

风景园林 2017年1期

In Situ景观与城市规划设计公司

In Situ paysages et urbanisme


Rochetaillée-sur-Saône, France

In Situ景观与城市规划设计公司

In Situ paysages et urbanisme

1 项目规划。场地包含了4个序列:小道,绿色沙滩,“咖啡馆”以及河岸区Projet blueprint. The site in 4 sequences: towpath, the green beach, the 'guinguettes' and the riperian area.

在法国里昂的北部,洛什塔耶(Rochetaillée)是片与众不同的区域,它沿着索恩河的左岸绵延2km。这个向内的河岸能够免受河水水流的冲刷,并且具有面向金山山脉(Monts d'Or)的开敞视野,形成一条蜿蜒的曲线沿河伸展,其上串连着卵石河滩与沙滩。20世纪初,这里有露天咖啡馆与舞场,是里昂的工人阶级最爱的沙滩。然而,这样的传统仅维持了几年,车辆开始占用大量空间,道路隔断了河流与村庄的联系,路面外扩建了许多停车场。





沿河路径上还安置了几个艺术装置:朗(Lang)和鲍曼(Baumann)的通向未知的楼梯,任蒂尔(Gentil Garçon)的陨石,川俣(Kawamata)的休憩小屋和福斯蒂诺(Faustino)的两面大镜子。每一个作品都在景观中创造了独特的视角。这一全球性的艺术路径展览,名为“河流电影”,与其他7个系列一同在索恩河畔进行展览。


2 设计效果图 1Perspective 1

3 设计效果图 2Perspective 2

4 设计效果图 3Perspective 3





委托人:Grand Lyon

设计团队:In Situ景观与城市规划设计公司

合作团队:Sinbio, ICC, OGI(工程)

Les Eclairagistes Associés(灯光设计)

图片提供:In Situ景观与城市规划设计公司



5 改造前后对比 1Comparison before and after reconstruction 1

6 改造前后对比 2Comparison before and after reconstruction 2

7 改造前后对比 3Comparison before and after reconstruction 3

8 改造前后对比 4Comparison before and after reconstruction 4

9 改造前后对比 5Comparison before and after reconstruction 5

10 改造前后的“咖啡馆”序列The 'guinguettes' sequence before and after

11 卡瓦玛塔的艺术作品Work of art by Tadashi Kawamata

12 堤岸景观The view of embankment

North of Lyon, the site of Rochetaillée is exceptional, for it stretches across 2km on the left bank of the Saône River. This internal bank protected from currents, opens onto a view of the Monts d'Or and sketches a long, convex curve, punctuated by pebble and sandy beaches. In the beginning of the 20thcentury, it was Lyon's favorite working class beach, with its open-air cafés and dance halls. The tradition lasted for years, but cars have since confiscated lots of space: the departmental road severed connections with the village, and off-road parking was extended.

The project of the Saône riverbanks encompasses the river from the town Rochetaillée to its greater neighbour, Lyon. In the sequence of the project for which our team was selected, the shores are the widest and the orientation is West-South-West rather than North-South as is the case further down the river.

The design is extremely simple. We have mainly worked on earthworks in order to strengthen the ood-damaged banks and to reveal a broad prairie, a green beach for the Saône.

The major challenge of this project was to reveal the presence of the old dike and to reestablish the continuity of a gentle promenadeon the haul road. Traffic circulation was reduced and calmed in order to preserve a path shared by pedestrians and cyclists. The weakened banks were shored up by a brilliant use of vegetation. Cross-sectional views of the landscape, the village and the chateau were re-established. The central space was reconfigured to form the large siesta meadow that gently descends to the river. This riparian meadow can also host concerts and various open-air shows. Lounge chairs are formed using grassy taluses and large tables await picnickers.

13 绿色沙滩上的躺椅Lounge benches on the green beach

A progression of scenes unfolds along the banks and forms a sort of cinematic tracking shot: haul road, playground, beaches and meadows, meanders of the river, beach paths, dance halls and fishing piers.

The route is marked with several artistic installations: the stairs to nowhere of Lang and Baumann, the meteorite of Gentil Garçon, the perched hut of Kawamata, and the two large mirrors of Faustino. Each of these works creates a unique perspective on the landscape. This global artistic route, called the "river movie", unfolds over seven othersequences of the Rives de Saône.

14 朗和鲍曼的艺术作品Work of art by Lang & Bauman

Period of design :2011

Period of implementation:2012-2013

Area :6 hm2

Cost :7 million €

Client :Grand Lyon

Designers:In Situ paysages et urbanisme

Partners:Sinbio, ICC, OGI (engineers), Les Eclairagistes Associés (lighting designers)

Photo Credits:IN SITU Jalbert et Associés

Translator:CHEN Yu-xi

Proofreader:WANG Xi-yue


Be a Helper in the Meow Cafe猫咪咖啡馆的小帮手