

生物技术通讯 2017年3期


解放军总医院 内分泌科,北京 100853



解放军总医院 内分泌科,北京 100853




1 脂联素概述

1.1 脂联素的结构




1.2 脂联素受体





1.3 脂联素的信号转导通路


2 脂联素与胰岛素抵抗





3 脂联素信号通路在临床中的价值




4 结语



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Progress of the Relationship Between Adiponectin and Insulin Resistance

AN Ping,WANG An-Ping,MU Yi-Ming*

Department of Endocrinology,General Hospital of Chinese PLA,Beijing 100853,China *Corresponding author,

s]Adiponectin,a protein secreted by adipose tissue,is considered that associated with insulin resistance and obesity.The reduction of adiponectin level was observed in people with insulin resistance.The insulin-sensitizing efforts of adiponectin resulting from the activation of AMPK and PPAR-αand the decrease of triglyceride level.Up-regulation of adiponectin signaling may be the potential treatment strategy of insulin resistance.This review aims to discuss the mechanisms of adiponectin related to insulin resistance and its perspective of clinical value.

adiponectin;insulin resistance;obesity









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