

农业工程学报 2017年23期

王利民,刘 佳,杨福刚,姚保民,邵 杰,杨玲波


王利民,刘 佳※,杨福刚,姚保民,邵 杰,杨玲波

(中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081)



0 引 言


采用近红外波段组合其他波段构建特征指数,通过决策树、最大似然等方法进行类别确定,是常用的水稻面积提取方案[6-15],归一化植被指数(normal difference vegetation index,NDVI)、地表水分指数(land surface water index,LSWI)和增强植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)是应用比较广泛的3个指数。NDVI指数由红光波段和近红外波段组合而成,可较好地用于表达水稻的绿度变化,能消除影像内部和外部的噪音[16-21]。EVI利用可见光的蓝光波段修正大气对红光波段的影响,通过削弱叶冠背景信号和降低大气影响来改善对植被的监测,相对于NDVI更稳定[22-23]。LSWI指数由近红外波段和对水体敏感的短波红外波段组合而成,短波红外处在水分吸收带,对植物和土壤水分含量敏感,对处于泡田期的水稻监测有较好效果[24-26]。



1 研究区概况

研究区选择在宁夏回族自治区银川市所属的西夏区、金凤区、兴庆区、永宁县和贺兰县5个县区,地理位置处于38°8′~38°48′N,105°50′~106°39′E,面积6.64´103km²。区域内地貌类型多样,包括贺兰山地、洪积冲积平原、河漫滩地等,略呈西南至东北方向倾斜,海拔在1 010~1 150 m之间,土层较厚。属典型的大陆性半湿润半干旱气候,年平均气温在8~9 ℃之间,1月平均气温在-6 ℃以下,极端低温在-27.7 ℃以下。年平均降水量200 mm左右,雨季集中在夏季,降水量不大。无霜期平均为185 d左右,年日照时数2 800~3 000 h,日照百分率69%,是全国日照资源丰富地区之一。农业是重要的支柱产业之一,小麦、玉米、水稻和瓜果是主要的农作物,研究区水稻面积占全区水稻总面积的51.11%[30]。

2 试验数据获取与处理

2.1 遥感数据预处理

GF-1卫星共有4台16 m分辨率多光谱相机(WFV1~WFV4),每台相机包含蓝(0.45~0.52m)、绿(0.52~0.59m)、红(0.63~0.69m)和近红外(0.77~0.89m)4个波段,4台相机组合幅宽可达800 km,重访周期4 d。该文选取研究区的2016年5月18日、6月16日、7月30日、9月13日4景晴空WFV影像(见表1),数据来自中国资源卫星中心推送至农业部遥感应用中心的高分数据,覆盖了水稻移栽到成熟期等不同阶段。原始的WFV影像为1A级,需要进行辐射定标和大气校正预处理,转换为几何精校正后的反射率数据,具体过程见相关参考文献[31-32],大气校正过程是采用6S辐射传输模型进行的,几何校正结果的精度控制在1个像元以内。

表1 研究区GF-1卫星WFV影像

2.2 研究区本底调查数据

水稻本底调查结果是基于GF-2/PMS数据,采用目视的方式解译地块边界,结合地面调查对地块属性进行确认的方式获取的。该数据共使用了2016年20景4 m空间分辨率的GF-2/PMS数据,其中5月6景、7月5景、8月9景,制图精度能够满足农业行业应用的需求,图1是水稻面积本底调查结果。该数据主要使用在决策树阈值获取、作为最大似然监督分类的训练样本、水稻空间分布结果的精度验证样本等3个方面。

2.3 水稻物候期及光谱特点

研究区内,水稻物候分为苗期、拔节、孕穗扬花、灌浆成熟等4发育时期,分别是在5月下旬以前、6月上中旬、6月下旬到7月上旬、7月中旬到9月中旬,历时150 d左右。为保证水稻的正常发育,水稻全生育期内都需要保持10 cm水体深度,在拔节期以前水稻光谱以水体特征为主,拔节期以后以水稻光谱以作物反射特征为主。图2是根据4个时相GF-1/WFV影像数据,基于本底数据掩模制作的水稻和其他地物类型的蓝、绿、红及近红外波段反射光谱特征,以说明不同时间水稻与其他地物类型光谱反射率的差异。

图1 基于GF-2/PMS影像的水稻本底调查结果

图2 研究区水稻及其他地物类型光谱特征的季节变化


3 研究方法

3.1 研究思路



3.2 J-M距离指数


3.3 决策树识别方法

按照一定的规则把遥感数据集逐级细分,得到具有不同属性的各个子类别,是决策树分类的基本思想[34]。该文以近红外光谱反射率信息作为决策属性,构建水稻类型识别的决策数据。阈值获取是基于研究区水稻本底调查结果对各个时相近红外数据进行掩模,以掩模后水稻和其他地物特征反射率值域的交点值作为决策节点。该方案可以保证决策树方法的最高识别能力,提高研究结果的客观性。图3给出了5、6、7、9月份4个时相的反射率决策阈值,多时相组合结果是各个阈值叠加基础上获取的。出于计算方便,反射率值放大了10 000倍,5月18日近红外反射率小于等于2 200、6月16日小于等于4 300、7月30日大于等于3 400、9月13日大于等于3 000,分别为包含水稻的阈值范围。

3.4 最大似然分类方法



3.5 精度验证


4 结果与分析

4.1 基于分离度的水稻识别能力分析


表2 水稻与其他地物类型4个时相的J-M距离

4.2 单时相近红外波段数据水稻识别能力分析


表3 单时相近红外与全波段数据水稻遥感识别精度


4.3 多时相近红外波段水稻识别能力分析



表4 多时相近红外与全波段数据水稻遥感识别精度

5 讨 论


图4 基于5/6/7/9月组合的近红外波段数据的研究区水稻种植面积提取结果



6 结 论


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王利民,刘 佳,杨福刚,姚保民,邵 杰,杨玲波.GF-1卫星多时相组合近红外数据水稻识别能力[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(23):196-202. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.23.025

Wang Limin, Liu Jia, Yang Fugang, Yao Baomin, Shao Jie, Yang Lingbo. Rice recognition ability basing on GF-1 multi-temporal phases combined with near infrared data[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(23): 196-202. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.23.025

Rice recognition ability basing on GF-1 multi-temporal phases combined with near infrared data

Wang Limin, Liu Jia※, Yang Fugang, Yao Baomin, Shao Jie, Yang Lingbo


Near-infrared wave bands have double sensitivities on water bodies and crop growth. Using near-infrared wave band on rice identification has notable advantage, and it is a key wave band in crop identification. The study chose 5 counties of Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region as the study area and took the near-infrared (770-890 nm) data of GF-1/WFV (wide field view) images on May 18, June 16, July 30, and September 13, 2016 as its data sources. By using decision-tree classification method, the study achieved the rice identification of 7 temporal combinations, including 4 single temporal data in May, June, July, and September, as well as 3 multi-temporal data of May/June, May/July, and May/June/July/September, and made a comparison with supervision classification results of full wave bands (0.45-0.52, 0.52-0.59, 0.63-0.69, 0.77-0.89 μm) of corresponding GF-1/WFV data. The rice identification accuracies of near-infrared wave bands of single temporal data in May, June, July, and September were 83.63%, 57.40%, 75.82% and 62.61% respectively. Except that the accuracy of May data was 5.75% higher than the full wave bands, the identification accuracies of other temporal phases were lower than that of full wave bands. The highest accuracy deviation was in June, 30.23%, and the lowest accuracy deviation was in July, 1.58%. The deviations in May and September were 5.75% and 25.47% respectively. The rice identification accuracies under 3 multi-temporal near-infrared combinations of May/June, May/July, May/June/July/September were 83.76%, 93.93%, and 94.03% respectively. The accuracies of near-infrared combinations of May/July, and May/June/July/September were 8.58% and 0.73% higher than that of full wave band data results respectively, but the accuracy of May/June was 5.47% lower. Regardless of near-infrared data or full wave band data, the minimum value, average value and maximum value of single temporal data identification accuracies were 57.40%, 76.31% and 88.10% respectively, with the Kappa coefficients of 0.22, 0.44 and 0.64 respectively; the minimum value, average value and maximum value of multi-temporal data identification accuracies were 83.76%, 89.98% and 94.03% respectively, with the Kappa coefficients of 0.52, 0.68 and 0.77 respectively; all identification accuracies of single temporal data were lower than the identification accuracies of the multi-temporal data. If using single temporal data as the data source of rice remote sensing identification, the identification accuracy can reach 75.82% based on the near-infrared WFV data of rice in middle growth period of July, which is consistent with the full wave band data result of this time phase; to reach the accuracy above 88.10%, it is necessary to use full wave band WFV data in September. If taking multi-temporal data of WFV data of temporal combinations of 2 rice growth periods i.e. early period of May and middle period of July as the data source of rice remote sensing identification, the identification accuracy can reach 93.93%, which is close to the highest identification accuracy of multi-temporal data. The study result shows that, for the near-infrared wave band, and in the applications with requirement on the rice identification accuracy of about 75%-85%, the 2 single temporal infrared WFV data in early growth period of May and middle growth period of July can be taken as the data sources of remote sensing identification. To reach the identification accuracy above 86%, it is necessary to choose the combination of near-infrared WFV data in early growth period of May and middle growth period of July as the remote sensing data sources, so as to achieve rice area spatial distribution results with relatively high identification accuracy. After further correction with visual observation, it can be taken as the crop area remote sensing supervision results.

remote sensing; crops; area recognition; multi-temporal phases; near-infrared band; GF-1/WFV; rice









刘 佳,女,汉族,湖南人,研究员,主要从事农业遥感监测业务运行研究。


影响Mini LED板油墨层反射率的因素
日常维护对L 波段雷达的重要性