5 For Proof Steps To Get To Be Yourself
You are who you are. The earlier in life you accept this and get on with it, the easier and sweeter you shall live out your days.
Difference means good. So if you are different, you, my dear, are good.
The idea is to understand what makes you different, and as you do that, you get to know yourself better.
Here are the 5 fool-proof steps to get to be yourself.
1. Get to know your personality了解自己的個性
Understanding your own personality is the first key. You have the collective opinion of others which is one aspect(方面).
You also have your own database (信息库) of information about what your personality is really like, and who you are in your private moments as well as in your public ones.
The idea is to get to know your personality inside out, to know what you are and what you are not like. Understand what makes you react a certain way in many situations of life. Ask yourself “Why did I do that?” and answer it.
Who are you behind your name? What are your characteristics? Who are you among friends? What about strangers? What persona (角色) do you show to the outside world?
What are you really like on a good day as well as a bad day, in face of a challenge or a great reward? How do you react to the world around you?
2. Get to know your core values了解自己的核心价值所在
Your core values are the morale codes and the principles you hold near and dear to your heart. When I work with my workers, one of the first things I ask is a list of their top eight core values.
You probably have more than eight values, but the top eight play the big roles in decision-making, influencing, persuading, communication, and living your day-to-day life.
In your work, in your home, in all aspects of your life, which values can you never give up? Those are your core values.
3. Get to know your body了解你的身体
Youth is such foolishness. In my 20s, I used to think I know my body. I was but a child. The more I learn about my body, the more mysterious it becomes and the more I push my body, the more it surprises and delights and amazes me. Yours can too.
How well do you know your body, your breathing, your abilities, your limits of balance and flexibility (灵活性)?
Have you ever said “my body cant do this” and that “my body type wont do that” without even trying a physical challenge? Before you close the door to wonderful possibilities, take another look. Take the time to become truly close to the loveliest temple on earth, your own body.
4. Get to know your dreams了解自己的梦想
Your dreams and hopes create the pathway into your future. They help you build the life you can be proud of living.
Your dreams matter. Your dreams are important. Your dreams are worth going after. Dont believe anything less.
And start getting to know your dreams well. Get to know the details.
If you want to become a musician, ask yourself: What instrument do you want to play? How big a part of your life would it be? And on and on until you know everything about your dream.
Make your dreams part of your daily aims. Take them seriously. Work at them. Be proud of them instead of hiding them and being ashamed of them.
5. Get to know your likes and dislikes了解自己的好惡
What do you like and just as important, what do you dislike? Simple, innocent question but knowing this about yourself gives you a lot of confidence into who you are. A lot of people go through life liking whats popular and disliking whats not “cool”. Dont do that.
Take the time to find your likes and dislikes, and dont put it up for a vote among family and friends. You decide.
Finding your own likes and especially dislikes takes courage. If you dont see what brings you joy, you give up part of who you are. Stay true to your likes and dislikes. Nobody has to like them but you!
Getting to know yourself allows you to go into the well of happiness beyond your imagination. Be happy even on cloudy days.
周 琴 改编