摘 要:基于顺序函数法(sequential function specification method, SFSM),采用阶跃响应函数作为温度预测模型,通过求解三维非稳态分布参数模型的传热学反问题(Inverse Heat Conduction Problem,IHCP)建立了一种预测反演方法。通过数值试验论证了本文所提出的热模型的正确性,讨论了未来时间步和测量误差对反演结果的影响。数值试验结果表明,采用该方法在考虑测量误差的基础上,恰当地选择未来时间步数,能够有效地表面表面分布热流反演结果。
The Inversion Of The Distribution Parameters Of Three Dimensional Unsteady Inverse Problem By Sequential Function Specification Method
Liang Xiao-bin, Hua Qiao,Feng Miao
(Key Laboratory of low grade energy utilization technology and systems of Ministry of education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)
ABSTRACT: Based on sequential function specification method (SFSM), this paper adopts the step response as a function of the temperature prediction model ,by solving three dimensional unsteady Inverse Heat Conduction Problem (IHCP) of distribution parameter model to establish a predictive inversion method. The correctness of the thermal model presented in this paper is demonstrated by numerical experiments, and the influence of future time steps and measurement errors on the results is discussed. The numerical results show that the proposed method can effectively obtain the inversion effect of the surface heat flux on the basis of the measurement error.
KEYWORDS: sequential function specification method; inverse heat conduction problem; distributed parameter; future time step