

农业工程学报 2017年21期




(1. 石河子大学信息科学与技术学院,石河子 832003;2. 兵团空间信息工程技术研究中心,石河子 832003; 3. 新疆生产建设兵团第六师农业局,五家渠 831300;4. 石河子大学农学院,石河子 832003)

针对新疆棉花生产过程中基层植保力量不足的问题,该文设计开发了棉花苗情调查与决策支持系统。该系统基于“云到端”模式,云端采用基于角色的访问控制(role-based access control,RBAC)解决多用户权限分配与菜单管理问题,提供数据管理分析、专家决策支持服务;用户端基于智能手机提供数据采集、专家决策意见接收功能。云到端之间的数据通信采用表述性状态转移(representational state transfer,REST)架构,提供RESTful的数据访问服务,解决系统之间松耦合、可扩展等问题。系统在新疆生产建设兵团第六师105团经过3 a的应用,结果表明:该调查系统能够快速获取文字和图片2种形式的棉田苗情信息,并能够方便的通过农田地图、柱状图、曲线图、Excel表格等多种方式对数据进行有效的分析和展示,大大提高了工作效率。通过搭起基层农户与生产管理者、农学专家之间的信息快速传输通道,加快了知识转化,减轻了基层植保压力。该系统加以扩展即可用于其他农作物的田间调查,同时这种调查模式稍加改造还可应用于林业、畜牧业等多个行业的信息普查。


0 引 言



智能手机在农业和畜牧业中已经得到了比较广泛的应用[8-13]。同时由于其具有强大的照相功能、定位功能、信息传输功能和丰富的传感器,也被广泛地应用于农业生产信息采集。例如牟伶俐等[14]开发了基于java手机的农田信息采集系统;尚明华等[15]开发了基于Android智能手机的小麦生产风险信息采集系统;姚青等[16]设计了智能手机控制和传输的病虫害图像采集系统,图像通过后台服务器分析从而快速获取水稻纹枯病病害等级。田磊等[17]基于机器视觉技术在Android平台上开发了玉米病虫害诊断系统,采用分割和匹配算法对病虫害部分进行智能化分析获得诊断结果。同时智能手机也广泛地应用于农田环境信息采集[18-19]、温室信息采集[20]、农作物生长状态信息采集等[10-11, 21]。国外也有一些常用的田间信息采集工具,如Trimble公司的Ag160 Portable Computer可用于田间定位数据采集,能实现田间成图,并现场记录作物生长环境信息;Field Worker公司基于掌上电脑的Field Worker信息采集软件能实时采集带有空间位置属性的田间作物生长状态信息,并进行相应的计算处理,为生产管理提供科学依据。随着智能手机的快速发展和4G网络的广泛普及,基于智能手机的田间调查会得到更加广泛和深入的应用。在这一背景下,为基层农户和生产管理人员、农学专家之间架起信息双向传输快速通道,以期解决新疆地区大面积规模化棉花种植与基层植保力量严重不足之间的矛盾。

1 系统分析

1.1 系统概述


图1 数据采集与决策反馈流程图

1.2 移动端应用分析




1.3 服务端应用分析


图2 服务端系统用例图





1.4 调查内容及要求

该系统目前针对棉花长势和常见虫害展开调查,虫害包括棉叶螨、棉蚜、棉铃虫成虫、幼虫和虫卵,共6项内容。数据调查自5月中旬开始,至8月底止,调查周期一般3~5 d,特殊情况可以适当扩大或缩短,所有调查点地理坐标信息通过手机自动获取,并拍照3~5张。具体调查数据如下:






2 系统设计

2.1 系统总体结构设计



图3 棉田苗情调查与决策支持系统总体结构

2.2 数据库设计


2.3 服务端角色权限控制设计

服务端三种角色拥有不同权限,在本系统中采用基于角色的访问控制(role-based access control,RBAC)以实现权限分配。其中涉及4个实体概念:用户、角色、权限和会话,概念之间的关系如下:1)用户可拥有多个角色;2)系统可以定义多种角色;3)每个角色可以分配多个访问权限;4)权限需要会话激活。

图4 服务端数据模型


表1 角色权限

2.4 数据访问服务设计

为减少不同系统间的耦合,为未来扩展的其他系统或移动终端(如IOS平台)提供相同的数据接口,采用表述性状态转移(representational state transfer,REST)架构,基于.net平台的WCF4.0技术设计RESTful的数据访问服务。服务设计主要包括接口设计和路由注册两个部分:

1)接口设计。包括接口名称及接口函数设计。接口名称以资源名称+Service命名;接口函数包括名称、参数、返回值、Attribute标记4个部分,根据参数要求和资源请求方式设置前3个部分。Attribute标记需要将接口函数标记为“OperationContract”,设置方法访问的URI,返回数据采用JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)格式。


3 测试与应用效果

3.1 系统测试

移动端应用在百度移动云测试中心上进行了测试,测试平台包括华为、小米、联想、魅族等常用的9个品牌18个型号。测试结果表明该应用兼容性良好,18个机型全部通过了基本应用测试(内容包括安装、启动、运行、卸载、UI)。在性能方面,测试内容包括安装(用时6.61 s,行业均值:19.41 s)、启动(用时0.28 s,行业均值:1.93 s)、CPU占用(3.49%,行业均值:8.92%)、内存占用(70MB,行业均值:51MB)、流量耗用(3.8 KB,行业均值:3,958 KB)、电量耗用(3.13 m·Ah,行业均值:2.99 m·Ah)共5个指标。性能测试发现,该应用在安装用时、启动用时和CPU占用方面都优于平均水平,但在内存占用和电量耗用方面比行业平均水平略差,还可以做进一步优化。

3.2 安装与应用

3.2.1 部署与安装


3.2.2 运行与使用



图5 手机数据采集操作界面

图6 服务端操作界面

3.3 系统扩展分析





4 结 论


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Dai Jianguo, Wang Shouhui, Lai Junchen, Zhao Qingzhan, Ma Fuyu. Cotton growth statuses investigation and decision support system based on smartphone[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(21): 200-206. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.21.024

Cotton growth statuses investigation and decision support system based on smartphone

Dai Jianguo1,2, Wang Shouhui1,2, Lai Junchen3, Zhao Qingzhan2, Ma Fuyu4

(1.832003,;2.832003,; 3.831300,; 4.832003,)

Consistent growth status investigation is the most important basis for appropriate measures of cotton production management during cotton growth period, which is very significant for the increase in production. Therefore, the growth status investigation is a routine work of cotton production in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the work from the end of April to the end of August lasts for 4 months every year. However, the current work is usually a manual survey, the data are recorded on paper, and the investigation process is very time-consuming and the data cannot be easily analyzed, which seriously affect the work efficiency. In the background, we developed the cotton growth status investigation system based on smartphone. The system includes 2 parts: mobile-side and server-side, for 4 kinds of users: agricultural technicians, agronomists, agricultural production managers and system administrators. The agricultural technicians use mobile terminal system in the cotton field to collect both text and picture data which are sent to the server system, while they receive production instructions. The server system is constructed by the REST (representational state transfer) architecture to provide the data management and analysis service interface for the mobile terminal system, and to deploy functional modules such as data processing, production instruction management and system management. Agronomists use the system to get the current cotton growth status and pest information and publish production guidance. The agricultural production managers use the system to allocate investigative tasks, check the implementation of the investigation, publish relevant cultivation or plant protection measures, and give farmers assistance and guidance. The system administrator is responsible for the management of the system’s basic data (such as farmland, users and other basic information) to ensure the normal operation of the system. According to user requirements, the system can collect 6 kinds of data: cotton growth status, cotton spider mite, cotton aphid, adult cotton bollworm, cotton bollworm larvae and cotton bollworm eggs. In this article, we concisely introduced the advantages and practical feasibilities of cotton growth investigation by smartphone, and the design and implement methods of the investigation system are introduced based on android platform. We analyzed the main functions of server-side, and introduced the system design and development based on .net platform. We also presented the investigation criteria and methods for the 6 kinds of data. The system has been used in the 105thGroup of the 6thDivision of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps for 3 years, and the application experience showed that cotton production information could be quickly collected by the investigation system, and all of the data could be easily analyzed and displayed by field map and statistical analysis charts. The system can be easily extended to other areas of data surveys, such as forestry and animal husbandry.

crops; growth; monitoring; smartphone; cotton; growth status investigation; expert decision; agricultural production management










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