(江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,镇江 212013)
为精确控制耕深及保证耕深均匀,基于耕深测量方法及误差产生原因,对耕深测量值进行修正。该文对耕深间接和直接测量原理进行分析,通过田间试验探讨耕深测量误差产生机理。试验表明,间接测量出的耕深始终小于实际耕深,目标耕深增大,耕深偏差也增加;直接方法由于受土壤不平度、植物残差等因素影响,导致测量值波动较大。该文分别采用线性拟合和Kalman预测对耕深间接和直接测量结果进行修正。结果表明,线性拟合能够降低耕深偏差(补偿前:3.20、4.48、5.61、6.90 cm,补偿后:0.14、0.19、0.16、0.17 cm),Kalman预测能够减少测量值中的噪声(预测前标准差:1.60、1.83、1.33、1.83 cm,预测后标准差:0.032、0.010、0.042、0.092 cm),使修正结果趋于真实耕深。该研究为实现电控悬挂位控制及保证播种深度提供了新的解决方案。
0 引 言
1 测量装置及耕深修正方法
表1 样机及传感器型号
1.1 耕深测量
图1 地轮安装示意图
1.2 测量值与耕深关系
本研究所选拉绳传感器、角度传感器及超声波传感器电压输出范围均为0~5 V,角度传感器、超声波传感器及拉绳传感器测量范围分别为0°~270°、30~200 cm及0~100 cm。上述3种传感器电压输出值与被测量之间的关系式如下
1.3 耕深修正方法
图4 Kalman预测流程
2 测量系统标定与数据采集
2.1 测量系统标定
1=155.2−0.057 931120.999 1 (9)
2=80−0.031 4222=0.999 5 (10)
2.2 数据采集原理
2.3 数据采集过程
田间试验在盐城马恒达拖拉机试验田进行,包括耕作和仿行作业。耕作时,选取常用的耕深15、20、25、30 cm进行作业;耕作后,采用地轮在作业后的田地上进行仿行,仿行中地轮用于维持犁具高度,使犁具紧贴耕作后的地面,同时选用直接和间接方法测量耕深。
3 结果与分析
3.1 耕深测量结果分析
选取一组试验数据,作出耕深时间历程曲线,如图5所示。可以看出,间接测量出的耕深较平稳,标准差在0.029~0.36 cm之间;直接测量出的波动较大,标准差在1.41~1.99 cm之间。产生这种差异的原因可解释为,间接测量中传感器安装在拖拉机上,作业时受到拖拉机震动产生的干扰;直接测量中传感器安装在犁具上,作业时不仅受到来自拖拉机震动的影响,而且植物残差和土壤含水量等因素也会对耕深测量产生干扰。
相对直接测量,间接方法测量出的耕深与实际耕深间的偏差(间接:3.22、4.06、5.65、6.62 cm;直接:0.16、0.09、0.03、0.59 cm)较大,且从图5可以看出,间接测量出的耕深始终小于实际耕深,并随实际耕深的增大耕深偏差也增加。
图5 耕深时间历程变化曲线
3.2 耕深修正
3=0.235 83−0.41832=0.986 1 (11)
选取不同于耕深误差分析的另一组数据根据式(11),对间接测量结果进行修正,修正结果如图6所示。可以看出,修正前后的耕深标准差基本一致,修正前:0.042、0.080、0.032、0.070 cm;修正后:0.047、0.060、0.030、0.082 cm,保证了耕深稳定性,而耕深偏差分别从3.20、4.48、5.61、6.90 cm降低到0.14、0.19、0.16、0.17 cm,故线性拟合能够在保证耕深稳定的前提下减小耕深偏差。
根据Kalman递归原理编写预测程序,选取采集数据中不同于耕深测量误差分析的数据进行预测,预测结果如图7所示。可以看出,Kalman预测后耕深波动降低,预测后的标准差从1.60、1.83、1.33、1.83 cm下降到0.032、0.010、0.042、0.092 cm。故Kalman能够降低原数据中的噪声,使预测后的耕深尽可能趋近于真实值。
图6 间接耕深测量修正结果
图7 间接耕深修正结果
从耕深平均值来看,虽然Kalman过滤掉了原数据中波动较大的信号,但是滤波后的耕深平均值(滤波前:15.06、20.05、25.42、29.33 cm,滤波后:15.02、20.08、25.07、30.14 cm)近似不变,并且滤波前后的耕深偏差(滤波前:0.064、0.050、0.420、0.650 cm,滤波后:0.020、0.084、0.070、0.170 cm)也非常接近。故Kalman仅滤除了无关信号,并未改变耕深变化趋势,避免了信号失真。
4 结论与讨论
2)耕深间接测量偏差与实际耕深近似呈线性相关,基于拟合公式能够有效补偿耕深偏差(补偿前:3.20、4.48、5.61、6.90 cm;补偿后:0.047、0.060、0.030、0.082 cm),并保证补偿后的耕深标准差(补偿前:0.042、0.080、0.032、0.070 cm;补偿后:0.047、0.060、0.030、0.082 cm)近似不变。
3)Kalman预测能够准确预测回波到达时刻,通过状态更新减少测量值中的噪声,降低了耕深标准差(预测前:1.60、1.83、1.33、1.83 cm;预测后:0.032、0.010、0.042、0.092 cm),缩小了耕深波动范围。
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Modification of tilling depth measurement errors by linear fitting and Kalman prediction method
Shang Gaogao, Liu Cunhao, Han Jiangyi
To precisely control the tillage depth and ensure uniform tillage depth, in this study, measured values of the tillage depth are corrected based on the tillage depth measurement methods and the causes of the measurement errors. In indirect measurement of the tillage depth, the tillage depth is calculated by monitoring the angle of the lifting arm based on the geometric relationship between the position of the suspension mechanism and the angle of the lifting arm. The tillage depth can also be measured directly by monitoring the height change of the plow frame relative to the land that has not been tilled. Due to the excellent imitation real-time response of the land wheels and the high measurement accuracy of the pull rope sensor that is less susceptible to the impact of the operating environment, with the system made up by the land wheels and the pull rope sensor as the measuring basis, the angular transducer and ultrasonic transducer as the cases, the principles of the tillage depth measurement, both direct and indirect, are analyzed. Besides, the prototype is rebuilt and the tillage and imitation tests are carried out in the Mahindra Tractor Experimental Field (Nanchang, China). The causes of errors in the indirect and direct measurement of tillage depth are explored based on the collected data. As shown by the experiment results, due to the changed measuring basis that might be caused by the wheel sinkage and the tilted tractor body, the indirectly measured tillage depth is always smaller than the target tillage depth, and the deviation becomes larger as the target tillage depth increases; there is a great fluctuation in the values obtained using the direct measurement method, for the sensor cannot conduct accurate sampling because of the factors like soil unevenness, plant residuals, and unit vibration. Based on the causes of the measurement errors, both the direct and indirect measurement results are corrected by the fitting and the Kalman prediction, respectively. As suggested in the modification results, there is an approximate linear correlation between the tillage depth deviation from the indirect measurements and the actual tillage depth (2=0.986 1), which can effectively reduce the deviation based on the fitting formula (before compensation: 3.20, 4.48, 5.61, 6.90 cm; after compensation: 0.14, 0.19, 0.16, 0.17 cm) and ensure that the standard deviation after compensation remains approximately unchanged (before compensation: 0.042, 0.08, 0.032, 0.07 cm; after compensation: 0.047, 0.06, 0.03, 0.082 cm); Kalman prediction can accurately predict the arrival time of the echo and reduce the noises in the measurements through the state update, which reduces the standard deviation of tillage depth (before: 1.60, 1.83, 1.33, 1.83 cm; later: 0.032, 0.010, 0.042, 0.092 cm) and ensures that the average tillage depth (before: 15.06, 20.05, 25.42, 29.33 cm; later: 15.02, 20.08, 25.07, 30.137 cm) and deviation (before: 0.064, 0.05, 0.42, 0.65 cm; later: 0.02, 0.084, 0.07, 0.17 cm) are approximately the same. Through fitting, the variation patterns of the limited observation data and the tillage depth deviations can be explored, and Kalman prediction can minimize the impact of noises on the identification of the system state. As fitting and Kalman prediction play an effective role in analyzing the influence of different parameters on test results and noise reduction, they are applicable to the correction of tillage measurement errors. The method to correct errors in indirect and direct measurements of the tillage depth proposed in this study provides a new solution for precisely controlling the electronic suspension and ensuring the seeding depth.
agricultural machinery; sensors; algorithms; tillage depth measurement; Kalman prediction; tilling depth modification
S233.1; S126
商高高,副教授,主要从事汽车机电一体化研究。 Email:shanggaogao@ujs.edu.cn