

中国现代医生 2017年20期


[摘要] 目的 探討全麻联合硬膜外麻醉用于老年腹部外科手术患者中的麻醉效果。 方法 选取我院2015年1月~2017年1月期间收治的老年腹部外科手术患者84例,按照随机数字表法分为联合组42例与对照组42例。对照组采用全身麻醉,联合组在对照组基础上联合硬膜外麻醉。比较两组的麻醉效果、两组患者麻醉前及插管时、手术开始时、拔管时的SBP、HR的变化情况,以及两组患者的术后清醒时间、清醒程度评分。 结果 联合组的麻醉优良率95.2%,显著高于对照组的71.4%,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。联合组与对照组麻醉前的HR、SBP比较无统计学差异,但联合组插管时、手术开始时、拨管时的SBP水平均显著低于麻醉前,且显著低于对照组,而对照组仅手术开始时SBP较其他时点显著降低,但插管时、手术开始时、拔管时的SBP始终高于联合组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。联合组插管时、手术开始时的HR显著低于麻醉前及拔管时及对照组,对照组仅拔管时HR降低,联合组插管时、手术开始时、拨管时的HR明显高于对照组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。联合组患者术后清醒时间快于对照组、清醒程度评分低于对照组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 全麻联合硬膜外麻醉用于老年腹部外科手术能获得较好的麻醉效果,且对老年人循环系统的影响小,使得患者术毕及时清醒和早期拔管,对于提高手术成功率具有重要的临床作用。

[关键词] 老年腹部外科手术;全麻;联合;硬膜外麻醉

[中图分类号] R656 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)20-0101-04

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the anesthetic effect of general anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia in elderly patients undergoing abdominal surgery. Methods 84 elderly patients undergoing abdominal surgery who were admitted to our hospital from January 2015 to January 2017 were selected. According to the random number table method, the patients were divided into the combined group of 42 cases and the control group of 42 cases. The control group was given general anesthesia, and the combined group was combined with epidural anesthesia on the basis of the control group. The anesthesia effect, changes of SBP and HR before anesthesia, upon intubation, at the beginning of the operation, and upon extubation were compared between the two groups, and the postoperative consciousness time and the score of consciousness degree were compared between the two groups. Results The excellent and good rate of anesthesia was 95.2% in the combined group, which was significantly higher than that of 71.4% in the control group. There was statistically significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05). There was no statistically significant differences in HR and SBP between the combined group and the control group before anesthesia, but upon intubation, at the beginning of the operation, and upon extubation, the levels of SBP in the observation group were significantly lower than those before the anesthesia, and were significantly lower than those in the control group. SBP in the control group at the beginning of the surgery only was significantly lower than that at other time points.However,upon intubation, at the beginning of the surgery, and upon extubation, SBP was always higher than that in the combined group, and there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).In the combined group, HR upon intubation and at the beginning of the surgery was significantly lower than that before anesthesia and upon extubation, and that in the control group. HR in the control group was lower only upon extubation. Upon intubation, at the beginning of the surgery, and upon extubation, HR was significantly higher than that in the control group,and there were statistically significant differences between the two groups(P<0.05). The consciousness time in the combined group was faster than that in the control group, and the score of consciousness degree was lower than that in the control group. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups(P<0.05). Conclusion General anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia for elderly abdominal surgery can get a better anesthetic effect,and the impact on the circulatory system for the elderly is small, so that the patients can become consciousness timely and take early extubation, which plays an important clinical effect for improving surgical success rate.

[Key words] Elderly abdominal surgery; General anesthesia; Combination; Epidural anesthesia


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

选取我院2015年1月~2017年1月期间收治的老年腹部外科手术患者84例,按照随机数字表法分为联合组42例与对照组42例。联合组中,男22例、女20例,年龄65~88岁、平均(69.84±11.68)岁,体质量41~82 kg、平均(58.49±11.39)kg;伴有高血压18例、糖尿病22例、冠心病6例。对照组中,男21例、女21例,年龄65~86岁、平均(70.38±12.13)岁,体质量42~83 kg、平均(57.86±12.11)kg;伴有高血压19例、糖尿病21例、冠心病9例。两组患者的性别、年龄及体质量等一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。两组患者的一般资料比较详细见表1。

1.2 纳入标准及排除标准[1]

纳入标准:(1)按照美国麻醉医师协会(American society of anesthesiology,ASA)分级Ⅰ~Ⅲ级;(2)患者年龄65岁及以上;(3)經医院伦理委员会审核且通过批准者;(4)入选患者或家属均对本研究知情同意,并签署知情同意书。排除标准:(1)合并肺癌、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、呼吸道感染及肺结核等;(2)合并肝肾功能不全者;(3)合并凝血功能障碍者。(4)具有精神神经系统疾病史及听力及智力障碍者。

1.3 方法

两组患者术前均予30 min肌内注射苯巴比妥钠0.1 g,阿托品0.5 mg,入室后监测生命体征。对照组采取单纯全麻:咪唑安定 0.05~0.08 mg/kg,异丙酚1~1.5 mg/kg,芬太尼2~3 μg/kg,维库溴铵0.1~0.15 mg/kg,行全麻快诱导气管插管后控制呼吸。麻醉维持期间微量泵输注异丙酚3~4 mg/(kg·h)、维库溴铵3~4 mg/h、安氟醚吸入0.6~1.3 MAC;联合组:在全麻诱导前先行硬膜外穿刺,取 T8~9或 T9~10间隙穿刺并留置导管,向头置管3 cm,并注入2%利多卡因3~4 mL,作为试验剂量,在测定阻滞平面后行全麻诱导气管插管,全麻诱导用药同单纯全麻组。麻醉维持期间,经硬膜外导管每1~1.5小时间断给予0.375%布比卡因5~7 mL,并辅以异丙酚1~2 mg/(kg·h)、维库溴铵2~3 mg/h,吸入安氟醚0.4~0.6 MAC。

1.4 评价指标

1.4.1 麻醉效果[5] 优:麻醉完善,无痛、无不适感,肌肉松弛良好,手术完成顺利,无需任何镇痛药物;良:麻醉欠完善,有轻微疼痛表现,肌肉松弛欠佳,手术过程需辅以小剂量镇静药物来完成;差:麻醉不完善,有明显牵拉痛或腹肌紧张,需采用镇痛药物或改用其他麻醉方法,尚能完成手术。

1.4.2 观察指标 两组患者麻醉前、插管时、手术开始时、拨管时的收缩压(SBP)、心率(HR)的变化情况。

1.4.3 两组患者的术后清醒时间、清醒程度评分 拔管时的清醒程度用警觉-镇静评分(OAAS):1分:轻推轻拍无反应或昏睡;2分:轻推轻拍有反应但目光呆滞言语不能;3分:大声反复呼唤后有反应但目光呆滞言语模糊;4分:清醒但对呼唤反应迟钝,语言限制;5分:完全清醒,呼名反应迅速,语言流畅[6]。

1.5 统计学方法


2 结果

2.1 两组麻醉效果比较


2.2 两组患者麻醉前后的收缩压、心率的变化情况比较


2.3 两组患者术后清醒时间、清醒程度评分比较


3 讨论



