

风景园林 2017年1期

Sasaki 事务所Ross Barney 建筑事务所

Sasaki, Ross Barney Architects



Chicago Riverwalk Expansion

Sasaki 事务所Ross Barney 建筑事务所

Sasaki, Ross Barney Architects

1 总平面图Site plan

2 六个街区与六个愿景Six blocks with six visions


3 穿越城市的芝加哥河The Chicago River

4 滨水空间使得城市生活更加丰富多彩New connections enrich and diversify life along the river




5 干净的水质提升了滨河空间活力Improved water quality revitalized the riverfront




新的连接使得滨河生活更加丰富多彩,基于不同河道的类型,每个街区呈现了不同的形态,形成了不同的景观项目。他们通过扩大沿河岸的步行空间和为每个街区构建了明显的特征,创造了一种动态的活动体验,使滨河步道被称之为连续的“城市客厅”。Sasaki董事、项目首席设计师、美国风景园林师协会会员(ASLA)吉娜·福特(Gina Ford)谈及此项目时这样说到:“这里的每个空间都被滨河生活赋予了新的能量与活力,这对我们来说非常重要,同时这里有一连串的元素一起沿着这个连续的线性空间流动。”

6 个滨水步道空间





6 码头广场The Marina Plaza

7 独立的滨河步道系统An independent path system

8 近两米的高差The design accommodates annual flood dynamics of seven vertical feet






9 小河湾The Cove

10 全新划艇项目场地New amenities for human-powered craft

11 精致的琢石与铺装The refined cut stone and pavement

12 水广场The Water Plaza

13 全新划艇项目场地New amenities for human-powered craft


公众对芝加哥滨河步道的评论与反响十分积极,同时这个城市已经开始将芝加哥河当作它的“第二个河滨”。在2015年建筑记录评论对于此项目描述的第二段中,建筑评论家布莱尔·卡明(Blair Kamin)称赞滨河步道是芝加哥作为“地位日益升高的景观设计师将旧时城市边缘地区成功转化为城市活动中心”的“迄今为止最杰出、最成功的案例”。他同时认为滨河步道将城市空间定义为“连续性与多样性的完美融合和现代与过去的交汇点”。



14 码头The Jetty

15 一系列的码头A series of piers

16 可供停坐的观景空间Visitors can sit and enjoy the amazing views







团队:Sasaki 事务所,Ross Barney 建筑事务所

图片提供:图1、2、6、9、12、14、17©Sasaki ;图3~5、7、8、 10、11、13、15、16、20、22、24、25、26©Christian Philips;图18、19、21、23©Kate Joyce



17 河滨剧场The River Theater

18 可供停坐的观景空间The place to sit and enjoy the amazing views

The main branch of the Chicago River has a long and storied history that in many ways mirrors the development of Chicago itself. Once a meandering marshy stream, the river quickly became an engineered channel to support the industrial transformation of the city. Following the famed reversal of the river, in which the city reversed the flow of the Main Branch and South Branch to improve sanitation, architect and urban planner Daniel Burnham introduced a new civic vision of riverside promenades with the addition of the Wacker Drive Viaduct. For the last 30 years, the role of the river has evolved once again with the Chicago Riverwalk project—an initiative to reclaim the Chicago River for the ecological and recreational benefit of the city.

The goal of embracing the river as a fishable and swimmable recreational amenity seemed impossible even a decade ago, given the river's high levels of pollution. But today that vision is becoming a reality. Recent improvements in river water quality and the increased intensity of public recreational use signal growing life along the river, and demand new connections with the water's edge. Heeding this call, the Chicago Department of Transportation began implementing the Riverwalk, completing portions of the system that include very successful new spaces, like the Veteran's Memorial Plaza and Wabash Plaza. With the growth of outdoor activity and the improvement of water quality, life along the waterfront is beginning to flourish.

In 2012, Sasaki, Ross Barney Architects,Alfred Benesch Engineers, and a broader technical consultant team was tasked with creating a vision for the six blocks between State Street and Lake Street. Building off previous studies of the river, the team's Chicago Riverwalk Concept Plan provides the last critical link between the lake, the city's pedestrian circulation, and the river's urban branches. The task at hand was technically challenging. The design team, for instance, needed to work within a tight permitmandated 25-foot-wide build-out area to expand the pedestrian program spaces and negotiate a series of under-bridge connections between blocks. Further, the design had to account for the river's annual flood dynamics of nearly seven vertical feet.

A team of architects, engineers, builders, and city officials worked side by side to bring the Riverwalk to life, facing considerable permitting and construction challenges. Sasaki worked in conjunction with the Chicago Department of Transportation, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Coast Guard to secure approval to build out 25 feet from the existing shoreline in order to create the Riverwalk's mile-long continuous walkway. In particular, the requirement that pedestrian structures along the river be able to withstand the impact of the largest barge that travels the Chicago River posed a challenge for designers. In response to this requirement, the team engineered concrete-topped cassions that,driven into the river bed, provide sufficient reinforcement against possible impacts. The unusual site also posed access challenges for construction teams. In fact, construction has continually been carried out from barges on the Chicago River.

20 统一的设计材料与细节表现出视觉上的连贯性Design materials, details, and repeated forms provide visual cohesion

21 可供轮椅使用的观景空间Wheelchair accessible space

Turning these challenges into opportunities, the team imagined new ways of thinking about this linear park. Rather than an architecturally-driven path comprosed of 90-degree turns, the team reconceived the path as a more independent system—one that, through changes in its shape and form, would drive a series of new programmatic connections to the river. Withnew connections that enrich and diversify life along the river, each block takes on the form and program of a different river-based typology. Dubbed rooms, they expand the walkable area along the river banks, and create a distinct identity for each block that, taken all together, creates a dynamic experience. Sasaki Principal, Gina Ford, ASLA, the lead designer for the Sasaki team, says of the project, "it was important to us that each space have an energy and excitement inspired by the life of the river, but also that there are elements of continuity as one moves along its edge.”

22 活力十足的滨河夜景Evening view

The following are the six rooms of the Riverwalk.

The Marina Plaza: Restaurants and outdoor seating provide views of vibrant life on the water, including passing barges, fire department patrols, water taxis, and sightseeing boats.

The Cove: A retail arcade steps down to a wide urban plaza and then down again to a low level dock, creating a space for humanpowered craft to dock—and for users to find places for rest and amenity. The Cove provides an outlet for physical connections to the water through recreation.

The River Theater: A sculptural staircase linking Upper Wacker and the Riverwalk offers pedestrian connectivity to the water's edge, while trees provide greenery and shade.

The Water Plaza: This block contains an interactive zero-depth fountain with surrounding stairways designed to double as seating areas and new concession space tucked below the sidewalk of Upper Wacker Drive.The Water Plaza offers an opportunity for children and families to engage with water at the river's edge.

23 嵌在台阶上的灯带Strip lights mounted with stairs

24 嵌在台阶上的灯带Strip lights mounted with stairs

The Jetty: A series of piers and floating wetland gardens offer an interactive learning environment about the ecology of the river, including opportunities for fishing and identifying native plants. Underwater amenities for a burgeoning fish population provide critical shelter, food, and cover, ensuring as much life below the water's surface as above.

The Boardwalk: A mildly sloping ramp,interspersed with plantings, brings pedestrians from the water level to the street level of Upper Wacker at Lake Street.

As a new connected path system, the concept plan's framework provides both continuity and variety for a park visitor. The distinct programs and forms of each typological space allow for diverse experiences on the river ranging from dining opportunities to expansive public event programming to new amenities for human-powered craft. At the same time, design materials and details provide visual cohesion along the entire length of the project. Paving, for instance, mirrors the contrasts of the existing context: a refined cut stone follows the elegant Beaux-Arts Wacker Viaduct and Bridgehouse architecture, while a more rugged precast plank flanks the lower elevations and underside of the exposed steel bridges.

The Riverwalk also features innovative designs in accessibility, which ensures public space is public for all of its users. “Along the Riverwalk, we imagined a place to sit and enjoy the amazing views of the amazing life on the Chicago River,” says Ford, “and we wanted accessibility and companion seating to be an integrated part of the experience.”

25 活力十足的滨河夜景Evening view

The Marina, for example, has pockets of space in multiple places along the length of the bench where wheelchairs and strollers can perch. As designed, the Riverwalk has more such spaces than required by local code and best practice suggestions. Designers at Sasaki studied the depth of the space needed to ensure a wheelchair user and bench user would be nicely aligned, eye-to-eye, shoulderto-shoulder, as well as the width of the pockets to ensure that a wheelchair user could sit in the middle of a group of people, rather than an edge.

Additionally, the Cove makes use of the grade change between upper and lower levels to incorporate custom precast seating elements, referred to by the design and construction team as "river stones," "beans," or "pillows". The irregular nature of the stones allowed designers to integrate four locations for companion seats, two at the upper level and two at the lower level—but all in the middle of the action, not off to the sides.

Critical and public reception of the Riverwalk has been very positive, and the city has begun to embrace the Chicago River as its second waterfront.In a 2015 ArchitecturalRecord review of the project's second phase, architecture critic Blair Kamin hailed the Riverwalk as Chicago's "most prominent—and, to date, most successful—example" of the "increasingly prominent role of landscape architects, who are turning once-marginal areas of cities and regions into new centers of life." He also notes that the Riverwalk's themed river rooms "achieve a compelling synthesis of consistency and variety and an equally effective counterpoint of tradition and modernity.”

The first three blocks, from State Street to LaSalle Street, were completed and opened to the public in May 2015. The construction of the next three blocks began in summer 2015 and was completed in October 2016.

26 活力十足的滨河夜景Evening view

Project name:Chicago Riverwalk Expansion

Project location:Chicago, IL

Client name:City of Chicago Department of Transportation

Completion time:Phase 2 opened May 2015,

Phase 3 opened October 2016

Size:Phase 2, 1.5 acres/3 blocks

Phase 3, 2.0 acres/3 blocks

Services:Planning/Urban Design/Architecture Landscape Architecture/Civil/ Engineering/Graphic Design

Project Team:Sasaki, Ross Barney Architects

Photography Credits:Figure1/2/6/9/12/14/17©Sasaki; Figure3-5/7/8/10/11/13/15/16/20/22/24-26©Christian Philips; Figure18/19/21/23©Kate Joyce

Translator:LI Wen

Proofreader:WANG Xi-yue


陈晓明 进入加速期和成熟期,未来十五年是花都滨水新城黄金时代