

风景园林 2017年1期

Group Superpositions事务所

Group Superpositions


Designing a Garden along the River Aire

Group Superpositions事务所

Group Superpositions

1 俯瞰河流与运河General view of the river and the canal

2 概念设计方案:现存的运河和新的河流Conceptual scheme : the existing canal and the new river

3 河流形态演变的研究Study of the evolution of the river morphology






4 总体规划General plan

5 水景细部River detail





6 运河边的水生花园Water gardens in the canal

7 河流的流动轨迹模式The launching pattern of the river

8 运河边的花园Gardens in the canal










9 运河边的花园Gardens in the canal

10 水景细部River detail




11 内部河堤Dikes interior





团队:Group Superpositions

图片提供:图1、7、13©Fabio Chironi;图2~6、10、11、14、16©Group Superpositions;图8、9、12、15©Jacques Berthet



The River Aire flows South of Geneva through valleys historically devoted to farming. From late 19thcentury to the 1940s the river was progressively canalized to control flooding. In 2001, the State of Geneva opened a restricted competition to return the river to a more natural form. In fact, the general implicit idea of the competition program was really to restore the river to its original shape and settings, by destroying the canal and redirecting the flows into the former meanders. The main justification for this undeclared demand was the aversion for the unnatural straight line of the canal. It represented a kind of return, based on the well anchored conviction that it is necessary and possible to go back to a state of pure Nature. A search for a lost paradise was, in fact, the narrative behind all this.

Refusing this suggested solution, we instead proposed a plan which combined the existing canal, transformed, with a vast, new, parallel divagation space for the river. In the process the canal becomes the pointer (indication) for the transformations, a reference line giving the visitor a possibility to understand, to feel the before and after. A becoming which superimposes both situations.

We won the competition with the assertion that any project shifts the given situations, and is not a return to the former so called historical,original state of the things.

In the 1980s this design attitude was seriously experimented at the School of Architecture at the University of Geneva, under the illuminating influences of André Corboz and Bernardo Secchi. At the beginning possible applications of painting restoration methods were tested on architectural designs. Then, enlarged and applied to the whole territory, it progressively gave birth to what Elissa Rosenberg named a topographical imagination, where the description of situations and the proposed transformations were carefully thought out and controlled. This approach became the basis on which selected points of radical modifications or intensifications were chosen. In this patient examination of the context of the interventions, historical documents, plans and images were taken into consideration as well as the existing on site observations and measurements.

12 运河边的花园Gardens in the canal

Tested first at the Lancy garden, with the footbridge/tunnel (in the watershed of the Aire river), the design proposals evoke and contain both the given situation and the proposed shift. In other words, the solution doesn't erase the problem, but the superimposition of the given and the transformed makes the displacements more apparent. In Lancy, the complex tunnel/ bridge device functions like a long threshold, penetrating the embankment (tunnel), and crossing the stream (bridge), an evocation of the existing situation before the project was implemented.

Similarly, the aim of the Aire river project is to try to reverse what was implicitly planned in the competition: merely negations–negation of the territory, of its history, of the gradual sedimentation of its formation and transformation through the ages. The design opposes the destruction of all connections between the cultural and architectural traces and the overall morphology of their context.

13 河流全景General view of the river

The official justification for this programmaticinclination was, of course, an ecological one, in which the legitimated necessities of environmental ameliorations submerge all other considerations. A very common new disease nowadays, which implies an opposition between nature and culture.

Our project attempts to propose an alternative path, where the urgent ecological shifts are incorporated into a larger cultural change. The complex organization of the design associates the new river space and a linear series of gardens in the former canal. In reality the whole design becomes one linear garden.

14 运河边的水生花园Water gardens in the canal

Garden understood as one part of the trilogy of the three natures, as recalled by John Dixunt Hunt. Garden as place of questioning as much as pleasure. Facing the whole watershed, the original morphology of the mountains and the traces of the human modifications, this long rivergarden organises the situations, views, confrontations, presences, and materials, aiming at introducing into this fragile and precious territory questions, worries, hopes. The necessary calm and interiority, without which there is no real garden, yields organized sequences of differenciated places and paths allowing a reasonable distribution of people and movments.

The footprint of the canal is a key device for building this interiority. A permanent trace, which limits and frames a succession of situations, introducing a complex temporality, both past and future, memory and desire. (In 1998, we tried to reveal the traces of the site and its events in the design of the Bijlmer memorial, in Amsterdam. After the crash of an airplane into a housing complex, we kept the footprint of the destroyed building -this trace as both an evocation and a new hope, something which has disappeared and yet still remains). This use of traces, this memory of the places, is a very delicate task to manipulate or use. It must not be understood as a return to the past, but instead the becomings suggested by these encounters.

For that reason a certain number of brutal, shocking situations have been introduced at certain choosen places. To continually renew the attention of the visitors, to impose a new understanding of these places, through a new feeling, an emotional impact.To launch an unvoluntary memory process, the one able to shortcircuit time and space. Such provocations divert expectations, and also wake up deeply covered, forgotten sensations. A concrete slab cantileverd above the water asks you to "come near and hear, smell and touch the flow." An attempt to awake all senses and what a joy, when a young boy kneels and touches the flow and says " river! "

All along the five kilometers of the project, one encounters a great number of constructed interventions and devices that guarantee the control of the river and provide security against the floods for the nearby city center of Geneva.

The necessary multidisciplinary composition of the team in charge has successfullly achieved this goal of security, as well as the full range of the biological and ecological improvements, including a precise and decisive control of the soil quality and an effort to avoid any major displacement of the substrates.

A nearly perfect equilibrium has been achieved between the material excavated for the new riverbed and their reuse for the constructionof the different dams.

As for the design and construction of the riverbed itself, two successive phases of realization have produced two different manners. Obviously "to design a river" is an intriging term, as a river usually loves to design itself freely and perfectly.

Conscious of the useless efforts to design and build a fixed riverbed – an approach often taken by engineers (through scientific calculation) or landscape architects (through pastoral mimetic reflex), we try, in a first phase, to excavate the layer of humus and let the riverflow do its job. And the result was a perfect river design.

15 内部河堤Dikes interior

But, of course the river designs mainly during floods and consequently the process can take, certainly will take time. Impatient, the state environmental department urged us to find a way to get more quickly a more diversified new bed.

Fishing for an answer, we took into consideration the phenomenon of percolation (a liquid passing through a porous material) and wemade drawings and models and finally designed a diamond-shape pattern which opened a complex serie of undetermined channels for the flows.

These channels were excavated along the entire new river space, maintaining a precise control of the longitudinal profiles of the river. The dimensions of these lozenges islands were configured to be able to 'accept' the sizes of the former meanders.

The result is spectacular and suggests the devices of land artists, effecting clearly artificial interventions into a natural situation, thereafter left to the mercy of natural forces of erosion. There is in our project a familiarity with these works and an intersection: we just created a diagram, a launching pattern, whose forms address the play between the river flow and the prepared terrain.

Six months after the opening of the new river space, the results are beyond our most optimistic expectations: the river flows, while displacing diverse materials, gravels, sand and over time the geometrical matrix of lozenges is significantly modified.

We must accept this paradox: the more defined the launching grid given, the river, the more the river will be free to design.


Client:State of Geneva

Completion time:2016

Services:Landscape Architecture

Team of designers :Group Superpositions

Photo Credits:Fig.1/7/13©Fabio Chironi; Fig.2-6/10/11/14/16©Group Superpositions; Fig.8/9/12/15©Jacques Berthet

Translator:SONG Yi

Proofreader:TANG Yu-wei

16 运河边的水生花园Water gardens in the canal

