1. 北京师范大学环境学院水环境模拟国家重点实验室,北京 1008752. 北京师范大学环境学院水沙科学教育部重点实验室,北京 1008753. 环境保护部南京环境科学研究所,南京 210042
1. 北京师范大学环境学院水环境模拟国家重点实验室,北京 1008752. 北京师范大学环境学院水沙科学教育部重点实验室,北京 1008753. 环境保护部南京环境科学研究所,南京 210042
河蚬作为广泛分布于世界各国的典型底栖生物,由于其活动性低、滤食性等特征被广泛用作指示生物研究多种水体污染物的生物有效性。但迄今为止,尚没有系统论述污染水体中河蚬生物毒性响应的研究进展。为此,本文从污染物种类、测试指标、试验参数等角度探讨了过去30多年间河蚬在氨、重金属、有机污染物生物富集及生物毒性效应等方面的研究过程及主要成果。以往研究主要以河蚬生物体内累积、形态学及行为学观察、生化指标、代谢组学、基因完整性等指标表征污染水体的生物毒性效应,并随着分子生物学的发展已逐步由多指标全面表征代替单一指标测试。此外,现有研究多偏重于重金属和持久性有机污染物,对氨、新型污染物及纳米材料的河蚬生物毒性效应探讨尚处于起步阶段。河蚬在自然水体污染状况评估、污染水体的生物修复、水体毒性预测等方面具有较高适用性,但河蚬在沉积物毒性鉴定评估(TIE, Toxicity Identification and Evaluation)中的应用研究依然较为缺乏,有待进一步开展。
Received12 October 2016accepted16 December 2016
Abstract: As a typical benthonic species, Corbicula fluminea is widely used for biomonitoring freshwater pollution due to its sessile and filter-feeding characteristics. However, there is few reports reviewing the progress about biological toxic response and bioaccumulation for contaminants of C. fluminea in aquatic environment. Therefore, this study summarized the main achievements about the effects of pollutants (ammonia, trace metals, organic contaminants) on freshwater invertebrates C. fluminea in terms of pollutant species, test index, test medium and test duration. The results indicated that the common biomonitoring techniques applied in C. fluminea study could be classified as bioaccumulation, morphology, behavior observation, biochemical index alterations, metabonomics measure and genetic integrity changes. With the development of molecular biology, the use of single biomarker is gradually replaced by multi-biomarker approach. Furthermore, existing researches mainly focus on heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants, whereas studies on ammonia, emerging contaminants and nanomaterials are still in the initial stage. Overall, C. fluminea is a useful species for evaluating aquatic pollution, bioremediation, toxicity prediction. Studies on the application of C. fluminea in the area of sediment Toxicity Identification and Evaluation (TIE), by contrast, are still scarce and need extensive investigations.
Keywords: water pollutants; ammonia; heavy metal; organic pollutants; Corbicula fluminea; biological toxicity response; bioaccumulation
河蚬对污染物生物毒性响应研究主要包括生物富集、生化指标改变、形态学、行为学观察、野外种群及群落水平分布调查等[1]。也有研究将其作为哨兵生物(sentinel organism),应用于贻贝污染物监测项目(NCCOS)等常规生物监测程序探讨[60]。整体上,河蚬作为水体尤其是沉积物污染受试生物的指示性应用研究尚处于发展阶段。近几年,相关研究逐渐涉及到组织学、组织化学、组织病理学[7-11],代谢组学[12]和基因表达[13-19]等分子生物学方面。各种生物效应、毒理学指标也随着分子生物学及相关分析检测仪器技术的发展而快速更新。
1 氨污染水体中河蚬的生物毒性响应研究(The biological toxicity response of Corbicula fluminea in ammonia contaminated water)
研究表明,氨对不同水生无脊椎动物具有不同程度的毒性,但是氨毒性可能是致命的[21]。有学者对多种淡水贝类进行氨毒性实验,得出不同贝类的96 h半致死浓度(11.53~23.1 mg·L-1)[22-24]。Cooper等[25-27]曾研究人工模拟河流中河蚬大面积死亡时软体组织腐败所释放氨对本土物种淡水贻贝的影响。但是氨对河蚬本身的急慢性毒性效应却报道较少。据作者检索,国外报道中仅发现一篇文献,论述长期慢性氨污染对河蚬的多种生物标志物产生的亚致死影响研究(表1)[21]。研究发现,采自污染河口区的河蚬由于长期处于污染环境中,其各项酶活性指标均表现出较高背景值,因此受1 mg·L-1含氨水污染后,各项指标并未表现出明显差异。这说明长期处于污染水域会增强河蚬对氨的耐受性,有利于其入侵行为。由于水生生物的内源排放及人类工农业快速发展所引起的外源污染,氨氮已成为水环境中最普遍的污染物之一,但是目前水体中氨污染引起的河蚬毒性响应研究甚少,此类研究有待进一步加强。
图1 研究过程技术路线Fig. 1 The technology roadmap of research
2 重金属污染水体中河蚬的生物毒性响应研究(The biological toxicity response of Corbicula fluminea in metal contaminated water)
从实验周期角度来分析,根据研究类别的不同,野外监测及原位试验研究通常周期较长。野外监测考虑河蚬富集的时空分布,通常进行不同季节多次采样[32-34];原位试验[35]由于污染物浓度的不可控性而需进行长期富集实验。由于河蚬对重金属具有较强的富集能力,除少数研究对河蚬进行体外急性(96 h)毒性实验外[36],重金属对河蚬的生物毒性及河蚬对重金属的解毒机制[14, 37-38]研究多采用慢性(1个月~1年)毒性实验。
在野外监测上,大量学者通过野外监测分析河蚬体内重金属含量与环境介质(如水体、沉积物)中重金属含量关系,发现痕量重金属在河蚬体内富集量比周围环境介质中含量高几个数量级[34, 39]。虽然河蚬体内污染物含量不能反映环境水体的真实污染水平,但是河蚬对重金属的累积特征与环境中重金属量分布具有很好的相关性[13, 32-33, 40]。迄今为止,体内污染物含量监测是河蚬在天然水体环境污染研究中唯一的实际应用。
在河蚬的生物毒理学研究上,河蚬在重金属加标介质中的生化响应[7, 10, 36, 42-43]、基因损伤[13-15]、解毒机制[14, 38, 44]等都有助于研究污染物对河蚬的潜在毒性影响。因为双壳类底栖生物在污染物的影响下早期的指标响应表现在生物标志物层面。毒性响应首先会在亚细胞水平表现出明显响应,随后才会在更高生物水平显现。与软体组织内污染物富集量测定相比,生物标志物能够提供更加完整的、生物学上更可靠的信息[31]。然而,受生物和非生物因素影响,生物标志物亦无法绝对准确地表征污染物生物毒性。此外,由于单生物标志物无法充分反映生物体的健康损害程度,大量学者采用多标志物[7-10, 43]监测河蚬对污染物的生物毒性响应。同时,生物标志物与一般急性毒性实验评价指标——死亡率相比,更加困难、昂贵且耗时。综上所述,河蚬毒理学机制研究仍亟需经济、快捷、准确的测试指标,评估污染物对生物的健康损伤。
3 有机物污染水体中河蚬的生物毒性响应研究(The biological toxicity response of Corbicula fluminea in organic contaminated water)
表1 河蚬在氨生物毒性效应中的应用Table 1 Corbicula fluminea in ammonia biological toxicity test
期刊名注释(Journal Title Abbreviations): WASP-Water, Air, & Soil Pollution.
测试指标名称注释(Index Abbreviations): MDA-malondialdehyde, CAT-catalase, GPx-glutathione peroxidase, GST-glutathione S-transferase, GR-glutathione reductase, ChE-cholinesterase, ODH-octopine dehydrogenase.
表2 河蚬在金属污染物生物监测中的应用Table 2 Corbicula fluminea in metal contamination biomonitoring
期刊名注释(Journal Title Abbreviations): WASP-Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, STE-Science of the Total Environment, JEQ-Journal of Environmental Quality, EES-Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, TEC-Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, WR-Water Research, CBP-Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Part C Comparative Pharmacology, TSTE-The Science of the Total Environment, ET-Environmental Toxicology, EMA-Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, ESPI- Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, ESPR-Environmental Science and Pollution Research, TE-Toxicology and Endocrinology, BECT- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, JER-Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, JEM-Journal of Environmental Monitoring, WST-Water Science & Technology, BTER- Biological Trace Element Research, JHM-Journal of Hazardous Materials, AJE-Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, JAES-Journal of Agro-Environment Science, JSCNU-Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), ES-Environmental Science, OELS-Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica, JLS-Journal of Lake Science, CJAEB- Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology, CJAE-Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, Eco-Ecologic Science, RF-Reservoir Fisheries, CJE-Chinese Journal of Ecology, JAAS-Journal of Anhui Agricultural Science.
测试指标名称注释(Index Abbreviations): SOD-superoxide dismutase, CAT- catalase, MT-metallothionein, LPO-lipid peroxidation, ChE-cholinesterase, ODH-octopine dehydrogenase, AEC-adenylate energy charge, ATP-adenosinetriphosphate, CA-carbonic anhydrase, HMBP-heavy metal binding protein, MXR-multixenobiotic resistance protein, MDA-malondialdehyde, GPx-glutathione peroxidase, GSTpi-glutathione S-transferase pi class, GST-glutathione S-transferase, GSH-glutathione, GR-glutathione reductase.
表3 河蚬在有机污染物生物监测中的应用Table 3 Corbicula fluminea in organic contamination biomonitoring
期刊名注释(Journal Title Abbreviations): WASP- Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, AECT-Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, EC- Environmental Chemistry, EMA-Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, AT-Aquatic Toxicology, BECT- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, EES-Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, ETP-Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, TP-Toxicologic Pathology, MR-GTEM--Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, MF-Marine Fishers, CJPS-Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science, JRE-Journal of Resources and Ecology, ASC-Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, CJEE- Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering.
污染物名称注释(Contaminants Abbreviation): BFRs—brominated flame-retardants, TBB—2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate, TBPH—2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-etrabromophthalate, BTBPE—1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy) ethane, DBDPE—decabromodiphenyl ethane, DGH/QUAT—dodecylguanidine hydrochloride (DGH), QUAT—n-alkyl dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride, polyDADMAC—poly diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, HCH—hexachlorocyolohexane (666), DDT—dichlorodiphenyltri-chloroe-thane.
测试指标名称注释(Index Abbreviations): P450, P418—cytochromes, NADH-red—NADH-cytochrome C reductase, CAT—catalase, PL—peroxidizable lipids, NP—net peroxidation, TOSC—total oxidant scavenging capacity, SOD—superoxide dismutase, GR—glutathione reductase, TR—thioredoxin reductase, MDA—malondialdehyde, TR—thioredoxin reductase, GPx—glutathione peroxidase, GSTpi—glutathione S-transferase pi class, EROD—ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, GST—glutathione S-transferase, BSAF—biota-sediment accumulation factor, DBF—dibenzylfluorescein dealkylase, AO—antioxidant enzymes.
从研究区分布看,美国学者用河蚬做指示生物,表征有机污染物生物毒性的研究较多,其次为法国及阿根廷。我国学者在河蚬对有机污染物的生物毒性效应研究中亦开展了大量工作[20,110-111]。测试指标的采用及发展与重金属污染的生物毒性研究相似。早期研究多偏重于河蚬体内有机污染物富集量测定[30,32,88,90,95,96-98,103,107];后期逐步发展为多指标联用,如行为学指标(虹吸行为、掘穴行为、闭壳响应)、形态学指标(组织学、组织化学、组织病理学分析)[11,93]、生化指标(SOD、CAT、GR、GPx、GST、胆碱酯酶、AO酶、EROD等氧化还原系统的多种酶学指标)[2,85,87,91,94,108]、分子生物学相关方法(转录组测序和分析[18-19]、DNA完整性[11, 17, 85-87])等。
从污染物角度,有机污染物种类繁多,研究者多围绕重点关注的持久性有机污染物、药物、苯酚类物质及用于船舶防污漆的三丁基锡,亦有少量学者进行重金属与多氯联苯(PCB)、多环芳烃(PAH)、有机氯农药(OCP)复合污染的研究[54, 80]。河蚬对有机污染物生物毒性效应研究的试验基质选取情况与重金属污染研究情况相同,多数研究采用水相加标实验。对于试验周期,多以有机物毒性强弱及实验浓度为依据,确定不同试验时长。持久性有机污染物及抗生素、雌激素等药物多采用慢性毒性实验[2, 11, 18-19, 54, 86-89]。
整体上,与重金属相比,河蚬在有机污染物生物毒性效应中的研究报道相对较少,主要集中在2个方面:(1)采用野外监测评估实际水生环境中有机污染物污染情况;(2)有机污染物对河蚬健康影响的毒理学机理研究。河蚬体内有机污染物含量的野外监测分析结果表明,河蚬对疏水性有机污染物有较强富集能力[90-92]。河蚬体内有机污染物累积量与水体、沉积物中含量存在显著相关性,且污染水域对河蚬氧化应激系统有不良影响。室内模拟试验及原位试验发现,低剂量长期暴露于有机污染物可引起行为学响应[93]、形态学变化[11]、生化响应[18-19, 85-87, 94]、基因损伤[17-19, 85, 87]等。由此可知,河蚬对有机污染物[19]有较强敏感性和生物累积能力,可以作为哨兵生物对有机物污染区域进行生物监测。以往研究也从细胞水平验证了河蚬用于环境风险评估的适用性。然而,目前沉积物毒性鉴定评估(TIE)中所采用的生物响应指标多为受试生物死亡率,随着环境治理的推进,极毒性污染逐渐减少,采用生物慢性毒性响应指标进行沉积物TIE显得尤为重要。
4 结论与展望(Conclusion and prospect)
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Guo Xiaoyu1, Li Rufeng2, Feng Chenghong1,2,*, Han Zhihua3
1. State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China2. Key Laboratory for Water and Sediment Science of Ministry of Education, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China3. Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Nanjing 210042, China
郭晓宇(1988-),女,博士研究生,研究方向为污染物迁移转化及环境效应,E-mail: guoxiaoyu@mail.bnu.edu.cn
*通讯作者(Corresponding author), E-mail: fengchenghong@bnu.edu.cn
郭晓宇, 李茹枫, 冯成洪, 等. 污染水体中河蚬的生物毒性响应研究进展[J]. 生态毒理学报,2017, 12(3): 86-109
Guo X Y, Li R F, Feng C H, et al. A review of biological toxicity response of Asian clam Corbicula fluminea to contaminated environment [J]. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2017, 12(3): 86-109 (in Chinese)