[摘要]目的 探讨冬病夏治穴位敷贴法治疗老年支气管哮喘(BA)的效果。方法 选入2012年6月~2014年4月在我院就诊的老年BA患者50例,按照入院单双号随机分为常规组和敷贴组,每组25例,其中常规组予以常规治疗,敷贴组在常规组基础上采用三伏天穴位敷贴治疗。比较两组的治疗效果。结果 完成治疗1年后,两组患者1 s用力呼气量(FEV1)、FEV1/用力肺活量(FEV1/FVC)和FEV1占预计值百分比(FEV1%)等肺功能指标较治疗前明显增加,而敷贴组增加幅度更大(P<0.05),两组哮喘发作、急诊及住院次数较治理前明显减少(P<0.05),而敷贴组减少程度显著大于常规组(P<0.05)。敷贴组的总有效率显著高于常规组(68.0% vs. 12.0%,P<0.05)。结论 冬病夏治穴位敷贴法可有效改善老年BA患者的肺功能,减少发作次数,疗效肯定,且操作方便、简捷,值得推荐。
[中图分类号] R562.2+5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2017)07(c)-0095-03
Observation on acupoint sticking therapy of winter diseases in summer treating senile bronchial asthma
SHEN Li-ping OUYANG Hao LU Jiang-ning
Department of Pulmonary Disease,Jiujiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangxi Province,Jiujiang 332000,China
[Abstract]Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of acupoint sticking therapy of winter diseases in summer treating senile bronchial asthma (BA).Methods 50 elderly patients with BA from June 2012 to April 2014 treated in our hospital were selected and they were divided into normal group and acupoint group according to the admission number,and there were 25 cases in each group.The conventional group was treated routine treatment,while the acupoint group was given the canicular days acupoint sticking therapy on the basis of the conventional group.The therapeutic effect between the two groups were compared.Results After 1 year,the pulmonary function index of the two groups of patients with 1 s forced expiratory volume (FEV1),FEV1/ forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) and FEV1 accounted for the percentage of predicted value (FEV1%) increased significantly than before treatment,and the range of increase was greater in acupoint group (P<0.05).The number of asthmatic attack,emergency and hospitalization were significantly lower than before treatment(P<0.05),and the degree of reduction in acupoint group was significantly higher than that of the conventional group (P<0.05).The total effective rate of acupoint group was significantly higher than that in the conventional group (68.0% vs. 12.0%) (P<0.05).Conclusion The application of acupoint sticking therapy can effectively improve the lung function of elderly patients with BA,reduce the number of seizures,the curative effect is affirmative,and the operation is convenient and simple,it is worthy of recommending.
[Key words]Bronchial asthma;Winter disease in summer;Acupoint sticking;Elderly patients
支气管哮喘(bronchial asthma,BA)好发于秋、冬二季,具有迁徙难愈、反复发作的特点,若不及时治疗可引起严重呼吸困难,甚至窒息死亡[1-2]。随着空气污染的加重以及亚健康人群增多,BA的发病率呈上升趋势,已成为严重威胁人们身体健康、影响生活质量的世界性公共卫生问题[3]。目前,糖皮质激素(glucorticoids,GC)是公认的最有效果的BA控制药,分为吸入、口服及静脉用药,其中吸入型糖皮质激素(inhaled corticosteroid,ICS)由于经吸气途径给药,局部抗炎效果好、需要剂量少,并可在很大程度上避免全身用药带来的多种不良反应,成为BA治疗的首选药物[4],但长期使用容易出现声音嘶哑、口腔念珠菌感染等口咽部不良反應以及耐药性问题[5]。冬病夏治穴位敷贴是中医“治未病”思想的具体运用,适用于秋冬春之际容易反复发作或加重的慢性、顽固性疾病,目的在于防病于未然,预防疾病复发[6]。本研究探讨冬病夏治穴位敷贴法治疗老年BA的效果,以期为临床应用提供参考。