6种不同形式进行了参数率定,并与支持向量机15种参数输入形式进行了适用性评价,发现支持向量机模型整体好于B-C模型和H-S模型。Chen等[25]基于中国48个站点的气象数据对2种基于日照时数的辐射模型和3种基于温度的辐射模型进行适用性评价,发现基于日照时数的模型精度高于基于温度的模型,且Bahel模型计算精度最高。


1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区域与数据

中国西北地区位于73°25′~110°55′E和31°35′~49°15′N,主要包括陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆和内蒙西部(图1),约为中国国土面积1/3[26]。西北地区地形复杂多样,以高原、盆地和山地为主,太阳辐射资源十分丰富,由于该区地处亚欧大陆腹部,并有山岭阻隔、地形闭塞,海洋水汽难以到达,除秦岭以南地区外大部分地区全年降水量多在500 mm以下,且呈由东向西递减态势,是中国主要的干旱和半干旱区,也是中国气候变化的敏感区和生态脆弱区[27-28]。基于对站点所处气候区域代表性与气象数据完整性的考虑,本文在西北地区共选取10个代表性站点1993-2016年24 a逐日气象数据作为基本资料,各气象站点概况见表1。气象数据来源于中国气象科学数据共享服务网(,包括日总辐射量(MJ/(m2·d))、日最高气温(℃)、日最低气温(℃)、日照时数(h),对其中缺测数据(占全部数据的4.8%)采用线性内插法和多年平均值法补全。

图1 中国西北地区气象站点分布图

表1 中国西北地区10个气象站点概况

注:数据起止年份为1993-2016年,日最高温度、日最低温度、日照时数及日总辐射均为24 a平均值。

Note: Data from 1993 to 2016. Daily maximum temperature, daily minimum temperature, sunshine duration and daily solar radiation are the average of the 24 years.

1.2 经验辐射模型


表2 经验辐射模型


Note:sis the daily global solar radiation, MJ·m-2·d-1;is the sunshine duration, h;is the maximum possible daily sunshine duration, h;is the latitude, rad;is the altitude, km;maxis the maximum daily temperature, ℃;minis the minimum daily temperature, ℃;ais the daily extraterrestrial radiation on horizontal surface, MJ·m-2·d-1.Gis the solar constant,G=0.082 (MJ·m-2·min-1);dis the countdown of relative distance between sun and earth;ωis the sunset hour angle (rad);is the solar declination angle (rad).

1.3 评价方法

本文采用辐射模型常用的5个评价指标:决定系数(2)、均方根误差(RMSE)、归一化均方根误差(nRMSE)、平均绝对误差(MAE)、Nash-Sutcliffe系数(NS)和相对误差(Relative error,RE)评价各模型的计算精度与一致性,其计算公式如下

2 结果与分析

2.1 Bristow-Campbell模型参数率定


表3 中国西北地区Bristow-Campbell修正模型参数值率定情况

2.2 模型适用性比较

为评价各模型对西北地区日s模拟精度,将9种模型在西北地区10个代表性站点的模拟值和实测值进行统计分析,如表4所示。由表4可知,9种模型在西北地区10个代表性站点s模拟值与实测值拟合结果较好,均呈极显著相关(<0.01)。6种基于日照时数的辐射模型(A-P、OG、BA、LO、A-H和G-M)2分别介于0.880~0.954、0.882~0.951、0.884~0.951、0.883~0.954、0.875~0.948和0.883~0.954;3种基于温度的辐射模型(H-S、AN和B-C)2分别介于0.652~0.807、0.652~0.807和0.673~0.813;6种基于日照时数的辐射模型在西北地区各站点日s值拟合精度较高,除乌鲁木齐、延安、海流图3个站外,2均大于0.9,且6种模型在格尔木、额济纳旗、民勤站拟合结果均优于其它站,其2均大于0.946。3种基于温度的辐射模型在西北地区各站点s模拟精度均低于基于日照时数的辐射模型,除额济纳旗站外,2均小于0.8,3种模型在乌鲁木齐、刚察、海流图站精度均较差,其2均小于0.734。此外,从其余4个误差统计指标也可看出基于日照时数的辐射模型计算精度均高于基于温度的模型,基于日照时数的模型中BA模型精度最高,其次是OG模型和G-M模型,其平均RMSE分别为2.282、2.309和2.313 MJ/(m2·d),平均nRMSE分别为14.0%、14.2%和14.2%,平均NS分别为0.905、0.903和0.902,平均MAE分别为1.666、1.701和1.697 MJ/(m2·d);基于温度的模型中精度最高的是B-C校正模型,其次是H-S模型和AN模型,其平均RMSE分别为3.819、4.167和4.368 MJ/(m2·d),平均nRMSE分别为23.3%、25.5%和26.6%,平均NS分别为0.741、0.688和0.656,平均MAE分别为2.680、3.068和3.378 MJ/(m2·d)。

表4 中国西北地区不同经验辐射模型计算精度比较


Note:**means a statistically significant correlation (<0.01).


表5 中国西北地区代表站各模型月平均日辐射值

表6 中国西北地区各经验模型月平均日辐射值的相对误差


Note: bold numbers are the minimum relative error for each station.

3 讨 论





4 结 论





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Evaluation on applicability of daily solar radiation model in Northwest China based on meteorological data

Zhang Qingwen1, Cui Ningbo1,2※, Feng Yu1,3, Jia Yue1, Li Chen1, Gong Daozhi3, Hu Xiaotao4

(1.,610065,; 2.,610066,; 3.,,, B100081,; 4.)

Complete and accurate global solar radiation data at a specific region are highly crucial to regional crop modeling, evapotranspiration estimation, irrigation system development and utilization of solar energy resources. In order to improve the utilization efficiency of facility agriculture technology on radiation resources, daily climatic data in 10 meteorological stations in Northwest China from 1993 to 2016 were used to calculate dailyglobal solar radiation. The applicability of 6 solar radiation models based on sunshine (Ångström-Prescott, Ogelman, Bahel, Louche, Almorox-Hontoria and Glower-McCulloch model) and 3 solar radiation models based on temperature (Hargreaves-Samani, Annandale and Bristow-Campbell model) was evaluated using the coefficient of determination (2), root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (RMSE), Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NS), mean absolute error (MAE) and relative error (RE). In addition, the parameters of Bristow-Campbell (B-C) model were calibrated based on least square method using the daily meteorological data from 1993 to 2010, and the daily meteorological data from 2011 to 2016 were adopted to evaluate the applicability of B-C model. The results showed that the estimated and measured daily global solar radiationhad statistically significant correlations (<0.01) for all the 9 models at the 10 stations. Generally, the models based on sunshine (with2ranging from 0.875 to 0.954 for the 10 stations) were more accurate to estimate daily global solar radiationthan the models based on temperature (with2from 0.652 to 0.813). In Northwest China, the Bahel model showed the best performance for daily global solar radiationestimation among the 6 models based on sunshine, followed by Ogelman model and Glower-McCulloch model, with average RMSE of 2.282, 2.309 and 2.313 MJ/(m2·d), averageRMSE of 14.0%, 14.2% and 14.2%, average MAE of 1.666, 1.701 and 1.697 MJ/(m2·d), and average NS of 0.905, 0.903 and 0.902, respectively. The best model based on temperature for estimation of daily global solar radiationwas the calibrated B-C model,followed by Hargreaves-Samani model and Annandale model, with average RMSE of 3.819, 4.167 and 4.368 MJ/(m2·d), averageRMSE of 23.3%, 25.5% and 26.6%, average MAE of 2.680, 3.068 and 3.378 MJ/(m2·d), and average NS of 0.741, 0.688 and 0.656 respectively. On the monthly scale, the estimated and measured monthly average daily global solar radiationhad good agreement, and the monthly average daily global solar radiationall increased from January to June and decreased from July to December. The Bahel model also showed the best performance for monthly average daily global solar radiationestimation among the 6 models based on sunshine, followed by Ogelman model and Glower-McCulloch model, with average RE of 5.350%, 5.375% and 5.679%, respectively. The calibrated B-C model had the best estimation accuracy among the models based on temperature, with average RE of 4.254%. It meant that the B-C model was more accurate than the Bahel model for global solar radiationestimation in monthly scale. Overall, the Bahel model is recommended to estimate daily global solar radiationwhen the sunshine hours are available, and the calibrated B-C model is recommended to estimate daily global solar radiationin Northwest China when only temperature data are available. This paper provides valuable information for global solar radiationestimation method in Northwest China, and also provides the theoretical basis and technical support for accurate estimation of daily global solar radiation.

solar radiation; models; temperature; sunshine duration; Northwest China; parameter calibration










张青雯,崔宁博,冯 禹,贾 悦,李 晨,龚道枝,胡笑涛. 基于气象资料的日辐射模型在中国西北地区适用性评价[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(2):189-196. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.026

Zhang Qingwen, Cui Ningbo, Feng Yu, Jia Yue, Li Chen, Gong Daozhi, Hu Xiaotao. Evaluation on applicability of daily solar radiation model in Northwest China based on meteorological data[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(2): 189-196. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.026

