

风景园林 2017年1期

著:(澳)陈思清 汪洁琼


Authors: (Australia) CHEN Si-qing, WANG Jie-qiong

Traslator: WANG Nan


著:(澳)陈思清 汪洁琼


Authors: (Australia) CHEN Si-qing, WANG Jie-qiong

Traslator: WANG Nan



1 引言

“景观连通性”这一概念强调的是物种特性与景观结构在决定栖息地斑块内部有机体运动时的互动[1]。人类活动,如农业发展、商业造林、基础设施建设和城镇化等,已导致栖息地破碎化,即原栖息地的丧失、栖息地斑块面积减少或隔离,以及景观连通性的降低[2]。然而,这些关键性的因素并未受到科学研究的重视,许多实际运行的土地开发项目则是号称已为景观连通性的提高做出了努力。实际上,由于缺乏对景观连通性含义的正确理解,这些研究和项目反而可能会减小景观连通性对土地管理和生物多样性保护的潜在效用。根据 Taylor等人(1993)最初的定义,景观连通性是“景观推动或阻碍资源斑块间运动的程度”[3],这一定义强调了景观内部栖息地或土地利用的种类、数量及布局对种群动态及群落结构产生变化的影响。景观连通性应将上述两层含义结合,既包含对景观自然结构的描述(结构连通性),也包含特定物种对该结构的响应(功能连通性),这正是景观连通性原理应用于景观规划及设计实践的理论基础。基于地理信息系统(GIS),本研究对景观连通性进行了量化。通过对美国南部某住宅开发项目的案例研究,本文进一步探索了景观连通性的含义及其在城市规划中的应用。


生物多样性具有多种定义及多重考量标准。它可以被定义为“地球上生命的多样性”[4],也常被认为是“支撑生态系统过程的调节者,最终实现生态系统服务或提供产品”[5]。可以说,生物多样性是最重要的生态系统服务,而生物多样性的保护能够在不同的空间尺度上实现。在全球或区域范围内,2011年通过的《生物多样性公约》确立了爱知生物多样性目标,即为保护和促进全球生物多样性而制定的一系列目标。其中,目标11呼吁要加强17%的陆地面积(不包括南极)的保存及保护,尤其是生物多样性受到威胁的区域更应努力达到这一目标。该面积相当于2 294万km2,约等于加拿大、中国和印度3个国家的面积总和[6]。从大的空间尺度及长期视角谈保护生物多样性固然有其重要意义,但保存及保护措施的具体落实却只能在地区或场地范围内实现。就场地层面来看,生物多样性会受到土地利用方式(如农业发展)的巨大影响[7]。它与4个影响栖息地质量的因素相关:每个威胁的相对影响、每个栖息地对每个威胁的相对敏感度、威胁源与栖息地间的距离、以及该土地利用方式受到法律保护的程度。此外,威胁有时正是人类主导的景观本身,如农田或城市地区[8]。本研究将从栖息地连通性和生物多样性保护入手,对场地层面的设计干预进行调查研究。

1 黑色地带的位置及区域环境,阿拉巴马州黑色地带的传统县及哈德逊农场的位置Location and regional context of the black belt, traditional counties in the Alabama black belt, and location of Hudson farm

2 案例研究的项目场地

2.1 林带




2 哈德逊农场上的灌木树篱、草地、林地栖息地及生物多样性Hedgerow, grassland, and woodland habitat and biodiversity on Hudson Farm

3 场地的高程、坡度、朝向分析Elevation, slope and slope aspect analysis of the site

2.2 地形特征



3 景观连通性

3.1 结构连通性


4 点A至点B的路线数量,体现环密度及自然连通性Number of travelling routes from point A to point B, showing loop density and physical connectivity

5 林带廊道及连通性(a)飞地;(b)飞地间距离;(c)飞地缺失;(d)网络连通性;(e)环及可选路线;(f)交叉影响Hedgerow corridor and connectivity: (a) stepping stone; (b) distance between stepping stone; (c) loss of stepping stone; (d) network connectivity; (e) loops and alternatives; (f) intersection effect

6 哈德逊农场上作为景观基础设施的林带廊道(a)航拍林带廊道与场地边界的叠加;(b)场地内作为生态基础设施的林带廊道及林地斑块Hedgerow corridors as landscape infrastructure on Hudson Farm (a) aerial photo overlaid with site boundary, and (b) hedgerow corridors and woodland patches as ecological infrastructure on site

3.2 功能连通性


宽度和连通性是廊道五大主要功能—栖息地、通道、过滤、源、汇—的主要控制因素[9,22-23]。廊道内缺口对某一物种运动的影响取决于该缺口相对物种运动幅度的长度以及廊道和缺口间的差别。然而,一排飞地(小斑块)在廊道和非廊道之间只具备中等连通性,因此它只能为斑块间的内部物种运动起到中等作用(图5a)。对于高度视觉导向的物种来说,其在飞地之间运动的有效距离则取决于其看到每个连续飞地的视觉能力(图5b)。一个用作其他斑块间运动飞地的小斑块的缺失,通常会抑制运动进而加大斑块隔离(图5c)。而对大斑块间的飞地群进行最优空间布局可以生成备选或冗余路线,同时在大斑块间保持整体的线性导向阵列[30]。许多研究均已证明,这种结构可以促进野生动物的运动[21-22, 24-32]。

3.3 栖息地连通性

哈德逊农场是一个家庭农场,它位于阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利县郊区,占地2 200英亩(译者注:约合8.9km2)。该农场土地曾主要用于牛群放牧和干草收割。场地内的景观要素,如树、洞穴、林带、谷仓和篱笆,构成了蒙哥马利县城乡结合部的独特地标。深入了解和理解场地是做好规划设计的基本要求,而对诸如树、洞穴、林带、谷仓和篱笆这些与众不同的地标进行保护和加强,则能保持该场地独一无二的特点。地产开发的目标是打造一个步行为主、混合使用的紧凑型新社区,并不采取用途单一的传统郊区发展模式。在可持续发展的道路上,应注重打造完整的社区和小镇,而非零星式的郊区发展[33]。


4 景观尺度的连通性量化

4.1 基于GIS的景观指标


con= L / 3 (V-2) (1)


L = 联结的数量;

V = 节点的数量。








4.2 数据输入与模型参数化


表1 FRAGSTATS中使用的连通性指标Tab.1 Connectivity metrics used in FRAGSTATS

7 FRAGSTATS程序参数化界面Parameterization interface of the FRAGSTATS program

4.3 实证研究:哈德逊农场



8 哈德逊农场上已有林带与计划种植林带的连接Existing and proposed hedgerow connection on Hudson Farm

9 用于包含生物多样性及相关生态系统服务的景观规划的尺度思考框架Scale thinking framework for landscape planning considering biodiversity and related ecosystem services

5 结果



6 讨论


表2 哈德逊农场新计划林带种植前后的景观连通性指数对比Tab.2 Comparison of landscape connectivity index before and after proposed hedgerow on Hudson Farm





10 全球迁徙路线。哈德逊农场位于密西西比—美洲迁徙路线上Global migrating flyway. Hudson Farm is located on the Mississippi-Americas flyway

7 结语


除此之外,对于既定地区的整体生态系统服务,需要仔细评估,包括根据不同景观要素或生态系统内不同物种对这些服务加以区分。要完成这项任务,我们迫切需要更为先进的工具。城市、城市的某些组成部分、几个城市作为一个整体,均可视作“新的生态系统”,而在这些生态系统中,生物多样性及其他生态系统服务的价值不应根据其原先情况来判断[44-45],而应根据其在不断进行的生态系统演替过程中生成生态系统服务的潜力来评定。因此,对于景观要素或特定物种对生物多样性、人类健康及生态系统服务产生的利弊,必须理清其优先考虑顺序,进而指导设计干预。无论是设计和生态系统间跨尺度的影响-响应环,还是设计塑造景观以及景观改变设计,相互之间均是不断作用、不断增加且共同进化的。正如罗伯特·帕克(Robert E. Park)在80多年前所表述的:“城市和城市环境,是人类遵循自己心意改造其居住的世界所做出过的最持久、也可说是最成功的尝试。但如果说城市是人类创造的世界,那么它也是人类注定要生活的世界。因此,在未能清晰认识这一创造任务本质的情况下,人类在创造城市的同时其实也间接地改造了自己。[46]”


①图1、3、4、6、8、9为作者自绘;图2为作者拍摄;图5来自: Dramstad 等, 1996;图7来自:FRAGSTATS程序界面;图10来自:联合国环境项目,2006。



感谢哈德森项目团队Chad Adams,Franklin Collins,Carol Collins,Nick Murray,Nick Koncinja,Frost Rollins,Fitz Hudson,Nan Hudson,Jeff Speck等,没有他们的热情帮助本研究就无法实现。特别感谢Jack Williams,Michael Robinson和Charlene LeBleu教授,他们自项目伊始的鼓励与关切一直陪伴着我完成了这项研究。最特别需要感谢的是我们优秀的合作伙伴Joao Xavier。同时还要感谢内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的Richard Sutton教授,无私地分享了他关于林带的研究。本文的早期版本发表于2010年在巴黎召开的国际地理信息系统大会,在此也向当时对此研究提出问题及给出建议的与会学者们表示感谢。

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1 Introduction

The concept of 'landscape connectivity' was introduced to emphasize the interaction between species' attributes and landscape structure in determining movement of organisms among habitat patches[1]. Human activities such as agricultural development, commercial afforestation, infrastructure construction and urbanization have led to habitat fragmentation, namely, loss of the original habitat, reduction in habitat patch size and isolation of habitat patches, and decreasing landscape connectivity[2]. Numerous scientific studies continue to ignore key elements of the original concept while many practical land development projects claim efforts are taken to enhance landscape connectivity. However, without understanding the meaning of landscape connectivity, these studies/projects might actually diminish its potential utility for land management and the conservation of biodiversity. As originally defined by[3], landscape connectivity is 'the degree to which the landscape facilitates or impedes movement among resource patches'. This definition emphasizes that the types, amounts and arrangements of habitat or land use on the landscape influence movement and population dynamics and community structure. However, landscape connectivity should combine twofold of meaning: the description of the physical structure of the landscape (structural connectivity) with special species' response to that structure (functional connectivity), which forms the theoretical background of applying landscape connectivity principles in the practices of landscape planning and design. In this study, a GIS-based approach is used to quantify landscape connectivity. Furthermore, a residential development project in the southern United States was used to explore the meaning of landscape connectivity and its application in town planning.

Ecosystem services have been defined as the benefits that people obtain, either directly or indirectly, from various ecosystems, such as benefits provided by the biodiversity of the nature for humans comprising, for example, food, fiber, climate and regulation, pollination and aesthetic values enhancing well-being of various groups of people[4]. Population growth, urbanization and associated exploitation of natural resources have led to the widespread degradation approximately 60% of the world's ecosystem services[4]. The unsustainable nature of the modern life style and the public perception of ecosystem services must be drastically changed in order to reverse this trend. Thus it is crucial to raise public awareness of the value of ecosystem services and goods, and make them understand how ecosystems function to provide these services. Landscape and urban planning practitioners must also recognise that humans, urban or rural, are only one of the species inhabiting the earth, must abandon their attitude that ecosystem services are taken for granted, and engage in activities to preserve ecosystems in order for them to maintain sustainable provision of ecosystem services.

Biodiversity has many definitions and multiple measures. It can be defined as 'the diversity of life on Earth'[4], and it is always regarded as 'a regulator of underpinning ecosystem processes, as a final ecosystem service and as a good'[5]. Biodiversity is arguably the most important ecosystem services. The conservation of biodiversity can be achieved at different spatial scales. At the global or regional level, the 2011 Convention on Biological Diversity established the Aichi biodiversity targets— a set of goals and targets put in place to protect and promote global biodiversity. Target 11 calls for 17% of terrestrial area (not including Antarctica) to be conserved and protected, specifically those areas where biodiversity is threatened. This equals 22.94 million km2, or an area roughly equal to the size of Canada, China, and India combined[6]. The large scale long term vision for biodiversity conservation is important, but the actions to implement biodiversity conservation or protection can only be achieved at local or site scale. At the site level, biodiversity is significantly influenced by land use, such as agricultural development[7]. It is related to four factors that influence habitat quality: the relative impact of each threat, the relative sensitivity of each habitat to each threat, the distance between the sources of threats and the habitats, and the degree to which the land use is legally protected, and threats are sometimes human-dominated landscapes, such as cropland and urban areas[8].In this study, site level design interventions are investigated in relation to habitat connectivity and biodiversity conservation.

2 Case Study Project Site

2.1 Hedgerow

The vast rural landscape in the southern United States is conspicuously characterized by the hedgerow trees or groves. Hedgerow's primary function in the landscape is to serve as limits, marking boundaries and borders. But hedgerows can also provide products for human in his pursue of food, clothes and shelters, among many other ecosystem services it provides in the rural landscape. The improvement of the visual quality, authenticity of the rural landscape is another important function of hedgerow. Many of the functions of hedgerow can be assessed in the relationship one another[9-13]. However, the most important function of hedgerows in biological conservation is that they are important habitat for wildlife such as bird, mouse, butterfly, etc. Meanwhile, hedgerows functioning as ecological corridors maintain and increase the connectivity of the landscape, maintaining the ecological variability, thus protect and improve the biodiversity of the landscape[14-18].

The patchwork landscape of fields surrounded by high hedgerows is a traditional and familiar feature of the American countryside. Hedgerows are in effect linear strips of trees, groves, or woodlands, which are often critical habitats for wildlife and important for the visual quality of the landscape. The Hudson Farm project was used as the case study to demonstrate how landscape connectivity can be quantified. Hudson Farm is located right on the Black Belt, which is a region of the southeastern U.S. Originally the term describes the prairies and dark soil of central Alabama and northeast Mississippi; however, it has long been used to describe a broad region in the American South characterized by a high percentage of African Americans. It is regarded that the Black Belt covers large areas of Central Georgia, North Florida, Western Mississippi, South Central Alabama, East Central Louisiana, Eastern North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia. Hudson Farm is right located on the black belt, a suburb to the southeast of Montgomery, the capital city of the state of Alabama (Fig. 1). The landscape of Hudson Farm is remarkably characterized by the hedgerow trees or groves. The hedgerows form a series of network of patchwork, creating a landscape of low fields surrounded by high corridors in the form of hedgerow trees and groves.

Hedgerows and woodland are important habitat for wildlife such as bird, bee, mouse, butterfly, etc. (Fig. 2)Meanwhile, the woodland functioning as ecological patch and hedgerows as ecological corridors complement each other in maintaining the diversity of habitat type and connectivity in the landscape. The patch-corridor-matrix formed by hedgerows and woodlands are important to protect and promote biodiversity at the site level in this case. As green infrastructure on site, hedgerow corridors and woodland patches not only give a strong sense of place in the rural landscape but also invite an intimate emotional association with the American countryside[19-20]. Therefore, they must be carefully considered and thoughtfully integrated into the land development project– through ecological landscape planning and innovative urban design strategies.

2.2 Topography

The site was remarkably characterized by a ridgeline that divides the property into several sub-watersheds (Fig. 3). The highest point on the site is located at the lower part of the property, which is 310 feet, and the lowest point of the site is located in the upper part of the property, which is 227 feet. The Hudson farm is a slightly rolling pasture and savannah landscape.

The GIS slope analysis indicates that the site is generally flat, large portion of the land has a maximum slope of 7% (Fig. 3). The slope aspect analysis shows that to below the ridgeline, the site is mostly west- or southwest- facing, while on the upper side of the site, most of the land are north- or northeast- facing (Fig. 3). The slope aspect analysis is for considering the sun pattern, the potential of using solar energy as an alternative energy source.

3 Landscape Connectivity

3.1 Structural Connectivity

Common usage of the term 'connectivity' generally emphasizes the structural aspect, where landscape connectivity is simply equated with linear features of the landscape that promote dispersal, such as physically connected linear corridors. This connectivity allows route from A to B. In a network system (Fig. 4), if there are more alternative routes to travel from A to B, then the network is considered more connected, or it has higher connectivity.

3.2 Functional Connectivity

Physical connectivity is measured by the numbers of loops present in the network. However, in landscape ecology, commonly employed measures of connectivity focus not only on physically connected linear corridor, but also on patch area and how inter-patch distances affect movement in between; i.e. corridors not physically connected, for instance, the stepping stones that can be used by certain species as connected corridor (Fig. 5). This can be called as functional connectivity[21].

Width and connectivity are the primary controls on the five major functions of corridors, i.e., habitat, conduit, filter, source, and sink[9,22-23]. The effect of a gap in corridor on movement of a species depends on length of the gap relative to the scale of species movement, and contrast between the corridor and the gap. However, a row of stepping stones (small patches) is intermediate in connectivity between a corridor and no corridor, and hence intermediate in providing for movement of interior species between patches (Fig. 5a). For highly visually-oriented species, the effective distance for movement between stepping stones is determined by the ability to see each successive stepping stone (Fig. 5b). Loss of one small patch, which functions as a stepping stone for movement between other patches, normally inhibits movement and thereby increases patch isolation (Fig. 5c). The optimal spatial arrangement of a cluster of stepping stones between large patches provides alternate or redundant routes, while maintaining an overall linearly-oriented array between the large patches[30]. This structure facilitates wildlife movements as evidenced by many studies[21-22,24-32].

3.3 Habitat Connectivity

Hudson Farm is a family-owned 2,200 acre property at the suburb of Montgomery, Alabama. The land was used primarily for cattle grazing or hay harvesting. Landscape elements such as trees, hollows, hedgerows, barns, and fences serve as unique landmarks in the Montgomery urban-rural interface. A deep knowledge and understanding of the site will serve as the foundation for planning and design. The preservation and enhancement of distinctive landmarks such as trees, hollows, hedgerows, barns, and fences will maintain the site's unique character. The development of the property is to create a new community with pedestrian-oriented, compact, and mixed-use neighborhoods, in contrast to the single-use conventional suburban development. Creating whole neighborhoods and towns, rather than pockets of suburban development, is a vital step towards creating a sustainable development footprint[33].

On Hudson Farm, hedgerows exist in the landscape in the form of corridor (Fig. 6) and are considered important habitat for biodiversity. Before development, Hudson Farm is used for cattle grazing and hay harvesting. The aerial photography of Hudson Farm area shows the landscape structure of the site (Fig. 6a). Hudson farm is surrounded by large stream corridors and wetlands, which provide critical wildlife habitats for migrating birds and other wildlife. The landscape elements that make Hudson Farm unique are big patches of forests, open fields, corridors in the form of hedgerows, large 'landscape rooms' enclosed by high hedgerows. The hedgerows and tress on the farm enhance the sense of place by providing refreshing long views across the open field dotted or enclosed by high hedgerow trees and groves (Fig. 6b).

4 Quantifiying Connectivity at Landscape Scale

There are various approaches to quantifying landscape connectivity. For example, connectivity (con) is calculated through the a simple equation using numbers of linkages and nodes based on Forman’s urban ecological perspective[9]

con = L / 3 (V-2) (1)


L = number of linkages;

V = number of nodes

However, this approach may be easy to use at a very fine scale where landscape linkages nodes are easily identified. At landscape scale, where the site condition is highly diversified and complicated (e.g. with different forms of connectivity), a new method based on GIS is needed to quantify connectivity.

4.1 GIS-based Landscape Metrics

Many GIS-based landscape metrics are developed by landscape ecologist and scientists and provided for public use[34]. FRAGSTATS is one of these applications designed to compute a wide variety of landscape metrics (including landscape connectivity) for categorical map patterns. This program is developed by the Landscape Ecology Lab at the University of Massachusetts. The original software (version 2) was released in the public domain during 1995 in association with the publication of a USDA Forest Service General Technical Report[5]. This study used the version 3.3 in calculation, which is available for download at the lab's website. FRAGSTATS calculate connectivity based on connectivity metrics (Tab. 1).

For example, the Connectivity Index (con) is calculated as


Cijk= joining between patch j and k (0 = unjoined, 1 = joined) of the same patch type, based on a user-specified threshold distance.

ni= number of patches in the landscape of each patch type i.

In this matrix, connectivity equals the number of functional joining between all patches of the same patch type (sum of Cijkwhere Cijk= 0 if patch j and k are not within the specified distance of each other and Cijk= 1 if patch j and k are within the specified distance), divided by the total number of possible joining between all patches of the same type, multiplied by 100 to convert to a percentage. Therefore the connectivity ranges between 0 and 100. Connectivity = 0 when either the landscape consists of a single patch, or all classes consist of a single patch, or none of the patches in the landscape are connected (i.e., within the userspecified threshold distance of another patch of the same type). Connectivity = 100 when every patch in the landscape is connected[34].

4.2 Input Data and Model Parameterization

The FRAGSTATS spatial pattern analysis program requires GIS data to be prepared in a recognizable file as input to the program to calculate the landscape metrics using FRAGSTATS. The program has to be properly parameterized before it can be run to produce the output statistics (Fig. 7). Details about the FRAGSTATS program, input data preparation, model parameterization, and output data format are available at the program's website.

4.3 Case Study: Hudson Farm

Maintaining networks of corridors is a principle in the design of functional and healthy landscape so as to allow wildlife movement through the landscape and enhance biodiversity. During the master plan making process of the Hudson project, hedgerows are connected, with a continuous tree cover. This concept is generally advocated by many landscape ecologists[35]. This network is superimposed on the ditch network and based on the existing hedgerows. Its spatial arrangement is related to historical factors, such as landlord-worker relationship[36]. Based on this idea, the existing hedgerows are studied (Fig. 8).

To increase connectivity, new hedgerows are proposed to connect the existing hedgerow to create a hedgerow network. The network is meant to be green infrastructure network or ecological infrastructure network which will have both designed functions and ecological functions. Basic ideas are to show why they should be connected and how should they be connected. The left diagram (Fig. 8a) shows the existing hedgerow, the diagram in the middle (Fig. 8b), the red color area, shows the proposed hedgerows. The diagram on the right (Fig. 8c) shows the overlay of existing hedgerow and the proposed hedgerow.

5 Results

Through integrating existing green infrastructure with newly proposed hedgerow corridors, the landscape connectivity has been improved 40% (Tab. 2), according to results from the FRASTATS spatial patter analysis program. The proposed hedgerows are located in existing farm land boundaries, abandoned farm facility sites, and across grazing field to chain up existing remnant trees and groves to form connected hedgerow networks. Therefore the 40% increase of connectivity is achieved without losing much of the core habitat in the form of current large landscape patches. The proposed hedgerows reconnect the broken corridors and increase the overall landscape connectivity dramatically. This indicates the importance of maintaining the intactness of the landscape and its natural vegetation corridor.

The analysis demonstrated that FRAGSTATS can be combined with GIS to calculate connectivity and other parameters at landscape scale. However, the results in Table 2 must be interpreted with caution. For instance, connectivity is measure in 'CONNECT' and 'COHENSION' (Tab. 1-2); even the overall 'CONNCET' as measured use Equation (2) is increased by 40.7%, however, the landscape 'COHENSION’ does not increase as the same magnitude. On the contrary, it decreases slightly[34]. This example illustrates that design interventions can change the ecology of the site; therefore, design intervention must be informed by appropriate evaluation of the consequences following the implementation of the design. This is becoming increasingly easier thanks to the advancement of digital technologies.

6 Discussion

The conservation of biodiversity and related ecosystem services are a global challenge. It needs systematic approaches that work across time and spatial scales. Biodiversity planning requires design capability that addresses these complexities. A scaled system thinking approach is used to further interpret habitat connectivity and biodiversity conservation at global and regional scales[36]. Ecosystem science research has demonstrated the need for multi-scale analysis that takes into consideration the scale and resolution of inputs, and of the processes being evaluated. In landscape planning, scale thinking is to examine interactions in the land systems across site level, local level, regional level, national level, and even global level (Fig. 9). Scale thinking is essential to gain a holistic perspective of the site and its broader context, understand of these very forces that are simultaneously functioning at other scales, and relate these cross-scale functions to gain a holistic view of boarder interrelated landscape processes and their potential influences on the design solution.

Biodiversity and related ecosystem services are important issues that have critical influence on the human sustainability on this planet. This notion must always be kept in mind even when designing at the site scale. The first step in these chained design efforts is to conduct context analysis and broader scales. Hudson Farm is right located on the Mississippi Americas Flyway (Fig.10). The forest patches, hedgerows and wetlands within Hudson Farm should receive careful consideration where development should not eliminate or degrade these habitats but maintain or improve them in order to keep its ecological function in the global flyway[37]. The image serves as strong arguments that the site is ecologically sensitive, not only at the national scale, but also at the global level. With these bigpicture images in mind, it is easily understood why the conservation and integration of hedgerow corridors, woodland patches, and wetland habitats are so important in the site analysis and master planning phases. Landscape connectivity at site level forms augmented connectivity at regional or global scale.

Further analysis at the Alabama state level and local scale also reveals the ecological significance of the site, which requires the design team to exercise integrated decision making in the plan-making process. Sustainable development is only possible when consensus is reached among different groups defending their own interests without neglecting the commonlong-term benefits of biodiversity conservation and preservation.

In this study, a general distance of 30m (a gap below this distance is still considered connected) is used to calculate the connectivity. However, assessing landscape connectivity requires a species-centered approach[38]. A connected structure may serve as a corridor for one species, but a barrier for another. Meanwhile, habitat does not necessarily need to be structurally connected to be functionally connected. Some organisms, by virtue of their gap-crossing abilities, are capable of linking resources across an uninhabitable or partially inhabitable matrix, while other species cannot cross gaps therefore requires higher structure connectivity. Therefore, the study of connectivity requires information on species' movement responses to landscape structure (e.g., movement rates through different landscape elements, dispersal range, mortality during dispersal, boundary interactions, etc.) and how those responses differ as a function of broader-scale influences. Such information is typically quite difficult to obtain, as very limited study is carried out on a species to species basis. Therefore, the assessment of the overall connectivity at landscape scale is but a big-picture overview of the connectivity of different landscape elements present.

Despite numerous studies on ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation, challenges still remain in integrating ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation into landscape planning[39-40]. New innovative design tools that enable real-time assessment of the impact of design intervention are needed so that the strength of ecological sciences and design practices can be combined for designing sustainable community. For example, the integration of biodiversity ecosystem services into ecological restoration offers an opportunity to enhance public support by emphasizing its benefits to human livelihood. The approach of ecological restoration may take form of the regenerative design of a community that had been undergoing a decay process. A harmonious design outcome may be achieved through engaging the public considering both human livelihood and environmental stewardship. The emerging geodesign approach[41-42]and ecowisdom theories[43]provide new insights to these questions.

7 Conclusion Remarks

Connectivity is an important concept in landscape ecology and landscape architecture. Landscape connectivity can be measured in different ways. FRAGSTATS spatial analysis model uses use GIS data as input layers to calculate connectivity along with many other landscape parameters. This is efficient when GIS data are available. Significant difference when comparing the landscape connectivity of the existing site with that of proposed development can be easily used to assess the impact of the modified landscape after proposed development, thus negative impacts on connectivity can be avoid in real urban development projects. Instead, measures can be taken to maintain and improve landscape connectivity during the master plan making process. The impact of this notion is profound considering the nature of the large projects alike aiming at creating new towns or cities. Pre-implementation ecosystem services evaluation can be done to inform design intervention through optimization or selecting the most capable design solution.

In addition, the overall ecosystem services for a given region should be carefully evaluated, including differentiating the services by different landscape components, or different species in the ecosystems. More advanced tools capable of completing this task are highly demanded. The sustainability of city of some components of cities or even some cities as a whole may be viewed as "novel ecosystems" in which the value of biodiversity and other ecosystem services should not be judged by its origins[44-45]but by its potential to produce ecosystem services in the ongoing process of ecosystem succession. Therefore, priorities around whether alandscape component or certain species are producing benefits or harm to biodiversity, human health, and ecosystem services must be organised and used to guide design intervention. The influence-response loop between design and ecosystem across scales, or the interplay between shaping landscape through design and design being shaped by the landscape, is mutual, incremental, and coevolutionary. This is similar to what Robert E. Park said more than 80 years ago: "For the city and the urban environment represent man's most consistent and, on the whole, his most successful attempt to remake the world he lives in more after his heart's desire. But if the city is the world which man created, it is the world in which he is henceforth condemned to live. Thus, indirectly, and without any clear sense of the nature of his task, in making the city man has remade himself"[46].


The author wish to thank the Hudson project team for their kind help that makes this study possible: Chad Adams, Franklin and Carol Collins, Nick Murray, Nick Koncinja, Frost Rollins, Fitz Hudson, Nan Hudson, Jeff Speck, etc. Special thanks go to Professors Jack Williams, Michael Robinson and Charlene LeBleu whose encouraging words from the very beginning of the project have longlasting effects on this work. The most special thanks go to Joao Xavier, thanks very much for being a nice working partner. The author also wishes to thank Professor Richard Sutton in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for sharing with the author his research and publications on hedgerow. An early version of this paper has been presented at the 2012 International Conference in GIS in Paris and the author wish to thank the conference participants who asked questions or offered comments on this study.

Integrating Landscape Connectivity into Town Planning for Biodiversity Ecosystem Service Provision

Biodiversity is one of the most important ecosystem services in the wake of increasing extinction rate of endangered species worldwide. Biodiversity conservation is critical in maintaining the viability of ecosystems at local, regional, and global scales. Landscape connectivity combines a description of the physical structure of the landscape with special species' response to that structure, which forms the theoretical background of applying landscape connectivity principles in landscape planning practices, particularly for these environmentally progressive projects that integrate provision for ecosystem services. In this paper, an eco-town development project in the southeastern United States was used as a case study to explore design considerations that promote landscape connectivity and facilitate biodiversity conservation. Based on geographic information system (GIS) and spatial statistical analysis (FRAGSTATS), this study attempts to quantify the landscape connectivity characterized by woodlands and hedgerows in southeastern United States where substantial areas with natural landscape are being urbanized due to the ever expanding real estate industry and high demand for new residential development. Results suggest that adding new hedgerows to the existing green infrastructure on site can significantly increase landscape connectivity thus improve ecosystem services due to the increase of habitat size and increased connectivity among habitat patches. In conclusion, this study shed lights on how to balance the needs of new urban development and eco-services provision by maintaining a higher level of landscape connectivity, thus will inform the design intervention aimed at achieving not only livability but also sustainability.

landscape architecture; landscape connectivity; ecosystem services; biodiversity conservation; landscape planning







Fund Items: Swppooted by Shanghai Pujiang Program(Grant No. 15PJC092); National Natural Science Foundation (Youth Foundation) (Grant No. 51508391) are acknowledged.

(澳)陈思清/1973年生/男/湖北人/澳大利亚墨尔本大学设计学院高级讲师/博士生导师/澳大利亚TDG地理设计工作室创始人 / 美国奥本大学景观建筑硕士/中国科学院地理信息系统博士/主要从事生态城景观规划、地理设计、弹性城市和绿色基础设施等方面的教学、研究和实践工作(VIC 3010) Authors:

CHEN Siqing was born in Hubei in 1973. He is a Senior Lecturer, doctoral supervisor in Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne, Australia. He is the founding director of the TGD GeoDesign Studio in Australia. He holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from Auburn University and a PhD of GIS from Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research, teaching and practice areas includes ecotown landscape planning, geodesign, resilient city and green infrastructure (VIC 3010).汪洁琼/1981年生/女/上海人/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院生态智慧与城乡生态实践研究中心/高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室/讲师、系主任助理(研究生教学)、硕士生导师、澳大利亚墨尔本大学博士、助教/研究方向为生态系统服务与空间形态机制、水生态、绿色基础设施等领域的教学、科研和工程实践(上海200092)

WANG Jie-qiong was born in Shanghai in 1981. She is a lecturer, postgraduate supervisor and also a Department Director Assistant in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University. She holds a PhD from The University of Melbourne and was a tutor and guest lecturer there. As a research member of the Center for Ecological Wisdom and Practice Research and the Key Laboratory of Ecology and Energy-saving Study of Dense Habitat (Tongji University), her research focuses on the ecosystem services and physical form, water ecology, green infrastructure (Shanghai 200092).译者简介:

王南/1984 年生/女/江苏南京人/同济大学环境科学与工程学院在读博士后/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系专业博士/研究方向为景观规划与设计理论与方法(上海200092) Translator:

WANG Nan was born in 1984 in Nanjing, Jiangsu

Province. She is a post-doctoral candidate of College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University. She holds a PhD of Landscape Architecture from College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University. Her research focuses on theories and methodology of landscape planning and design (Shanghai 200092).



天籁之声隐于无形 哈德逊河边的景观小屋
英小伙改旧货车成精致房车 梦想周游世界
打造珍贵彩色林带 建设浙中生态廊道