

农业工程学报 2017年15期

展小云,郭明航,赵 军※,赵向辉



展小云1,2,郭明航1,2,赵 军1,2※,赵向辉3

(1. 西北农林科技大学黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,杨凌 712100;2. 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,杨凌 712100;3. 西安三智科技有限公司,西安 710075)



展小云,郭明航,赵 军,赵向辉. 径流泥沙实时自动监测仪的研制[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):112-118. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.014

Zhan Xiaoyun, Guo Minghang, Zhao Jun, Zhao Xianghui. Development of real-time and automatic measuring equipment for runoff and sediment[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 112-118. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.014

0 引 言

中国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一。2004年全国土壤侵蚀量高达16.22亿 t,相当于12.5万km2面积上流失掉1 cm厚的表层土壤,而形成1 cm厚的土壤却需要100年。截止2011年,全国 (未含香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省)土壤侵蚀面积为294.91万km2,占国土面积的30.7%[1]。水土流失不但导致土壤退化,土地生产力降低,而且对生态环境、人类生存和社会经济发展带来严重影响[2-4]。为实现生态文明建设和社会经济的可持续发展,中国已将水土保持确定为一项长期的基本国策。

水土流失监测是水土保持学科发展、防治水土流失和实施生态文明战略的基础。近年来,中国已建成738个水土保持监测点,在此基础上水利部又制定了全国水土保持信息化规划(2013-2020年),将“国家级水土保持监测点升级”列为重点建设项目,拟开展监测点数据采集智能化升级,配置自动化泥沙监测采集设施设备。除此之外,国家野外站观测研究网络、中国生态研究网络、国家水文监测网络、国家地质环境监测站等部门都建有流域控制站、水土流失监测站和水文监测站,其中径流量和含沙量均为重要的监测指标。面对量大面宽的径流泥沙监测的迫切需要,现有的径流泥沙监测技术和仪器设备却相形见绌。随着现代科学技术的发展,人们一直试图利用各种原理和方法以实现对含沙量较为准确地测量。目前,含沙量的测量方法主要包括称重法、γ射线法、振动法、超声波法、电容法、光电法、激光法和遥感法等[5-8]。由于称重法相对容易实现,至今仍被广泛应用[9-13],但是该方法测量周期长,过程繁琐,不能实时测量,测量结果只是随机时间段内的平均值,无法反映含沙量的即时变化,并且测量误差较大[14-15]。近年来,雷廷武等[16-17]研制基于γ-射线测量含沙量的系统,尽管该方法有很大的测量优势,但是由于137Cs放射源安全防护很困难,对人体危害很大,因而无法广泛使用[18-19]。振动法测量含沙量时由于零点漂移严重,测量结果稳定性较差[20]。Bonta[21]提出的超声波法测量含沙量的范围较窄,仅适合于低含沙溶液的测量[22]。电容法中由于电容受温度影响较大,电容两端输出电压随温度、土壤含盐量升高而呈非线形增加趋势,电容测量精度要达到1 PF,目前电容测量技术远不能达到,加之径流流速的影响,使得电容法的适用条件受到很大限制[23-24]。曾为军等[8]提出了一种基于计时法和光电法的径流量与含沙量的测量方法,设计了坡面径流量及含沙量同步在线检测的自动监测系统,但是该方法仍然是受到泥沙比重、不同颗粒组成及泥沙沉积等状况的严重影响而未能广泛应用[25-27]。此外,由于在坡面侵蚀过程中,径流中泥沙粒径的组成随时间不断变化,使得激光法具有了一定的测量误差[28]。遥感法根据卫星遥感摄影获得的河口、河流、水库、湖泊等地区悬浮泥沙的光谱特性影像,反演计算大面积水域水体的平均含沙量,该方法多用于大范围低含沙量测量,不能在坡面、沟道进行定点高精度的测量[29-30]。



1 测量原理及参数计算









式中Q为径流泥沙样品的径流量,L/s;Δt为采集径流泥沙样品所用的时间,s;1 000为单位换算系数。鉴于径流量的测定方法简单可靠,下面不做详细介绍和验证。

2 系统结构与组成

2.1 系统总体结构


图1 仪器结构示意图Fig.1 Structure diagram of equipment

2.1.1 样品采集部分


图2 流域控制站采样部分结构示意图Fig.2 Schematic diagram of sample component of monitoring station in watershed

2.1.2 样品测量部分


图3 样品测量部分结构示意图Fig.3 Schematic diagram of measuring component

2.1.3 站点/数据管理云平台


2.2 测量舱的结构和设计


图4 站点/数据管理云平台示意图Fig.4 Schematic diagram of a cloud station/data management platform

图5 测量舱结构示意图Fig.5 Schematic diagram of measuring chamber


测量舱容积的设计主要考虑3个因素,一是所采集的样品量对总体的代表性;二是所采集的样品量要能反映径流泥沙的变化过程;三是仪器完成一个测量周期需要的时间。综合分析以上3个因素,确定测量舱容积为5 L。







2.3 测控流程设计





4)为了减少残留、称质量时的晃动对体积、质量测量的影响,需要在测量流程中设计“冲洗” “空淋” “静置”环节。


图6 测控流程示意图Fig.6 Measured and control flow diagram

图7 测控流程电路图Fig.7 Measured and control circuit diagram

3 精度和准确度检测

为了检测该仪器的精度和准确度,进行了标准泥沙样品的测试试验。试验选用的是黄绵土,该土壤比重为2.65 mg/m3,含水量为10.94%。根据标定的测量舱体积配制不同浓度的标准泥沙样品,即0、2、4、6、8、10、20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100、150、200、250、300、400、500 kg/m3,每个浓度样品重复测量3次。结果表明,含沙量的测量值和实际值回归系数接近1,为0.95,决定系数为0.997(图8)。相对于实际值,测量值偏小,这可能是由于配制标准泥沙样品时的人为误差造成的,亦或是土壤含水量测量过程中的误差造成的。此外,分析监测结果的相对误差表明,相对误差波动范围为0.62%~14.00%,均值为3.67%。其中,低含沙量样品(2~10 kg/m3)测量的相对误差为7.00%,中含沙量样品(20~90 kg/m3)测量的相对误差为3.10%,高含沙量样品(100~300 kg/m3)测量的相对误差为2.61%(图9a)。对相对误差进行频率分布分析(图9b),发现大部分样本的相对误差较小,相对误差<10%的样本仅占样本总数的96.30%。以上结果表明,该监测仪对检验样本数据的预测准确度达到了较高水平,可准确的监测含沙量。

图8 实际含沙量与测量含沙量关系Fig.8 Relationship between actual and measured values of sediment concentration

图9 含沙量的相对误差Fig.9 Relative error of sediment concentration

4 径流泥沙过程的实测分析

4.1 试验设计

为了验证该仪器对径流泥沙过程监测的宽泛性,2017年5月10日在黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室人工模拟降雨大厅进行观测试验。试验小区为可调坡度的钢制土槽,小区规格长×宽×深=3.0 m× 1.0 m×0.5 m,土槽坡度为15°,供试土壤为黄绵土。小区布设完成后,在正式降雨试验进行之前,供试小区土壤表面均匀喷水后静置7 d,使土槽内部土壤水分的再分配达到应力均匀、土壤结构稳定。试验为次降雨,不设重复,降雨历时为240 min,降雨强度45、60、80和120 mm/h各持续60 min,从降雨开始至降雨结束对试验下垫面进行径流泥沙样品监测,据此获取径流过程中径流量和含沙量的变化曲线。

4.2 径流泥沙过程分析

图10给出了不同降雨强度下径流量和含沙量的变化曲线。由图10可见,随着时间的推移和降雨强度的增加,径流量和含沙量均呈现显著的同步增加趋势,径流量的波动范围为19~127 L/s,均值为75.5 L/s,含沙量的波动范围为4.6~275.1 kg/m3,均值为88.6 kg/m3。

图10 径流量和含沙量的动态变化过程Fig.10 Dynamic change process of runoff volume and sediment concentration

其中,在降雨强度为45和60 mm/h的情况下,含沙量的变化并不明显,其波动范围为4.6~30.5 kg/m3。当降雨强度增加至80 mm/h时,水流中的含沙量在整个产流阶段迅速增加,含沙量的均值为76.7 kg/m3。当降雨强度增加至120 mm/h时,由于下垫面侵蚀沟的产生,水流中的含沙量均在200 kg/m3以上,最大值高达275.1 kg/m3。由此可见,本研究中的监测仪可以监测变幅较宽的径流量和含沙量,其弥补了现有仪器监测范围小的不足,具有一定的应用前景。

5 结 论



3)通过土槽模拟试验监测了径流量和含沙量的动态过程曲线,监测到的径流量和含沙量的变化范围分别为19~127 L/s和4.6~275.1 kg/m3。由此可见,本研究中的监测仪具有较高的普适性,应用前景广泛,可以促进水土保持学科试验监测技术的发展,籍以深化土壤侵蚀过程、机理等水土保持学科基础研究,支撑水土流失防治等应用研究。

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Development of real-time and automatic measuring equipment for runoff and sediment

Zhan Xiaoyun1,2, Guo Minghang1,2, Zhao Jun1,2※, Zhao Xianghui3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China; 2. Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS&MWR, Yangling 712100, China; 3. Xi’an San Intelligent Technology Co’LTD, Xi’an 710075, China)

Monitoring processes of runoff and sediment are the foundation of the dynamic assessment of soil erosion. Runoff volume and sediment concentration are 2 important hydrodynamic parameters to forecast slope runoff variation, reveal soil erosion mechanism and find out movement rule of soil in the field. However, the equipment which can be used widely to monitor precisely the runoff volume and sediment concentration at the same time is lacking. In view of the inaccuracy or the lack of equipment for automatic monitoring of runoff and sediment processes, real-time and automatic measuring equipment with high precision was explored in this study. The equipment could be applied to multi-scenario, including runoff plot and watershed. In our study, firstly, through the integration of signal sensing and automatic control technology, physical characteristics driving the operation of the equipment were extracted and converted into TT&C signals to automatically monitor runoff and sediment yield processes. On the one hand, continuous flow of runoff and sediment was discretized by optimizing the design of equipment overall structure and the functional unit. On the other hand, optical material of sampling device was used and the most reasonable shape and surface treatment of sampling device was designed, to reduce the influences of sediment adhesion and deposition on the accuracy and precision of measurement. Finally, based on “internet+”framework, a cloud station/data management platform was established, including station management, data integration, calculation and analysis, and application service. The equipment was able to get the values of runoff volume and sediment concentration synchronously, which overcame the limitation of tradition method. Furthermore, the reliability and applicability of the equipment were validated by the simulation experiment, and the results showed that the relative error of sediment concentration was averaged as 3.67%. Specifically, the relative error was averaged as 7.00%, when the sediment concentration was less than10 kg/m3, and when the sediment concentration varied from 20 to 90 kg/m3and from 100 to 300 kg/m3, the averaged relative errors were 3.10% and 2.61% respectively. The relative error greater than 10% accounted for only 3.70% of the total samples, while the relative error of the remaining 96.3% was less than 10%. The results also showed that the slope of linear regression between measured and actual sediment concentration was close to 1, and the coefficient of determination was up to 0.997. The research demonstrates that the equipment can detect precisely the dynamic processes of runoff volume and sediment concentration. We also monitored the dynamic process of runoff volume and sediment concentration through soil bin simulation experiment, and found that runoff volume varied from 19 to 127 L/s, with an average of 75.5 L/s, sediment concentration ranged from 4.6 to 275.1 kg/m3, and sediment concentration in the single rainfall was, on average, 88.6 kg/m3. The finding demonstrates that the equipment is capable of monitoring the large variation of runoff and sediment concentration, and can be used to complex field observations, and therefore, the self-designed equipment for auto-sampling water from runoff has a good prospect. This research can provide new techniques and methods for water and soil loss study, and promote the automation and informatization in water and soil loss monitoring.

soils; erosion; runoff; sediment concentration; automatic monitoring


S157; TP216






展小云,女,博士,主要从事水土流失过程与水土保持研究。杨凌 西北农林科技大学黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,712100。

※通信作者:赵军,男,高级工程师,主要从事科研信息化与装备研究。杨凌 西北农林科技大学黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,712100。


0.6 H 层含沙量与垂线平均含沙量代表性探讨