目的 观察颈髓损伤患者颈肩部残存肌力与呼吸功能的相关性。方法 2015年1月至2016年6月,30例创伤性颈髓损伤患者于损伤后5周、24周检查患者胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌、三角肌肌力,进行感觉、运动功能评分,检测肺功能。结果 间断脱机患者三角肌肌力与肺活量在伤后5周、24周呈正相关(r>0.806,p<0.05),感觉评分在伤后5周存在相关性(r=0.914,p<0.01),运动评分(r=0.979,p<0.001)、斜方肌肌力(r=0.894,p<0.01)在伤后24周存在相关性。结论 颈肩部残存肌力,特别是三角肌肌力对颈髓损伤患者呼吸功能有一定影响。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 呼吸功能评级
评级标准:A级,呼吸机维持,或最近1周内尝试脱机,但单次脱机时间不能维持1 h;B级,最近1周内至少有1次脱机,单次脱离呼吸机时间>1 h;C级,自主呼吸,但存在胸闷、气促,低氧血症等,需吸氧缓解,或低强度活动诱发胸闷、气促,需降低活动量缓解症状;最近1周内上述症状至少出现1次;D级,自主呼吸,无肺功能障碍导致的胸闷、气促,低氧血症等。
1.3 颈肩肌肉肌力评估
1.4 神经损伤评估
根据美国脊髓损伤协会(American Spinal Cord Injury Association,ASIA)制订的脊髓损伤分类标准[13-14]评估神经损伤程度及分级。
1.5 肺功能检查
采用Sorinnes-B-5503肺功能检测仪(Medisoft S.A,de Ciney,Belgium)。患者平卧位,测试前解除腹带,佩戴鼻夹,并吹气测试。重复检查2次,间隔3~5 min,取最佳结果。不使用支气管扩张剂,重点评估肺活量[15-17]。
1.6 统计学分析
采用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行分析。计量资料符合正态分布,采用(xˉ±s)表示,分级间比较采用独立样本t检验,相关性检验采用Pearson相关性分析。显著性水平α=0.05。
2 结果
2.1 功能评估
2.2 感觉、运动、肌力评分与肺功能的相关性
表1 伤后不同时间患者感觉、运动、肌力及肺功能检查结果
表2 伤后5周患者感觉、运动、肌力及肺功能统计学分析结果
表3 呼吸改善患者伤后不同时间感觉、运动、肌力及肺功能检查结果
表4 患者感觉、运动、肌力评分与肺活量的相关性分析
表5 患者感觉、运动、肌力评分与潮气量的相关性分析
表6 呼吸功能改善患者感觉、运动、肌力评分与肺活量的相关性分析
表7 呼吸功能改善患者感觉、运动、肌力评分与潮气量的相关性分析
3 讨论
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Correlation between Residual Strength of Neck and Shoulder Muscles and Respiratory Function in Patients with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
YANG Ming-liang1,2a,TANG Li1,2b,YANG De-gang1,2a,CHEN Liang1,2a,GONG Hui-ming1,2a,LI Jian-jun1,2a
1.Capital Medical University School of Rehabilitation Medicine,Beijing 100068,China;2.a.Department of Spinal and Neural Function Reconstruction;b.Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,Beijing Bo'ai Hospital,China Rehabilitation Research Center,Beijing 100068,China
LI Jian-jun.E-mail:crrclij2010@sohu.com
Objective To investigate the correlation between residual strength of neck and shoulder muscles and respiratory function in patients with cervical spinal cord injury.Methods From January,2015 to June,2016,the muscle strength of sternocleidomastoid,trapezius and deltoid was tested in 30 patients with cervical spinal cord injury five and 24 weeks after injury.Meanwhile,their neurological and pulmonary function was evaluated.Results There was correlation between the vital capacity and muscle strength of deltoid both five and 24 weeks after injury(r>0.806,p<0.05)in the patients intermittent without ventilation,and it was found in sense score five weeks after injury(r=0.914,p<0.01),motor score(r=0.979,p<0.001)and the muscle strength of trapezius(r=0.894,p<0.01)24 weeks after injury.Conclusion The residual strength of neck and shoulder muscles,especially of deltoid,plays an important role in the respiratory function in patients with cervical spinal cord injury.
cervical spinal cord injury;pulmonary function;muscle strength;trapezius;sternocleidomastoid;deltoid
[本文著录格式] 杨明亮,唐丽,杨德刚,等.颈髓损伤患者颈肩部残存肌力与呼吸功能恢复的关系[J].中国康复理论与实践,2017,23(11):1308-1312.
CITED AS:Yang ML,Tang L,Yang DG,et al.Correlation between residual strength of neck and shoulder muscles and respiratory function in patients with cervical spinal cord injury[J].Zhongguo Kangfu Lilun Yu Shijian,2017,23(11):1308-1312.