

农业工程学报 2017年5期




(1. 郑州航空工业管理学院土木建筑工程学院,郑州 450015;2. 河南工业大学土木建筑学院,郑州 450001;3. 郑州大学综合设计研究院有限公司,郑州 450002)



0 引 言


为此本文采用试验和数值方法结合的手段,对筒仓模型进行装卸料试验和数值模拟。研究对象为有机玻璃筒仓模型,通过试验测试得到了物料对仓壁的静、动态侧压力,尤其提出一种动态卸料过程模拟技术,并通过与试验测试结果进行对比分析, 验证了动态卸料过程模拟技术的合理性,为合理设计筒仓提供数值依据。

1 试验概况

1.1 模型设计

试验时为了观察筒仓内物料(本试验中用的物料为细砂)的流动状态,采用有机玻璃制作模型筒仓仓壁,仓壁高度取实际常用筒仓合理尺寸的1/20,为1.2 m,仓壁内径为0.5 m,壁厚为5 mm。考虑到模型筒仓离地面有一个高度方便卸料,以及便于与地面固定模拟筒仓基础,设置钢材支架支撑模型筒仓。仓壁下设钢漏斗便于与钢材支架很好的连接,漏斗倾角为30°。模型筒仓及详细尺寸标注如图1所示。

图1 筒仓模型及详细尺寸Fig.1 Silo model and detailed dimensions

1.2 试验仪器及物料性质

试验中用压力传感器直接测试得到筒仓仓壁的动态侧压力,图1b筒仓截面左侧仓壁上的实心矩形即为压力传感器的所在位置,布设C1~C15共15个压力传感器,距仓壁底部1/3高度范围所布设传感器较密,间距为50 mm,剩余2/3仓壁高度范围所布设压力传感器较稀疏,间距为100 mm。采用DHDAS-5920动态信号采集分析系统进行数据采集和分析。

试验用物料为福建平潭标准砂,总用量大约0.25 t。标准砂的颗粒密度为2.643 g/cm3,相对密实度为0.51,重力密度为17.4 kN/m3,最大和最小干密度分别为1.74 g/cm3和1.43 g/cm3,最大和最小孔隙比分别为0.848和0.519,粒径不均匀系数为1.542,曲率系数为1.104。筒仓的水力半径取0.125 m,砂与仓壁的摩擦因数取0.43。标准砂的颗粒级配列于表1中。

表1 标准砂的颗粒级配Table1 Grain composition of standard sand

对于标准砂的内摩擦角采用电动四联等应变直剪仪进行现场测定,测试所得数据列于表2中。通过对测试数据进行线性拟合,得到直线方程为y=1.656 2x+1.066 6,由此可得标准砂的内摩擦角约为31.1°。

表2 标准砂的剪切试验数据Table2 Shear test data of standard sand

1.3 试验测试及结果



图2 筒仓卸料Fig.2 Discharging of sand

图3 测点C1~C15的动态侧压力变化曲线Fig.3 Dynamic wall pressure curves of C1-C15

表3 动态和静态压力试验值变化Table3 Experiment values change of dynamic and static pressures

由表3可以得知,除了仓壁与漏斗交接处的测点C1动态侧压力小于静态侧压力外,其余测点的动态侧压力均大于静态侧压力,而且最大超压系数出现在距仓壁底部高度为0.15 m的测点C4处,达到1.78,其次较大的超压系数为1.73,距仓壁底部高度为0.65 m的测点C11处。从侧压力增大幅度也可以看出,此超压系数较大两测点的压力增大超过了70%。由此说明此类筒仓的超压较大位置可能出现在邻近仓壁底部某一高度处及邻近仓壁的中部位置。

2 数值模拟

2.1 数值分析模型及材料参数


图4 筒仓有限元模型及网格剖分Fig.4 Finite element model and mesh generation of silo

计算时有机玻璃筒仓的弹性模量取3 000 MPa,泊松比取0.3,重力密度取10 kN/m3。标准砂的弹性模量取为0.2 MPa,泊松比为0.4,并将标准砂考虑为塑性材料,选用子午线为线性的Druker-Prager模型模拟标准砂,标准砂的材料参数取值列于表4中。

表4 标准砂的材料参数取值Table4 Material parameters of standard sand

2.2 动态卸料模拟技术及数值结果



图5 简仓卸料不同时刻物料单元的网格变形及应力分布Fig.5 Mesh deformation and stress distribution during discharging of silo

3 静态和动态侧压力理论计算公式




Ch为深仓贮料水平压力修正系数,根据《钢筋混凝土筒仓设计规范》(GB50077-2003)表4.2.5计算,测点距仓壁底部的深度h为0~0.8 m时Ch=2,h=0.85时Ch=1.875,h=0.95时Ch=1.625,h=1.05时Ch=1.375;γ为贮料的重力密度,kN/m³;ρ为筒仓水平净截面的水力半径,m;μ为贮料与仓壁的摩擦系数;k为侧压力系数;s为贮料顶面或贮料锥体重心至所计算截面的距离,m;φ为贮料的内摩擦角,(°)。

4 结果分析

采用ABAQUS有限元软件对筒仓进行静态和动态侧压力模拟后,得到了仓壁不同深度测点的静态和动态侧压力值,将其描绘成曲线,如图6所示,并将按公式(1)~(4)计算的各测点侧压力值一同描绘于图6中以作比较。可以看出,静态侧压力计算值和模拟值比较吻合,相对误差绝对值在0.43%~9.92%之间,在0~0.2 m高度处,模拟值大于计算值,其他位置模拟值小于计算值;动态侧压力的模拟值与计算值吻合较好,相对误差绝对值在1.14%~9.65%之间,除测点C14和C15以外,模拟值均小于计算值。总的来说,各测点模拟曲线与计算曲线相对误差绝对值均小于10%,在合理范围,可以参见同领域相关文献[31-32]的误差范围,由此可见所选取的立筒仓有限元模型和动态卸料模拟技术是可行的。计算和模拟得到的仓壁各测点动态侧压力均明显大于静态侧压力,而且越接近仓壁下部,动态侧压力值比静态侧压力大的愈多,即超压系数愈大,当到邻近漏斗附近时超压系数达到某一较大值,随后超压减小,此侧压力变化趋势与实验测试结果是相同的。

图6 静态和动态侧压力模拟值和计算值曲线Fig.6 Static and dynamic wall pressure curve of numerical and calculated values


图7 侧压力模拟值和试验值曲线Fig.7 Wall pressure curves of numerical and experimental values





5 结 论





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Simulation and experimental validation of silo wall pressure during discharging

Zhang Daying1, Xu Qikeng2, Wang Shuming3, Liang Xingpei2
(1. School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou 450015, China; 2. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 3. Zhengzhou University Multi-functional Design and Research Academy Co.. Ltd., Zhengzhou 450002, China)

Wall pressure especially dynamic wall pressure of the single silo is crucial for the silo design. Therefore, it’s necessary to obtain static and dynamic wall pressures, as well as their change regularity along the silo wall. In view of this, 2 techniques were mainly used in this study containing experimental method and simulation technique in order to solve the aforementioned problem. Apparently, it is difficult and intractable to study and discuss wall pressures of the silo during discharging. Nevertheless, it is direct and efficient to carry out experiment on this issue, so we carried out this test in Structure Laboratory of Henan University of Technology. In this experiment, the test object was a miniature silo model of organic glass due to its transparency to materials. We could clearly observe flow patterns of materials inside the silo. The silo model was full of standard sand, and sensors were pasted on the internal surface of the silo wall to record test data. The static wall pressure was tested after the silo model was filled up, and the dynamic wall pressure was tested during discharging. In order to obtain accurate experimental results, tests with many times had been done. On the other hand, for mutual authentication, ABAQUS software was employed to simulate the flow of material during discharging. The finite element model (FEM) was two-dimensional (2D) model with a rigid line representing the silo wall and a plane representing the material. In this process, surface-to-surface contact was used, and the silo wall and the material boundary were set to the target and contact element respectively. What was more, adaptive mesh subdivision technology was very important, for time duration of material discharging was directly affected, and it lasted 0.25 s in the process. In addition, some phenomena appeared in Mises stress cloud charts. The larger the Mises stress changed from the silo wall to the hopper wall, the larger the stress area on the hopper wall increased over time. Moreover, in order to verify the experimental and numerical results, theoretical formulae in Chinese code were used to calculate static and dynamic wall pressures, and it was verified that the calculated values were large influenced by the wall pressure coefficient. After that, experimental results, simulation results and theoretical values were also obtained and compared with each other. It was shown that dynamic pressures were bigger than the static ones; the maximum overpressure coefficient reached 1.78 at 0.15 m, the second larger overpressure coefficient reached 1.73 at 0.65 m, and thus the dynamic pressures increased by over 70% compared with the static pressures for the 2 measure points. About the other measure points, the overpressure coefficient was less than 1.45, and the minimum was 0.99. The other comparative results showed that the difference between simulated values and theoretical values of the silo wall pressure was small. To some extent, it was more or less different between experimental values and simulated values due to sensor accuracy and calibration test errors, but the variation tendency of static wall pressure was almost the same; in addition the dynamic pressure was affected larger than the static pressure by the above factors, and therefore the experimental curve was a little irregular, while the simulated curve of it was more smooth. And then, some helpful phenomena appeared through data analysis of measure points, for example, dynamic wall pressure amplitude of each measure point was different, and the maximum was next to the hopper; the higher value was nearly in the middle of the silo wall. Through the above analysis, the proposed simulated and experimental method are also feasible to obtain static and dynamic wall pressures of the silo, and the obtained change regularity of pressures along the silo wall is useful for the silo design and further research.

silo; models; finite element method; experimental study on wall pressure; simulation technique during discharging





张大英,许启铿,王树明,梁醒培. 筒仓动态卸料过程侧压力模拟与验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(5):272-278.


Zhang Daying, Xu Qikeng, Wang Shuming, Liang Xingpei. Simulation and experimental validation of silo wall pressure during discharging[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(5): 272-278. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.039




张大英,女(汉族),山东淄博人,讲师,博士,主要从事粮仓结构动力问题计算、测试与分析。郑州 郑州航空工业管理学院土木建筑工程学院, 450015。

