

农业工程学报 2017年18期




(1. 山东理工大学机械工程学院,淄博 255091;2. 山东省马铃薯生产装备智能化工程技术研究中心,德州 253600;3. 山东希成农业机械科技有限公司,德州 253600;4. 山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,淄博 255091;5. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083)

针对现有马铃薯播种机播种株距控制精准度不高、易产生重种漏种等问题,研发了一种由主控制模块、检测模块、株距控制模块和振动强度控制模块等7个模块组成的马铃薯精密播种机智能控制系统,采用液压马达控制薯种输送带运转,步进电机控制薯种输送带的振动强度,实现了播种株距和重种漏种率的自动控制。试验结果表明,播种速度相同时,实际播种株距相对于设定播种株距的平均偏差依次增大,播种速度越高实际播种株距的稳定性越差;薯种输送带振动强度越强,重种率越低,漏种率越高,各因素对重种漏种率影响的主次顺序为:薯种输送带振动强度>播种速度>薯种质量,且薯种输送带振动强度对重种率、薯种输送带振动强度和播种速度对漏种率有显著影响;较佳的播种作业参数为:薯种输送带振动强度为Ⅱ级(即轻微振动时)、播种速度为1.16 m/s及薯种质量为35 g。经2~3个周期即可调整到允许范围内,且稳定性好。因此,完全能够满足种植户的实际播种作业要求,为智能控制马铃薯精密播种装备的后续研发提供参考。


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目前,现有马铃薯播种机常用的排种装置是碗勺式,但这种排种器易产生重种和漏种[7]。因此,吕金庆等[8]研制的舀勺式马铃薯排种器,当主动轮转速为42 r/min,倾角为0°,清种强度为0.75 时,排种合格指数为92.6%,重播指数为4.5%,漏播指数为2.9%;牛康等[9]设计的双层种箱式排种装置,空种率小于10%,重种率小于20%,与单层种箱式排种装置相比,空种率降低50%,重种率降低24.5%;孙伟等[10]设计了由定位和测薯模块组成的漏播检测系统以及由固态继电器和电磁铁组成的速动补薯装置,可将漏种率控制在8%以下,补种成功率在85%以上;张锡志等[11]研制的与大型宽幅精密播种机相配套的智能监测仪,采用模拟原理对传感器信号进行采集;龚丽农等[12]设计了具有自动补种功能的排种系统,通过单片机控制电磁阀的动作实现补种,能够实现精确补种。Buitenwerf等[13]根据马铃薯从薯种碗中的释放时间建立了数学模型,台架试验表明,马铃薯薯种形状和薯种碗类型对播种精度影响很大;Leemans等[14]研制的控制系统不仅能对播种状况进行监测,还可引导播种作业;Mcleod等[15]设计的试验装置可将单粒薯种传送到特定位置,且不仅可播种马铃薯,还可用于其他小种子作物的播种。另外,还有专家学者在马铃薯播种机结构优化等方面做了大量研究[16-28]。


1 马铃薯精密播种机智能控制系统的设计

1.1 马铃薯精密播种机控制系统组成


1.主动辊 2.传感器 3.薯种碗 4.输送带 5.液压马达 6.步进电机 7.调整架 8.粗调手柄 9.微调螺杆 10.角轮 11.输送带 12.滚轮 13.回转架




1.2 控制系统硬件设计



1.3 智能控制系统软件优化设计


图2 精密播种智能控制系统结构示意图





a. 液压马达转速控制流程图

a. Flow chart of speed control of hydraulic motor

b. 播种株距智能控制流程图

b. Flow chart of intelligent control of planting spacing


Note:nwas actual speed of hydraulic motor, r∙min-1,′was theoretical speed of hydraulic motor after correcting, r∙min-1.


Fig.3 Control flow chart




图4 智能重种漏种控制流程图

2 播种株距控制试验

2.1 试验材料及试验准备



v=v=πd·n×10-3/60 (1)




2.2 液压马达转速控制试验


表1 液压马达转速试验结果


Note:n1-n6expressed actual speed of hydraulic motor collected in 1-6 cycle respectively, r∙min-1.

由表1可见,液压马达理论转速n=12~42 r/min时,实际转速n与理论转速n的最大偏差虽然达到56.3%,但经1个检测周期的调整,最大偏差即降为9.20%,平均偏差仅为6.09%,至第6周期时各次试验的偏差均降为0。因此,该控制方案切实可行,且稳定性较高。

2.3 播种株距控制试验


北方地区常用的播种株距L为150~300 mm,由此设定播种株距L=150、180、210、240、270和300 mm进行试验,其允许波动范围为ΔL=±0.1L,试验结果如表2所示。

表2 实际、设定播种株距比较试验结果

注:播种速度v=1.74 m∙s-1;L1~L6表示试验重复取样6次,且每次取样的连续播种长度为2 m时测得的实际平均播种株距,mm。

Note: Planting speedvwas 1.74 m∙s-1;L1-L6expressed actual average planting spacing measured from 6 times repeated sampling test, mm, and continuous planting length of each sampling was 2 m.



北方种植户一般选用拖拉机的A档进行播种作业,其播种速度分别为0.88、1.16、1.43和1.74 m/s。为提高播种作业效率,本试验增加了速度为1.91 m/s的档位。

为探讨不同播种株距条件下较佳的播种速度,设定播种株距分别为150、180、210、240、270和300 mm,电液伺服阀增益为4进行试验。试验测得的液压马达实际转速和连续播种长度为2 m时所测得的实际平均播种株距如表3所示。

表3 不同播种速度对实际播种株距的影响


Note:1-6show the test results for each sampling.

由表3可见,当播种速度为0.88 m/s、且设定播种株距L≥270 mm时,由于液压马达理论转速过低,导致其产生爬行现象,无法正常播种。除此之外,其他播种速度条件下播种时均能正常播种,且实际播种株距均可控制在允许范围内。


由表4可知,当播种速度由1.16提高到1.91 m/s时,对应于150~300 mm各播种株距的方差分别增大了1.75、3.12、4.18、1.50、3.28和7.06倍,即随着播种速度的提高,其稳定性越来越差。因此,在保证液压马达能够正常工作的前提下,应尽可能选用较低的播种速度。当然,考虑到作业效率,播种速度不应过低。

表4 不同播种速度下实际播种株距方差

3 重种漏种控制试验


3.1 试验数据处理方法


ξ=(Z/Z)×100% (3)

ξ=(Z/Z)×100% (4)


3.2 单因素试验及分析


取播种株距为210 mm,播种速度v即试验台的水平输送带带速v分别为0.88、1.16、1.43、1.74和1.91 m/s。由式(2)计算得水平输送带带速在播种株距为210 mm时所对应的薯种输送带带速。播种100株薯种,测得的试验结果如表5所示。

表5 播种速度对重种漏种率影响试验结果

注:播种株距为210 mm。

Note: Planting spacing is 210 mm.




3.3 正交试验及分析



表6 不同薯种输送带振动强度对重种漏种率的影响

注:播种株距为210 mm。

Note: Planting spacing is 210 mm.

表7 影响因素及水平表



表8 各因素对重种漏种率影响正交试验记录表


序号No.播种速度Planting speed x1薯种输送带振动强度Vibration intensity of seed belt x2薯种质量Seedquality x3空白列Blank column重种率Replanting rate ξc/%漏种率Missing seed rate ξl /% 重种率Replanting rateK1c46. K2c34. K3c17. K4c10. K5c12. 极差Rc7. 因素主次x2>x1>x3>x4 漏种率Missing seed rateK1l7. K2l10. K3l15. K4l22. K5l33. 极差Rl4. 因素主次x2>x1>x4>x3

由表8可见,各因素水平对重种率影响的主次顺序为2>1>3。若要求降低重种率,则应选择各因素1c、2c和3c的最小值作为最优水平得较佳的播种作业参数为:薯种输送带振动强度为Ⅴ级、播种速度为1.74 m/s及薯种质量为50 g。同理,各因素水平对漏种率影响的主次为2>1>3。最优水平为薯种输送带振动强度2为Ⅰ级、播种速度为0.88 m/s及薯种质量为30 g。


综上所述,按照“尽可能保证较低的漏种率,并可适当放宽重种率”原则,结合生产实际,认为较佳的播种作业参数为薯种输送带振动强度为Ⅱ级、播种速度为1.16 m/s及薯种质量为35 g。


为方便分析,将计算的离差平方和、自由度以及平均总离差平方和等数据列入重种率和漏种率方差分析表,如表9所示。由表9可知,MS1、MS2和MS3均大于MS,故可直接利用MS计算F1、F2和F3。由于F2值最大、且大于由分布表[32]查得的0.05(4, 4)临界值6.39,故因素2(薯种输送带振动强度)对重种率有显著影响,且各因素对试验结果影响的主次顺序依次为2>1>3。


表9 重种率与漏种率方差分析

注:* 当大于临界值时认为影响显著。新误差e是将MS3归入误差项[32]。

Note: When theis larger than the critical value, the effect is significant.MS3is lumped error term in new errore[32].

3.4 漏种检测准确性和稳定性试验


为验证漏种检测模块采集漏种信息的准确性,按上述试验得出的较佳播种作业参数“薯种输送带振动强度为Ⅱ级、播种速度为1.16 m/s和薯种质量为35 g”进行了漏种检测准确性试验。在各参数保持不变的前提下重复试验10次,得到的漏种检测模块所采集的漏种率、实际漏种率及检测误差如表10所示。

表10 漏种检测准确性试验结果




表11 重种漏种控制稳定性试验结果


Note: Planting amount was 200,ξ1-ξ10andξ1-ξ10expressed actual missing and replanting rate collected in 1-10 cycle respectively, %.


4 结 论


1)当液压马达理论转速在12~42 r/min范围内时,经1个检测周期最大偏差即降为9.20%,平均偏差仅为6.09%;播种速度相同时,各播种速度对应的实际播种株距相对于设定播种株距的平均偏差分别为2.65%、3.37%、3.67%、5.75%和4.09%,当播种速度由1.16提高到1.91 m/s时,各播种株距的方差分别增大了1.75、3.12、4.18、1.50、3.28和7.06倍,即随着播种速度的提高其稳定性越来越差,因此应尽可能选用较低的播种速度。

2)薯种输送带振动强度越强,则重种率越低,而漏种率越高,反之亦反;各因素对重种率和漏种率影响的主次顺序为:薯种输送带振动强度>播种速度>薯种质量,较佳的播种作业参数为薯种输送带振动强度为Ⅱ级(即轻微振动时)、播种速度为1.16 m/s、薯种质量为35 g。



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Design of intelligent control system of potato precision planter

Sun Chuanzhu1,2, Wang Faming1,2, Li Xueqiang2,3※, Su Guoliang2,3, Wang Xiangyou2,4, Wei Zhongcai2,5, Sun Jingbin2,4

(1.,255091,; 2.,253600,; 3..,.,253600,; 4.,255091,;5.,,100083,)

To solve the problems of low control precision of planting spacing and easily double planting and missing planting an intelligent control system of potato precision planter was developed in this study, which was constituted of a main control module, a detection module, a planting spacing control module, and a vibration intensity control module. A hydraulic motor was used to control the working of seed belt, a stepper motor was used to control the vibration intensity of the seed belt in order to achieve the auto-control of the planting spacing and the double or missing planting. The planting parameter could be set by touch screen according to the different potato varieties, area of planting and soil condition, and the information of planting spacing. As such, double planting and missing could be monitored. To test the machine, experiments were done. The test result showed that when the designed speed was 12-42 r/min, the deviation of actual speed and designed speedwould be 56.3%, but it would be 9.20% after one detection cycle and average deviation was 6.09%. When the different planting spaces were planted by using same planting speed, the actual planting spacing could be controlled within the allowable range, and the average deviation between the actual planting spacing by using each planting speed and the setting planting spacing was 2.65%, 3.37%, 3.67%, 5.75% and 4.09%, respectively. When the planting speed was increased from1.16 to 1.91 m/s, the variance of the each planting spacing in 150-300 mm increased by 1.75, 3.12, 4.18, 1.50, 3.28 and 7.06 times, respectively and the higher the planting speed, the lower the stability was. As such, lower planting speedshould be selected. The vibration intensity of seed belt was stronger, the replanting rate was lower and the missing seed rate was higher; When a strong vibration was reached, and vibration intensity of seed beltwas in violent vibration shape, the planting speed was 1.74 m/s and seed quality was 50 g, the replanting rate was the least. When thevibration intensity of seed beltwas in tiny vibration, the planting speed was 0.88 m/s and seed quality was30 g, the missing seed rate was the least;thevibration intensity of seed belthad significant influence on the double planting rate and thevibration intensity of seed beltand the planting speedhad significant influence on the missing seed rate. The primary and secondary order of the influence on the double planting and missing seed rate were the vibration intensity of seed belt, the planting speed, and seed quality. The optimal planting parameter: When a strong vibration was reached, and thevibration intensity of seed beltwas in slight vibration, the planting speed was1.16 m/s and seed quality was35 g. The average missing seed rate was 2.31% collected by the missing detection module and the actual average missing seed rate was 2.22%, there was a deviation, but the average detection error was 5.25% and the largest error was 6.58%, the detection accuracy was more than 93%. When the actual missing seed rate exceeded the allowable range, it would be adjusted into the allowable range in 2-3 cycles, and the stability was good. The research results can meet the requirement of the actual planting operation, and provide reference to the further research and popularization and application of the intelligent control of potato precision planting equipment.

crops; design; vibrations; precision planting; intelligent control; planting spacing; replanting rate; missing seed rate










