左曙光,李多强,毛 钰,邓文哲,吴旭东
左曙光,李多强,毛 钰,邓文哲,吴旭东※
(同济大学新能源汽车工程中心,上海 201804)
为了研究机电耦合对电动轮系统的纵向振动特性的影响,该文首先建立了电动轮纵扭耦合动力学模型,基于该模型分析了考虑机电耦合前后电动轮系统模态特征的变化,并通过轮毂电机驱动电动轮系统的振动特性试验,验证了该动力学解析模型的准确性;其次分析了机电耦合对电动轮系统纵向振动的影响,指出转矩波动引起定转子发生相对运动,导致电机发生偏心,从而产生不平衡磁拉力。不平衡磁拉力的作用导致非簧载部分纵向振动出现不同程度的恶化,当轴承刚度为12.5 MN/m时,在定子纵向平移模态频率下电机的定转子、轮胎纵向振动加速度分别恶化113.35%、105.69%、27.15%,影响其使用寿命和结构安全,而对于簧载部分纵向振动的影响较小。
0 引 言
电动轮系统的纵向振动引起轮毂电机的定转子发生相对运动,导致径向气隙不再均匀,进而产生不平衡磁拉力(unbalanced magnetic pull,UMP)直接作用于在电动轮系统电机的定转子上,这将导致电动轮系统的纵向振动特性发生改变。此外不平衡磁拉力会进一步加剧径向气隙不均匀性,因此考虑机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力对电动轮系统的振动影响尤为重要。
Tan 等[9-10]分析了由轮毂电机产生不平衡磁拉力对电动汽车的横向和垂向耦合动力学的影响,指出不平衡磁拉力不同程度恶化垂向和横向的振动,在设计轮毂电机驱动电动汽车时,不平衡磁拉力必须作为一个重要的考虑因素;Wang等[11-12]分析了开关磁阻电机(switched reluctance motor,SRM)不平衡磁拉力与路面激励相耦合下的车辆的垂向振动,指出SRM不平衡磁拉力与路面激励和开关磁阻电机气隙偏心高度耦合,这种耦合效应恶化了车辆垂向振动。文献[9-12]指出不平衡磁拉力对于电动轮系统的振动具有重要影响,然而他们都是针对机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力对垂向和横向振动特性的研究,鲜有学者考虑不平衡磁拉力对系统纵向振动特性的影响。因此研究考虑机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力对于电动轮系统的纵向振动的影响是十分必要的。
1 考虑机电耦合的电动轮系统纵向动力学建模及模态分析
1.1 电动轮系统纵向动力学建模及模态分析
图1 电动轮系统纵扭耦合动力学模型
式中k为电磁刚度,其大小等于曲线的斜率3.25 MN/m。
表2 永磁同步电机参数
图3 不平衡磁拉力与纵向偏心的关系
表3 电动轮模态参数
由表3可以看出,考虑机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力后,电动轮系统的各阶振型特征不变,但表现为定子的纵向平移的第五阶模态频率下降,由130.08降为112.34 Hz,其余阶模态频率几乎保持不变。这是因为不平衡磁拉力对于电机的定转子来说是外力,对于车身和轮胎是内力,所以系统的第五阶模态即振型为定子的纵向平移对应的模态频率受影响较大。
1.2 试验验证
图4 电动轮台架试验布置
试验工况设定为电机驱动转矩60 N·m,转速在30 s内由0加速到300 r/min。图5为试验获取的轮胎纵向加速度的时频图。
由图5可知,轮胎振动表现出阶次特征,主要阶次为1、5、5.5、6、6.5等,其中6阶振动最为明显,主要是由于电机的6阶转矩波动引起的。汽车从0起步加速到30 km/h时,电机转速从0加速到300 r/min,转矩波动频率可以达到360 Hz,因此本文的激励频率超过了100 Hz。这里涉及的阶次均相对于电流基频(转频与极对数的乘积),6阶表示电流基频的6倍频。另外从图5中可以看出在整个频段内轮胎的纵向振动存在着3个明显的共振区。提取轮胎纵向振动时频图中6阶振动切片如图6所示,3个共振区对应的频率分别位于48、94及141 Hz,这与表3中通过解析模型计算获取的模态频率相接近,从而验证了电动轮系统纵向动力学解析模型的准确性。同时可以看出,轮胎振动显著的频段为0~150 Hz,高于150 Hz的频段内振动幅值较小。因此本文分析的主要频率在150 Hz以内,而所建解析模型能够反映该频段的振动特性,可进一步用于电动轮系统的纵向动力学分析。
图6 轮胎6阶纵向振动加速度
2 考虑机电耦合的电动轮系统纵向振动特性分析
2.1 电动轮系统机电耦合下不平衡磁拉力
由图7可知,转矩波动引起定转子发生相对运动,即气隙发生变化,导致电机发生偏心,产生不平衡磁拉力。当轴承的刚度为12.5 MN/m时,轮毂电机气隙最大偏心率达3.5%,不平衡磁拉力的最大值达119 N。对比分析发现不平衡磁拉力亦会加剧气隙的变化,二者存在很强的正相关性;齿槽转矩与不平衡磁拉力共同作用是气隙在低频段变化的主要原因,高频段则主要受电枢与永磁体磁场相互作用产生的转矩波动与不平衡磁拉力的共同影响。
图7 轮毂驱动电机的气隙变化及不平衡磁拉力
2.2 不平衡磁拉力对电动轮系统纵向振动特性影响
人体对低频的纵向振动较为敏感,因此车身在2~3 Hz附近的纵向振动将显著影响轮毂电机驱动电动汽车的乘坐舒适性。对于电动轮系统,由于转矩波动的作用,轮胎滑移率会在中高频附近出现显著波动,中频波动难以准确测量或估计,进而使滑移率的辨识的存在误差,对车辆纵向动力学控制(如ABS,TCS等)有显著影响[27-29]。在电机的诸多失效形式中,电机长时间工作在中高频激励下引起的结构件(诸如轴承、定转子等)疲劳破坏是主要贡献之一[30]。为分析考虑机电耦合产生不平衡磁拉力对车辆舒适性、电机结构稳定性、纵向滑移率辨识等影响,仿真得出加速工况下车身、电机定转子和轮胎纵向加速度时域图,进而通过短时傅里叶变换得到对应的频域结果如图8至图11所示。
图9 定子纵向振动加速度
图10 转子纵向振动加速度
由图8到图11可知:考虑机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力对系统的第五阶模态影响较大,表现为频率下降,且电机定转子的振动幅值在此阶模态处增大许多,即电机及定转子的纵向振动由第五阶贡献增多,因为电动轮系统的第五阶模态表现为定子的纵向平移。而机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力对于车身及轮胎的纵向振动影响相对较小。为定量分析不平衡磁拉力对车身及簧下部件纵向振动的影响,分别取=108.4、93.62 r/min,此时转矩波动频率分别与考虑机电耦合产生不平衡磁拉力前后第五阶所对应的模态一致,仿真获取各响应量纵向振动加速度均方根值如表4所示。
注:图11a中,仅在1.7、2.6、5.1 s时,考虑不平衡磁拉力略大于不考虑不平衡磁拉力的轮胎纵向振动加速度;其余时间段轮胎纵向振动加速度几乎相等。
表4 纵向振动加速度恶化程度
Note:aindicates longitudinal vibration acceleration of vehicle body, m·s-2;aindicates longitudinal vibration acceleration of rotor, m·s-2;aindicates longitudinal vibration acceleration of stator, m·s-2; aindicates longitudinal vibration acceleration of tire, m·s-2.
在电动轮系统中,由于轮毂电机驱动的轮胎/车轮等动力学结构存在柔性,反作用于电机的负载转矩在45.41及94.28 Hz处使定转子及轮胎纵向振动比较显著,且电机长时间工作下的中高频激励将引起结构件的疲劳破坏,故分析系统在第三、四阶模态下,即转速=37.85、78.75 r/min时,机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力对簧下部件纵向振动的影响。机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力使电机的定子、轮胎纵向振动加速度在第三阶模态频率处分别增加6.14%、2.84%,对转子纵向振动加速度几乎无影响;在第四阶模态频率处使电机的转子、定子、轮胎纵向振动加速度分别增加21.94%、64.89%、5.71%。
因为本文主要考虑机电耦合对电动轮系统的纵向振动特性影响,由模态频率分析发现只有在定子的纵向平移的振动特征的模态频率有所下降。这是因为不平衡磁拉力对于电机的定转子来说是外力,直接作用在定转子上,对于车身和轮胎是内力,所以振型为定子的纵向平移对应的模态频率变化较大。在电机结构中,定转子只由轴承这一物理结构直接相连,所以模型参数中只有轴承刚度的改变对于考虑机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力影响较大,进而影响该电动轮系统的纵向振动特性。由文献[31]可知,轴承的安装刚度一般在12.5~22.5 MN/m,因此在不同轴承刚度下,仿真获取了激励频率分别为考虑机电耦合前后定子纵向平移模态的频率时簧下质量纵向振动加速度的均方根值,分析了不同刚度下簧下质量纵向振动的恶化程度,结果如图12所示。
图12 不同轴承刚度下簧下质量纵向振动加速度恶化情况
3 结 论
2)当轴承刚度为12.5 MN/m时,机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力使定子纵向平移模态频率下电机的定转子、轮胎纵向振动加速度分别恶化113.35%、105.69%、27.15%;在其余轴承刚度下,机电耦合导致簧下质量的纵向振动亦出现了较大程度的恶化,使其控制难度加大,并严重影响其使用寿命和结构安全。因此在电动汽车的开发中考虑机电耦合产生的不平衡磁拉力很有必要。
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左曙光,李多强,毛 钰,邓文哲,吴旭东. 考虑机电耦合的电动轮系统纵向振动特性建模及验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(22):61-68. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.22.008 http://www.tcsae.org
Zuo Shuguang, Li Duoqiang, Mao Yu, Deng Wenzhe, Wu Xudong. Modeling and validation on longitudinal vibration characteristics of electric wheel system considering electromechanical coupling[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(22): 61-68. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.22.008 http://www.tcsae.org
Modeling and validation on longitudinal vibration characteristics of electric wheel system considering electromechanical coupling
Zuo Shuguang, Li Duoqiang, Mao Yu, Deng Wenzhe, Wu Xudong※
Recently, distributed-drive electric vehicle has become one of the development directions of future vehicle with the advantage of miniaturization and high performance. The electric wheel system is a key component of distributed-drive electric vehicle. The longitudinal dynamics of electric wheel system caused by torque ripple of the in-wheel motor is more significant than vertical. The existing studies on longitudinal vibration analysis of electric wheel system are always taking stator and rotor as a whole. Actually, the electric wheel is a complicated electromechanical coupling system. The longitudinal vibration of electric wheel system causes the relative displacement of rotor and stator, resulting in unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) that acts on the surface of rotor and stator. The induced UMP by electromechanical coupling changes the characteristics of the longitudinal vibration and deteriorates the performance of the electric wheel system further. Therefore, it is important to consider the effects of UMP caused by electromechanical coupling on the longitudinal vibration of the electric wheel system. Longitudinal vibration characteristics of an electric wheel system considering electromechanical coupling was studied in this paper. Firstly, the electric wheel longitudinal-tensional coupling dynamic model was established, and the variation of the modal characteristics for the electric wheel system with and without electromechanical coupling was analyzed. It needs to indicate that the modal shapes of the electric wheel system are identical considering the UMP, but the fifth order modal frequency is decreased obviously. This mode was characterized as the longitudinal translation of the stator. The accuracy of the analytical dynamic model was verified through vibration test of a one-quarter electric wheel system. The electric wheel system adopted a double-wishbone suspension and was installed on the experiment bench developed by the research group. During the test, the tire was driven by the in-wheel motor and directly contacted with the drum. The load on the tire was exerted by the drum to simulate the resistance in the course of vehicle running. The longitudinal acceleration of tire was measured by an acceleration sensor. Time frequency map of the tire longitudinal vibration was then extracted. Three main resonance regions could be found near 48, 94 and 141 Hz, which were consistent with the modal frequencies obtained by the established analytical model. This verified the accuracy of the analytical model on longitudinal dynamics of electric wheel system. When longitudinal vibration frequency of the vehicle driven by in-wheel motor was near 2-3 Hz, it significantly affected the riding comfort as people are sensitive to low-frequency longitudinal vibration. While the high frequency longitudinal vibration is not favorable to the motor. Finally, the longitudinal vibration characteristic of the electric wheel system considering electromechanical coupling was studied. The time and frequency domain acceleration of vehicle body, stator, rotor and tire were obtained by simulation. It inferred from the quantitative analysis that torque ripple caused the relative displacement of stator and rotor, resulting in eccentric of the motor and UMP. The UMP is regarded as external force for the stator and rotor of the motor, while it is regarded as internal force for the vehicle body and tire. As a result, the unbalanced magnetic pull had little influence on the longitudinal vibration characteristic of sprung mass. However, it deteriorated the longitudinal vibration characteristic of unsprung mass sharply, which was harmful to the service life and structure safety. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the unbalanced magnetic pull caused by electromechanical coupling in the development of electric vehicle. This study provides guidance for the design of electric vehicles driven by in-wheel motor.
vehicles; vibrations; models; electromechanical coupling; electric wheel; torque ripple; unbalanced magnetic pull