

火炸药学报 2017年6期

陈 京,王 晗,刘 萌,吴雄岗,樊学忠,2

(1. 西安近代化学研究所, 陕西 西安 710065;2. 西安近代化学研究所燃烧与爆炸技术重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710065)


陈 京1,王 晗1,刘 萌1,吴雄岗1,樊学忠1,2

(1. 西安近代化学研究所, 陕西 西安 710065;2. 西安近代化学研究所燃烧与爆炸技术重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710065)



引 言



1 CMDB推进剂感度与能量特性的匹配


1.1 含能填料改性降感及取代降感技术研究


1.1.1 RDX/HMX改性降感技术








1.1.2 新型高能钝感填料的应用


1,1-二氨基-2,2-二硝基乙烯(FOX-7)是近几年研究较为活跃的一种高能钝感炸药[44-46],其耐热性好,能量密度与RDX相当,但感度接近TNT[47],与CMDB推进剂的主要组分均可以良好相容[48],是CMDB推进剂降感技术的主要备选含能填料之一。樊学忠等[49]研究表明,FOX-7 不但可以明显降低CMDB 推进剂的感度,大幅提高CMDB 推进剂低压下的燃速,且保持了CMDB 推进剂的高能量、低特征信号和较好的力学性能等优点。此外,N-脒基脲二硝酰胺盐(FOX-12)、2,6-二氨基-3,5-二硝基吡嗪-1-氧化物(LLM-105)等新型含能填料均在CMDB推进剂中得到了应用[50-52],然而这些推进剂能量性能均弱于RDX/HMX-CMDB推进剂。值得注意的是,3,4-二硝基呋咱基氧化呋咱(DNTF)、1,3,3-三硝基氮杂环丁烷(TNAZ)等新材料,能量性能和安全性能均优于RDX/HMX[53-56],有望作为新一代CMDB推进剂含能填料的备选材料。

1.2 含能增塑剂降感技术



1.3 CMDB推进剂综合降感技术


2 CMDB推进剂感度机理及感度预测进展


2.1 含能组分感度机理及预测





2.2 多组分的感度机理及预测





3 结论及展望






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Progress of Study on Desensitization Techniques and Sensitivity Mechanisms of Composite Modified Double-base Propellants

CHEN Jing1, WANG Han1, LIU Meng1, WU Xiong-gang1, FAN Xue-zhong1,2

(1. Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 710065, China; 2. Science and Technology on Combustion and Explosion Laboratory, Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 710065, China)

Starting from the safety problems faced by high-value weapon platform tactical missiles, the research progress in the desensitizing techniques and sensitivity mechanisms of composite modified double-base (CMDB) propellant energetic components was summarized. From the aspects of modifying/replacing desensitization techniques of energetic filler, desensitization technique of energetic plasticizers and comprehensive desensitization technique etc., the matching technique approach between energy and sensitivity of CMDB propellant was summarized. The research work on the sensitivity mechanism of energetic component and multi components in recent years was introduced. The sensitivity mechanism and prediction method of CMDB propellant were summarized. The research trend show that the new insensitive materials and novel desensitization technique should be further applied to CMDB propellants and the sensitivity prediction method should be combined with the theoretical calculation to improve the development efficiency and comprehensive properties of CMDB propellants. With 101 conferences.

composite modified double-base propellants;CMDB propellant; insensitive high energy filler; insensitive plasticizers; sensitivity mechanism; prediction of sensitivity










