范 富,张庆国,马玉露,侯迷红,萨如拉,马金慧,吕秀艳
范 富1,2,张庆国1,马玉露1,侯迷红1,萨如拉1,马金慧1,吕秀艳1
(1. 内蒙古民族大学农学院,通辽 028043; 2. 内蒙古自治区饲用作物工程技术研究中心,通辽 028000)
为探讨盐碱地围堤养鱼对盐碱地改良效果,2016年对盐碱裸地土、围堤养鱼3,5,8 a的鱼塘淤泥及围堤养鱼5 a后种稻土壤进行分析,测定了各处理土壤样品生物性状及土壤呼吸作用。结果表明,围堤养鱼5a后种稻对微生物的改良效果最明显,与盐碱裸地土相比,细菌、纤维素分解菌、亚硝酸细菌、磷细菌的数量分别增加了2.60×106,0.66×104,7.84×105,0.55×105cfu/g。除多酚氧化酶在盐碱裸地中的活性最大之外,其他酶活性在围堤养鱼5 a的土壤中改良效果最明显,脲酶、磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、纤维素酶的活性分别提高了0.008 mg/(g·24 h),0.153 mg/(g·24 h),2.035 mg/(g·20 min),0.399 mg/(g·72 h)。CO2释放量在围堤养鱼8 a土壤里最大,比原碱土增加了7.41 mg/g。只有细菌与土壤呼吸呈显著正相关(<0.05),土壤生物性状与土壤呼吸作用没有相关性。
0 引 言
盐碱地围堤养鱼后种稻是改良盐碱地行之有效的途径。西辽河流域低洼盐碱地属于苏打碱化土壤,碱化度高,围堤积水后水质不易调控,干旱水体浓缩更易导致碱化度增高,危及鱼类的正常生命活动。通过引注深层地下水及合理施肥,稀释、酸化中和、离子代换以减少水体的盐碱成分,养鱼5 a后既培肥水体,又改善水体生态。养鱼5 a后种稻更加速盐碱地的修复,原因是水稻在生命活动过程中借助发达的根系,释放出大量的二氧化碳溶于水而形成碳酸;碳酸一方面可中和碳酸钠和重碳酸钠,降低土壤的pH值,另一方面促进土壤中含有的难溶性碳酸钙的溶解;溶液中钙离子与土壤胶体吸附的钠离子发生交换,交换出来的钠离子随灌溉水被淋洗。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验区土壤性质
试验在通辽市科尔沁左翼中旗代力吉镇进行,未改良过的土壤pH值为9.52;原始土壤呼吸值为1.10 mg/g;细菌、磷细菌、纤维素分解菌、亚硝酸细菌的原始数量分别为1.15×106,0.17×105,1.89×104,0.24×105cfu/g;多酚氧化酶、脲酶、磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、纤维素酶在原碱裸地中的活性分别为0.408 mg/(g·24 h)、0.079 mg/(g·24 h)、0.032 mg/(g·24 h)、0.435 mg/(g·20 min)、1.918 mg/(g·72 h)。
1.2 试验过程
于2016年10月12日在通辽市代力吉镇采样,在围堤养鱼池塘旁将未处理过的盐碱裸地土作为对照,在围堤养鱼3 a、养鱼5 a、养鱼8 a池塘内部采用对角线的方式分别采取5点0~20 cm的淤泥,在围堤养鱼5 a后种稻的大田里以同样的方式取5点0~20 cm土样。将土样混合均匀,装入无菌袋,放入冰箱中在4 ℃下低温保存。
1.3 试验设计方案
在盐碱地围堤养鱼区设4个处理,将围堤养鱼3、5、8 a及围堤养鱼5 a后种稻的土样分别标记为Y1、Y2、Y3、S,将盐碱裸地土作为对照,在试验记录中标记为CK。
1.4 测试项目及方法
1.5 数据处理与分析
利用Wps软件与DPS (Data Processing System)3.01软件对数据进行处理与分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1 盐碱地围堤养鱼土壤内微生物数量的变化
表1 盐碱地围堤养鱼土壤内微生物数量的变化
注:CK,Y1,Y2,Y3和S分别表示盐碱裸地土、围堤养鱼3, 5, 8 a及围堤养鱼5 a后种稻。大小写字母分别表示同列数据在<0.01和<0.05水平下差异显著。下同。
Note: CK, Y1, Y2 Y3, S were the samples of saline alkalin soil, diking for fish 3, 5, 8 a, and dike fishing 5 a +rice planting. Different capital and lower letters with in same line indicate significant difference at<0.01 and<0.05. The same as below.
2.2 盐碱地围堤养鱼土壤内酶活性的变化
由表2可知,相同处理下,土壤脲酶活性最小,土壤纤维素酶活性最大。在不同处理下,多酚氧化酶活性在CK中最大。脲酶活性在Y2中最大,比CK增加了0.008 mg/(g·24 h),在Y3中活性最小,比CK下降了0.034 mg/(g·24 h),各处理间无差异。磷酸酶在Y2中活性最大,比CK增加了0.153 mg/(g·24 h),Y1、Y3、S间无显著差异,CK、Y1、Y2处理之间有显著差异(0.01)。过氧化氢酶在Y3中的活性最大,比CK增加了2.035 mg/(g·20 min),各处理间差异显著。纤维素酶在S中活性最大,比CK增加了1.611 mg/(g·72 h),Y3比CK增加0.399 mg/(g·72 h)各处理间无差异。在S处理下的脲酶、磷酸酶的活性比Y2的大,说明土壤中N、P含量有所下降,可能是因为S是在养鱼5 a后的第一年,并没有对水稻进行施肥,所以酶活性下降。
表2 盐碱地围堤养鱼土壤内酶活性的变化
2.3 盐碱地围堤养鱼土壤呼吸变化
由表2可知,各处理土壤呼吸状况,CK的CO2排放量最小,Y3的CO2排放量最大,Y3比CK增长了7.41 mg/g,CK与Y1、Y2与S间无显著差异。
2.4 盐碱地围堤养鱼土壤呼吸与酶活性和微生物数量的相关分析
表3 盐碱地围堤养鱼土壤呼吸与酶活性和微生物数量的相关分析
Note:=5,=5, * indicates significant correlation (<0.05); ** indicates very significant correlation (<0.01).
3 讨 论
前人开发盐碱地稻田养鱼试验[17],开发改造天然盐碱泡沼用以养鱼[18],开发改造盐碱闭流区苇塘;以地下水和稻田排水为水源,采取注水与施肥相结合的盐碱水质淡化措施[19];已取得初步结果[20];王建玉等[21]利用盐碱滩地开挖池塘、抬田,抬田种植农作物、水果,实现了鱼-农-果立体综合开发综合治理的良好经济效益和生态效益;种稻和养鱼都能促进土壤脱盐脱碱[22];养鱼活动势必对水体中其他生物群落以及整个系统的结构和功能产生一定的下行影响[23-24]。投饵和投饵养鱼围隔水体中总氮、溶解性氮以及硝态氮浓度下降,氨氮和颗粒态氮浓度增加[25]。投饵养鱼极大降低了水体中氮磷质量浓度比[26]。不同的围堤养鱼年份对盐碱地的生物性状改良效果不同。由表1和表2可知,多酚氧化酶活性随pH值的增加而增大,这与郝建朝[27]的研究结果一致,所以多酚氧化酶在原碱裸地土中的活性最大。杨富亿等[28]提出,池塘淤泥中存在大量细菌,好气性细菌一般是在淤泥表层占优势,在淤泥中由于缺乏氧气,嫌气性细菌占优势。所以,随着养鱼年份的增长,细菌数量呈上升趋势。但是,并不是养鱼时间越长改良效果越好,部分特性在5 a后水稻土中的效果比养鱼8 a的好,盐碱地围堤养鱼种稻,成为了水稻-水-土壤界面,提高了光、热、气的交换性能,土温、水温升高,促进土壤养分快速分解,从而使土壤微生物活性、酶活性进一步加强;这与张金宗[29]研究结果一致。霍洪明等[30]认为,土壤呼吸与土壤生物特性存在着一定的关系,随着土壤呼吸值的增加,细菌数量会增加,酶活性也会增大,但本试验中,土壤呼吸值与生物特性并没有多大的关系,可能与采样时间和试验过程中的误差所导致,采样时间在夏季,鱼的活动量较小,水中含氧量较少,影响着土壤的生物特性。
4 结 论
除多酚氧化酶在盐碱裸地土中的活性最大之外,其他酶的活性在围堤养鱼5 a的土壤中最理想,脲酶、磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、纤维素酶的活性分别提高了0.008 mg/(g·24 h),0.153 mg/(g·24 h),2.035 mg/(g·20 min),0.399 mg/(g·72 h)。CO2的释放量在围堤养鱼8a的土壤里最大,比原碱土增加了7.41 mg/g。
土壤的生物性状与土壤的呼吸作用相关性不显著;养鱼8 a土样细菌的数量与其他处理有极显著差异。总体来说,在本次试验中,围堤养鱼5 a后种稻是改良盐碱地最有效的方式。
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Improving biological traits by soda alkali-saline land diking for fish
Fan Fu1,2, Zhang Qinguo1, Ma Yulu1, Hou Mihong1, Sa Rula1, Ma Jinhui1, Lü Xiuyan1
(1.028043,; 2.,028000,)
Soda saline-alkali land is one of the main types of salinized land resources in China. Due to the influence of semi-arid monsoon climate, groundwater condition and geochemical process of element migration in Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia, a large area of saline-alkali soil has been formed. The low-lying saline-alkali land in the West Liaohe River Basin belongs to the soda alkaline soil with high alkalinity. And for most of the barren bare alkaline soil, soil productivity was very low. Planting rice after embankment and fish culture in saline-alkali soil was one of the effective ways of improving saline-alkali soil. In order to investigate the improvement effect of embankment and fish culture on saline-alkali soil, the biological traits and respiration of various soil samples were tested in 2016.The pH value of soil samples was 9.52,and soil respiration was 1.10 mg/g.The activity of soil enzyme and the amount of soil microorganism were the important indices to indicate the soil fertility level. The biological traits included the numbers of microorganisms (nitrite bacteria, cellulose decomposing bacteria, phosphorus bacteria), which were counted with dilution flat plate coating method,and the soil enzyme activity included phosphatase, urease, cellulase, polyphenol oxidase, and catalase, which were determined by colorimetric method and titration method.Additionally, the soil respiration was measured by alkali absorption titration method. The soil samples were taken from the ponds in Horqin Left Middle Banner, Tongliao City, where fish culture lasted for 3, 5 and 8 years, respectively, and rice was planted after 5-year fish culture and bare alkaline soil was taken as the control. The results showed that among the fish culture of different years, planting rice after 5-year fish culture had the most obvious improvement effect on the microorganism. Compared with the bare saline soil, the numbers of soil bacteria, cellulose decomposing bacteria, rice nitrite bacteria, and phosphorus bacteria were increased respectively by 2.60×106, 0.66×104, 7.84×105, and 0.55×105cfu/g. It was not that the longer the fish culture time, the better the improvement effect on the soda saline-alkali land. Except the activity of polyphenol oxidase that was the highest in the bare alkaline soil, all the other enzyme activities had the most obvious improvement in the soil of fish culture for 5 years. The activities of urease, phosphatase, catalase and cellulase were increased respectively by 0.008 mg/g every 24 h, 0.153 mg/g every 24 h, 2.035 mg/g every 20 min and 0.399 mg/g every 72 h. The release amount of CO2was the highest in the soil of fish culture for 8 years, 7.41 mg/g higher than that in the bare alkaline soil. Only bacteria number was positively correlated with soil respiration (<0.05). There was no correlation between soil biological properties and soil respiration. The research has a certain reference value to the regional follow-up use of the saline-alkali land. In the early stage of utilization, we should pay attention to the improvement of fertilizer, increase the application of organic manure, rationally arrange irrigation, and make the utilization of soda salinized soil develop in a benign direction. We will study the effect of different ages on the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of the soda saline-alkali soil after embankment and fish culture. It will provide a reliable basis for the protection and utilization of soda saline-alkali land resources.
soils; microorganism; enzymes; soda alkali-saline land; diking fish; biological traits
范 富,男,内蒙古化德人,教授,主要从事植物营养调控和土壤改良方面的研究。Email:fanfu63@163.com
范 富,张庆国,马玉露,侯迷红,萨如拉,马金慧,吕秀艳. 苏打盐碱地围堤养鱼改良土壤的生物性状[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(2):142-146. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.019 http://www.tcsae.org
Fan Fu, Zhang Qinguo, Ma Yulu, Hou Mihong, Sa Rula, Ma Jinhui, Lü Xiuyan. Improving biological traits by soda alkali-saline land diking for fish[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(2): 142-146. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.019 http://www.tcsae.org