

城市轨道交通研究 2017年6期

张云程 吴积钦 关金发 高曙光

(1.中交机电工程局有限公司,430060,武汉; 2.西南交通大学电气工程学院,610031,成都∥第一作者,助理工程师)



(1.中交机电工程局有限公司,430060,武汉; 2.西南交通大学电气工程学院,610031,成都∥第一作者,助理工程师)


轨道交通; 牵引供电; 接触网; 支持装置

First-author′s address CCCC Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Co.,Ltd., 430060,Wuhan,China



1 影响接触网支持装置安装及调整的因素

(1) 侧面限界。侧面限界是指线路轨道中心到接触网支柱或吊柱靠线路侧面的水平距离。限界的大小必须符合设计和验收规范要求。限界过小会造成接触网腕臂支持定位侵限,影响行车安全,必须对支持装置进行调整。

(2) 轨面净空高度。在桥、隧等特殊区段,电气化铁路钢轨轨面到上方建筑物下表面最低点的垂直距离称为轨面净空高度。接触网必须与建筑物保持足够的距离,以满足电气绝缘的要求。轨面净空高度直接关系到接触网导高的调整,制约接触线的导高。

2 小限界、低净空接触网支持装置的安装调整措施


2.1 改变支持结构










注:350 mm为定位器开口高度

图 1 支持结构示意图

常用的腕臂定位器长1 250 mm或1 050 mm。小限界、低净空区段通常采用1 050 mm长度定位器。正定位考虑到定位管与腕臂连接部位、腕臂钢管直径和定位支座宽度,K只要大于1 250 mm就能满足定位调整要求。K过小,列车通过时,由于车辆振动,容易发生打弓现象,影响行车安全。

限界由线路状况决定,按现场测量得到。拉出值在不同区段的设计值不同,区间直线段一般为300 mm。高速接触网结构高度一般大于1 400 mm。为简化分析模型,式(1)中CX、a、h设为定值,减小H、增大D就可以增大K值,从而使所选定位器满足调整要求。






图2 K值对应H变化示意图

图3 K值对应D变化关系示意图


图4 武汉天兴洲大桥普速铁路线接触网调速措施(减小H)

腕臂结构的调整,导致接触悬挂结构高度减小。结构高度对受流质量起改善作用,不起决定作用。结构高度减小主要造成跨中最短吊弦长度过短,吊弦越短,发生故障的概率越高。文献[5]5.1.6规定,接触网区间和站场正线最短吊弦长度不宜小于500 mm,隧道内最短吊弦长度不宜小于400 mm。当受现场条件制约,最短吊弦长度不满足要求时,可先采用较短的弹性吊索,最后才选择使用滑动吊弦。

图5 武汉天兴洲大桥普速铁路线接触网调整措施(增大D)


2.2 使用特殊结构部件

(1) 使用特殊定位支座。接触网定位支座有很多类型,其中有一种特型定位支座能增大定位器的调整量,在限界较小、净空较低的情况下一般能满足定位调整要求。该特型定位支座在车站硬横梁吊柱腕臂支持定位使用较多。图6所示为采用特型定位支座的武汉滠口车站接触网。

(2) 选用短型定位器。定位器越短,定位拉出值、导高调整越容易,但定位支座与受电弓中心的距离必须满足使定位支座处于受电弓最大动态包络线范围之外,以防止出现打弓现象。

图6 武汉滠口车站接触网调整措施(采用特型定位支座)

2.3 调整技术参数


土建施工完毕,现场条件无法改变,在不影响列车运行、满足行车安全的条件下,可以适当调整技术参数。在困难条件下定位点可适当调整拉出值、导高参数,从而降低支持装置安装调整的难度。武汉天兴洲过江大桥普客线公铁两用桥区段接触网工程由于站前预留吊柱限界过小(不足2 800 mm)、净空过低(为7 960 mm),为满足支持装置调整要求,接触网拉出值的设计值从敞开段300 mm调整为公路桥下200 mm,导高设计值从6 450 mm调整为6 350 mm。技术参数调整属于让步接收技术方案处理,且必须进过严格安全验算,在工程实践中不应提倡。

3 结语


[1] 于万聚.高速电气化铁路接触网[M].成都:西南交通大学出版社,2003.

[2] 吴积钦.受电弓与接触网系统[M].成都:西南交通大学出版社,2010.

[3] 刘启明.最新电气化铁道接触网规划、设计、施工使用全书[M].北京:中国电力出版社,2004.

[4] 刘永红,周军.接触网-受电弓系统受流质量的评价和分析[J].铁道标准设计,1994(4):45-48.

[5] 中华人民共和国铁道部.铁路电力牵引供电设计规范:TB 10009—2005/J 452—2005[S].北京:中国铁道出版社,2014.

(Continued from Commentary)

Railway Station.The second is to increase the urban traffic burden.Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station’s passenger transport traffic scale is sending 60 million person-time average per year,and 160 000 person-time average per day.That is to say,there are 160 000 person-time who come into the Shanghai urban area from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station or go out of the Shanghai urban area to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station each day.This increases Shanghai’s traffic pressure for no reason.The third is that the advantage of being more convenient by taking high-speed rail trains than by civil aviation could not make a full play.Most of the passengers still have to spend more time on coming and going between the high speed rail station and the destination.The resources of Shanghai Railway Station and Shanghai South Railway Station are not fully utilized.To this end,the following comments and suggestions are put forward.

1.The Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway should be extended to Shanghai Railway Station,and the high-speed rail connecting line from Shanghai Railway Station to Hongqiao Railway Station should be constructed.Shanghai Railway Station should be set up as an arriving and departing station of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway.Shanghai Railway Station was built in 1982.There are 6 two-sided station platforms,1 single side station platform,and totally 14 rail lines,which include 13 arriving and departing rail lines and 1 crane rail line.Before 2006,Shanghai Railway Station was the only passenger transport hub station and passenger transport distribution center in Shanghai.Among the existing rail transit lines,Line 1,Line 3 and Line 4 pass by Shanghai Railway Station,and around which,there are 65 bus lines.Its North Square is adjacent to Shanghai Long-distance Bus Station.Here is the passenger transport distribution center in the north central urban area of Shanghai.In 2010,the Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Railway Line was completed,and Shanghai Railway Station is its arriving and departing station.

2.The Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway Line should be extended to Shanghai South Railway Station,and the high-speed rail connecting line from Shanghai South Railway Station to Hongqiao Railway Station should be constructed.Shanghai South Railway Station should be set up as an arriving and departing station of the Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway Line.Shanghai South Railway Station was built in 2006.There are 6 station platforms,and totally 11 rail lines,which include 10 arriving and departing rail lines and 1 crane rail line.There is Rail Transit Line 1 and Line 3 that pass by Shanghai South Railway Station.And around which,there are 36 bus lines.It is adjacent to Shanghai South Long-distance Bus Station.The Shanghai South Railway Station area is another passenger transport distribution center in the south central urban area of Shanghai.After 2006,it was ever the Shanghai-Hangzhou EMU trains’ arrival and departure station.And now it is only used for serving existing railway lines and suburban railways.

3.The functional partitioning of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station,Shanghai Railway Station and Shanghai South Railway Station should be changed.The current function partitioning of three railway stations is that Hongqiao Railway Station is mainly responsible for high-speed rail transport,while Shanghai Railway Station and Shanghai South Railway Station mainly serve for the train beginning with D-word (EMU trains),the train beginning with Z-word (Direct Special Express trains),the train beginning with T-word (Special Express trains),the train beginning with K-word (Express trains) and the general fast-speed trains.It is now suggested that Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station should still be set up as a high-speed rail hub station and its arrival and departure station,and Shanghai Railway Station and Shanghai South Railway Station also serve as a high-speed rail arrival and departure station.The Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity high-speed rail trains,the trains beginning with D-、Z-、T-、and K-word (hereinafter referred to as D-train,Z-train,T-train and K-train,etc.) and the general fast-speed trains should also be properly dispersed to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station and Shanghai South Railway Station,arriving and departing.

At present,in Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station,G-trains and D-trains depart and arrive each for 264 train-time per day.In the Shanghai-Nanjing direction,there are 135 train-time each,and in the Shanghai-Hangzhou direction,there are 129 train-time each.It is envisaged that two-thirds or so of G-trains and D-trains that originally depart and arrive in Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station should be transferred respectively to Shanghai Railway Station or Shanghai South Railway Station to depart and arrive.In Shanghai Railway Station,G-trains of Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity High-speed Railway depart and arrive each for 67 train-time per day.It is envisaged that two-thirds or so of them should be transferred respectively to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station or Shanghai South Railway Station to depart and arrive.After such adjustments,the situations of the number of departing and arriving trains every day in the above three railway stations are as followings: In Shanghai Railway Station,G-trains and D-trains depart and arrive each for 95 train-time every day,including 57 train-time in the Shanghai-Nanjing direction and 38 train-time each in the Shanghai-Hangzhou direction.In Shanghai South Railway Station,G-trains and D-trains depart and arrive each for 82 train-time every day,including 47 train-time each in the Shanghai-Nanjing direction and 38 train-time each in the Shanghai-Hangzhou direction.In Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station,G-trains and D-trains depart and arrive each for 238 train-time every day,including 144 train-time each in the Shanghai-Nanjing direction and 94 train-time each in the Shanghai-Hangzhou direction.

If such adjustments could be made,most of the passengers who depart from Shanghai or arrive in Shanghai to take G-trains or D-trains could choose one station in Shanghai Railway Station,Shanghai South Railway Station and Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to travel.This would bring great convenience to most passengers,would be conducive to easing the traffic pressure in Shanghai inner city,also would be conducive to better bringing the high-speed rail advantage into a full play and making full play of Shanghai Railway Station and Shanghai South Railway Station.Of course,the above adjustments are just initial and slight ideas,only reflecting the general intention.The specific programs are still needed to make in-depth studies.

(Translated by SUN Zheng)

Installation and Adjustment of Overhead Contact Line Support Device in Special Section

ZHANG Yuncheng, WU Jiqin, GUAN Jinfa, GAO Shuguang

Combined with the traction power overhead contact line installation on the highway/railway dual bridge in Wuhan City,factors in special sections like the small limit and low clearance of the overhead contact line are analyzed,solutions are put forward to ensure the satisfactory installation of support device and adjustment.Practical engineering proves that changes of the supporting mode in special sections and proper adjustment of the technical parameters in the installation of overhead contact line support device in special section are feasible.

rail transit; traction power supply; catenary; support device




