

农业工程学报 2017年15期

吴亚垒,祁力钧※,张 亚,高春花,李 帅,Elizabeth Musiu


吴亚垒1,祁力钧1※,张 亚2,高春花1,李 帅3,Elizabeth Musiu1

(1. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083; 2. 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083;3. 华北电力大学机械工程系,保定 071051)

为实现施药后雾滴地面沉积量的快速获取,该文提出一种基于驻波率原理的叉指型雾滴采集极板结构。为验证该极板结构的合理性,应用三维电磁仿真软件HFSS对此系统进行电磁仿真。HFSS模型求解的结果表明,叉指型极板内部出现了静电屏蔽,极板间通过雾滴能够实现电磁耦合,可用于雾滴沉积量检测,系统灵敏程度将随着极板间距的增大而减小。通过标定试验,建立了检测系统输出电压与试剂溶液沉积量关系的回归方程,测试后2种不同介电常数的胭脂红溶液和丙三醇溶液决定系数R2分别为0.982 1和0.997 6。通过对3W-ZW10型温室自走式喷雾机应用测试,结果表明:该系统在采样点上沉积量的模拟值最大相对误差率不超过7.95%,且模拟值与实测值均方根误差RMSE最大为0.076 7 mg/cm2,雾滴沉积检测准确率高,方便实用,可用于田间雾滴沉积率的快速测量。


吴亚垒,祁力钧,张 亚,高春花,李 帅,Elizabeth Musiu. 基于驻波率原理的农药雾滴沉积量检测系统设计与试验[J].农业工程学报,2017,33(15):64-71. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.008

Wu Yalei, Qi Lijun, Zhang Ya, Gao Chunhua, Li Shuai, Elizabeth Musiu. Design and experiment of pesticide droplet deposition detection system based on principle of standing wave ratio[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 64-71. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.008

0 引 言




1 叉指型雾滴采集系统测量原理

本文设计的叉指型雾滴沉积量采集系统基于驻波率原理,由100 MHz信号源、50 Ω同轴传输线、高频检波与差分运算放大电路、叉指型雾滴采集极板探头及无线网络传输装置组成。利用驻波率法测量雾滴沉积量实际上反映的是喷雾环境下叉指型雾滴采集板探头的特性阻抗变化。图1为雾滴沉积量实时检测装置系统原理图。


图1 雾滴沉积量系统原理图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of droplets deposition system


图2 测量装置等效电路图Fig.2 Equivalent circuit of measuring device







本研究中ZC为50 Ω的标准同轴电缆。在A1和ZL恒定的情况下,传输线两端的电位差UAB只与叉指型装置阻抗ZL有关,当ZC=ZL时,传输线上不会产生驻波,传输线两端电压为0。因此,确定叉指型极板探头的阻抗ZL尤为重要。叉指型极板探头的检测阻抗值ZL与导纳Y关系如式(7)所示。











2 叉指型极板参数确定与电场分布特性研究


2.1 测量频率参数的确定

在叉指型雾滴采集极板间距固定的情况下,负载阻抗由信号源频率和药液与空气混合的介电常数决定,而介电常数是与信号源频率相关,所以信号源频率的选择对测量结果会造成一定影响。Topp等[20]研究发现,在1 MHz~1 GHz频率范围内,有效介电常数主要取决于介质中的水分含量。






图3 水的介电常数与波长的关系Fig.3 Relationship between dielectric constant of water and wavelength

由图3可知,当信号源波长在10 cm以上即频率小于3 000 MHz时,介电常数的实部远大于虚部。当波长为10 cm时,水的ε′为77.2,空气的介电系数为1,在此频段内水比空气状态下介电常数大很多。由于过高的频率易受到外界电磁环境的干扰,本文综合其他基于驻波率法测量含水率的研究,选用电磁波频率为100 MHz的信号源[22]。

2.2 叉指型极板电场仿真分析

2.2.1 不同极板间距处电场分布状况

利用Ansoft HFSS电磁仿真软件[23]建立了叉指型雾滴采集极板几何模型如图4所示。1)极板的上表面宽度e设为1 mm,上表面长度L设为38 mm,侧表面高度h设为100 μm,一极板末端距离另一极板设为1 mm,叉指型雾滴采集极板间距d分别设为0.5、1、3、6 mm;2)设定极板间距内填充介质的介电常数为18,树脂板及辅助支架的介电常数设为4,设定叉指型铜极板为理想电场边界,选取半径为40 mm的球体作为辐射边界的条件;3)选择求解类型为Driver Model,其次设置波端口激励为集总端口激励方式,最后添加求解设置,设定求解模型频率为100 MHz。运行Analyze-All,HFSS电磁软件在叉指型雾滴采集极板上的电场分布状况仿真结果如图5所示。

图4 叉指型雾滴采集极板电磁模型Fig.4 Electromagnetic model of interdigitated droplet collection board

由图5可以看出叉指型不同间距的极板主要影响雾滴沉积区域的XY和YZ截面方向的电场分布,XY和YZ截面分别为电磁模型主视图与左视图,图中淡黄色区域的电场强度满足测试的要求。根据达到淡黄色区域的电场强度的作用进行分析:1)0.5和1 mm间距情况下,叉指型雾滴采集极板检测区域电场分布差异不明显,且0.5和1 mm情况下XY和YZ截面上极板之间均匀分布,周围电场紧凑,没有出现分离现象。但是随着极板间距的逐渐增大,电场分布差异性越来越明显;2)3 mm情况下,XY截面上基本满足电场强度的要求,但是出现了不均匀的现象,且YZ截面的场强不连续性也随之显现;3)6 mm情况下,XY截面上不满足电场强度的要求,出现了严重不均匀的现象,且YZ截面的场强间断性明显,强度明显变弱。由上述现象发现:0.5和1 mm间距的极板均适用于雾滴的检测,考虑到敷铜极板的加工难易程度以及喷雾中雾滴沉积量造成的系统灵敏度问题。综上所述,本文选用间距为1 mm的叉指型雾滴采集极板探头。

2.2.2 叉指型极板表面电场分布特性


图5 叉指型雾滴采集极板不同间距下的电场强度分布图Fig.5 Electric field intensity distribution of interdigitated droplet collection board under different spacing

3 试验与测试

3.1 试验材料

试验试剂:胭脂红试剂、自来水及丙三醇溶液。试验仪器:0.1~2.5 μL移液枪(上海注射器三厂Biohit proline W-103,精度0.05 μL),容量瓶、滴管、烧杯、温湿度传感器、德利斯公司玻璃手套箱、乳胶手套,英衡电子天平(精度0.001 g),SA-50W-12V/4A模块,在线采集装置,采样滤纸规格(4 cm×4.2 cm),UV-5200分光光度计(上海元析公司),MSS-33544激光粒度仪。

3.2 试验处理

考虑到药液不同的介电常数,试验选取0.5 g/L胭脂红溶液(介电常数79.2)与丙三醇溶液(介电常数47.8)。滴取前,叉指型极板表面擦拭干净,放进玻璃手套箱,且平置于天平上,天平与电压示数调至初始值。试验开始,利用微量移液枪连续产生体积为0.05 μL大小的单个雾滴进行试验,使雾滴充分滴落到叉指型雾滴采集极板间隙中,电压示数趋于稳定后停止。滴取中,不断记录天平与在线采集装置中电压的示数变化。滴取后,整个过程重复25次试验。温度为(24±0.5)℃,湿度为22%±0.8%,试验布置(可忽略蒸发对本试验的影响)示意图如图6所示。

图6 实验室试验装置示意图Fig.6 Schematic diagram of test device in lab

3.3 叉指型雾滴采集装置标定试验及结果分析


图7 胭脂红溶液与丙三醇溶液沉积回归方程Fig.7 Regressive equation of carmine solution and glycerol solution in deposition

溶液的介电常数是和溶质的浓度有关系的[25]:1)一般果蔬农药稀释倍数介于800~1 600之间[26],药液介电系数较大且接近水的介电常数80,因此该文选用胭脂红药液进行试验;2)植保无人机喷洒多采用超低量喷雾,药液浓度高,介电系数较小,因此选用丙三醇溶液进行试验。所选的这2种用于标定的试剂的介电常数可以代表一般农药的介电常数。

图7中2条曲线对比发现,在相同沉积量情况下,胭脂红溶液电压输出值波动范围较丙三醇溶液明显,且灵敏度较好,但二者滴取前后的电压与药液沉积量的回归相关性均较好,2种不同介电常数的溶液决定系数R2分别为0.982 1和0.997 6。该基于驻波率原理的雾滴沉积量检测系统实时采集的数据可以用于雾滴沉积量测量,同时可用于雾滴在作物靶标上分布参数优化。

3.4 应用测试

2017年2月15日,系统在中国农业大学植保机械实验室3 m×6 m区域内测试,建立直角坐标系,区域布置在第一象限,坐标点标记(一个单位长度为1 m),喷雾机由坐标点(0,0)作业至(0,2)处,试验中喷雾机的喷雾技术参数如表1所示。

表1 喷雾机的技术参数Table 1 Parameters of sprayer

叉指型雾滴采集极板布置分布在(1.5,1.5)、(3,1.5)、(4.5,1.5)的3个坐标点处,每块雾滴采集极板周围布置4张同样大小的4 cm×4.2 cm滤纸,目的是在保证相同测试条件下,对4张测量结果取均值,用于与该系统的雾滴沉积量测量对比,试验布置如图8a所示。同时本研究设计的叉指型雾滴沉积量实时在线采集系统由带有AD芯片数据采集的STM32单片机、ZigBee无线数传模块及12V欧力能供电模块组成,传感器节点安装如图8b所示。

图8 叉指型雾滴采集板安装与试验布置Fig.8 Interdigitated droplet collector installation and test arrangement

喷施液体选用0.5 g/L胭脂红溶液,试验过程重复6次,分别得到18组采集样本,喷雾测试环境温度24°,湿度为22%,同时在此条件下利用激光粒度仪分别对不同喷雾距离处的雾滴体积中径大小进行9次测定,取均值。基于在波长为508 nm下吸光度随胭脂红溶液浓度增大而增大的规律,本文借鉴了吸光度测量法在雾滴沉积量上的方法[27-31],见式(15)。利用模拟方法与吸光度法分别对18组采集样本进行计算,试验结果见表2。



表2 在喷雾距离1.5、3、4.5 m处模拟值与实测值试验结果Table 2 Results of simulated values and measured values at spray distance of 1.5,3,4.5 m

将6次采集的试验样本筛选,并以不同喷雾距离处雾滴粒径大小分布进行归类,以采样滤纸吸光度法获得的数据为参考指标,结合激光粒度仪对不同距离处的雾滴大小测定结果,由试验分析可知,表2中距离在1.5 m处时,雾滴体积中径VMD在136.5至288.7 μm之间,采样点均方根误差RMSE为0.076 7 mg/cm2(系统的模拟值),最大相对测量误差4.56%,按照Miller PH模型,1.5 m处由于距离喷嘴口较近,产生较多大粒径雾滴,一方面由于动量较大,撞击树脂板较滤纸产生反弹作用更为明显,另一方面由于采集板表面光滑,使得雾滴在树脂板上铺展面积相对较大,阻抗发生变化,使得气液混合介电系数高于试验标定数值;距离在3 m处时,雾滴体积中径VMD在84.2至112.5 μm之间,采样点均方根误差RMSE为0.025 5 mg/cm2,最大相对测量误差仅2.65%,原因是雾滴体积中径减小,一方面动能急剧减少,反弹作用趋于减弱,另一方面,该粒径下的雾滴粘连情况减少,铺展面积符合标定试验要求,在树脂板上的沉积性趋于平稳;距离在4.5 m处时,雾滴体积中径VMD在23.5至50.8 μm之间,采样点均方根误差RMSE为0.056 4 mg/cm2,最大相对测量误差7.95%,因为采样点距离喷嘴口较远,雾滴粒径很小,一方面该粒径下雾滴铺展性较差,使得气液混合介电系数低于试验标定数值,另一方面液膜较薄,蒸发因素影响显著。

系统模拟值与吸光度实测值在喷雾距离1.5、3、4.5 m处的雾滴沉积量测量对比,系统模拟值均小于吸光度实测值,这与采集板的表面材料属性相关性较大,雾滴易在其表面形成弹跳、飞溅,而雾滴相对容易在滤纸表面附着。另外,雾滴的蒸发也是重要的影响因素,需对系统采集频率进行校正,减少系统测量误差。

综上所述,本文所设计的雾滴采集系统可以适用于300 μm粒径范围内不同雾滴大小的沉积量测定,满足雾滴喷雾质量检测的应用需求。

4 结 论



3)从实验室标定与应用测试结果可以得出,设计的叉指型雾滴采集系统在300 μm粒径范围内具有可行性,参照吸光度法与系统测量法的均方根误差RMSE最大为0.076 7 mg/cm2及其最大相对测量误差不超过7.95%,分析表明,雾滴沉积趋势结果基本一致,可以用于雾滴沉积量的测量。


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Design and experiment of pesticide droplet deposition detection system based on principle of standing wave ratio

Wu Yalei1, Qi Lijun1※, Zhang Ya2, Gao Chunhua1, Li Shuai3, Elizabeth Musiu1
(1. College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China; 3. Department of Mechanical Engineering; North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071051, China)

In order to realize the rapid acquisition of droplet deposition after application, this study proposed an interdigitated droplet collecting board structure based on standing wave ratio principle. The purpose of this study was to quickly and effectively obtain the characteristics and regularity of the droplet deposition distribution. On one hand, the system could reduce the experiment cost, the difficulty of operation and the complexity of the experiment. On the other hand, the system was important to evaluate the quality of pesticide application and improve the utilization rate of pesticide. Optimized droplet deposition detection technology could solve the problem of single measurement method and low efficiency of droplet deposition distribution in field, which was a goal pursued by scholars in this research field. Based on the principles of standing wave ratio and sensor network technology, the real-time detection system of droplet deposition on the ground was designed. The droplet distribution characteristics of the electric field were explored by the method of simulation, and then the optimal parameters of the interdigitated droplet collecting board were obtained. At the same time, combined with the greenhouse self-propelled sprayer system, the application test and verification test were carried out to obtain the distribution characteristics of droplet deposition accurately and quickly. The real-time detection system of droplet deposition in the greenhouse could be realized by using the method of standing wave ratio, and the reliability was very high. At the same time, the system had great practical significance in the field of droplet spray quality detection and regularity research. In order to verify the rationality of the interdigitated droplet collecting board structure, the electromagnetic simulation of the system was carried out by using the three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation software HFSS (high frequency structure simulator). The device took the STM32 single chip microcomputer as its core to build the ZigBee network, and the signal of the droplet collection sensor was transmitted to the remote terminal based on LabView2014 through the RS232 serial port, which realized the real-time monitoring of the droplet deposition. The results of the HFSS model showed that the electrostatic shielding appeared inside the interdigitated droplet collection board. The electromagnetic coupling could be realized by the droplets between the boards, which could be used to detect the droplet deposition. The sensitivity of the system would be decreased with the board spacing broadening. The regression equation of the relationship between the output voltage of the detection system and the deposition amount of the reagent solution was established through the calibration experiment. The determination coefficients under 2 different dielectric constants were 0.982 1 and 0.997 6 respectively. The 3W-ZW10 type self-propelled sprayer application test in greenhouse showed that the maximum relative error rate of the simulated value of the deposition amount of the system at the sampling point was not more than 7.95%. The RMSE (root mean square error) of the measured value was 0.076 7 mg/cm2. The detection accuracy of droplet deposition was high. The droplet deposition amount detection system can be used for rapid measurement of field droplet deposition rate based on the principle of standing wave ratio. From the laboratory calibration and application test results, it can be concluded that the design of the interdigitated droplet collection system is feasible within the range of 300 μm particle size. The proposed real-time detection method of droplet deposition in greenhouse based on the standing wave ratio is suitable for the detection of the droplet spray quality and the characteristics of droplet distribution. This research can provide reference for the measurement of droplet deposition.

design; computer simulation; spraying; standing wave ratio principle; interdigitated droplet collection board probe; droplets deposition quantity measurement; HFSS simulation


TP212.9; S491







※通信作者:祁力钧,男,博士,教授,研究方向为从事植保机械研究。北京 中国农业大学工学院,100083。


扇区水泥胶结测井仪DTMX 和DTMN 响应异常典型案例分析