沈林, 周红玲
(黄淮学院数学科学系,河南 驻马店463000)
沈林, 周红玲*
(黄淮学院数学科学系,河南 驻马店463000)
讨论了开放环境中一类具有固定脉冲时刻的反应扩散系统的传播速度和行波解。在空间分布均匀条件下, 给出了正常数解存在和稳定的条件。得到了脉冲反应扩散系统传播速度的具体表达形式,当满足一定条件时,传播速度大于零,该速度也是系统存在行波解的最小速度。以水流速度为参数对系统进行了数值模拟,结果表明通过控制扩散系数、水流速度、离散和连续时间的死亡率和出生率,可实现生物种群的传播和持久生存。
脉冲反应扩散系统; 传播速度; 行波
现阶段,生物种群的传播和持久生存备受研究者的青睐,大多数研究者在假设生物种群的扩散、出生和死亡连续地依赖于时间和空间的前提下,利用反应扩散方程进行建模,并成功地模拟了部分生物种群在开放环境中的传播和持久生存。但是,大多数鱼类和小型昆虫的繁衍是与季节息息相关的,而且这些生物的繁衍阶段与生长阶段相比是极短的[1-2],因此, 单纯利用反应扩散方程不能很好地描述生物的繁衍。针对生物种群离散的出生率,Lewis 等[3]建立了如下脉冲反应扩散系统
1 开放环境中脉冲ODE系统
2 开放环境中脉冲PDE系统
通过验证可知Nn+1(x)=Q[Nn(x)]满足H1 ~ H5 。
H1:当Nn(x)∈[0,β]时,Nn+1(x)=Q[Nn(x)]∈[0,β] 。
所以,Ty{Q[Nn(x)]}=Q{Ty[Nn(x)]} 。
3 数值模拟
表1 参数取值
图1 当q=0.5时,行波解的数值模拟Fig.1 A numerical approximation to traveling waves with q=0.5
图2 当q=1时,行波解的数值模拟Fig.2 A numerical approximation to traveling waves with q=1
图3 当q=3.3时,行波解的数值模拟Fig.3 A numerical approximation to traveling waves with q=3.3
图4 当q=10时,行波解的数值模拟Fig.4 A numerical approximation to traveling waves with q=10
4 结论
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Traveling waves and spreading speed to impulsive reaction-diffusion models
SHEN Lin, ZHOU Hong-ling*
(Department of Mathematics, Huanghuai University, Zhumadian 463000,China)
∶In this paper, an impulsive reaction-diffusion model with fixed moments of impulses in an unbounded domain was proposed, and the existence of spreading speed and traveling wave solutions for the model were established. First, the existence and the stability of the positive constant solutions were proved in ODE system. Second, the explicit formula of spreading speed to impulsive reaction-diffusion model was given. When certain conditions were satisfied, the spreading speed was greater than zero, which was the minimum speed of the traveling wave solutions. Finally, the numerical simulation of the system was carried out with the velocity of the water flow. The results reveal that the spread and persistence dynamics of the biotic population can be realized through the control of diffusion coefficient, flow velocity, mortality and birthrate corresponding to discrete time and continuous time respectively.
∶impulsive reaction-diffusion models; spreading speed; traveling waves
沈林(1983—), 男, 讲师, 研究方向为偏微分方程及其可视化。