GMOs Controversy


校园英语·中旬 2017年4期


【Abstract】Food insecurity is a major problem, which is affecting people locally and globally. Among the strategies recommended in addressing the problem is the use of genetically modified foods. These GMOs are suggested as a means of increasing food production as well as addressing the issue of food insecurity. However, the proposal of using GMOs is a recommended strategy that has resulted in a major controversy amongst policy makers, experts, and even scholars.

【Key words】Food insecurity; people; GMOs

The fast development of biotechnology has made it possible for precise modifications of food materials, thus enhancing their productivity and yield as well as achieving the desired characteristics. The initiative has led to the production of genetically modified organisms and their availability in the food market.

Despite the fact that the local communities might benefit from GMOs, the negative effects on human health and the environment are a major problem that should be considered (Clancy and Clancy 280). The kinds of possible hazards that are posed by these products tend to vary based on the kind of organism that is utilized for the modification and the intended use. Lantz suggests that genetic engineering entails use of pesticides, chemicals, and a kind of monoculture farming that is toxic to human and to the environment (114). Plants that are naturally produced may as well yield toxins, but at levels that are not harmful to cause negative health effects. However, the production of GMOs has been surrounded by concerns that the levels of toxins that are produced could be dangerous.

The use of these kinds of industrial methods in the production of food has proven to be a major catalytic in the emission of greenhouse gases which have resulted in the related issue of climate change. In addition to this effect, GMOs and the related use of herbicides in the production of these crops can cause harm to birds, amphibians, insects, marine ecosystems, as well as soil organisms.

Regardless of the negative effects, GMOs have great potential in addressing the issues of food security in the world. Evidently, there is an increase in the production of genetically modified foods globally, an indication of this potential (see Appendix 1). The genetically modified organism can host species with new characteristics, which could not be possible with the traditional breeding. There are major benefits of producing such crops with the desirable properties among them being resistance to crop diseases and higher yields.

The fact that there have been successful productions of GMOs since the 1970s has allowed for successful testing of these crops, an initiative which shows that the technology can be applied successfully to save the world from the problem of food insecurity. Hemphill and Banerjee provide evidence of the potential that lies in the production of genetically modified crops (442). There are also millions of hectares of commercial cultivation of such crops, which reveals the success of these foods. Local communities affected by the food security issues could greatly benefit from foods that produce more yields and take shorter periods to mature compared to those foods that are produced naturally.


It is evident that many local communities face the problem of food security. However, the adoption of GMOs technology would not be without serious effects on humans, the environment, and the general biodiversity. Probably, the foods should be made available to the market and allow the consumers to make a decision on whether to buy them or not. However, such as a question brings about the aspect of the law as required to protect the health of the consumers. Necessity of respecting the autonomy of the consumers is prima facie, and there are other requirements that are higher than this aspect. Besides the autonomy of the consumers, there are other factors to consider, including environmental values, the well-being of the consumers, and the decisions made by the retailers, farmers, and other stakeholders. In essence, it means that the choices of the consumers are not the only factors that should be put into consideration about the production and availability of GMOs on the market.

作者簡介:冯隽皓(1994-),男, 江苏泰州人, 学士, 武汉东湖学院经济学院金融学专业2013级本科生,研究方向:金融学。

