Analysis of Errors and Solutions in English—Chinese Translation


校园英语·中旬 2017年15期


【Abstract】Many difficulties exist in the process of translation. As an important component of English learning, translation requires translators to master the comprehensive proficiency of both languages. The typical errors in the course of translation practice are analyzed and some solutions on how to improve the translation ability are proposed.

【Key words】English-Chinese Translation; Typical Errors; Analysis; Solution

A translator should be capable of doing bilingual transformation as well as multicultural communication. It is not easy to do translation well. There are many difficulties in the translation practice and many errors made several times. This paper analyzes the typical errors in English-Chinese translation practice. Based on the analysis, the paper also puts forward some solutions to overcome the difficulties and improve the translation ability.

1. Typical Errors in English-Chinese Translation

1.1 Misunderstanding of Words

Every word has its conceptual meaning and contextual meaning. Translators must choose the right one from different meanings in order to make the translation correct and logical in a given context. However, in the process of translation, we are used to looking up the words in the dictionary at first and then choose one of the meanings. In most cases, we use the conceptual meaning of a word and neglect the given context. In other words, it is word-for-word translation that leads to the wrong translation. For example:

(1) The environmental indicators are water use, land disturbance, greenhouse gas emission and energy use.


Analysis:According to the Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, the underlined word disturbance in the above sentence contains the following meanings:a. Disturbing or being disturbed;b. Person or thing that disturbs;c. Instance of social unrest;riot;d. Over-reaction to stress. From these conceptual meanings, it is very difficult to judge the meaning of the word disturbance. Thus translators tend to mistranslate it word-for-word. Here translators should consider the whole sentence and the context. In Chinese, there is seldom the expression of “土地干扰”. Land disturbance may refer to peoples disturbance of the land. So it is better to translate it into “土地用途变更”.

(2) Some argue that is because of millenniums-old Confucian frugality. Others say its more prosaic.


The word prosaic has the following meanings:a. Uninspired;unimaginative;b. Dull and commonplace;unromantic. In Chinese, it means “无灵感的;无想象力的” 和 “无聊的;平凡的;乏味的”. When we translate the word prosaic according to its conceptual meaning, the translation is very difficult to be understood. In this case, we should notice the meaning “unromantic”(不浪漫的). The sense of being unromantic is somewhat practical. Therefore, it is better to translate the word prosaic as “实际的”. Obviously, there is a sharp contrast between the wrong translation and the correct translation. The wrong translation is vague in meaning and may confuse readers while the correct translation is very clear and specific.

1.2 Redundant Translation

In English writing, the author should avoid using redundant words and is required to “make every word tell and omit needless words”. It is stated clearly in the book of William Strunk, Jr., The Elements of Style that “Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary line and a machine no unnecessary parts.” This is also true to translation. Translators are supposed to avoid repeating the redundant words when unnecessary. For example:

(3) Government and the community who are interested in sustainability to move beyond decisions based on dollars and cents and enable them to make decisions based on a contribution to society, environment, and economy.


Analysis:In this sentence, it seems redundant to translate the words dollars and cents into “美元和美分”. Wed better say “金钱” to be concise.

(4) Elated scientists joined jubilant revelers throughout Egypt on 11 February, when Hosni Mubarak resigned after 30 years as the nations president.


Analysis:In this sentence the problem is not in the misunderstanding of words but in the ways of expression in Chinese. Such kind of redundant words as “欢呼的狂欢者” is mainly because of the translators incapability of Chinese expression.“欢呼的狂欢者” is not idiomatic Chinese. So it is better to translate it into “一起狂欢”.

1.3 Illogical Translation

A sentence should be clear and logical. There is no exception with translation. If the translation is not logical, the translator should try to work out another translation with good logic in target language. For example:endprint

(5) The groups report predicts that the oil sands mines will increase withdrawals by 50 percent in the next six years.


Here the expression “增加撤退” is confusing and irrelevant to its context. In this sense, translators should check whether it is coherent. It should be rendered as “抽水量”.

(6) But other studies demonstrated potential benefits:iPS cells derived from patients can be used to study their diseases in a dish.


The wrong translation of the underlined part in the sentence is in poor logic. The dish wouldnt fall ill. Thus illogical translations must be wrong and we should correct them. And the right one should be “在培养皿里研究患者的疾病”.

1.4 Ambiguous Translation

Sometimes our translation is vague. Readers can hardly know what is being expressed in our translation. When necessary, translators are supposed to translate the potential meaning of a word or a sentence clearly. For example,

(7) The Gap had to learn that a thriving middle class does not want to dress shabby-chic.


In this sentence if we translate The Gap into “盖普”, the meaning is ambiguous. When we surf the Gap online, we will learn it is a garment company. Here it is better to explain “盖普(the Gap)服装公司”.

(8) But candidates always talk tough. Presidents opt for a gentle, nudging approach.


It is hardly to define what is the so-called“趋近办法” in Chinese. So this is mistranslated and it will confuse and annoy readers. It means they speak in a tough manner, so “态度强硬” is better.

2. Solutions to Improve the Translation Ability

An English poet Alexander Pope says, “To err is human.” It is impossible for translators to do every translation without making errors. However, a great number of errors can be removed during the process of translation. What should translators do to solve the problems in translation?It is well known that practice makes perfect. We need to analyze and correct the errors during the translation practice. After the analysis of the errors and their reasons, some solutions should be worked out to help us avoid making the same or similar errors. The following are some key aspects for a translator to solve the problems in translation and to improve translation abilities.

2.1 Lay a solid foundation in both English and Chineseendprint

We should try our best to improve our English and Chinese proficiency, including the grammars, words and phrases, the stylistics, customs and cultures of the languages. Only with a good master of the two languages can a translator understand the given words or ideas in the source text well and express them correctly in the target language. Whats more, knowledge is power. If a person wants to become a translator, he needs to broaden his horizon. “In this light, learning to be a translator entails more than just learning lots of words and phrases in two or more languages and transfer patterns between them;more than just what hardware and software to own and what to charge. Translators know how languages and cultures interact.” Apart from the mastery of languages, a translator also needs to know the different cultures.

2.2 Understand the Original Text Well before Translating

The first step in translation is to understand the source text;the second step is to analyze and transform it into target language;and the final step is to correct the translation. Many mistakes are made by misunderstanding the source text in the first step. We will see how significant the understanding of the source text is from the following example.

(9) As the Talmud says, pretty much all the rest is commentary.


At the first step, we could seldom think of the metaphor used by the author. The understanding of the word commentary is a big barrier to translation. After the teachers analysis, we know clearly that the word commentary means “注解, 注釋”. In short, the understanding of the source text is of great significance.

2.3 Have Good Sense of Responsibility

Translators should have good sense of responsibility. No matter what kind of material we translate, we should take it seriously and be responsible for the translation. Some errors are tolerable while others are not. For example:

(10) Most notably, in February, Sanofi struck a $20-billion deal to acquire the pioneering biotechnology firm Genzyme of Cambridge, Massachusetts.


If the $20-billion is translated into “20亿美元” instead of “200亿美元”,there will be tremendous loss. Such error is intolerable. And the best way to remove such error is to be a responsible translator.

Every word counts. The sentence “Ever since the founding of P.R. China, Chinese people have been living a bitter life” is frequently quoted to show how important even a letter is. In this sentence the translator misspelled the word better into bitter. The two words have two extreme meanings with only a different letter.endprint

Obviously, if we want to improve our translation abilities and become good translators, we must equip ourselves with comprehensive language proficiency, broad horizon and a good sense of responsibility.

3. Conclusion

From the above analyses, it can be concluded that good translation must be concise, coherent and clear instead of being redundant, illogical and ambiguous. The understanding of the original text is also of great importance. Whats more, translators should avoid the errors mentioned above as much as they can while translating. More importantly, translators should realize these errors and try to remove them consciously. Finally translators will be able to make good translations if they have such qualities as the perseverance of studying hard and good sense of responsibility. It will be of great help too if translators are men of profound learning.



[2]William Strunk,JR.The Elements of Styles[M].Dover Publications,INC.Mineola,New York,2006.


[4]Douglas Robinson.Becoming a Translator[M].Routledge,1997.




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