The Analysis of Applying CLT in Senior High School in China
【Abstract】The essay mainly formulates how and why CLT can be applied in China from several aspects, by combing with the English textbooks and teaching syllabus. At first, it describes the origin and development of CLT in general. Then, the essay sets about expanding on the definition and characteristics of CLT. More importantly, the essay focuses on some typical principles and applications. Besides, it illustrates the application of activity in English teaching. As a whole, the essay has taken CLT fully into account in the Chinese teaching context. Nevertheless, there still remains much room for the essay to improve and refine.
【Key words】CLT; Applied; Senior High School; in China
1. Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching(CLT)
As foreign language teaching develops vigorously, a wide range of teaching methods have been emerged in the field of education. And it is admitted that CLT has made great contributions to the language teaching around the world. Therefore, to some extent, it is worth thinking about how to apply it in China.
2. Explanation of the Origin and Development of CLT
The origin of CLT can be traced back to 1960s. First of all, Dell Hyme has put forward Communicative Approach, and he underscored that its aim was to enhance the learners communicative competence. Then when CLT came into being gradually, many linguists and teachers have shown enormous interest in it. Meanwhile, with the new turn of teaching reform, CLT will be the heated topic in English teaching. Therefore, some scholars have shared their own perspectives on CLT. In a word, it is good having in-dept exploration for CLT in the course of teaching.
3. The Definition and Characteristics of CLT
By definition, CLT is an accepted paradigm with many interpretations and manifesto, which is characterized with issue of authenticy, acceptability, and adaptability. Then it is significant to learn about the characteristics of CLT. It consists of many typical features. The first one is that CLT suggests a focus on all of the components of communicative competence. The second one is that CLT pays much attention to balancing the relationships of form and function. In the discussion above, we are supposed to have a better understanding of the characteristics of CLT in English teaching.
4. Typical Principles of CLT
It is well known that there are many principles of CLT, and the essay focuses on the typical ones to demonstrate how they represent and are applied in senior high school class.
4.1 The Principle of Learner-Centered Teaching
As we all know, the principle of learner-centered teaching is against the teacher-centered instruction. As for the former, it embraces some specific techniques as follows. The first one is to consider the learners needs, styles and aims. The second one is to give students certain control, just like the teamwork. According to these techniques above, the teacher should invest much energy and time to design a wide range of communicative activities. As to the teacher roles, they are like guide to observe the students activities including the dialogue, role plays. We are aware that more English teachers are attempting to draw out various activities closely related to the real life.
4.2 Scientific Design of Class Activity
It is admitted that teaching activity has been playing a central role in CLT class. First of all, designing activity must be rationale with specific goals which should derive from the students real-life. The ultimate goal is to lead the students to engage in the activity for improving their communicative competence. According to context, the teacher has combined the contents of First Aids to design a variety of activities. In short, the task for the teacher is to motivate students to learn during the activity.
5. Conclusion
To sum up, the paper mostly illustrates how and why CLT should be applied in China as follows. First and foremost, it demonstrates the origin and development of CLT. Then, the author manages to display the definition and characteristics of CLT. Furthermore, the essay analyzes some teaching principles, and the scientific activities by combing with the English book in senior high school.
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